$user_email_status = get_mail_ver_status($uid);
        if ($user_email_status == EMAIL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED or $user_email_status == EMAIL_UNVERIFIED) {
            $link = "<a href = '../auth/mail_verify_change.php?from_profile=TRUE'>{$langHere}</a>.";
            $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langMailNotVerified} {$link}</div>";
    if (!get_user_email_notification_from_courses($uid)) {
        $head_content .= '<script type="text/javascript">$(control_deactivate);</script>';
        $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>{$langEmailUnsubscribeWarning}</div>\n                                  <input type='checkbox' id='unsub' name='unsub' value='1'>&nbsp;{$langEmailFromCourses}";
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-info'>{$langInfoUnsubscribe}</div>\n                          <div id='unsubscontrols'>";
    if (isset($_POST['cid'])) {
        // one course only
        $cid = intval($_POST['cid']);
        $course_title = course_id_to_title($cid);
        $selected = get_user_email_notification($uid, $cid) ? 'checked' : '';
        $tool_content .= "<input type='checkbox' name='c_unsub' value='1' {$selected}>&nbsp;" . q($course_title) . "<br />";
        $tool_content .= "<input type='hidden' name='cid' value='{$cid}'>";
    } else {
        // displays all courses
        foreach ($_SESSION['courses'] as $code => $status) {
            $title = course_code_to_title($code);
            $cid = course_code_to_id($code);
            $selected = get_user_email_notification($uid, $cid) ? 'checked' : '';
            $tool_content .= "<input type='checkbox' name='c_unsub[{$code}]' value='1' {$selected}>&nbsp;" . q($title) . "<br />";
    $tool_content .= "</div>\n                    <br>\n                        <input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='submit' value='{$langSubmit}'>\n                        <a class='btn btn-default' href='display_profile.php'>{$langCancel}<a>";
    $tool_content .= "</form>";
draw($tool_content, 1, null, $head_content);
* be useful (without any warranty), under the terms of the GNU (General
        * Public License) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* The full license can be read in "/info/license/license_gpl.txt".
* Contact address: GUnet Asynchronous eLearning Group,
*                  Network Operations Center, University of Athens,
*                  Panepistimiopolis Ilissia, 15784, Athens, Greece
*                  e-mail: info@openeclass.org
* ======================================================================== */
$require_login = TRUE;
$guest_allowed = FALSE;
include '../../include/baseTheme.php';
if (isset($_POST['course'])) {
    if ($_POST['course'] != -1) {
        $jsonarr = array();
        $cid = course_code_to_id($_POST['course']);
        $student_to_student_allow = get_config('dropbox_allow_student_to_student');
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM course_user WHERE course_id = ?d AND user_id = ?d AND (status = ?d OR editor = ?d)";
        $res = Database::get()->querySingle($sql, $cid, $uid, USER_TEACHER, 1);
        if ($res->c != 0) {
            $is_editor = true;
        } else {
            $is_editor = false;
        if ($is_editor || $student_to_student_allow == 1) {
            $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT u.id user_id, CONCAT(u.surname,' ', u.givenname) AS name, u.username\r\n                    FROM user u, course_user cu\r\n        \t\t    WHERE cu.course_id = ?d\r\n                    AND cu.user_id = u.id\r\n                    AND cu.status != ?d\r\n                    AND u.id != ?d\r\n                    ORDER BY UPPER(u.surname), UPPER(u.givenname)";
            $res = Database::get()->queryArray($sql, $cid, USER_GUEST, $uid);
            if ($is_editor) {
                $sql_g = "SELECT id, name FROM `group` WHERE course_id = ?d ORDER BY id DESC";
                $result_g = Database::get()->queryArray($sql_g, $cid);
            } else {
Beispiel #3
* draws statistics graph
* @global type $uid
* @global type $langCourseVisits
s * @return type
function courseVisitsPlot()
    global $uid, $langCourseVisits, $langNoStats;
    $totalHits = 0;
    $totalDuration = 0;
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT a.code code, a.title title\n                                        FROM course AS a LEFT JOIN course_user AS b\n                                             ON a.id = b.course_id\n                                        WHERE b.user_id = ?d\n                                        AND a.visible != " . COURSE_INACTIVE . "\n                                        ORDER BY a.title", $uid);
    if (count($result) > 0) {
        // found courses ?
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $course_codes[] = $row->code;
            $course_names[$row->code] = $row->title;
        foreach ($course_codes as $code) {
            $cid = course_code_to_id($code);
            $row = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT SUM(hits) AS cnt FROM actions_daily\n                                WHERE user_id = ?d\n                                AND course_id =?d", $uid, $cid);
            if ($row) {
                $totalHits += $row->cnt;
                $hits[$code] = $row->cnt;
            $result = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT SUM(duration) AS duration FROM actions_daily\n                                        WHERE user_id = ?d\n                                        AND course_id = ?d", $uid, $cid);
            $duration[$code] = $result->duration;
            $totalDuration += $duration[$code];
        $chart = new Plotter(600, 300);
        foreach ($hits as $code => $count) {
            if ($count > 0) {
                $chart->addPoint($course_names[$code], $count);
                $chart->modDimension(7, 0);
        return $chart->plot();
    } else {
        return "{$langNoStats}";

    if ($u_interval != "monthly") {

    $chart = new Plotter();
    //add points to chart
    while ($newp = current($point)) {
        $chart->growWithPoint(key($point), $newp);
} else {    //show chart for a specific course
    $cid = course_code_to_id($u_course_id);

    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT " . $date_what . " SUM(hits) AS cnt FROM actions_daily
                WHERE course_id = $cid AND $date_where $date_group ORDER BY day ASC");

    $chart = new Plotter();

    switch ($u_interval) {
        case "summary":
            foreach ($result as $$row) {
                $chart->growWithPoint($langSummary, $row->cnt);
        case "daily":
            foreach ($result as $$row) {
Beispiel #5
 * @brief edit basic course information
$require_departmentmanage_user = true;
require_once '../../include/baseTheme.php';
if (!isset($_GET['c'])) {
require_once 'include/lib/hierarchy.class.php';
require_once 'include/lib/course.class.php';
require_once 'include/lib/user.class.php';
require_once 'hierarchy_validations.php';
$tree = new Hierarchy();
$course = new Course();
$user = new User();
// validate course Id
$cId = course_code_to_id($_GET['c']);
validateCourseNodes($cId, isDepartmentAdmin());
$toolName = $langCourseInfo;
$navigation[] = array('url' => 'index.php', 'name' => $langAdmin);
$navigation[] = array('url' => 'editcours.php?c=' . q($_GET['c']), 'name' => $langCourseEdit);
if (isset($_GET['c'])) {
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBack, 'url' => "editcours.php?c={$_GET['c']}", 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
} else {
    $tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBackAdmin, 'url' => "index.php", 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
// Update course basic information
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $departments = isset($_POST['department']) ? $_POST['department'] : array();
    // if depadmin then diff new/old deps and if new or deleted deps are out of juristinction, then error
    if (isDepartmentAdmin()) {
Beispiel #6
    $groupset = '';
    $base_url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?';
    $upload_target_url = 'index.php';
    $group_id = '';
    $group_sql = "subsystem = $subsystem AND subsystem_id = $uid";
    $group_hidden_input = '';
    $basedir = $webDir . '/courses/mydocs/' . $uid;
    if (!is_dir($basedir)) {
        mkdir($basedir, 0775, true);
    $pageName = $langMyDocs;
    // Saved course code so that file picker menu doesn't lose
    // the current course if we're in a course
    if (isset($_GET['course']) and $_GET['course']) {
        define('SAVED_COURSE_CODE', $_GET['course']);
        define('SAVED_COURSE_ID', course_code_to_id(SAVED_COURSE_CODE));
        $base_url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?course=' . SAVED_COURSE_CODE . '&amp;';
    $course_id = -1;
    $course_code = '';
    $can_upload = $session->user_id == $uid;
} else {
    $subsystem = MAIN;
    $base_url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?course=' . $course_code . '&amp;';
    $upload_target_url = 'index.php?course=' . $course_code;
    $subsystem_id = 'NULL';
    $group_id = '';
    $groupset = '';
    $group_sql = "course_id = $course_id AND subsystem = $subsystem";
    $group_hidden_input = '';
    $basedir = $webDir . '/courses/' . $course_code . '/document';
Beispiel #7
function rss_check_access()
    global $course_code, $course_id, $course_status, $module_id;
    if (isset($_GET['c'])) {
        $course_code = $_GET['c'];
        $course_id = course_code_to_id($course_code);
        $course_status = course_status($course_id);
    } else {
        $course_code = '';
        $course_id = false;
    if ($course_id === false) {
        header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
        echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"><html><head>', '<title>404 Not Found</title></head><body>', '<h1>Not Found</h1><p>The requested course "', htmlspecialchars($course_code), '" does not exist.</p></body></html>';
    if ($course_status == COURSE_INACTIVE or !visible_module($module_id) or $course_status != COURSE_OPEN and !(isset($_GET['token']) and isset($_GET['uid']) and rss_token_valid($_GET['token'], $_GET['uid']))) {
Beispiel #8
                Database::get()->queryFunc("SELECT SUM(hits) AS cnt FROM actions_daily WHERE course_id = ?d"
                        , function ($row) use(&$totalHits) {
                    $totalHits += $row->cnt;
                }, course_code_to_id($course_code));

                Database::get()->queryFunc("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MIN(day)) AS first
                                        FROM actions_daily
                                        WHERE course_id = ?d"
                        , function($row) use(&$first_date_time) {
                    $tmp = $row->first;
                    if (!empty($tmp)) {
                        if ($tmp < $first_date_time) {
                            $first_date_time = $tmp;
                }, course_code_to_id($course_code));
            $uptime = date("d-m-Y", $first_date_time);

            $tool_content .= "<div class='row'>
                        <div class='col-sm-12'>
                        <h3 class='content-title'>$langNbLogin</h3>
                        <ul class='list-group'>
			<li class='list-group-item'><label>$langFrom
			" . nice_format(Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT loginout.when AS `when` FROM loginout ORDER BY loginout.when LIMIT 1")->when, true) . "
                        <span class='badge'>" . Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM loginout
				WHERE loginout.action ='LOGIN'")->cnt . "</span>
			<li class='list-group-item'><label>$langLast30Days</label>
			<span class='badge'>" . Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM loginout
Beispiel #9
 * Display a textarea with name $name using the rich text editor
 * Apply automatically various fixes for the text to be edited
 * @global type $head_content
 * @global type $language
 * @global type $purifier
 * @global type $urlAppend
 * @global type $course_code
 * @global type $langPopUp
 * @global type $langPopUpFrame
 * @global type $is_editor
 * @global type $is_admin
 * @param type $name
 * @param type $rows
 * @param type $cols
 * @param type $text
 * @param type $extra
 * @return type
function rich_text_editor($name, $rows, $cols, $text, $onFocus = false)
    global $head_content, $language, $urlAppend, $course_code, $langPopUp, $langPopUpFrame, $is_editor, $is_admin;
    static $init_done = false;
    if (!$init_done) {
        $init_done = true;
        $filebrowser = $url = '';
        $activemodule = 'document/index.php';
        if (isset($course_code) && !empty($course_code)) {
            $filebrowser = "file_browser_callback : openDocsPicker,";
            if (!$is_editor) {
                $cid = course_code_to_id($course_code);
                $module = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM course_module\n                            WHERE course_id = ?d\n                              AND (module_id =" . MODULE_ID_DOCS . " OR module_id =" . MODULE_ID_VIDEO . " OR module_id =" . MODULE_ID_LINKS . ")\n                              AND VISIBLE = 1 ORDER BY module_id", $cid);
                if ($module === false) {
                    $filebrowser = '';
                } else {
                    switch ($module->module_id) {
                        case MODULE_ID_LINKS:
                            $activemodule = 'link/index.php';
                        case MODULE_ID_DOCS:
                            $activemodule = 'document/index.php';
                        case MODULE_ID_VIDEO:
                            $activemodule = 'video/index.php';
                            $filebrowser = '';
            $url = $urlAppend . "modules/{$activemodule}?course={$course_code}&embedtype=tinymce&docsfilter=";
        } elseif ($is_admin) {
            /* special case for admin announcements */
            $filebrowser = "file_browser_callback : openDocsPicker,";
            $url = $urlAppend . "modules/admin/commondocs.php?embedtype=tinymce&docsfilter=";
        if ($onFocus) {
            $focus_init = ",\n                menubar: false,\n                statusbar: false,   \n                setup: function (theEditor) {\n                    theEditor.on('focus', function () {\n                        \$(this.contentAreaContainer.parentElement).find('div.mce-toolbar-grp').show();\n                    });\n                    theEditor.on('blur', function () {\n                        \$(this.contentAreaContainer.parentElement).find('div.mce-toolbar-grp').hide();\n                    });\n                    theEditor.on('init', function() {\n                        \$(this.contentAreaContainer.parentElement).find('div.mce-toolbar-grp').hide();\n                    });\n                }";
        } else {
            $focus_init = '';
        $head_content .= "\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n\nfunction openDocsPicker(field_name, url, type, win) {\n    tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.open({\n        file: '{$url}' + type,\n        title: 'Resources Browser',\n        width: 800,\n        height: 600,\n        resizable: 'yes',\n        inline: 'yes',\n        close_previous: 'no',\n        popup_css: false\n    }, {\n        window: win,\n        input: field_name\n    });\n    return false;\n}\n\ntinymce.init({\n    // General options\n    selector: 'textarea.mceEditor',\n    language: '{$language}',\n    theme: 'modern',\n    image_class_list: [\n        {title: 'Responsive', value: 'img-responsive'},\n        {title: 'None', value: ''}\n    ],\n    plugins: 'pagebreak,save,image,link,media,eclmedia,print,contextmenu,paste,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,template,wordcount,advlist,emoticons,preview,searchreplace,table,insertdatetime,code',\n    entity_encoding: 'raw',\n    relative_urls: false,\n    image_advtab: true,\n    link_class_list: [\n        {title: 'None', value: ''},\n        {title: '{$langPopUp}', value: 'colorbox'},\n        {title: '{$langPopUpFrame}', value: 'colorboxframe'}\n    ],\n    {$filebrowser}\n\n    // Toolbar options\n    toolbar: 'undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image eclmedia code',\n    // Replace values for the template plugin\n    template_replace_values: {\n            username : '******',\n            staffid : '991234'\n    }\n    {$focus_init}\n});\n</script>";
    /* $text = str_replace(array('<m>', '</m>', '<M>', '</M>'),
       array('[m]', '[/m]', '[m]', '[/m]'),
       $text); */
    return "<textarea class='mceEditor' name='{$name}' rows='{$rows}' cols='{$cols}'>" . q(str_replace('{', '&#123;', $text)) . "</textarea>\n";
Beispiel #10
$tree = new Hierarchy();
$course = new Course();
$user = new User();

if (isset($_GET['c'])) {
    $c = q($_GET['c']);
    $_SESSION['c_temp'] = $c;

if (!isset($c)) {
    $c = $_SESSION['c_temp'];

// validate course Id
$cId = course_code_to_id($c);
validateCourseNodes($cId, isDepartmentAdmin());

$toolName = $langCourseEdit;
$navigation[] = array('url' => 'index.php', 'name' => $langAdmin);
$navigation[] = array('url' => 'listcours.php', 'name' => $langListCours);

$tool_content .= action_bar(array(
        array('title' => $langBack,
              'url' => "searchcours.php",
              'icon' => 'fa-reply',
              'level' => 'primary-label')));

// A course has been selected
if (isset($c)) {    
    // Get information about selected course
Beispiel #11
 * Function lessonToolsMenu
 * Creates a multi-dimensional array of the user's tools
 * in regard to the user's user level
 * (student | professor | platform administrator)
 * @return array
function lessonToolsMenu()
    global $uid, $is_editor, $is_course_admin;
    global $course_code, $langAdministrationTools, $langExternalLinks;
    global $modules, $admin_modules, $urlAppend;
    $sideMenuGroup = array();
    $sideMenuSubGroup = array();
    $sideMenuText = array();
    $sideMenuLink = array();
    $sideMenuImg = array();
    $sideMenuID = array();
    $arrMenuType = array();
    $arrMenuType['type'] = 'none';
    if ($is_editor) {
        $tools_sections = array(array('type' => 'Public', 'title' => $GLOBALS['langActiveTools'], 'iconext' => '_on.png', 'class' => 'active'), array('type' => 'PublicButHide', 'title' => $GLOBALS['langInactiveTools'], 'iconext' => '_off.png', 'class' => 'inactive'));
    } else {
        $tools_sections = array(array('type' => 'Public', 'title' => $GLOBALS['langCourseOptions'], 'iconext' => '_on.png', 'class' => 'active'));
    foreach ($tools_sections as $section) {
        $result = getToolsArray($section['type']);
        $sideMenuSubGroup = array();
        $sideMenuText = array();
        $sideMenuLink = array();
        $sideMenuImg = array();
        $sideMenuID = array();
        $arrMenuType = array('type' => 'text', 'text' => $section['title'], 'class' => $section['class']);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $arrMenuType);
        foreach ($result as $toolsRow) {
            $mid = $toolsRow->module_id;
            if ($mid == MODULE_ID_DROPBOX) {
                require_once 'modules/dropbox/class.mailbox.php';
                $mbox = new Mailbox($uid, course_code_to_id($course_code));
                $new_msgs = $mbox->unreadMsgsNumber();
                if ($new_msgs != 0) {
                    array_push($sideMenuText, "<b>" . q($modules[$mid]['title']) . " (" . $new_msgs . ")</b>");
                } else {
                    array_push($sideMenuText, q($modules[$mid]['title']));
            } else {
                array_push($sideMenuText, q($modules[$mid]['title']));
            array_push($sideMenuLink, q($urlAppend . 'modules/' . $modules[$mid]['link'] . '/?course=' . $course_code));
            array_push($sideMenuImg, $modules[$mid]['image'] . $section['iconext']);
            array_push($sideMenuID, $mid);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuText);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuLink);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuImg);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuID);
        array_push($sideMenuGroup, $sideMenuSubGroup);
    $result2 = getExternalLinks();
    if ($result2) {
        // display external link (if any)
        $sideMenuSubGroup = array();
        $sideMenuText = array();
        $sideMenuLink = array();
        $sideMenuImg = array();
        $arrMenuType = array('type' => 'text', 'text' => $langExternalLinks, 'class' => 'external');
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $arrMenuType);
        foreach ($result2 as $ex_link) {
            array_push($sideMenuText, q($ex_link->title));
            array_push($sideMenuLink, q($ex_link->url));
            array_push($sideMenuImg, "external_link" . $section['iconext']);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuText);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuLink);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuImg);
        array_push($sideMenuGroup, $sideMenuSubGroup);
    if ($is_course_admin) {
        // display course admin tools
        $sideMenuSubGroup = array();
        $sideMenuText = array();
        $sideMenuLink = array();
        $sideMenuImg = array();
        $sideMenuID = array();
        $arrMenuType = array('type' => 'text', 'text' => $langAdministrationTools, 'class' => 'course_admin');
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $arrMenuType);
        foreach ($admin_modules as $adm_mod) {
            array_push($sideMenuText, $adm_mod['title']);
            array_push($sideMenuLink, q($urlAppend . 'modules/' . $adm_mod['link'] . '/?course=' . $course_code));
            array_push($sideMenuImg, $adm_mod['image'] . $section['iconext']);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuText);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuLink);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuImg);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuID);
        array_push($sideMenuGroup, $sideMenuSubGroup);
    return $sideMenuGroup;
Beispiel #12
 * Function lessonToolsMenu
 * Creates a multi-dimensional array of the user's tools
 * in regard to the user's user level
 * (student | professor | platform administrator)
 * @return array
function lessonToolsMenu() {
    global $uid, $is_editor, $is_course_admin, $courses,
           $course_code, $langAdministrationTools, $langExternalLinks,
           $modules, $admin_modules, $urlAppend, $status, $course_id;

    $sideMenuGroup = array();
    $sideMenuSubGroup = array();
    $sideMenuText = array();
    $sideMenuLink = array();
    $sideMenuImg = array();
    $sideMenuID = array();

    $arrMenuType = array();
    $arrMenuType['type'] = 'none';

    if ($is_editor || $is_course_admin) {
        $tools_sections =
            array(array('type' => 'Public',
                        'title' => $GLOBALS['langActiveTools'],
                        'iconext' => '_on.png',
                        'class' => 'active'),
                  array('type' => 'PublicButHide',
                        'title' => $GLOBALS['langInactiveTools'],
                        'iconext' => '_off.png',
                        'class' => 'inactive'));
    } else {
        $tools_sections =
            array(array('type' => 'Public',
                        'title' => $GLOBALS['langCourseOptions'],
                        'iconext' => '_on.png',
                        'class' => 'active'));

    foreach ($tools_sections as $section) {
        $result = getToolsArray($section['type']);

        $sideMenuSubGroup = array();
        $sideMenuText = array();
        $sideMenuLink = array();
        $sideMenuImg = array();
        $sideMenuID = array();
        $mail_status = '';
        $arrMenuType = array('type' => 'text',
                             'text' => $section['title'],
                             'class' => $section['class']);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $arrMenuType);

        setlocale(LC_COLLATE, $GLOBALS['langLocale']);
        usort($result, function ($a, $b) {
            global $modules;
            return strcoll($modules[$a->module_id]['title'], $modules[$b->module_id]['title']);

        // check if we have define mail address and want to receive messages
        if ($uid and $status != USER_GUEST and !get_user_email_notification($uid, $course_id)) {
            $mail_status = '&nbsp;' . icon('fa-exclamation-triangle');

        foreach ($result as $toolsRow) {
            $mid = $toolsRow->module_id;

            // hide groups for unregistered users
            if ($mid == MODULE_ID_GROUPS and !$courses[$course_code]) {

            // hide teleconference when no BBB servers are enabled
            if ($mid == MODULE_ID_BBB and !get_total_bbb_servers()) {

            // if we are in dropbox or announcements add (if needed) mail address status
            if ($mid == MODULE_ID_DROPBOX or $mid == MODULE_ID_ANNOUNCE) {
                if ($mid == MODULE_ID_DROPBOX) {
                    $mbox = new Mailbox($uid, course_code_to_id($course_code));
                    $new_msgs = $mbox->unreadMsgsNumber();
                    if ($new_msgs != 0) {
                        array_push($sideMenuText, '<b>' . q($modules[$mid]['title']) .
                            " $mail_status<span class='badge pull-right'>$new_msgs</span></b>");
                    } else {
                        array_push($sideMenuText, q($modules[$mid]['title']).' '.$mail_status);
                } else {
                    array_push($sideMenuText, q($modules[$mid]['title']).' '.$mail_status);
            } elseif ($mid == MODULE_ID_DOCS and ($new_docs = get_new_document_count($course_id))) {
                array_push($sideMenuText, '<b>' . q($modules[$mid]['title']) .
                    "<span class='badge pull-right'>$new_docs</span></b>");
            } else {
                array_push($sideMenuText, q($modules[$mid]['title']));

            array_push($sideMenuLink, q($urlAppend . 'modules/' . $modules[$mid]['link'] .
                            '/?course=' . $course_code));
            array_push($sideMenuImg, $modules[$mid]['image'] . $section['iconext']);
            array_push($sideMenuID, $mid);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuText);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuLink);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuImg);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuID);
        array_push($sideMenuGroup, $sideMenuSubGroup);
    $result2 = getExternalLinks();
    if ($result2) { // display external link (if any)
        $sideMenuSubGroup = array();
        $sideMenuText = array();
        $sideMenuLink = array();
        $sideMenuImg = array();
        $arrMenuType = array('type' => 'text',
                             'text' => $langExternalLinks,
                             'class' => 'external');
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $arrMenuType);

        foreach ($result2 as $ex_link) {
            array_push($sideMenuText, q($ex_link->title));
            array_push($sideMenuLink, q($ex_link->url));
            array_push($sideMenuImg, 'fa-external-link');

        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuText);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuLink);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuImg);
        array_push($sideMenuGroup, $sideMenuSubGroup);
    if ($is_course_admin) {  // display course admin tools
        $sideMenuSubGroup = array();
        $sideMenuText = array();
        $sideMenuLink = array();
        $sideMenuImg = array();
        $sideMenuID = array();
        $arrMenuType = array('type' => 'text',
                             'text' => $langAdministrationTools,
                             'class' => 'course_admin');
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $arrMenuType);

        foreach ($admin_modules as $adm_mod) {
            array_push($sideMenuText, $adm_mod['title']);
            array_push($sideMenuLink, q($urlAppend . 'modules/' . $adm_mod['link'] .
                            '/?course=' . $course_code));
            array_push($sideMenuImg, $adm_mod['image'] . $section['iconext']);

        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuText);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuLink);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuImg);
        array_push($sideMenuSubGroup, $sideMenuID);
        array_push($sideMenuGroup, $sideMenuSubGroup);
    return $sideMenuGroup;
Beispiel #13
     * Injects all commenting module code in other subsystems
     * @param courseCode the course code
     * @param $isEditor
     * @param $uid the user id
     * @return string
    public function put($courseCode, $isEditor, $uid, $always_open = false) {
        global $langComments, $langBlogPostUser, $langSubmit, $themeimg, $langModify, $langDelete,
        $langCommentsDelConfirm, $langCommentsSaveConfirm, $urlServer, $head_content;
        //$head_content .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$urlServer.'modules/comments/style.css">';
        $commentsNum = $this->getCommentsNum();

        if (!$always_open) {
            $comments_title = "<button type='button' class='btn btn-primary' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#commentArea-$this->rid'>$langComments (<span id='commentsNum-$this->rid'>$commentsNum</span>)</button>";
            $out = "$comments_title
                    <div class='modal fade' id='commentArea-$this->rid' role='dialog'>
                      <div class='modal-dialog modal-lg'>
                        <div class='modal-content' style='padding:1%'>
                          <div class='modal-header'>
                            <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal'>&times;</button>
                              <h4 class='modal-title'>$langComments</h4>
                          <div class='modal-body' id='comments-$this->rid'>";
        } else {
            $comments_title = "<h3 id='comments_title'>$langComments (<span id='commentsNum-$this->rid'>$commentsNum</span>)</h3><br>";
            $out = "<div class='commenting'>
                    <div class='commentArea' id='commentArea-$this->rid'>
                    <div id='comments-$this->rid'>";
        if ($commentsNum != 0) {
            //retrieve comments
            $comments = $this->getCommentsDB();
            foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                if (is_null($courseCode)) { //for the case of personal blog posts comments
                    if (isset($_SESSION['uid']) && ($isEditor || ($comment->getAuthor() == $uid))) { //$isEditor corresponds to blog editor
                        $post_actions = '<div class="pull-right">';
                        $post_actions .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="xmlhttpPost(\''.$urlServer.'modules/comments/comments_perso_blog.php\', \'editLoad\', '.$this->rid.', \''.$this->rtype.'\', \'\', '.$comment->getId().')">';
                        $post_actions .= icon('fa-edit', $langModify).'</a> ';
                        $post_actions .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="xmlhttpPost(\''.$urlServer.'modules/comments/comments_perso_blog.php\', \'delete\', '.$this->rid.', \''.$this->rtype.'\', \''.$langCommentsDelConfirm.'\', '.$comment->getId().')">';
                        $post_actions .= icon('fa-times', $langDelete).'</a>';
                        $post_actions .='</div>';
                    } else {
                        $post_actions = '';
                } else {
                    if ($comment->permEdit($isEditor, $uid)) {
                        $post_actions = '<div class="pull-right">';
                        $post_actions .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="xmlhttpPost(\''.$urlServer.'modules/comments/comments.php?course='.$courseCode.'\', \'editLoad\', '.$this->rid.', \''.$this->rtype.'\', \'\', '.$comment->getId().')">';
                        $post_actions .= icon('fa-edit', $langModify).'</a> ';
                        $post_actions .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="xmlhttpPost(\''.$urlServer.'modules/comments/comments.php?course='.$courseCode.'\', \'delete\', '.$this->rid.', \''.$this->rtype.'\', \''.$langCommentsDelConfirm.'\', '.$comment->getId().')">';
                        $post_actions .= icon('fa-times', $langDelete).'</a>';
                        if (abuse_report_show_flag('comment', $comment->getId(), course_code_to_id($courseCode), $isEditor)) {
                            $post_actions .= abuse_report_icon_flag ('comment', $comment->getId(), course_code_to_id($courseCode)); 
                        $post_actions .='</div>';
                    } else {
                        if (abuse_report_show_flag('comment', $comment->getId(), course_code_to_id($courseCode), $isEditor)) {
                            $post_actions = '<div class="pull-right">'.abuse_report_icon_flag ('comment', $comment->getId(), course_code_to_id($courseCode)).'</div>';
                        } else {
                            $post_actions = '';
                $out .= "<div class='row margin-bottom-thin margin-top-thin comment' id='comment-".$comment->getId()."'>
                          <div class='col-xs-12'>
                           <div class='media'>
                            <a class='media-left' href='#'>
                            ". profile_image($comment->getAuthor(), IMAGESIZE_SMALL) ."
                            <div class='media-body bubble'>
                             <div class='label label-success media-heading'>".nice_format($comment->getTime(), true).'</div>'.
                              "<small>".$langBlogPostUser.display_user($comment->getAuthor(), false, false)."</small>".
                               ."<div class='margin-top-thin' id='comment_content-".$comment->getId()."'>". q($comment->getContent()) ."</div>
        $out .= "</div>";
        if (is_null($courseCode)) { //for the case of personal blog posts comments
            if (isset($_SESSION['uid'])) {
                $out .= '<form action="" onsubmit="xmlhttpPost(\''.$urlServer.'modules/comments/comments_perso_blog.php\', \'new\','.$this->rid.', \''.$this->rtype.'\', \''.$langCommentsSaveConfirm.'\'); return false;">';
                $out .= '<textarea class="form-control" name="textarea" id="textarea-'.$this->rid.'" rows="5"></textarea><br/>';
                $out .= '<input class="btn btn-primary" name="send_button" type="submit" value="'.$langSubmit.'" />';
                $out .= '</form>';
        } else {
            if (Commenting::permCreate($isEditor, $uid, course_code_to_id($courseCode))) {
                $out .= '<form action="" onsubmit="xmlhttpPost(\''.$urlServer.'modules/comments/comments.php?course='.$courseCode.'\', \'new\','.$this->rid.', \''.$this->rtype.'\', \''.$langCommentsSaveConfirm.'\'); return false;">';
                $out .= '<textarea class="form-control" name="textarea" id="textarea-'.$this->rid.'" rows="5"></textarea><br/>';
                $out .= '<input class="btn btn-primary" name="send_button" type="submit" value="'.$langSubmit.'" />';
                $out .= '</form>';
        if (!$always_open) {
            $out .= '<div class="modal-footer">
                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
            $out .= '</div>';
        $out .= '</div>';
        $out .= '</div>';
        return $out;
  * Injects all commenting module code in other subsystems
  * @param courseCode the course code
  * @param $isEditor
  * @param $uid the user id
  * @return string
 public function put($courseCode, $isEditor, $uid, $always_open = false)
     global $langComments, $langBlogPostUser, $langSubmit, $themeimg, $langModify, $langDelete, $langCommentsDelConfirm, $langCommentsSaveConfirm, $urlServer, $head_content;
     //$head_content .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$urlServer.'modules/comments/style.css">';
     $commentsNum = $this->getCommentsNum();
     if (!$always_open) {
         $comments_title = "<a id='comments_title' href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='showComments(\"{$this->rid}\")'>{$langComments} (<span id='commentsNum-{$this->rid}'>{$commentsNum}</span>)</a><br>";
         $comments_display = "style='display:none'";
     } else {
         $comments_title = "<h3 id='comments_title'>{$langComments} (<span id='commentsNum-{$this->rid}'>{$commentsNum}</span>)</h3><br>";
         $comments_display = "";
     //the array is declared in commenting.js
     $out = "<script type='text/javascript'>showCommentArea[{$this->rid}] = false;</script>\r\n                <div class='commenting'>\r\n                    {$comments_title}\r\n                <div class='commentArea' id='commentArea-{$this->rid}' {$comments_display}>\r\n                <div id='comments-{$this->rid}'>";
     if ($commentsNum != 0) {
         //retrieve comments
         $comments = $this->getCommentsDB();
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             if ($comment->permEdit($isEditor, $uid)) {
                 $post_actions = '<div class="pull-right">';
                 $post_actions .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="xmlhttpPost(\'' . $urlServer . 'modules/comments/comments.php?course=' . $courseCode . '\', \'editLoad\', ' . $this->rid . ', \'' . $this->rtype . '\', \'\', ' . $comment->getId() . ')">';
                 $post_actions .= icon('fa-edit', $langModify) . '</a> ';
                 $post_actions .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="xmlhttpPost(\'' . $urlServer . 'modules/comments/comments.php?course=' . $courseCode . '\', \'delete\', ' . $this->rid . ', \'' . $this->rtype . '\', \'' . $langCommentsDelConfirm . '\', ' . $comment->getId() . ')">';
                 $post_actions .= icon('fa-times', $langDelete) . '</a>';
                 $post_actions .= '</div>';
             } else {
                 $post_actions = '';
             $out .= "<div class='row margin-bottom-thin margin-top-thin comment' id='comment-" . $comment->getId() . "'>\r\n            <div class='col-xs-12'>\r\n                <div class='media'>\r\n                    <a class='media-left' href='#'>\r\n                        " . profile_image($comment->getAuthor(), IMAGESIZE_SMALL) . "\r\n                    </a>\r\n                    <div class='media-body bubble'>\r\n                        <div class='label label-success media-heading'>" . nice_format($comment->getTime(), true) . '</div>' . "<small>" . $langBlogPostUser . display_user($comment->getAuthor(), false, false) . "</small>" . $post_actions . "<div class='margin-top-thin' id='comment_content-" . $comment->getId() . "'>" . q($comment->getContent()) . "</div>\r\n                    </div>\r\n                </div>\r\n            </div>\r\n        </div>";
     $out .= "</div>";
     if (Commenting::permCreate($isEditor, $uid, course_code_to_id($courseCode))) {
         $out .= '<form action="" onsubmit="xmlhttpPost(\'' . $urlServer . 'modules/comments/comments.php?course=' . $courseCode . '\', \'new\',' . $this->rid . ', \'' . $this->rtype . '\', \'' . $langCommentsSaveConfirm . '\'); return false;">';
         $out .= '<textarea class="form-control" name="textarea" id="textarea-' . $this->rid . '" rows="5"></textarea><br/>';
         $out .= '<input class="btn btn-primary" name="send_button" type="submit" value="' . $langSubmit . '" />';
         $out .= '</form>';
     $out .= '</div>';
     $out .= '</div>';
     return $out;
Beispiel #15
 * be useful (without any warranty), under the terms of the GNU (General
 * Public License) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * The full license can be read in "/info/license/license_gpl.txt".
 * Contact address: GUnet Asynchronous eLearning Group,
 *                  Network Operations Center, University of Athens,
 *                  Panepistimiopolis Ilissia, 15784, Athens, Greece
 *                  e-mail: info@openeclass.org
 * ======================================================================== */
 * @file link.php
 * @brief redirect user to external link
$require_current_course = TRUE;
$require_help = true;
$helpTopic = 'Link';
$guest_allowed = true;
require_once '../../include/baseTheme.php';
$course_id = course_code_to_id($_GET['course']);
$id = $_GET['id'];
if ($course_id !== false) {
    Database::get()->query("UPDATE link SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
    $q = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT url FROM link WHERE course_id = ?d AND id = ?d", $course_id, $id);
    if ($q) {
        $url = $q->url;
        header('Location: ' . $url);
Session::Messages($langAccountResetInvalidLink, 'alert-danger');
header('Location: ' . $urlServer);