function get_data_from_xml_parser($xml_data = '') { $this->data['cip_ident'] = $this->getTagText($xml_data, 'cip', 0); $this->data['cip_version'] = $this->getTagAttr($xml_data, 'cip', 0, 'version'); $active = false; if ($this->data['cip_ident'] == 'jos_commerce') { if ($this->isJoscom()) { $active = true; } } else { $query = 'select * from ' . TABLE_CIP . ' where cip_ident="' . $this->data['cip_ident'] . '"' . ($this->data['cip_version'] == NULL ? '' : ' and cip_version="' . $this->data['cip_version'] . '"') . ' and cip_installed=1'; $result = cip_db_query($query, 'return'); $active = vam_db_num_rows($result) > 0; } if ($active) { //if cip installed $obj = $xml_data->getElementsByTagName('active'); if (is_object($obj)) { $mtag = $obj->item(0); } } else { $obj = $xml_data->getElementsByTagName('inactive'); if (is_object($obj)) { $mtag = $obj->item(0); } } if (is_object($mtag)) { $this->getSubTags($mtag); } }
function permissions_check_for_install() { foreach ($this->req as $id => $require) { if (strtolower($require) == 'jos_commerce') { if (!$this->isJoscom()) { $this->error('This CIP is only for Jos-Commerce environment!'); return $this->error; } continue; } if (strtolower($require) == 'os_commerce') { if ($this->isJoscom()) { $this->error('This CIP is only for OSCommerce environment!'); return $this->error; } continue; } $query = 'select * from ' . TABLE_CIP . ' where cip_ident="' . $require . '"' . ($this->ver[$id] != NULL ? ' and cip_version="' . $this->ver[$id] . '"' : '') . ' and cip_installed=1'; $result = cip_db_query($query, 'return'); if (vam_db_num_rows($result) == 0) { //required CIP not installed $this->error('CIP ' . $require . ' is not installed and is required !'); return $this->error; } } return $this->error; }
function do_remove() { if ($_REQUEST['remove_data'] == '1') { $sqlq = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . DB_PREFIX . $this->data['tablename'] . "`;"; //$output .= "<div class=\"section\"><font class=\"section-title\">" . RUN_SQL_REMOVE_QUERY_TEXT . "</font><p class=\"sql_code\">" . //nl2br(htmlentities($sqlq)) . "</p></div>"; if (cip_db_query($sqlq) === false) { $this->error('SQL error :<b>' . mysql_errno() . ' - ' . mysql_error() . '<br>' . $this->data['tablename']); } } $tblrows .= " define('TABLE_" . strtoupper($this->data['tablename']) . "', (defined('DB_PREFIX') ? DB_PREFIX : '').'" . strtolower($this->data['tablename']) . "');\n"; $add_str = $this->linebreak_fixing("\n" . $this->comment_string($tblrows)); $output .= $this->remove_file_part("includes/database_tables.php", $add_str); if (!$this->isJoscom()) { $output .= $this->remove_file_part("admin/includes/database_tables.php", $add_str); } return $this->error; }
function do_remove() { switch ($this->data['action']) { case 'addcol': $iscol = false; $query = "show fields from `" . DB_PREFIX . $this->data['tablename'] . "`"; $rs = vam_db_query($query); while ($row = vam_db_fetch_array($rs)) { if ($row['Field'] == $this->data['colname']) { $iscol = true; break; } } if ($iscol) { $sqlq = "alter table `" . DB_PREFIX . $this->data['tablename'] . "` drop `" . $this->data['colname'] . "`"; if (cip_db_query($sqlq) === false) { $this->error('SQL error :<b>' . mysql_errno() . ' - ' . mysql_error() . '<br>' . $this->data['tablename']); return $this->error; } } break; } return $this->error; }
function do_install($data = '') { if (!$data) { $data = $this->data['query']; } foreach ($data as $value) { $sql_array = parse_sql($value); foreach ($sql_array as $query) { if (cip_db_query($query) === false) { $this->error('SQL error :<b>' . mysql_errno() . ' - ' . mysql_error() . '<br>' . $query); return $this->error; } } } return $this->error; }
function sql_backup() { vam_set_time_limit(0); $backup_file = DIR_FS_ADMIN_BACKUP . $this->cip_name . '.sql'; // From original admin/backup.php: $fp = fopen($backup_file, 'w'); $schema = '# Contrib Installer.' . "\n" . '# Makes customizing VaM Shop "simple".' . "\n" . '# Copyright (c) ' . date('Y') . ' Vlad Savitsky' . "\n" . '#' . "\n" . '#' . "\n" . '# Database Backup For ' . STORE_NAME . "\n" . '#' . "\n" . '# Database: ' . DB_DATABASE . "\n" . '# Database Server: ' . DB_SERVER . "\n" . '#' . "\n" . '# Backup Date: ' . date(PHP_DATE_TIME_FORMAT) . "\n\n"; fputs($fp, $schema); $tables_query = cip_db_query('show tables'); while ($tables = vam_db_fetch_array($tables_query)) { list(, $table) = each($tables); $schema = 'drop table if exists `' . $table . '`;' . "\n" . 'create table `' . $table . '` (' . "\n"; $table_list = array(); $fields_query = cip_db_query("show fields from `" . $table . "`"); while ($fields = vam_db_fetch_array($fields_query)) { $table_list[] = $fields['Field']; $schema .= ' `' . $fields['Field'] . '` ' . $fields['Type']; if (strlen($fields['Default']) > 0) { $schema .= ' default \'' . $fields['Default'] . '\''; } if ($fields['Null'] != 'YES') { $schema .= ' not null'; } if (isset($fields['Extra'])) { $schema .= ' ' . $fields['Extra']; } $schema .= ',' . "\n"; } $schema = preg_replace("/,\n\$/", '', $schema); // add the keys $index = array(); $keys_query = cip_db_query("show keys from `" . $table . "`"); while ($keys = vam_db_fetch_array($keys_query)) { $kname = $keys['Key_name']; if (!isset($index[$kname])) { $index[$kname] = array('unique' => !$keys['Non_unique'], 'columns' => array()); } $index[$kname]['columns'][] = $keys['Column_name']; $index[$kname]['sub_part'][] = $keys['Sub_part']; } while (list($kname, $info) = each($index)) { $schema .= ',' . "\n"; $columns = ''; foreach ($info['columns'] as $id => $col) { if ($columns == '') { $columns .= "`" . $col . "`"; } else { $columns .= ",`" . $col . "`"; } if ($info['sub_part'][$id] != NULL && $info['sub_part'][$id] != 'NULL') { $columns .= "(" . $info['sub_part'][$id] . ")"; } } if ($kname == 'PRIMARY') { $schema .= ' PRIMARY KEY (' . $columns . ')'; } elseif ($info['unique']) { $schema .= ' UNIQUE `' . $kname . '` (' . $columns . ')'; } else { $schema .= ' KEY `' . $kname . '` (' . $columns . ')'; } } $schema .= "\n" . ');' . "\n\n"; fputs($fp, $schema); // dump the data $rows_query = cip_db_query("SELECT `" . implode('`, `', $table_list) . "` from `" . $table . "`"); while ($rows = vam_db_fetch_array($rows_query)) { $schema = 'insert into `' . $table . '` (`' . implode('`, `', $table_list) . '`) values ('; reset($table_list); while (list(, $i) = each($table_list)) { if (!isset($rows[$i])) { $schema .= 'NULL, '; } elseif (vam_not_null($rows[$i])) { $row = addslashes($rows[$i]); $row = preg_replace("/\n#/", "\n" . '\\#', $row); $schema .= '\'' . $row . '\', '; } else { $schema .= '\'\', '; } } $schema = preg_replace('/, $/', '', $schema) . ');' . "\n"; fputs($fp, $schema); } } fclose($fp); gzcompressfile($backup_file); if (is_file($backup_file)) { //chmod($backup_file, 0777); ci_remove($backup_file); } if (file_exists($backup_file . '.gz')) { chmod($backup_file . '.gz', 0777); } }
function delete_database_table() { cip_db_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . $this->table . "`"); }