public function doAction()
     $debug = array();
     $debug['total'][] = time();
     //get job language and data
     //Fixed Bug: need a specific job, because we need The target Language
     //Removed from within the foreach cycle, the job is always the same....
     $jobData = $this->jobInfo = getJobData($this->id_job, $this->password);
     $pCheck = new AjaxPasswordCheck();
     //check for Password correctness
     if (empty($jobData) || !$pCheck->grantJobAccessByJobData($jobData, $this->password)) {
         $msg = "Error : wrong password provided for download \n\n " . var_export($_POST, true) . "\n";
         return null;
     $debug['get_file'][] = time();
     $files_job = getFilesForJob($this->id_job, $this->id_file);
     $debug['get_file'][] = time();
     $nonew = 0;
     $output_content = array();
      * the procedure is now as follows:
      * 1)original file is loaded from DB into RAM and the flushed in a temp file on disk; a file handler is obtained
      * 2)RAM gets freed from original content
      * 3)the file is read chunk by chunk by a stream parser: for each tran-unit that is encountered,
      *     target is replaced (or added) with the corresponding translation among segments
      *     the current string in the buffer is flushed on standard output
      * 4)the temporary file is deleted by another process after some time
     //file array is chuncked. Each chunk will be used for a parallel conversion request.
     $files_job = array_chunk($files_job, self::FILES_CHUNK_SIZE);
     foreach ($files_job as $chunk) {
         $converter = new FileFormatConverter();
         $files_buffer = array();
         foreach ($chunk as $file) {
             $mime_type = $file['mime_type'];
             $fileID = $file['id_file'];
             $current_filename = $file['filename'];
             $original_xliff = $file['xliff_file'];
             //get path
             $path = INIT::$TMP_DOWNLOAD . '/' . $this->id_job . '/' . $fileID . '/' . $current_filename . "_" . uniqid('', true) . '.sdlxliff';
             //make dir if doesn't exist
             if (!file_exists(dirname($path))) {
                 Log::doLog('exec ("chmod 666 ' . escapeshellarg($path) . '");');
                 mkdir(dirname($path), 0777, true);
                 exec("chmod 666 " . escapeshellarg($path));
             //create file
             $fp = fopen($path, 'w+');
             //flush file to disk
             fwrite($fp, $original_xliff);
             //free memory, as we can work with file on disk now
             $debug['get_segments'][] = time();
             $data = getSegmentsDownload($this->id_job, $this->password, $fileID, $nonew);
             $debug['get_segments'][] = time();
             //create a secondary indexing mechanism on segments' array; this will be useful
             //prepend a string so non-trans unit id ( ex: numerical ) are not overwritten
             //clean also not valid xml entities ( charactes with ascii < 32 and different from 0A, 0D and 09
             $regexpEntity = '/&#x(0[0-8BCEF]|1[0-9A-F]|7F);/u';
             //remove binary chars in some xliff files
             $regexpAscii = '/([\\x{00}-\\x{1F}\\x{7F}]{1})/u';
             foreach ($data as $i => $k) {
                 $data['matecat|' . $k['internal_id']][] = $i;
                 //FIXME: temporary patch
                 $data[$i]['translation'] = str_replace('<x id="nbsp"/>', '&#xA0;', $data[$i]['translation']);
                 $data[$i]['segment'] = str_replace('<x id="nbsp"/>', '&#xA0;', $data[$i]['segment']);
                 $sanitized_src = preg_replace($regexpAscii, '', $data[$i]['segment']);
                 $sanitized_trg = preg_replace($regexpAscii, '', $data[$i]['translation']);
                 $sanitized_src = preg_replace($regexpEntity, '', $sanitized_src);
                 $sanitized_trg = preg_replace($regexpEntity, '', $sanitized_trg);
                 if ($sanitized_src != null) {
                     $data[$i]['segment'] = $sanitized_src;
                 if ($sanitized_trg != null) {
                     $data[$i]['translation'] = $sanitized_trg;
             $debug['replace'][] = time();
             //instatiate parser
             $xsp = new XliffSAXTranslationReplacer($path, $data, Langs_Languages::getInstance()->getLangRegionCode($jobData['target']), $fp);
             if ($this->download_type == 'omegat') {
             //run parsing
             Log::doLog("work on " . $fileID . " " . $current_filename);
             $debug['replace'][] = time();
             $output_xliff = file_get_contents($path . '.out.sdlxliff');
             $output_content[$fileID]['documentContent'] = $output_xliff;
             $output_content[$fileID]['filename'] = $current_filename;
             if ($this->forceXliff) {
                 $file_info_details = pathinfo($output_content[$fileID]['filename']);
                 $output_content[$fileID]['filename'] = $file_info_details['filename'] . ".out.sdlxliff";
             //TODO set a flag in database when file uploaded to know if this file is a proprietary xlf converted
             //TODO so we can load from database the original file blob ONLY when needed
              * Conversion Enforce
             $convertBackToOriginal = true;
             try {
                 //if it is a not converted file ( sdlxliff ) we have an empty field original_file
                 //so we can simplify all the logic with:
                 // is empty original_file? if it is, we don't need conversion back because
                 // we already have an sdlxliff or an accepted file
                 $file['original_file'] = @gzinflate($file['original_file']);
                 if (!INIT::$CONVERSION_ENABLED || empty($file['original_file']) && $mime_type == 'sdlxliff' || $this->forceXliff) {
                     $convertBackToOriginal = false;
                     Log::doLog("SDLXLIFF: {$file['filename']} --- " . var_export($convertBackToOriginal, true));
                 } else {
                     //TODO: dos2unix ??? why??
                     //force unix type files
                     Log::doLog("NO SDLXLIFF, Conversion enforced: {$file['filename']} --- " . var_export($convertBackToOriginal, true));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($convertBackToOriginal) {
                 $output_content[$fileID]['out_xliff_name'] = $path . '.out.sdlxliff';
                 $output_content[$fileID]['source'] = $jobData['source'];
                 $output_content[$fileID]['target'] = $jobData['target'];
                 $files_buffer[$fileID] = $output_content[$fileID];
             } elseif ($this->forceXliff) {
         $debug['do_conversion'][] = time();
         $convertResult = $converter->multiConvertToOriginal($files_buffer, $chosen_machine = false);
         foreach (array_keys($files_buffer) as $fileID) {
             $output_content[$fileID]['documentContent'] = $this->removeTargetMarks($convertResult[$fileID]['documentContent'], $files_buffer[$fileID]['filename']);
             //in case of .strings, they are required to be in UTF-16
             //get extension to perform file detection
             $extension = pathinfo($output_content[$fileID]['filename'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             if (strtoupper($extension) == 'STRINGS') {
                 //use this function to convert stuff
                 $encodingConvertedFile = CatUtils::convertEncoding('UTF-16', $output_content[$fileID]['documentContent']);
                 //strip previously added BOM
                 $encodingConvertedFile[1] = $converter->stripBOM($encodingConvertedFile[1], 16);
                 //store new content
                 $output_content[$fileID]['documentContent'] = $encodingConvertedFile[1];
                 //trash temporary data
         //            $output_content[ $fileID ][ 'documentContent' ] = $convertResult[ 'documentContent' ];
         $debug['do_conversion'][] = time();
     //set the file Name
     $pathinfo = pathinfo($this->fname);
     $this->filename = $pathinfo['filename'] . "_" . $jobData['target'] . "." . $pathinfo['extension'];
     //qui prodest to check download type?
     if ($this->download_type == 'omegat') {
         $this->filename .= ".zip";
         $tmsService = new TMSService();
          * @var $tmFile SplTempFileObject
         $tmFile = $tmsService->exportJobAsTMX($this->id_job, $this->password, $jobData['source'], $jobData['target']);
          * @var $mtFile SplTempFileObject
         $mtFile = $tmsService->exportJobAsTMX($this->id_job, $this->password, $jobData['source'], $jobData['target']);
         $tm_id = uniqid('tm');
         $mt_id = uniqid('mt');
         $output_content[$tm_id] = array('documentContent' => '', 'filename' => $pathinfo['filename'] . "_" . $jobData['target'] . "_TM . tmx");
         foreach ($tmFile as $lineNumber => $content) {
             $output_content[$tm_id]['documentContent'] .= $content;
         $output_content[$mt_id] = array('documentContent' => '', 'filename' => $pathinfo['filename'] . "_" . $jobData['target'] . "_MT . tmx");
         foreach ($mtFile as $lineNumber => $content) {
             $output_content[$mt_id]['documentContent'] .= $content;
         $this->createOmegaTZip($output_content, $jobData['source'], $jobData['target']);
         //add zip archive content here;
     } else {
         if (count($output_content) > 1) {
             if ($pathinfo['extension'] != 'zip') {
                 if ($this->forceXliff) {
                     $this->filename = $this->id_job . ".zip";
                 } else {
                     $this->filename = $pathinfo['basename'] . ".zip";
             $this->composeZip($output_content, $jobData['source']);
             //add zip archive content here;
         } else {
             //always an array with 1 element, pop it, Ex: array( array() )
             $output_content = array_pop($output_content);
     $debug['total'][] = time();
     Utils::deleteDir(INIT::$TMP_DOWNLOAD . '/' . $this->id_job . '/');
 public function doAction()
     // specs for filename at the task
     /*if ($this->download_type == 'all') {
           //in this case fname contains the project name (see html)  
           $pathinfo = pathinfo($this->fname);
           if ($pathinfo['extension'] != "xliff" and $pathinfo['extension'] != "sdlxliff" and $pathinfo['extension'] != "xlf" and $pathinfo['extension'] != "zip") {
               $this->filename = $pathinfo['basename'] . ".sdlxliff";
           } else {
               $this->filename = $this->fname;
     $files_job = getFilesForJob($this->id_job, $this->id_file);
     //print_r ($files_job); ;
     $output_content = array();
     foreach ($files_job as $file) {
         $id_file = $file['id_file'];
         $current_filename = $file['filename'];
         $original = $file['original_file'];
         $data = getSegmentsDownload($this->id_job, $this->password, $id_file);
         //print_r ($data); exit;
         $transunit_translation = "";
         //echo "<pre>";
         foreach ($data as $i => $seg) {
             //	echo $seg['internal_id']."\n";
             $end_tags = "";
             $translation = empty($seg['translation']) ? $seg['segment'] : $seg['translation'];
             //	echo "t1 : $translation\n";
             @($xml_valid = simplexml_load_string("<placeholder>{$translation}</placeholder>"));
             if (!$xml_valid) {
                 $temp = preg_split("|\\<|si", $translation);
                 $item = end($temp);
                 if (preg_match('|/.*?>\\W*$|si', $item)) {
                     $end_tags .= "<{$item}";
                 while ($item = prev($temp)) {
                     if (preg_match('|/.*?>\\W*$|si', $item)) {
                         $end_tags = "<{$item}{$end_tags}";
                         //insert at the top of the string
                 $translation = str_replace($end_tags, "", $translation);
                 //echo "t2 : $translation\n";
             if (!empty($seg['mrk_id'])) {
                 $translation = "<mrk mtype=\"seg\" mid=\"" . $seg['mrk_id'] . "\">{$translation}</mrk>";
             //echo "t3 : $translation\n";
             //echo "\n\n";
             $transunit_translation .= $seg['prev_tags'] . $translation . $end_tags . $seg['succ_tags'];
             //echo "t4 :" .$seg['prev_tags'] . $translation . $end_tags.$seg['succ_tags']."\n";
             if (isset($data[$i + 1]) and $seg['internal_id'] == $data[$i + 1]['internal_id']) {
                 // current segment and subsequent has the same internal id -->
                 // they are two mrk of the same source segment  -->
                 // the translation of the subsequentsegment will be queued to the current
             //this snippet could be temporary and cover the case if the segment is enclosed into a <g> tag
             // but the translation, due the tag stripping, does not contain it
             // ANTONIO :  deleted because it's wrong !! if a segmemnt began by <g> tag its closure tag shoud be in the middle not only at the end of it. Instead we could check if the trans-unit is xml valid.
             /*if (strpos($transunit_translation, "<g") === 0) { // I mean $transunit_translation began with <g tag
             					$endsWith = substr($transunit_translation, -strlen("</g>")) == "</g>";
             					if (!$endsWith) {
             $res_match_2 = false;
             $res_match_1 = false;
             $pattern = '|(<trans-unit id="' . $seg['internal_id'] . '".*?>.*?)(<source.*?>.*?</source>.*?)(<seg-source.*?>.*?</seg-source>.*?)?(<target.*?>).*?(</target>)(.*?)(</trans-unit>)|si';
             $res_match_1 = preg_match($pattern, $original, $match_target);
             if (!$res_match_1) {
                 $pattern = '|(<trans-unit id="' . $seg['internal_id'] . '".*?>.*?)(<source.*?>.*?</source>.*?)(<seg-source.*?>.*?</seg-source>.*?)?(.*?</trans-unit>)|si';
                 $res_match_2 = preg_match($pattern, $original, $match_target);
                 if (!$res_match_2) {
                     // exception !!! see the segment format
             if ($res_match_1) {
                 //target esiste
                 $replacement = "\$1\$2\$3\$4" . $transunit_translation . "\$5\$6\$7";
             if ($res_match_2) {
                 //target non esiste
                 $replacement = "\$1\$2\$3<target>{$transunit_translation}</target>\$4";
             if (!$res_match_1 and !$res_match_2) {
                 // none of pattern verify the file structure for current segmen t: go to next loop. In the worst case the procedure will return the original file
             $original = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $original);
             $transunit_translation = "";
             // empty the translation before the end of the loop
         $output_content[$id_file]['content'] = $original;
         $output_content[$id_file]['filename'] = $current_filename;
     //	print_r ($output_content);
     $ext = "";
     if ($this->download_type == 'all') {
         if (count($output_content) > 1) {
             $this->filename = $this->fname;
             $pathinfo = pathinfo($this->fname);
             if ($pathinfo['extension'] != 'zip') {
                 $this->filename = $pathinfo['basename'] . ".zip";
             $this->content = $this->composeZip($output_content);
             //add zip archive content here;
         } elseif (count($output_content) == 1) {
             foreach ($output_content as $oc) {
                 $pathinfo = pathinfo($oc['filename']);
                 $this->filename = $oc['filename'];
                 if (!in_array($pathinfo['extension'], array("xliff", "sdlxliff", "xlf"))) {
                     $this->filename = $pathinfo['basename'] . ".sdlxliff";
                 $this->content = $oc['content'];
     } else {
         foreach ($output_content as $oc) {
             $pathinfo = pathinfo($oc['filename']);
             $this->filename = $oc['filename'];
             if (!in_array($pathinfo['extension'], array("xliff", "sdlxliff", "xlf"))) {
                 $this->filename = $pathinfo['basename'] . ".sdlxliff";
             $this->content = $oc['content'];