$scramble_this = 'test.zip '; //Open file to compress. //$scramble_this = 'test.raw '; //Open file to compress. $filesize = filesize($scramble_this); $fhandle = fopen($scramble_this, 'rb'); $thebytes = fread($fhandle, $filesize); fclose($fhandle); echo 'Orgional file size ' . strlen($thebytes) . ' of test file<br>'; $coString = gzcompress($thebytes, 9); // test if compressed can be recompressed echo '<b>Zombie compressioned size: ' . strlen($coString) . '</b><br>'; // need to add for loop to cycle through split key (1-254) or just one key as this is the test area before working with compressed files. for ($scramkey = 1; $scramkey < 255; $scramkey++) { // loop through scramble keys echo $scramkey . ' scramble key '; $skey = dec2bin($scramkey); // convert to binary echo $skey[0] . $skey[1] . $skey[2] . $skey[3] . $skey[4] . $skey[5] . $skey[6] . $skey[7] . '<br>'; $P0 = ''; $P1 = ''; // echo 'bytes to compress are '; for ($c = 0; $c < $filesize; $c++) { // cyctle through the whole file doing a byte at a time. $byte = $thebytes[$c]; // get byte to process // echo ord($byte).','; $bb = byte2bin($byte); // get binary represintation todo: need a function to make into binary string // if key bit = 0 put bb bit in part 0 else put it into part 1 for ($i = 0; $i <= 7; $i++) { // process the byte bit by bit
$isSecOfficer = false; } // security officer role if (substr(dec2bin($getHeaderCorpRole), 10, 1) == '1' && $getHeaderCorpID == $G_corpID) { $isFacMan = true; } else { $isFacMan = false; } // factory manager role if (substr(dec2bin($getHeaderCorpRole), 11, 1) == '1' && $getHeaderCorpID == $G_corpID) { $isStatMan = true; } else { $isStatMan = false; } // station manager role if (substr(dec2bin($getHeaderCorpRole), 12, 1) == '1' && $getHeaderCorpID == $G_corpID) { $isAudit = true; } else { $isAudit = false; } // auditor role //} //echo $ip; $checkSec = good_query_assoc("SELECT * FROM corp_members WHERE char_id={$getHeaderCharID}"); //echo $checkSec['char_id']; if (empty($checkSec['sec_ip']) && $getHeaderCorpID == $G_corpID) { //ip is empty, then request password and insert ip and password check! //echo'wae'; require_once './includes/loginform.php'; } else { $week = good_query_assoc("SELECT global_pwd_interval FROM settings");
} else { echo fonty('r', 'Take'); } if (substr(dec2bin($_GET['crprl']), 39, 1) == 1) { echo fonty('g', 'Query'); } else { echo fonty('r', 'Query'); } echo $te; echo $ts . 'Div7Account ' . $tm; if (substr(dec2bin($_GET['crprl']), 33, 1) == 1) { echo fonty('g', 'Take'); } else { echo fonty('r', 'Take'); } if (substr(dec2bin($_GET['crprl']), 40, 1) == 1) { echo fonty('g', 'Query'); } else { echo fonty('r', 'Query'); } echo $te; echo $te; echo '</table>'; /* // division roles if($this->CorpRole[13]=="1") $this->Div1HangarTake = true; if($this->CorpRole[14]=="1") $this->Div2HangarTake = true; if($this->CorpRole[15]=="1") $this->Div3HangarTake = true; if($this->CorpRole[16]=="1") $this->Div4HangarTake = true; if($this->CorpRole[17]=="1") $this->Div5HangarTake = true;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $new_tr = $i % 2 ? 'yes' : null; if (strtotime($row['char_log_off']) < strtotime('-4 weeks')) { $charLastTimeC = 'red'; } elseif (strtotime($row['char_log_off']) < strtotime('-2 weeks')) { $charLastTimeC = 'orange'; } elseif (strtotime($row['char_log_off']) < strtotime('-1 weeks')) { $charLastTimeC = 'yellow'; } else { $charLastTimeC = 'green'; } if ($row['char_role'] == '0') { $checkRole = 'Initiate'; } else { //$checkRole = 'Other'; if (substr(dec2bin($row['char_role']), 0, 1) == 1) { $checkRole = 'Director'; } else { $checkRole = 'Regular'; } } $charLastTime = ceil((time() - strtotime($row['char_log_off'])) / 86400); if ($evenOdd) { $odder = "even"; } else { $odder = "odd"; } $evenOdd = !$evenOdd; $wrt .= '<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="450">'; $wrt .= '<tr>'; $wrt .= ' <td class="tcell' . $odder . '" width="100" rowspan="5">' . ldimg($row['char_id'], 'char', '', 'border', '64', '64') . '<br /><a class="jTip" name="CorpRoles!" id="crprls' . $i . '" href="./includes/rolecheck.php?width=300&crprl=' . $row['char_role'] . '">' . $checkRole . '</a></td>';