</div> <div class="section"> <h2>List of Words</h2> <!-- Ex. 4: List of Words & Ex 6: Query Parameters --> <?php function getWordsByOrder($listOfWords, $orderby) { $resultArray = $listOfWords; sort($resultArray); if ($orderby === 1) { rsort($resultArray); } return $resultArray; } $orderby = 0; $orderedArray = getWordsByOrder($lines, $orderby); ?> <p> All of words ordered by <strong>alphabetical order</strong> are followings : </p> <ol> <?php foreach ($orderedArray as $element) { $temp = explode('-', $element); if (strlen($temp[0]) > 6) { ?> <li class="long"><?php echo $element; ?> </li>
} else { if ($orderby == 1) { $a = "alphabet reverse order"; } } ?> <p> All of words ordered by <strong><?php echo $a; ?> </strong> are followings : </p> <ol> <?php $orderedWords = getWordsByOrder($lines, $orderby); foreach ($orderedWords as $value) { $word = explode("\t", $value); if (strlen($word[0]) > 6) { ?> <li class="long"> <?php echo $word[0] . " - " . $word[1]; ?> </li> <?php } else { ?> <li> <?php echo $word[0] . " - " . $word[1]; ?> </li>
{ $resultArray = $listOfWords; if ($orderby == 0) { sort($resultArray); } elseif ($orderby == 1) { rsort($resultArray); } return $resultArray; } ?> <p> All of words ordered by <strong>alphabetical order</strong> are followings : </p> <ol> <?php $result = getWordsByOrder($file_explode, 1); foreach ($result as $val) { $string = explode("\t", $val); $string2 = explode("\t", $val); if (strlen($string[0]) > 6) { ?> <li class="long"><?php echo $string2[0]; ?> - <?php echo $string2[1]; ?> </li> <?php } else {
if (!isset($orderby) or $orderby == "") { $orderby = 0; } if ($orderby == 1) { $orderby_string = "back " . $orderby_string; } ?> <p> All of words ordered by <strong><?php echo $orderby_string; ?> </strong> are followings : </p> <ol> <?php $resultArray = getWordsByOrder($file, $orderby); foreach ($resultArray as $line) { $tokens = explode("\t", $line); if (strlen($tokens[0]) > 6) { ?> <li class="long"><?php echo $line; ?> </li> <?php } else { ?> <li><?php echo $line; ?> </li>
<?php function getWordsByOrder($listOfWords, $orderby) { $resultArray = $listOfWords; // implement here. ksort($resultArray); if ($orderby) { krsort($resultArray); } return $resultArray; } $orderby = $_GET["orderby"]; if (!isset($orderby) || strlen($orderby) == 0) { $orderby = 0; } $orderedWords = getWordsByOrder($dictionary, $orderby); ?> <p> All of words ordered by <strong><?php echo $orderby ? "alphabet reverse order" : "alphabet order"; ?> </strong> are followings : </p> <ol> <?php $longer = 6; foreach ($orderedWords as $key => $value) { $cnt = strlen($key); ?> <li<?php echo $cnt > $longer ? " class=\"long\"" : "";
$orderby = 0; if (isset($_GET["orderby"])) { $orderby = $_GET["orderby"]; } ?> All of words ordered by <strong>alphabet <?php if ($orderby == 1) { ?> reverse<?php } ?> order</strong> are followings : </p> <ol> <?php $get_words_by_order = getWordsByOrder($lines, $orderby); foreach ($get_words_by_order as $line) { $token = explode("\t", $line); $line = implode(" - ", $token); $wordsLength = strlen($token[0]); ?> <li <?php if ($wordsLength > 6) { ?> class="long"<?php } ?> ><?php echo $line; ?> </li>
} else { arsort($resultArray); } return $resultArray; } ?> <p> All of words ordered by <strong>alphabetical order</strong> are followings : </p> <ol> <?php $order = 0; $lst = getWordsByOrder($line, 1); foreach($lst as $words) { ?><li<? $var = strtok($words, "\t"); if (strlen($var)>6) { ?> class="long"><? } else { ?>><? } $var .= ' - '; $var .= strtok("\t"); ?><?=$teg.$var?></li><?
<div class="section"> <h2>List of Words</h2> <!-- Ex. 4: List of Words & Ex 6: Query Parameters --> <?php $orderby = 0; function getWordsByOrder($listOfWords, $orderby) { $resultArray = $listOfWords; if ($orderby == 0) { sort($resultArray, SORT_STRING); } elseif ($orderby == 1) { rsort($listOfWords); } return $resultArray; } $orderlist = getWordsByOrder($lines, $orderby); ?> <p> All of words ordered by <strong>alphabetical order</strong> are followings : </p> <ol> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($orderlist); $i++) { $words = explode("-", $orderlist[$i]); if (strlen($words[0]) >= 7) { echo "<li class=" . "\"long\"" . ">" . $orderlist[$i] . "</li>"; } else { echo "<li>" . $orderlist[$i] . "</li>"; } } ?>
} if ($orderby == 0) { $order = ""; } else { $order = "reverse"; } ?> <p> All of words ordered by <strong>alphabetical <?php echo $order; ?> order</strong> are followings : </p> <ol> <?php $resultArray = getWordsByOrder($lines, $orderby); foreach ($lines as $word) { $wordArray = explode("\t", $word); if (strlen($wordArray[0]) > 6) { $class = " class=\"long\""; } else { $class = ""; } ?> <li<?php echo $class; ?> > <?php echo $wordArray[0]; ?> - <?php
if ($orderby == 0) { sort($resultArray); } else { if ($orderby == 1) { rsort($resultArray); } } return $resultArray; } if ($_GET["orderby"] == "") { $orderedList = getWordsByOrder($lines, 0); } else { if (isset($_GET["orderby"])) { $orderedList = getWordsByOrder($lines, $_GET["orderby"]); } else { $orderedList = getWordsByOrder($lines, 0); } } if ($orderby == 0) { print "All of words ordered by <strong>alphabetical order</strong> are followings :"; } else { if ($orderby == 1) { print "All of words ordered by <strong>alphabetical reverse order</strong> are followings :"; } } print "<ol>"; foreach ($orderedList as $word) { $tmp = explode("\t", $word); if (strlen($tmp[0]) > 6) { print "<li class='long'>" . $tmp[0] . " - " . $tmp[1] . "</li>"; } else {