// email
$fName = $argv[6];
// first name
$lName = $argv[7];
// last name
$file_one_name = $argv[8];
// file 1 name
$file_two_name = $argv[9];
// file 2 name
$file_result_name = $argv[10];
// file result name
//create call to c program executable passing the parameters needed
$call = '../CProgram/differences ' . $first_file . ' ' . $sec_file . ' ' . $result_file . ' ' . $file_one_name . ' ' . $file_two_name;
//excecute the call
$execute = shell_exec($call);
//once here the file will be saved in the fileResult folder, now update the db and email the user results
//conection to the database
$connectedDB = connectToDB();
//insert entry of file two and save into $idTwo the id of the second entry
$sql = "UPDATE find_differences SET processed=1 WHERE user_id=" . $id . " AND uploaded_id1=" . $fileOne . " AND uploaded_id2=" . $fileTwo . " AND result_id=" . $result_id;
$resultID = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
//send email to user with file result attached
$name = $fName . ' ' . $lName;
$name = ucwords($name);
$subject = "Your result";
$msg = "Hello " . $name . ",\n\n";
$msg = $msg . "The results of finding the differences among " . $argv[8] . " and " . $argv[9] . " is in the attached result file\n\n";
$msg = $msg . " -GenomePro Team";
//sending email with attachment to the user with php mailer, needs to be changed when server upload
emailWithAttachments($email, $name, $subject, $msg, $result_file, $file_result_name);

//import general functions
require "functions.php";
$filein = '../fileUploads/' . $argv[1];
$fileout = '../fileUploads/' . $argv[2];
$fileOne = $argv[1];
$result_id = $argv[2];
$id = $argv[3];
$email = $argv[4];
$fName = $argv[5];
$lName = $argv[6];
$fileresultname = $argv[7];
$output1 = shell_exec('java -cp "../JavaProgram/" RepeatedSequence ' . $filein . ' ' . $fileout);
//conection to the database
$connectedDB = connectToDB();
//insert entry of file two and save into $idTwo the id of the second entry
$sql = "UPDATE rep_sequences SET processed=1 WHERE user_id=" . $id . " AND seq_uploaded_id=" . $fileOne . " AND seq_result_id=" . $result_id;
$resultID = pg_query($connectedDB, $sql);
//send email to user with file result attached
$name = $fName . ' ' . $lName;
$name = ucwords($name);
$subject = "Your result";
$msg = "Hello " . $name . ",\n\n";
//$msg = $msg."Your result is in the attached file\n\n";
$msg = $msg . "The results of repeated sequences " . $argv[7] . " is in the attached result file\n\n";
$msg = $msg . " -GenomePro Team";
//sending email with attachment to the user with php mailer, needs to be changed when server upload
emailWithAttachments($email, $name, $subject, $msg, $fileout, $fileresultname);