Beispiel #1
    foreach ($cityFile as $cityData) {
        if (!empty($cityData[0])) {
            if ($cityCount % 1000 == 0) {
                echo '.';
            $city = new cityPoint($cityData[0], $cityData[1], $cityData[3], $cityData[2]);
    echo PHP_EOL, "Added {$cityCount} cities to QuadTree", PHP_EOL;
    return $quadTree;
/* Populate the quadtree  */
$startTime = microtime(true);
$citiesQuadTree = buildQuadTree(__DIR__ . "/../data/citylist.csv");
$endTime = microtime(true);
$callTime = $endTime - $startTime;
echo 'Load Time: ', sprintf('%.4f', $callTime), ' s', PHP_EOL;
echo 'Current Memory: ', sprintf('%.2f', memory_get_usage(false) / 1024), ' k', PHP_EOL;
echo 'Peak Memory: ', sprintf('%.2f', memory_get_peak_usage(false) / 1024), ' k', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
/* Search for cities within a bounding box */
$startTime = microtime(true);
//  Create a bounding box to search in, centred on the specified longitude and latitude
$searchCentrePoint = new \QuadTrees\QuadTreeXYPoint($longitude, $latitude);
//  Create the bounding box with specified dimensions
$searchBoundingBox = new \QuadTrees\QuadTreeBoundingBox($searchCentrePoint, $width, $height);
//  Search the cities QuadTree for all entries that fall within the defined bounding box
$searchResult = $citiesQuadTree->search($searchBoundingBox);
//  Sort the results
usort($searchResult, function ($a, $b) {
    foreach ($landingFile as $lunarLandingData) {
        if (!empty($lunarLandingData[0])) {
            if ($lunarLandingCount % 10 == 0) {
                echo '.';
            $lunarLanding = new lunarLandingPoint(trim($lunarLandingData[0]), trim($lunarLandingData[1]), trim($lunarLandingData[2]), trim($lunarLandingData[4]), trim($lunarLandingData[3]));
    echo PHP_EOL, "Added {$lunarLandingCount} lunar landing details to QuadTree", PHP_EOL;
    return $quadTree;
/* Populate the quadtree  */
$startTime = microtime(true);
$lunarLandingsQuadTree = buildQuadTree(__DIR__ . "/../data/lunarLandings.csv");
$endTime = microtime(true);
$callTime = $endTime - $startTime;
echo 'Load Time: ', sprintf('%.4f', $callTime), ' s', PHP_EOL;
echo 'Current Memory: ', sprintf('%.2f', memory_get_usage(false) / 1024), ' k', PHP_EOL;
echo 'Peak Memory: ', sprintf('%.2f', memory_get_peak_usage(false) / 1024), ' k', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
/* Search for lunarLandings within a bounding box */
$startTime = microtime(true);
//  Create a bounding box to search in, centred on the specified longitude and latitude
$searchCentrePoint = new \QuadTrees\QuadTreeXYPoint($longitude, $latitude);
//  Create the bounding box with specified dimensions
$searchBoundingBox = new \QuadTrees\QuadTreeBoundingBox($searchCentrePoint, $width, $height);
//  Search the lunarLandings QuadTree for all entries that fall within the defined bounding box
$searchResult = $lunarLandingsQuadTree->search($searchBoundingBox);
//  Sort the results
usort($searchResult, function ($a, $b) {