function module_admininput() { // adminpage, stop here if not logged in/right access-level if (!isValidAdmin()) { echo getString("not_valid_admin", "Administratorside, du må logge inn for å få tilgang her"); return; } $inputaction = $_REQUEST['inputaction']; if ($inputaction == "addarticle") { save_form_article(); $title = $_REQUEST['title']; $author = $_REQUEST['author']; $author_username = $_REQUEST['author_username']; $date_posted = $_REQUEST['year'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['month'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['day']; $time_posted = $_REQUEST['hours'] . ":" . $_REQUEST['minutes']; $comment_to = $_REQUEST['comment_to']; $is_draft = $_REQUEST['is_draft']; $body = $_REQUEST['body']; if ($is_draft == "ON") { $is_draft = 1; $log_description .= "savedraft,"; } else { $is_draft = 'NULL'; } if (strlen($comment_to) < 1) { $comment_to = "NULL"; $log_description .= "savenewarticle,"; } else { $log_description .= "savenewcomment,"; } $query = "INSERT INTO articles (title, author, author_username, body, date_posted, time_posted, comment_to, is_draft, view_count) VALUES(\"{$title}\", \"{$author}\", \"{$author_username}\", \"{$body}\", \"{$date_posted}\", \"{$time_posted}\", {$comment_to},{$is_draft},0);"; echo $query; $result = DB_insert($query); global $logtype; if ($result) { echo "Artikkel lagt inn med id: " . mysql_insert_id(); unset_form_article(); if ($comment_to != "NULL") { $log_description .= "commentadded!,"; write_log_entry(mysql_insert_id(), $logtype['comment'], $log_description); } else { $log_description .= "articleadded!,"; write_log_entry(mysql_insert_id(), $logtype['article'], $log_description); } } else { echo "Oops: " . mysql_error(); } } else { form_start_post(); echo '<table class="default_table">'; echo '<tr><td>Forfatter</td><td>'; form_textfield("author", stripslashes($_SESSION['author'])); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Forfatter_brukernavn</td><td>'; form_textfield("author_username", stripslashes($_SESSION['author'])); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Tittel</td><td class="form_article_title">'; form_textfield("title", stripslashes(fix_quotes($_SESSION['title']))); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Dato</td><td>'; form_datewidget($_SESSION['date_posted']); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Tidspunkt</td><td>'; form_timewidget($_SESSION['time_posted']); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Kommentar til</td><td>'; form_textfield("comment_to", $_SESSION['comment_to']); echo '</td></tr>'; if ($_SESSION['is_draft'] == "ON") { echo '<tr><td>Bare lagre, <br/>ikke publiser</td><td>'; form_checkbox("is_draft", "ON", "1"); echo '</td></tr>'; } else { echo '<tr><td>Bare lagre, <br/>ikke publiser</td><td>'; form_checkbox("is_draft", "ON", "0"); echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td colspan=2 class="form_article_text">'; form_textarea("body", stripslashes($_SESSION['body']), 30, 10); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2>'; form_submit("Button", "Lagre artikkelen"); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2>'; form_submit("preview", "Forhåndsvis artikkel"); echo '</td></tr>'; form_hidden("m_c", "module_admininput"); form_hidden("inputaction", "addarticle"); form_hidden("articleid", $_SESSION['articleid']); if (isset($edit)) { form_hidden("editarticle", "editarticle"); } echo '</table>'; form_end(); } }
function module_admin() { // adminpage, stop here if not logged in/right access-level if (!isValidAdmin()) { echo getString("not_valid_admin", "Administratorside, du må logge inn for å få tilgang her"); return; } if (isset($_REQUEST['admin_action'])) { $action = $_REQUEST['admin_action']; } else { $action = ""; } if ($action == "confirmpurge") { $articleid = $_REQUEST['purgeid']; echo '<div class="default_header">Bekreft sletting av fil ' . $articleid . '</div>'; form_start_post(); form_hidden("m_c", "module_admin"); form_hidden("admin_action", "deleteforgood"); form_hidden("purgeid", $articleid); form_submit("submit", "Ja, slett filen for godt"); form_end(); } else { if ($action == "deleteforgood") { $articleid = $_REQUEST['purgeid']; $query = "DELETE FROM articles WHERE articleid = " . $articleid . ";"; $result = DB_update($query); if ($result) { global $logtype; write_log_entry($_SESSION['valid_user'], $logtype['user'], "admin_purgedfile,"); echo '<div class="default_header">Filen er slettet.</div>'; } else { echo '<div class="default_header">Sletting mislyktes.</div>'; } } else { if ($action == "showfile") { $articleid = $_REQUEST['articleid']; $query = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE articleid =" . $articleid . " AND (is_draft IS NULL OR is_draft=0);"; $result = DB_get_table($query); $num_results = DB_rows_affected($query); $row = DB_next_row($result); echo "<div class=\"header2\">" . $row['title'] . "</div>"; echo "<div class=\"metatext\">"; echo "<span class='author'>Forfatter: "; if (isset($row['author_username'])) { echo '<a href="index.php?m_c=mvp&username='******'author_username'] . '">' . stripslashes($row['author']) . '</a>'; } else { echo stripslashes($row['author']); } echo ', '; if ($row['author_username']) { echo " (" . stripslashes($row['author_username']) . ").</span>"; } else { echo " (" . $unknown_author . ").</span>"; } echo "<span class=\"time\">Lagt opp: " . make_date($row['date_posted']) . ", " . make_time($row['time_posted']) . "</span></div>"; echo "<div class=\"textbody\">" . stripslashes(nl2br($row['body'])) . "</div>"; } else { if ($action == "showstats") { $query = "SELECT articleid, author, view_count, title FROM articles WHERE view_count > 0 ORDER BY view_count DESC;"; $result = DB_get_table($query); $num_rows = DB_rows_affected($result); echo '<table class="default_table">'; echo "<tr>"; echo '<td>Artikkel-ID</td><td>Tittel</td><td>Forfatter</td>'; echo '<td>Antall visninger</td></tr>'; while ($row = DB_next_row($result)) { echo "<tr>"; echo '<td>' . $row['articleid'] . '</td><td>' . $row['title'] . '</td><td>' . $row['author'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row['view_count'] . '</td><td>'; form_start_get(); form_hidden("m_c", "m_va"); form_hidden("articleid", $row['articleid']); form_submit("submit", "Les artikkel"); form_end(); echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } else { if ($action == "undelete") { $articleid = $_REQUEST['articleid']; $query = "UPDATE articles SET is_deleted = NULL WHERE articleid = " . $articleid . ";"; $result = DB_update($query); echo $query; if ($result) { global $logtype; write_log_entry($_SESSION['valid_user'], $logtype['user'], "admin_restoredfile,"); echo "Vellykket gjenoppretting."; } else { echo "Gjenoppretting mislyktes."; } } else { if ($action == "listdeleted") { $query = "SELECT time, comment_to, articleid, title, author, ip FROM articles,eventlog WHERE articleid = itemid AND is_deleted IS NOT NULL;"; $result = DB_get_table($query); $num_rows = DB_rows_affected($result); echo '<table class="default_table">'; echo "<tr>"; echo '<td>Artikkel-ID</td><td>Kommentar til</td><td>Tittel</td><td>Forfatter</td>'; echo '<td>IP</td><td>Tidspunkt</td></tr>'; while ($row = DB_next_row($result)) { echo "<tr>"; echo '<td>' . $row['articleid'] . '</td><td>' . $row['comment_to'] . '</td><td>' . $row['title'] . '</td><td>' . $row['author'] . "</td><td>" . $row['ip'] . '</td><td>' . $row['time'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>'; form_start_post(); form_hidden("m_c", "module_admin"); form_hidden("admin_action", "confirmpurge"); form_hidden("purgeid", $row['articleid']); form_submit("submit", "Slett for godt"); form_end(); echo '</td><td>'; form_start_get(); form_hidden("m_c", "module_admin"); form_hidden("admin_action", "showfile"); form_hidden("articleid", $row['articleid']); form_submit("submit", "Les"); form_end(); echo '</td><td>'; form_start_get(); form_hidden("m_c", "module_admin"); form_hidden("admin_action", "undelete"); form_hidden("articleid", $row['articleid']); form_submit("submit", "Gjenoppliv"); form_end(); echo '</td><td>'; echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } else { if ($action == "viewlog") { $type = $_REQUEST['type']; $date = $_REQUEST['date']; global $logtype; if (isset($type)) { $sqldate = $_REQUEST['year'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['month'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['day']; $sqldate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($sqldate)); $query = "SELECT * FROM eventlog WHERE time LIKE '" . $sqldate . "%' AND log_type=" . $type . ";"; $result = DB_get_table($query); $num_results = DB_rows_affected($result); $types_array = array_flip($logtype); echo '<table class="default_table">'; echo '<tr><td>Event ID</td><td>Logtype</td><td>Affected item-ID</td><td>Resp. user</td><td>Description</td><td>IP</td><td>Time</td></tr>'; while ($row = DB_next_row($result)) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>' . $row["eventid"] . '</td><td>' . $types_array[$row["log_type"]] . '</td><td>' . $row["itemid"] . '</td><td>' . $row["username"] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row["event_type"] . '</td><td>' . $row["ip"] . '</td><td>' . $row["time"] . '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; } else { form_start_post(); echo 'Type of log-entry:'; echo '<select name="type" >'; foreach ($logtype as $id => $logtypes) { echo '<option value="' . $logtypes . '">' . $id . '</option>\\n'; } echo '</select>'; echo '<br/>For this day: '; form_datewidget(date("Y-m-d")); form_hidden("m_c", "module_admin"); form_hidden("admin_action", "viewlog"); form_submit("Submit", "Vis"); form_end(); } } else { echo '<div class="default_list"><a href="index.php?m_c=module_admin&page_title=Slettede_filer&admin_action=listdeleted">Vis slettede filer</a>'; echo '<br/><a href="index.php?m_c=module_admin&page_title=Stat&admin_action=showstats">Vis statistikk</a>'; echo '<br/><a href="index.php?m_c=module_files&page_title=Filadmin">Fil(bilde)admin</a>'; echo '<br/><a href="index.php?m_c=module_user_admin&page_title=User+administration">Brukeradmin</a>'; echo '<br/><a href="index.php?m_c=module_admin&page_title=User+administration&admin_action=viewlog">Logger</a>'; echo '<br><a href="index.php?m_c=module_register_form&page_title=Register<+new+user">Registrer en ny bruker</a>'; echo '<br><a href="index.php?m_c=module_admininput&page_title=Admininput">Legg inn en artikkel</a>'; echo '<br><a href="index.php?m_c=module_polladmin&page_title=Polladmin">Administrer polls</a>'; echo '<br><a href="index.php?m_c=module_categoryadmin&page_title=Categoryadmin">Opprett, slett og endre kategorier</a>'; echo '<br><a href="index.php?m_c=showSettingsGUI">' . getString("admin_edit_settings", "Innstillinger") . '</a>'; echo '</div>'; } } } } } } } }
function editArticle() { // Check if session contains variables from previous entry attempt if (isset($_SESSION['save_attempted'])) { $formContents = buildArticleArray($_SESSION); } else { $temp = getAnyArticle($_REQUEST['articleid']); $formContents = buildArticleArray($temp[0]); } if ($formContents['comment_to'] == "NULL") { h3("Rediger artikkel"); } else { h3("Rediger kommentar"); } table_open(); form_start_post(); tr_open(); td_open(1); echo "Tittel"; td_close(); td_open(1); form_textfield("title", fix_quotes($formContents['title'])); td_close(); tr_close(); if ($formContents['comment_to'] == "NULL") { tr_open(); td_open(1); echo "Publiseringsdato"; td_close(); td_open(1); form_datewidget($formContents['date_posted']); td_close(); tr_close(); tr_open(); td_open(1); echo "Publiseringstidspunkt"; td_close(); td_open(1); form_timewidget($formContents['time_posted']); td_close(); tr_close(); tr_open(); td_open(1); echo "Bare lagre, ikke publiser"; td_close(); td_open(1); if ($formContents['is_draft'] == "1") { form_checkbox("is_draft", "1", "1"); } else { form_checkbox("is_draft", "1", "0"); } td_close(); tr_close(); tr_open(); td_open(1); echo "Språk"; td_close(); td_open(1); form_dropdown("language", getAllLanguageIds(), getAllLanguageNames(), $formContents['language']); td_close(); tr_close(); } tr_open(); td_open(2); echo "Tekst"; td_close(); tr_close(); tr_open(); td_open(2); form_textarea("body", stripslashes($formContents['body']), 50, 20); td_close(); tr_close(); tr_open(); td_open(1); form_submit("submit", "Legg opp"); form_submit("submit", "Forhåndsvis"); form_submit("submit", "Avbryt"); td_close(); td_open(1); td_close(); tr_close(); form_hidden("author", $formContents['author']); form_hidden("category", "0"); form_hidden("m_c", "addArticleGUI"); br(); form_hidden("articleid", $formContents['articleid']); form_hidden("comment_to", $formContents['comment_to']); form_hidden("author_username", $formContents['author_username']); form_end(); table_close(); }
function form_article() { $edit = $_REQUEST['edit']; // Set if edit requested on an article $re_edit = $_SESSION['editarticle']; // Set if user got an error on first attempt to edit if (isset($re_edit)) { echo '<table class="default_table">'; form_start_post(); echo '<tr><td>Forfatter</td><td>'; form_textfield("author", stripslashes($_SESSION['author'])); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Tittel</td><td class="form_article_title">'; form_textfield("title", stripslashes(fix_quotes($_SESSION['title']))); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Dato</td><td>'; form_datewidget($_SESSION['date_posted']); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Tidspunkt</td><td>'; form_timewidget($_SESSION['time_posted']); echo '</td></tr>'; if ($_SESSION['is_draft'] == "ON") { echo '<tr><td>Bare lagre, <br/>ikke publiser</td><td>'; form_checkbox("is_draft", "ON", "1"); echo '</td></tr>'; } else { echo '<tr><td>Bare lagre, <br/>ikke publiser</td><td>'; form_checkbox("is_draft", "ON", "0"); echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td colspan=2 class="form_article_text">'; form_textarea("body", stripslashes($_SESSION['body']), 30, 10); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2>'; form_submit("Button", "Lagre artikkelen"); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2>'; form_submit("preview", "Forhåndsvis artikkel"); echo '</td></tr>'; form_hidden("m_c", "module_add_article"); form_hidden("articleid", $_SESSION['articleid']); if (isset($edit)) { form_hidden("editarticle", "editarticle"); } echo '</table>'; form_end(); } else { if (isset($edit)) { $articleid = $_REQUEST['articleid']; $query = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE articleid = " . $_REQUEST['articleid'] . ";"; $row = DB_search($query); form_start_post(); echo '<tr><td>Forfatter</td><td>'; form_textfield("author", $row['author']); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Tittel</td><td class="form_article_title">'; form_textfield("title", stripslashes(fix_quotes($row['title']))); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Dato</td><td>'; form_datewidget($row['date_posted']); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Tidspunkt</td><td>'; form_timewidget($row['time_posted']); echo '</td></tr>'; if (isset($row['is_draft']) && $row['is_draft'] == 1) { echo '<tr><td>Bare lagre, <br/>ikke publiser</td><td>'; form_checkbox("is_draft", "ON", "1"); echo '</td></tr>'; } else { echo '<tr><td>Bare lagre, <br/>ikke publiser</td><td>'; form_checkbox("is_draft", "ON", "0"); echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td colspan=2 class="form_article_text">'; form_textarea("body", stripslashes($row['body']), 30, 10); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2>'; form_submit("Button", "Lagre endringene"); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2>'; form_submit("preview", "Forhåndsvis artikkel"); echo '</td></tr>'; form_hidden("editarticle", "true"); form_hidden("m_c", "module_add_article"); form_hidden("articleid", $row['articleid']); echo '</table>'; form_end(); } else { form_start_post(); echo '<tr><td>Forfatter</td><td>'; form_textfield("author", $_SESSION['user_firstname']); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Tittel</td><td class="form_article_title">'; form_textfield("title", ""); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Dato</td><td>'; form_datewidget(date("Y-m-d")); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Tidspunkt</td><td>'; form_timewidget(date("H:i")); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Bare lagre, <br/>ikke publiser</td><td>'; form_checkbox("is_draft", "ON", "0"); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2 class="form_article_text">'; form_textarea("body", "", 30, 10); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2>'; form_submit("Button", "Lagre artikkelen"); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan=2>'; form_submit("preview", "Forhåndsvis artikkel"); echo '</td></tr>'; form_hidden("m_c", "module_add_article"); echo '</table>'; form_end(); } } }