include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ressources/'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ressources/'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/framework/'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/framework/"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/framework/"; if (preg_match("#--verbose#", implode(" ", $argv))) { $GLOBALS["VERBOSE"] = true; } if (preg_match("#--force#", implode(" ", $argv))) { $GLOBALS["FORCE"] = true; } if ($argv[1] == "--simple") { execute_mysql($argv[2]); exit; } execute_mysql(0); function execute_mysql($OnlyID = 0) { $GLOBALS["INDEXED"] = 0; $GLOBALS["SKIPPED"] = 0; $GLOBALS["DIRS"] = array(); $unix = new unix(); $httrack = $unix->find_program("httrack"); if (!is_file($httrack)) { system_admin_events("httrack no such binary", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "webcopy"); return; } $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { system_admin_events("Already instance executed pid:{$olpid}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "webcopy");
<?php include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/"; if (isset($_GET["exec-mysql"])) { execute_mysql(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["httptrack"])) { httptrack(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["httptrack-id"])) { httptrack_simple(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["xapian-db-size"])) { localdbsize(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["DeleteDatabasePath"])) { DeleteDatabasePath(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["httptrack-progress"])) { httptrack_progress(); exit; } writelogs_framework("Unable to understand the query " . @implode(" ", $_GET), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); function execute_mysql() {