Beispiel #1
    <h3>Manage Content</h3>
    <?/*echo anchor('conventionnext/create/candidate','Add Candidate');?><br/>
    <?echo anchor('admin/view','view all');*/?>
    <br />
echo form_open('admin/');
		$format = array(
              'name'        => 'cms_name',
              'id'          => 'cms_name',
              'value'       => (isset($cms_name))?$cms_name:$this->validation->cms_name,
              'size'        => '50',
              'class'       => 'txt',
		echo form_format("Name: ",form_input($format),'The name of the page of content, will be used in the URL' ); 
		<br />
		<br />
		<br />
     $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('cms_text') ;
     $sBasePath = 'fckeditor/';
     $oFCKeditor->BasePath = $sBasePath ;
     $oFCKeditor->Height = '400';
		 $oFCKeditor->Value		= (isset($cms_text))?$cms_text:$this->validation->cms_text;
		 $oFCKeditor->Create() ;
		<br />
echo form_hidden('cms_id', $cms_id);
Beispiel #2
  * this function will take serialized data
  * and return a form
  * @param serialized $data
  * @param int $rc row colum grid id
  * @return string $html
  * @author James Kleinschnitz
 function getForm($data, $rc)
     $html = '';
     $data = unserialize($data);
     //assume it is a feed parse it for data
     $html .= "<div class='mainform'>\n";
     $html .= '<h1>' . $rc . '(ColumnRow)<h1>';
     $html .= form_open('mainpage/edit/' . $rc);
     $html .= form_format("Name: *", form_input('name', isset($data['name']) ? $data['name'] : '', 'class="txt"'));
     $html .= form_format("Feed: *", form_input('feed', isset($data['feed']) ? $data['feed'] : '', 'class="txt"'));
     $html .= form_format("Title: *", form_checkbox('title', 'TRUE', isset($data['title']) ? TRUE : FALSE));
     $html .= form_format("Description: *", form_checkbox('desc', 'TRUE', isset($data['desc']) ? TRUE : FALSE));
     $html .= form_format("Description Limit: *", form_input('desc_limit', isset($data['desc_limit']) ? $data['desc_limit'] : '', 'class="txt"'));
     $html .= form_format("# Items: *", form_input('items', isset($data['items']) ? $data['items'] : '', 'class="txt"'));
     $html .= form_hidden('colrow', $rc);
     //if ($data['custom'])
     //$html .= form_format("Delete Pod: *",form_checkbox('delete', 'TRUE', FALSE));
     $html .= "<br />\n";
     $html .= form_submit('', 'Save', 'class="button"');
     $html .= form_close();
     $html .= "</div>\n";
     return $html;
')" >Today</a></p>
	<?//echo form_format("Sunlight ID:",form_input('sunlight_id','','class="txt"') ); ?>
	<?//echo form_format("Event Date: *",form_input('event_date','','class="txt"') ); ?>
		$format = array(
              'name'        => 'location',
              'id'          => 'location',
              'value'       => $this->validation->location,
              'rows'        => '3',
              'cols'        => '48',
              'class'       => 'txt'
		echo form_format("Event Location: *",form_textarea($format),'Write a description of the event location, directions etc.' ); 
	<br /><br />
	<br /><br />
echo form_submit('', 'Create Event', 'class="button"');
	<br /><br />
	<small>* required fields</small>
echo form_close();
	echo form_format("Low Stream Code: ", form_textarea($format));
	$format = array(
			'name'	=>	'blocked_ips',
			'value'	=>	$this->validation->blocked_ips,
			'rows'	=>	'5',
			'cols'	=>	'48',
			'class'	=>	'txt',
	echo form_format("Blocked IPs: ", form_textarea($format));
	$format = array(
	                  '0'  => 'no',
	                  '1' => 'yes',

	echo form_format("Streaming:", form_dropdown('streaming', $format, $this->validation->streaming));
	echo form_format("Event Finished:", form_dropdown('event_finished', $format, $this->validation->event_finished));	
	<br /><br />
	<br /><br />
echo isset($avatar_image_name) && !empty($avatar_image_name) ? form_hidden('old_avatar', './avatars/' . $avatar_image_name) : '';
echo form_submit('', 'Update Event', 'class="button"');
	<br /><br />
	<small>* required fields</small>
echo form_close();
		<? echo form_format("Question:",anchor("question/view/{$event['event_url_name']}/".url_title($question['question_name']),$question['question_name']),'' ); ?>
		<? echo form_format("Question Status: *",$dropdown,'' ); ?>
		// Show Question Answer text box if the questions is either current or asked
		if ($question['question_status'] == 'current' || $question['question_status'] == 'asked')
			$format = array(
	              'name'        => 'question_answer',
	              'id'          => 'question_answer',
	              'value'       => $question['question_answer'],
	              'rows'        => '6',
	              'cols'        => '65',
	              'class'       => 'txt'
			echo form_format("Question Answer: *",form_textarea($format),'Write a the answer to the question.' );
		<? echo form_hidden("question_id",$question['question_id']); ?>  
		<? echo form_hidden("event_url_name",$event['event_url_name']); ?>
		<br /><br />
echo form_submit('', 'Edit Question', 'class="button"');
echo form_close();

<? $this->load->view('view_layout/footer.php'); ?>

if (!defined('BASEPATH')) {
    exit('No direct script access allowed');
$data['sub_title'] = "Password Reset"; 
<? $this->load->view('view_layout/header.php',$data); ?>

<div id="content_div">
	<div class='errorArea'><?php 
echo $error;
echo form_open('user/password_reset_form');
echo form_format('Your e-mail address: ', form_input(array('name' => 'user_email', 'class' => 'txt')));
echo form_submit(array('class' => 'button', 'value' => 'Reset Password'));
echo form_close();

Beispiel #7
echo $question['question_id'];
_0" style="display: block;margin-left:30px;margin-top:10px;">
echo form_format("", "<b>Selcet a question as result.</b><br><br>");
echo form_format("", form_dropdown('result_question_' . $question['question_id'], $result_question_array));
			<div id="other_questions_<?php 
echo $question['question_id'];
_1" style="display: none;margin-left:30px;margin-top:10px;">
echo form_format("", "<b>Select other duplicate questions.</b><br><br>");
foreach ($other_question_array as $k => $data) {
    echo form_format("", form_checkbox($data));
    echo $data['label'] . '<br>';
		<br /><br />
		<input type="button" class="button" value="Flag Question" onclick="new Ajax.Request(site_url+'flag/flagQuestion/<?php 
echo $question['question_id'];
echo $this->session->userdata['user_id'];
/flag', { parameters: $('question_flag_form_<?php 
echo $question['question_id'];
$data['red_head'] = 'Add comment';


<div id="content_div">
	<h3>Add a comment</h3>
	echo form_open('comment/addCommentAction')
	. form_format("Your comment: ",form_input('comment','','class="txt"') )
	. form_hidden('fk_question_id', $question_id)
	. form_hidden('event_type', $event_type)
	. form_hidden('question_name', $question_name)
	. '<input type="submit" value="Submit Comment"/>'
	. form_close();

if (!defined('BASEPATH')) {
    exit('No direct script access allowed');

<? $this->load->view('view_layout/header.php',$data); ?>

<div id="content_div">
	<h3>Reset Password</h3>	
	<div class='errorArea'><?php 
echo $error;
echo form_open('user/reset_password_form', '', array('user_id' => $user_id, 'auth' => $auth));
echo form_format('New password: '******'name' => 'user_password', 'class' => 'txt')));
echo form_format('Confirm new password: '******'name' => 'user_password_confirm', 'class' => 'txt')));
echo form_submit(array('class' => 'button', 'value' => 'Reset Password'));
echo form_close();

Beispiel #10
echo $error;
	<div id="account_form">
echo form_open('user/edit_user_action/' . $user_id);
echo form_format("User Name: *", form_input('user_name', $this->validation->user_name, 'class="txt"'));
echo form_format("Password: *", form_input('user_password', $this->validation->user_password, 'class="txt"'));
echo form_format("Avatar:", form_input('user_avatar', $this->validation->user_avatar, 'class="txt"'));
	<br /><br />
	<br /><br />
echo form_submit('', 'Edit User', 'class="button"');
	<br /><br />
	<small>* required fields</small>
echo form_close();

          'cols'        => '48',
          'class'       => 'txt'
	echo form_format("Description: ",form_textarea($format),'Write a brief description explaining your question (limit 250 chars).' ); 
	<br />
	$format = array(
          'name'        => 'tags',
          'id'          => 'tags',
          'value'       => $this->validation->tags,
          'size'        => '48',
          'class'       => 'txt',
		  'style'	    => 'text-transform:lowercase'
	echo form_format("Tags: ",form_input($format),'Short, generic words separated by spaces example: abortion war politics' ); 
	<br />
	<br />
echo form_hidden('submitted', 'true');
echo form_hidden('event_url', $event_url);
	<div class="link" onclick="showBox('disclaimer');">Disclaimer</div>
	<br />
	<? if(isset($ajax)): ?>
	<a onClick="javascript:cpUpdater.askQuestion();">Submit Question</a>
	<? else: ?>
Beispiel #12
	<?//= form_format('Candidate Name: ', form_input($can_name_attrs)) ?>
echo form_format('Candidate Display Name: ', form_input($can_display_name_attrs));
echo $action == 'create' ? form_format('Password: '******'';
echo $action == 'create' ? form_format('Confirm Password: '******'';
echo form_format('Biography: ', form_textarea($can_bio_attrs));
echo $action == 'create' ? form_format('Email: ', form_input($can_email_attrs)) : '';
echo form_hidden('submitted', 'true');
echo form_submit(null, $submit_text, 'class="button"');
echo form_close();

<? $this->load->view('view_includes/footer.php'); ?>
Beispiel #13
echo form_submit('', 'Get a One Time Account', 'class="button"');
echo form_close();
	<br/>	<h2>Log in</h2>
echo form_open('user/login');
echo form_format("Username: "******"txt_user" id="username"'));
echo form_format("Password: "******"txt_user"'));
echo form_hidden('redirect', $this->uri->uri_string());
	<br /><br /><?php 
echo form_submit('', 'Login', 'class="button"');
	<div id="userloginprompt"><small>You must have cookies enabled to log in to OpenFloor</small></div>
echo form_close();
	<? /*<br /><?php 
echo anchor('/user/password_reset', 'Forgot your username or password?', 'class="link"');
Beispiel #14
		$format1 = array(
              'name'        => 'custom_1',
              'id'          => 'custom_1',
              'value'       => (isset($custom_1))?$custom_1:$this->validation->custom_1,
              'size'        => '50',
              'class'       => 'txt',
		echo form_format("Custom 1: ",form_input($format1),'Additional field to store information if needed' );
		$format2 = array(
              'name'        => 'custom_2',
              'id'          => 'custom_2',
              'value'       => (isset($custom_2))?$custom_2:$this->validation->custom_2,
              'size'        => '50',
              'class'       => 'txt',
		echo form_format("Custom 2: ",form_input($format2),'Additional field to store information if needed' ); 
		<br /><br />
echo form_hidden('cms_id', $cms_id);
echo form_submit('', 'Submit', 'class="button"');
echo form_close();
<? $this->load->view('view_includes/footer.php',$data); ?>  	
	<? } ?>
echo form_format("Username: *", form_input('user_name', isset($this->validation->user_name) ? $this->validation->user_name : '', 'class="txt"'));
	<? if ( !isset($openID) ) echo form_format("Password: *",form_password('user_password','','class="txt"') ); ?>
	<? if ( !isset($openID) ) echo form_format("Password Confirm: *",form_password('password_confirm','','class="txt"') ); ?>
	if (isset($openID_email)) $email = $openID_email;
	else if (isset($this->validation->user_email)) $email = $this->validation->user_email;
	else $email= '';
echo form_format("Email: *", form_input('user_email', $email, 'class="txt"'));
	<br /><br />
	echo $capimage;
	echo '<br />';
	echo '<label>Enter the above characters: *</label>';
	echo form_input('captcha','','class="txt"')
	<br /><br />
echo form_submit('', 'Create Account', 'class="button"');
	<br /><br />
              'cols'        => '48',
              'class'       => 'txt'
		echo form_format("Description: ",form_textarea($format),'Write a brief description explaining your video (limit 250 chars).' ); 
		<br />
		$format = array(
              'name'        => 'tags',
              'id'          => 'tags',
              'value'       => $this->validation->tags,
              'size'        => '50',
              'class'       => 'txt',
			  			'style'	    => 'text-transform:lowercase'
		echo form_format("Tags: ",form_input($format),'Short, generic words separated by \',\' (commas) example: abortion, lgbt, war' ); 
		<br />
		<br />
echo form_hidden('submitted', 'true');
echo form_hidden('event_url', $event_url);
		<input type='hidden' name='thumbnail' id='thumbnail' value=''>
echo form_submit('', 'Submit ' . ucfirst($event_type), 'class="button"');
		<br />
Beispiel #17
	<br /><br /><?php 
echo anchor('/user/password_reset', 'Forgot your username or password?', 'class="link"');
echo form_close();
	<br /><br />
	<a class="link" onClick="javascript:new Effect.toggle('open_id_login_div','blind', {queue: 'end'});"><strong>Click here to login with Open ID.</strong</strong></a>
	<div id="open_id_login_div" style="display: none;">
echo form_open('user/loginOpenID');
echo form_format("<img src='images/openid-icon-small.gif'> OpenID Login: "******"txt"'));
echo form_hidden('openid_action', 'login');
echo form_hidden('redirect', $this->uri->uri_string());
echo form_hidden('openid_action', 'login');
		<br />
			<small>To login with your OpenID please make sure you register your<br /> OpenID with us first by <?php 
echo anchor('user/createAccount', 'Creating an Account');
Beispiel #18
$can_password_attrs = array('name' => 'can_password', 'value' => '', 'class' => 'txt', 'maxlength' => 45);
$can_bio_attrs = array('name' => 'can_bio', 'value' => $can_bio, 'class' => 'txt', 'rows' => '3', 'cols' => '48');

<? $this->load->view('view_includes/header.php');?>
<div id="content_div">	
  <h2>Edit Candidate Biography</h2>	
  	<div class='errorArea'><?php 
echo $error;
echo form_open('conventionnext/edit/bio/' . url_title($can_display_name), null, array('can_id' => $can_id, 'submitted' => 'true'));
echo form_format('Biography: ', form_textarea($can_bio_attrs));
echo form_format('Candidate password: '******'Edit', 'class="button"');
echo form_close();
<? $this->load->view('view_includes/footer.php'); ?>
echo form_format("Username: "******"Email: ", form_input('user_email', $user_email, 'class="txt"'));
echo form_format("OpenID: ", form_input('user_openid', $user_openid, 'class="txt"'));
echo isset($avatar_image_name) ? "<br /><img src=\"./avatars/<?={$avatar_image_name};/>\"" : '';
echo form_format("Avatar: ", form_upload('userfile', $user_avatar, 'class="txt"'), 'must be less then 1024 kb & 1024px768px (image will be resized)');
echo isset($avatar_image_name) ? form_hidden('old_avatar', './avatars/' . $avatar_image_name) : '';
	<br /><br />
echo form_submit('', 'Update Profile', 'class="button"');
echo form_close();
	<? } ?>
<? $this->load->view('view_includes/footer.php'); ?>  				
Beispiel #20
	echo form_format("Low Stream Code: ", form_textarea($format));
	$format = array(
			'name'	=>	'blocked_ips',
			'value'	=>	$this->validation->blocked_ips,
			'rows'	=>	'5',
			'cols'	=>	'48',
			'class'	=>	'txt',
	echo form_format("Blocked IPs: ", form_textarea($format));
	$format = array(
	                  '0'  => 'no',
	                  '1' => 'yes',

	echo form_format("Streaming:", form_dropdown('streaming', $format, $this->validation->streaming));
	<br /><br />
	<br /><br />
echo isset($avatar_image_name) && !empty($avatar_image_name) ? form_hidden('old_avatar', './avatars/' . $avatar_image_name) : '';
echo form_submit('', 'Edit Event', 'class="button"');
	<br /><br />
	<small>* required fields</small>
echo form_close();