function main() { $x = new D1(); var_dump($x->heh($x)); $y = gen(1); var_dump($y->heh($y)); }
function yf() { $x = (yield from gen(1)); echo "x is {$x}\n"; $y = (yield from gen(2)); echo "y is {$y}\n"; return yield from gen(42); }
function test() { $x = 0; foreach (gen($x) as $y) { var_dump($y); } var_dump($x); }
function gen($a = 0) { (yield 1 + $a); if ($a < 1) { var_dump(yield from gen($a + 1)); } (yield 3 + $a); return 5 + $a; }
function gen($i = 0) { if ($i < 1000) { yield from gen(++$i); } else { (yield $i); yield from from(++$i); } }
function genSess($seed) { global $totalSessionsStd; $var = $seed % 10; echo 'Total activities in each session : ' . $var . '<br />'; while ($var > 0) { $a = gen(); //echo 'a : '.$a.'<br />'; $var--; } }
function gen($a = 0) { (yield 1 + $a); if ($a < 1) { // TODO: HHVM currently does not support yield from (or yield) as // expressions. As such, this test had to be slightly modified. // The original line was: // var_dump(yield from gen($a + 1)); $b = (yield from gen($a + 1)); var_dump($b); } (yield 3 + $a); return 5 + $a; }
function main() { pure_function_2(1, 2); fb_setprofile('profiler'); pure_function_2(3, 4); srand(0xdeadbeef); try { test_exception(); } catch (Exception $e) { //do nothing. } foreach (gen() as $x) { } fb_setprofile(null); pure_function_2(5, 6); }
function main() { $GLOBALS['cont'] = $c = gen(); echo "iter 1\n"; $c->next(); echo "iter 2\n"; $c->send(new Evil()); $GLOBALS['gonext'] = true; echo "iter 3\n"; $c->next(); echo "iter 4\n"; $c->send(null); echo "iter 5\n"; $c->send(null); echo "Finished!\n"; }
function genSess($seed) { global $totalSessionsStd; $var = $seed % 10; $var = rand($var--, $var++); $a = ""; $count = 0; while ($var > 0) { $b = gen(); if (($var != 1 || $count != 0) && $a != "") { $a = $a . ';'; } $a = $a . $b; $var--; $count++; } return $a; }
function gen() { chdir("l"); if (!file_exists($dir)) { chdir("../"); $g = array('\'', '"', '\\', '\\;', '\\$', '\\>', '\\<'); $b = array('', '', '', '', '', '', ''); $GLOBALS["l1"] = str_replace($b, $g, $GLOBALS["l1"]); $GLOBALS["l2"] = str_replace($b, $g, $GLOBALS["l2"]); $dir = base64_encode(mt_rand(1, 2000000000)); mkdir("l/" . $dir); chdir("l/" . $dir); $fcon = "<?php\n\terror_reporting(0);\n\t\$d = date('i');\n\t\$d = intval(\$d);\n\tif (\$d % 2 == 0) {\n\t\theader('Location: " . $GLOBALS["l1"] . "');\n\t}else{\n\t\theader('Location: " . $GLOBALS["l2"] . "');\n\t}\n" . '?>' . ""; file_put_contents("index.php", $fcon); $fu = ServerURL . $dir; echo "<font face='arial'>\n<center>\n<div style='width:50%;'>\n<a href='" . $fu . "'>Submit to Reddit</a><p />\n<input type='text' style='width:50%;text-align: center;' value='" . $fu . "'/>\n<p />\n</div>\n</center>\n</font>"; } else { gen(); } }
<?php class A { var $a; var $b; } function gen() { $obj = new A(); $obj2 = $obj; foreach ($obj2 as $k => &$value) { (yield null); $value = 'ok'; } var_dump($obj); var_dump($obj2); } foreach (gen() as $_) { }
echo "FINISH <br>"; } foreach (nums() as $v) { //echo "VALUE: $v <br>"; } /*********/ //возвращение значений function gen() { (yield 'a'); (yield 'b'); (yield 'name' => 'John'); (yield 'd'); //yield 10 => 'Hello'; (yield 'e'); } foreach (gen() as $k => $v) { echo "{$k} : {$v}<br>"; } /*********/ //приём значений function echoLogger() { while (true) { echo 'Log: ' . yield . '<br>'; } } //сенд отправляет значение на место йелд $logger = echoLogger(); $logger->send('ЮПА!'); $logger->send('ЮПА-СТАЙЛ!');
<?php function gen() { yield; return; } function gen2() { yield; return null; } function gen3() { return; yield; } function gen4() { return; yield; } var_dump(gen()); var_dump(gen2()); var_dump(gen3()); var_dump(gen4());
<?php function gen() { $a = 1; (yield $a); } @eval('abc'); $values = gen(); $values->next(); ?> ===DONE===
<?php function gen($len = 5) { $token = ''; while ($len--) { $choose = rand(0, 2); if ($choose == 0) { $token .= chr(rand(ord('A'), ord('Z'))); } else { if ($choose == 1) { $token .= chr(rand(ord('a'), ord('z'))); } else { $token .= chr(rand(ord('0'), ord('9'))); } } } return $token; } echo gen(5); echo '\\n';
{ } class ReflectedException extends Exception { } function throwYieldedException() { throw new YieldedException(); } function gen() { try { $a = (yield throwYieldedException()); echo 'Gen got ' . $a; } catch (YieldedException $e) { var_dump('Got yieldedException, re-raising.'); throw $e; } catch (ReflectedException $e) { var_dump('Got Reflected Exception'); } } try { $g = gen(); $g->next(); } catch (YieldedException $e) { try { $g->raise(new ReflectedException()); } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } }
{ // $chars="qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujmkiolp1234567890QAZXSWEDCVFRTGBNHYUJMKIOLP"; $chars = "1234567890"; $max = 6; $size = strlen($chars) - 1; $confirm_code = null; while ($max--) { $confirm_code .= $chars[rand(0, $size)]; } return $confirm_code; } if (!empty($phone) && !empty($key)) { // Сохраняем код подтверждения в кэш $cache = $modx->cacheManager; $cache_key = '/confirmphone/'; $confirmation_code = gen(); $cache->set($cache_key . $key, $confirmation_code, 600); $modx->log(xPDO::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Save_code: ' . $cache_key . $key); if (!in_array(trim(preg_replace('/[0-9]/', '#', $phone)), array('(###) ###-####', '##########'))) { return ''; } $phone = str_replace(" ", "", $phone); $phone = str_replace("(", "", $phone); $phone = str_replace(")", "", $phone); $phone = str_replace("-", "", $phone); $target = '+7' . $phone; $sender = '7152'; $result = $sms->post_message($confirmation_code, $target, $sender); $out = array(); $out['session_id'] = $key; $out['phone'] = $phone;
foreach (range(0, 2 << $levels) as $v) { (yield $v); } } function gen($gen, $level) { if ($level % 2) { (yield $gen->current()); } yield from $gen; } foreach (range(0, 6) as $levels) { print "{$levels} level" . ($levels == 1 ? "" : "s") . "\n\n"; $all = array(); $all[] = $gens[0][0] = from($levels); for ($level = 1; $level < $levels; $level++) { for ($i = 0; $i < 1 << $level; $i++) { $all[] = $gens[$level][$i] = gen($gens[$level - 1][$i >> 1], $level); } } while (1) { foreach ($all as $gen) { var_dump($gen->current()); $gen->next(); if (!$gen->valid()) { break 2; } } } print "\n\n"; }
<?php function makeClosureCont() { return function () { static $x = 0; (yield $x++); (yield $x++); }; } function gen() { static $x = 0; (yield $x++); (yield $x++); } $cc = makeClosureCont(); foreach ($cc() as $v) { var_dump($v); } $cc1 = makeClosureCont(); foreach ($cc1() as $v) { var_dump($v); } foreach (gen() as $v) { var_dump($v); } foreach (gen() as $v) { var_dump($v); }
<?php class Foo { public function __construct() { } } function gen() { $x = new Foo(yield); } gen()->rewind(); ?> ===DONE===
<?php function gen() { (yield "foo" => 0); (yield 1 => 1); (yield 2.5 => 2); (yield null => 3); (yield [] => 4); (yield new stdClass() => 5); } var_dump(iterator_to_array(gen()));
<?php function gen() { throw new Exception("foo"); yield; // force generator } foreach (gen() as $value) { }
function function_with_3_args() { $gen = gen(); $gen->rewind(); }
--TEST-- Yield can be used during a method call --FILE-- <?php class A { public function b($c) { echo $c, "\n"; } } function gen() { $a = new A(); $a->b(yield); } $gen = gen(); $gen->send('foo'); // test resource cleanup $gen = gen(); $gen->rewind(); unset($gen); ?> --EXPECT-- foo
function genSess($seed) { global $totalSessionsStd; $var = $seed % 10; if ($var == 0) { $var = 3; } $var = rand($var--, $var++); //echo 'Total Activity in each session : '.$var.'<br />'; $a = ""; $count = 0; while ($var > 0) { $b = gen($seed); if (($var != 1 || $count != 0) && $a != "") { $a = $a . ','; } $a = $a . $b; $var--; $count++; } return $a; }
--TEST-- The result of a by-ref function call can be yielded just fine --FILE-- <?php function &nop(&$var) { return $var; } function &gen(&$var) { (yield nop($var)); } $var = "foo"; $gen = gen($var); foreach ($gen as &$varRef) { $varRef = "bar"; } var_dump($var); ?> --EXPECT-- string(3) "bar"
<?php function get() { return true; } if (get()) { function gen($i) { (yield $i); (yield $i + 1); } } else { function gen($i) { (yield $i + 1); (yield $i + 2); } } foreach (gen(3) as $x) { var_dump($x); }
<?php function &gen(array &$array) { (yield $array[0]); } $array = [1, 2, 3]; $gen = gen($array); foreach ($gen as &$val) { $val *= -1; } var_dump($array);
<?php function gen() { $bar = ["some complex var"]; ${"f" . "oo"} = "force symtable usage"; var_dump($bar); yield; } gen()->valid();