Beispiel #1
function facebookSocialPlugins($target, $mother)
    global $database, $suri, $blog, $configVal;
    $data = Misc::fetchConfigVal($configVal);
    $output = '';
    $directive = array('archive', 'category', 'guestbook', 'imageResizer', 'link', 'login', 'logout', 'pannels', 'protected', 'search', 'tag', 'trackback', 'rss', 'atom', 'ientry', 'sync', 'm', 'commentcomment');
    if (in_array(str_replace('/', '', $suri['directive']), $directive)) {
        return $target;
    $permalink = $blog['useSloganOnPost'] ? 'entry/' . POD::queryCell("SELECT `slogan` FROM {$database['prefix']}Entries WHERE `id`={$mother} LIMIT 1") : $mother;
    $permalink = urlencode(getBlogURL() . '/' . $permalink);
    $title = urlencode(POD::queryCell("SELECT `title` FROM {$database['prefix']}Entries WHERE `id`={$mother} LIMIT 1"));
    $output = '<div style="margin-top:1em;width:auto;height:auto;clear:both;">';
    $__width = !isset($data['content_width']) || (int) $data['content_width'] <= 0 ? 520 : $data['content_width'];
    if ($data['like_button']) {
        $output .= '<div class="fb-like" data-href="' . $permalink . '" data-send="true" data-width="' . $__width . '" data-show-faces="true"></div>';
    if ($data['comments']) {
        $output .= '<div class="fb-comments" data-href="' . $permalink . '" data-num-posts="2" data-width="' . $__width . '"></div>';
    if ($data['share']) {
        $output .= '<div class="fb-send" data-href="' . $permalink . '"></div>';
    $output .= '</div><br />';
    return $target . $output;
Beispiel #2
function myPlurk_UpdatePlurk($target, $mother)
    global $blogid, $service, $database, $configVal;
    require_once "libs/plurk_api.php";
    $data = misc::fetchConfigVal($configVal);
    $autoPlurkEntries = (int) $data['autoPlurkEntries'];
    $plurkwithslogan = (int) $data['plurkwithslogan'];
    $plurklang = Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('blogLanguage', '');
    $plurk = new plurk_api();
    $googl = new googleURLShortner();
    $plurkNickname = isset($data['plurknickname']) ? $data['plurknickname'] : "";
    $plurkPassword = isset($data['plurkpassword']) ? $data['plurkpassword'] : "";
    $plurk_api = 'iMCH3JDDda7c4bs0qiOchZcxAx7t8PA7';
    if ($mother['category'] >= 0 && ($autoPlurkEntries == 1 && $mother['visibility'] >= 2 || $autoPlurkEntries == 2 && $mother['visibility'] >= 3) && !empty($plurkNickname) && !empty($plurkPassword) && $plurk->login($plurk_api, $plurkNickname, $plurkPassword) && !POD::queryCount("UPDATE {$database['prefix']}PlurkEntries SET lastaccess = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE blogid={$blogid} AND id={$target}")) {
        $slogan = POD::queryCell("SELECT `slogan` FROM `{$database['prefix']}Entries` WHERE `id`={$target}");
        $permalink = getBlogURL() . "/" . (Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('useSloganOnPost', true) ? "entry/" . URL::encode($slogan, $service['useEncodedURL']) : $target);
        $url = $googl->shortner($permalink);
        $url = $url !== false ? $url : $permalink;
        $lang = "en";
        switch ($plurklang) {
            case "zh-TW":
                $lang = "tr_ch";
            case "zh-CN":
                $lang = "cn";
                $lang = "en";
        if (1 === $plurkwithslogan) {
            $content = $url . " (" . $mother['title'] . ") via " . Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('title', '') . " with Textcube Plurk-API.";
        } else {
            $content = $mother['title'] . " via " . $url . " (" . Setting::getBlogSettingGlobal('title', '') . ") with Textcube Plurk-API.";
        $acceptComment = $mother['acceptComment'] == 1 ? true : false;
        $response = $plurk->add_plurk($lang, "shares", $content, NULL, $acceptComment);
        if (isset($response->plurk_id) && $response->plurk_id > 0) {
            $plurk_id = $response->plurk_id;
            POD::query("INSERT INTO {$database['prefix']}PlurkEntries (blogid, id, plurkid, lastaccess) VALUES ('{$blogid}', '{$target}', '{$plurk_id}', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())");
    return $target;
Beispiel #3
function getBlogURLById($id = null, $domain = null, $path = null, $type = null)
    $name = getBlogName($id);
    return getBlogURL($name, $domain, $path, $type);
Beispiel #4
										<div id="power-container" class="container">
											<dl id="permalink-line" class="line"<?php 
if ($isKeyword) {
    echo ' style="display: none"';
												<dt><label for="permalink"><?php 
echo _t('절대 주소');
												<dd class="permalink-input">
													<samp id="permalink-prefix"><?php 
echo _f('%1/entry/', link_cut(getBlogURL()));
</samp><input type="text" id="permalink" class="input-text" name="permalink" onkeypress="return preventEnter(event);" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($entry['slogan']);
" />
													<p>* <?php 
echo _t('입력하지 않으면 글의 제목이 절대 주소가 됩니다.');
											<dl id="date-line" class="line">
												<dt><span class="label"><?php 
Beispiel #5
function sendInvitationMail($blogid, $userid, $name, $comment, $senderName, $senderEmail)
    $ctx = Model_Context::getInstance();
    $pool = DBModel::getInstance();
    if (empty($blogid)) {
        $blogid = $pool->getCell('max(blogid)');
        // If no blogid, get the latest created blogid.
    $email = User::getEmail($userid);
    $pool->setQualifier('userid', 'eq', $userid);
    $password = getCell('password');
    $authtoken = getAuthToken($userid);
    $blogName = getBlogName($blogid);
    if (empty($email)) {
        return 1;
    if (!preg_match('/^[^@]+@([-a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.)+[-a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $email)) {
        return 2;
    if (empty($name)) {
        $name = User::getName($userid);
    if (strcmp($email, Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($email, 64)) != 0) {
        return 11;
    //$loginid = POD::escapeString(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($email, 64));
    $name = POD::escapeString(Utils_Unicode::lessenAsEncoding($name, 32));
    //$headers = 'From: ' . encodeMail($senderName) . '<' . $senderEmail . ">\n" . 'X-Mailer: ' . TEXTCUBE_NAME . "\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n";
    if (empty($name)) {
        $subject = _textf('귀하를 %1님이 초대합니다', $senderName);
    } else {
        $subject = _textf('%1님을 %2님이 초대합니다', $name, $senderName);
    $message = file_get_contents(ROOT . "/resources/style/letter/letter.html");
    $message = str_replace('[##_title_##]', _text('초대장'), $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_content_##]', $comment, $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_images_##]', $ctx->getProperty('uri.service') . "/resources/style/letter", $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_link_##]', getInvitationLink(getBlogURL($blogName), $email, $password, $authtoken), $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_go_blog_##]', getBlogURL($blogName), $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_link_title_##]', _text('블로그 바로가기'), $message);
    if (empty($name)) {
        $message = str_replace('[##_to_##]', '', $message);
    } else {
        $message = str_replace('[##_to_##]', _text('받는 사람') . ': ' . $name, $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_sender_##]', _text('보내는 사람') . ': ' . $senderName, $message);
    $ret = sendEmail($senderName, $senderEmail, $name, $email, $subject, $message);
    if ($ret !== true) {
        return array(14, $ret[1]);
    return true;
Beispiel #6
 /><label for="useTSlogan1"><span class="text"><?php 
echo _t('문자를 사용합니다.');
echo _f('(예: %1/tag/텍스트큐브)', link_cut(getBlogURL()));
</samp></span></label><br />
												<input type="radio" id="useTSlogan0" class="radio" name="useTSlogan"<?php 
echo $blog['useSloganOnTag'] ? '' : ' checked="checked"';
 /><label for="useTSlogan0"><span class="text"><?php 
echo _t('숫자를 사용합니다.');
echo _f('(예: %1/tag/101)', link_cut(getBlogURL()));
if ($service['allowBlogVisibilitySetting']) {
										<dl id="blog-open-type-line" class="line">
											<dt><span class="label"><?php 
    echo _t('블로그 공개 정도');
												<input type="radio" id="visibilityPrivate" class="radio" name="visibility"<?php 
    echo $blog['visibility'] == 0 ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
Beispiel #7
function sendInvitationMail($blogid, $userid, $name, $comment, $senderName, $senderEmail)
    global $database, $service, $hostURL, $serviceURL;
    if (empty($blogid)) {
        $blogid = POD::queryCell("SELECT max(blogid)\n\t\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}BlogSettings");
        // If no blogid, get the latest created blogid.
    $email = getUserEmail($userid);
    $password = POD::queryCell("SELECT password\n\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}Users\n\t\tWHERE userid = " . $userid);
    $authtoken = getAuthToken($userid);
    $blogName = getBlogName($blogid);
    if (empty($email)) {
        return 1;
    if (!preg_match('/^[^@]+@([-a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.)+[-a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $email)) {
        return 2;
    if (empty($name)) {
        $name = User::getName($userid);
    if (strcmp($email, UTF8::lessenAsEncoding($email, 64)) != 0) {
        return 11;
    //$loginid = POD::escapeString(UTF8::lessenAsEncoding($email, 64));
    $name = POD::escapeString(UTF8::lessenAsEncoding($name, 32));
    //$headers = 'From: ' . encodeMail($senderName) . '<' . $senderEmail . ">\n" . 'X-Mailer: ' . TEXTCUBE_NAME . "\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n";
    if (empty($name)) {
        $subject = _textf('귀하를 %1님이 초대합니다', $senderName);
    } else {
        $subject = _textf('%1님을 %2님이 초대합니다', $name, $senderName);
    $message = file_get_contents(ROOT . "/resources/style/letter/letter.html");
    $message = str_replace('[##_title_##]', _text('초대장'), $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_content_##]', $comment, $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_images_##]', $serviceURL . "/resources/style/letter", $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_link_##]', getInvitationLink(getBlogURL($blogName), $email, $password, $authtoken), $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_go_blog_##]', getBlogURL($blogName), $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_link_title_##]', _text('블로그 바로가기'), $message);
    if (empty($name)) {
        $message = str_replace('[##_to_##]', '', $message);
    } else {
        $message = str_replace('[##_to_##]', _text('받는 사람') . ': ' . $name, $message);
    $message = str_replace('[##_sender_##]', _text('보내는 사람') . ': ' . $senderName, $message);
    $ret = sendEmail($senderName, $senderEmail, $name, $email, $subject, $message);
    if ($ret !== true) {
        return array(14, $ret[1]);
    return true;
Beispiel #8
echo activateDetailPanelJS();
echo fireEvent('ShowAdminFooter', '');
if ($service['type'] == 'domain' && empty($_SESSION['sso_done']) && !empty($blog['secondaryDomain'])) {
    $_SESSION['sso_done'] = true;
<iframe style="width:0;height:0;border:0" src="<?php 
    echo getBlogURL();
    echo $_COOKIE[Session::getName()];
<iframe style="width:0;height:0;border:0" src="<?php 
    echo "http://" . $context->getProperty('blog.secondaryDomain') . $context->getProperty('');
    echo $_COOKIE[Session::getName()];
Beispiel #9
 public function buildSitemap()
     global $blog, $database, $service, $hostURL, $blogid;
     $this->runStart = $this->getMicrotime();
     if (!is_dir(ROOT . '/cache/sitemap')) {
         mkdir(ROOT . '/cache/sitemap');
         chmod(ROOT . '/cache/sitemap', 0755);
     if (!is_dir(ROOT . '/cache/sitemap/' . $blogid)) {
         mkdir(ROOT . '/cache/sitemap/' . $blogid);
         chmod(ROOT . '/cache/sitemap/' . $blogid, 0755);
     $userid = getUserId();
     $userBlogUrl = getBlogURL();
     $cacheFile = ROOT . '/cache/sitemap/' . $blogid . '/' . $this->filename;
     $gzcacheFile = $cacheFile . '.gz';
     $rootgzFile = ROOT . '/cache/sitemap/' . $this->filename . '.gz';
     /* xml-sitemap schemas */
     echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', CRLF;
     echo '<urlset', CRLF;
     echo '	  xmlns=""', CRLF;
     echo '	  xmlns:xsi=""', CRLF;
     echo '	  xsi:schemaLocation="', CRLF;
     echo '">', CRLF, CRLF;
     /// build blog root, subroot
     echo '<url>', CRLF;
     echo '  <loc>', $userBlogUrl, '/</loc>', CRLF;
     echo '  <priority>0.8</priority>', CRLF;
     echo '  <changefreq>daily</changefreq>', CRLF;
     echo '</url>', CRLF;
     echo '<url>', CRLF;
     echo '  <loc>', $userBlogUrl, '/cover</loc>', CRLF;
     echo '  <priority>0.8</priority>', CRLF;
     echo '  <changefreq>daily</changefreq>', CRLF;
     echo '</url>', CRLF;
     echo '<url>', CRLF;
     echo '  <loc>', $userBlogUrl, '/notice</loc>', CRLF;
     echo '  <priority>0.8</priority>', CRLF;
     echo '  <changefreq>daily</changefreq>', CRLF;
     echo '</url>', CRLF;
     echo '<url>', CRLF;
     echo '  <loc>', $userBlogUrl, '/tag</loc>', CRLF;
     echo '  <priority>0.8</priority>', CRLF;
     echo '  <changefreq>daily</changefreq>', CRLF;
     echo '</url>', CRLF;
     echo '<url>', CRLF;
     echo '  <loc>', $userBlogUrl, '/location</loc>', CRLF;
     echo '  <priority>0.8</priority>', CRLF;
     echo '  <changefreq>daily</changefreq>', CRLF;
     echo '</url>', CRLF;
     echo '<url>', CRLF;
     echo '  <loc>', $userBlogUrl, '/keylog</loc>', CRLF;
     echo '  <priority>0.8</priority>', CRLF;
     echo '  <changefreq>daily</changefreq>', CRLF;
     echo '</url>', CRLF;
     echo '<url>', CRLF;
     echo '  <loc>', $userBlogUrl, '/guestbook</loc>', CRLF;
     echo '  <priority>0.8</priority>', CRLF;
     echo '  <changefreq>daily</changefreq>', CRLF;
     echo '</url>', CRLF;
     echo '<url>', CRLF;
     echo '  <loc>', $userBlogUrl, '/rss</loc>', CRLF;
     echo '  <priority>0.8</priority>', CRLF;
     echo '  <changefreq>daily</changefreq>', CRLF;
     echo '</url>', CRLF;
     $notices = POD::query("SELECT `id`,`slogan` FROM {$database['prefix']}Entries WHERE `category`=-2 AND `visibility`>=2 AND `userid`={$userid} AND `blogid`={$blogid} ORDER BY `created` ASC");
     while ($row = POD::fetch($notices, 'array')) {
         $permalink = $blog['useSloganOnPost'] ? urlencode($row['slogan']) : $row['id'];
         echo '<url>', CRLF;
         echo '  <loc>', $userBlogUrl, '/notice/', $permalink, '</loc>', CRLF;
         echo '  <priority>0.8</priority>', CRLF;
         echo '  <changefreq>daily</changefreq>', CRLF;
         echo '</url>', CRLF;
     $entries = POD::query("SELECT `id`,`slogan` FROM {$database['prefix']}Entries WHERE `category`>=0 AND `visibility`>=2 AND `userid`={$userid} AND `blogid`={$blogid} ORDER BY `created` ASC");
     while ($row = POD::fetch($entries, 'array')) {
         $permalink = $blog['useSloganOnPost'] ? urlencode($row['slogan']) : $row['id'];
         echo '<url>', CRLF;
         echo '  <loc>', $userBlogUrl, '/', $blog['useSloganOnPost'] ? 'entry/' : '', $permalink, '</loc>', CRLF;
         echo '  <priority>0.5</priority>', CRLF;
         echo '  <changefreq>daily</changefreq>', CRLF;
         echo '</url>', CRLF;
     echo '</urlset>', CRLF;
     $sitemapIndexes = ob_get_contents();
     $this->runEnd = $this->getMicrotime();
     $fp = fopen($cacheFile, "w+");
     if (fwrite($fp, $sitemapIndexes)) {
         chmod($cacheFile, 0644);
         $zp = gzopen($gzcacheFile, "w9");
         if (gzwrite($zp, $sitemapIndexes)) {
             chmod($gzcacheFile, 0644);
             if (copy($gzcacheFile, $rootgzFile)) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 return false;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;