if (haproxy_version() >= '1.6') {
			<td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic">Email notifications</td>
			<td valign="top" class="vncell">
				Mail level
			<td class="vtable">
    echo_html_select('email_level', $a_sysloglevel, $pconfig['email_level']);
				Define the maximum loglevel to send emails for.
			<td valign="top" class="vncell">
				Mail to
			<td class="vtable">
				<input name="email_to" type="text" <?php 
    if (isset($pconfig['email_to'])) {
        echo "value=\"{$pconfig['email_to']}\"";
    echo "checked";
 onclick="updatevisibility();" /><strong>Use Offloading</strong>
				SSL Offloading will reduce web servers load by maintaining and encrypting connection with users on internet while sending and retrieving data without encrytion to internal servers.
				Also more ACL rules and http logging may be configured when this option is used. 
				Certificates can be imported into the <a href="/system_camanager.php" target="_blank">pfSense "Certificate Authority Manager"</a>
				Please be aware this possibly will not work with all web applications. Some applications will require setting the SSL checkbox on the backend server configurations so the connection to the webserver will also be a encrypted connection, in that case there will be a slight overall performance loss.
		<tr class="haproxy_ssloffloading_enabled" align="left">
			<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Certificate</td>
			<td width="78%" class="vtable" colspan="2">
echo_html_select("ssloffloadcert", $servercerts, $pconfig['ssloffloadcert'], '<b>No Certificates defined.</b> <br/>Create one under <a href="system_certmanager.php">System &gt; Cert Manager</a>.');
				NOTE: choose the cert to use on this frontend.
				<input id="ssloffloadacl" name="ssloffloadacl" type="checkbox" value="yes" <?php 
if ($pconfig['ssloffloadacl'] == 'yes') {
    echo "checked";
 onclick="updatevisibility();" />Add ACL for certificate CommonName.
		<tr class="haproxy_ssloffloading_enabled">
			<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Additional certificates</td>
			<td width="78%" class="vtable" colspan="2" valign="top">
 onclick='updatevisibility();' />
				Allows shared caches to cache the server response.
			<td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic">Stick-table persistence</td>
		<tr><td class="vncell"></td><td class="vncell">These options are used to make sure seperate requests from a single client go to the same backend. This can be required for servers that keep track of for example a shopping cart.</td></tr>
		<tr align="left">
			<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncell">Stick tables</td>
			<td width="78%" class="vtable" colspan="2">
echo_html_select("persist_sticky_type", $a_sticky_type, $pconfig['persist_sticky_type'], "", "updatevisibility();");
				Sticktables that are kept in memory, and when matched make sure the same server will be used.<br/>
				<textarea readonly="yes" cols="60" rows="2" id="sticky_type_description" name="sticky_type_description" style="padding:5px; border:1px dashed #990000; background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; font-size: 8pt;"></textarea>
		<tr align="left" class="haproxy_stick_cookiename">
			<td width="22%" valign="top" class="vncellreq">Stick cookie name</td>
			<td width="78%" class="vtable" colspan="2">
				<input name="persist_stick_cookiename" type="text" <?php 
if (isset($pconfig['persist_stick_cookiename'])) {
    echo "value=\"{$pconfig['persist_stick_cookiename']}\"";
 size="20" />
				Cookiename to use for sticktable<br/>
				Force immediate stop of old process on reload. (closes existing connections)<br/><br/>Note: when this option is selected connections will be closed when haproxy is restarted.
				Otherwise the existing connections will be served by the old haproxy process untill they are closed.
				Checking this option will interupt existing connections on a restart. (which happens when the configuration is applied,
				but possibly also when pfSense detects an interface comming up or changing its ip-address)</td>
				<td valign="top" class="vncell">
					Carp monitor
				<td class="vtable">
$vipinterfaces = array();
$vipinterfaces[] = array('ip' => '', 'name' => 'Disabled');
$vipinterfaces += haproxy_get_bindable_interfaces($ipv = "ipv4,ipv6", $interfacetype = "carp");
echo_html_select('carpdev', $vipinterfaces, $pconfig['carpdev'], "No carp interfaces pressent");
					Monitor carp interface and only run haproxy on the firewall which is MASTER.
				<td colspan="2" valign="top" class="listtopic">Stats tab, 'internal' stats port</td>