 * Enqueue @mentions JS.
 * @since 2.1.0
function bp_activity_mentions_script()
    if (!bp_activity_maybe_load_mentions_scripts()) {
    // Special handling for New/Edit screens in wp-admin.
    if (is_admin()) {
        if (!get_current_screen() || !in_array(get_current_screen()->base, array('page', 'post')) || !post_type_supports(get_current_screen()->post_type, 'editor')) {
    $min = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
    wp_enqueue_script('bp-mentions', buddypress()->plugin_url . "bp-activity/js/mentions{$min}.js", array('jquery', 'jquery-atwho'), bp_get_version(), true);
    wp_enqueue_style('bp-mentions-css', buddypress()->plugin_url . "bp-activity/css/mentions{$min}.css", array(), bp_get_version());
    wp_style_add_data('bp-mentions-css', 'rtl', true);
    if ($min) {
        wp_style_add_data('bp-mentions-css', 'suffix', $min);
    // If the script has been enqueued, let's attach our mentions TinyMCE init callback.
    add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'bp_add_mentions_on_tinymce_init', 10, 2);
     * Fires at the end of the Activity Mentions script.
     * This is the hook where BP components can add their own prefetched results
     * friends to the page for quicker @mentions lookups.
     * @since 2.1.0
Beispiel #2
 * Enqueue @mentions JS.
 * @since BuddyPress (2.1)
function bp_activity_mentions_script()
    if (!bp_activity_maybe_load_mentions_scripts()) {
    // Special handling for New/Edit screens in wp-admin
    if (is_admin()) {
        if (!get_current_screen() || !in_array(get_current_screen()->base, array('page', 'post')) || !post_type_supports(get_current_screen()->post_type, 'editor')) {
    $min = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
    wp_enqueue_script('bp-mentions', buddypress()->plugin_url . "bp-activity/js/mentions{$min}.js", array('jquery', 'jquery-atwho'), bp_get_version(), true);
    wp_enqueue_style('bp-mentions-css', buddypress()->plugin_url . "bp-activity/css/mentions{$min}.css", array(), bp_get_version());
    wp_style_add_data('bp-mentions-css', 'rtl', true);
    if ($min) {
        wp_style_add_data('bp-mentions-css', 'suffix', $min);
    // Print a list of the current user's friends to the page for quicker @mentions lookups.
Beispiel #3
 * Used by the Activity component's @mentions to print a JSON list of the current user's friends.
 * This is intended to speed up @mentions lookups for a majority of use cases.
 * @see bp_activity_mentions_script()
function bp_friends_prime_mentions_results()
    if (!bp_activity_maybe_load_mentions_scripts()) {
    $friends_query = array('count_total' => '', 'populate_extras' => false, 'type' => 'alphabetical', 'user_id' => get_current_user_id());
    $friends_query = new BP_User_Query($friends_query);
    $results = array();
    foreach ($friends_query->results as $user) {
        $result = new stdClass();
        $result->ID = $user->user_nicename;
        $result->image = bp_core_fetch_avatar(array('html' => false, 'item_id' => $user->ID));
        $result->name = bp_core_get_user_displayname($user->ID);
        $results[] = $result;
    wp_localize_script('bp-mentions', 'BP_Suggestions', array('friends' => $results));
 * Set up a list of members the current user is following for at-mention use.
 * This is intended to speed up at-mention lookups for a majority of use cases.
 * @since 1.3.0
 * @see bp_activity_mentions_script()
function bp_follow_prime_mentions_results()
    if (!bp_activity_maybe_load_mentions_scripts()) {
    // Bail out if the site has a ton of users.
    if (is_multisite() && wp_is_large_network('users')) {
    $following = bp_follow_get_following(array('user_id' => bp_loggedin_user_id()));
    if (empty($following)) {
    $followers_query = new BP_User_Query(array('count_total' => '', 'populate_extras' => false, 'type' => 'alphabetical', 'include' => $following));
    $results = array();
    foreach ($followers_query->results as $user) {
        $result = new stdClass();
        $result->ID = $user->user_nicename;
        $result->image = bp_core_fetch_avatar(array('html' => false, 'item_id' => $user->ID));
        $result->name = bp_core_get_user_displayname($user->ID);
        $results[] = $result;
    wp_localize_script('bp-mentions', 'BP_Suggestions', array('friends' => $results));
 * Used by the Activity component's @mentions to print a JSON list of the current user's friends.
 * This is intended to speed up @mentions lookups for a majority of use cases.
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @see bp_activity_mentions_script()
function bp_friends_prime_mentions_results()
    if (!bp_activity_maybe_load_mentions_scripts()) {
    // Bail out if the site has a ton of users.
    if (is_multisite() && wp_is_large_network('users')) {
    if (friends_get_total_friend_count(get_current_user_id()) > 150) {
    $friends_query = array('count_total' => '', 'populate_extras' => false, 'type' => 'alphabetical', 'user_id' => get_current_user_id());
    $friends_query = new BP_User_Query($friends_query);
    $results = array();
    foreach ($friends_query->results as $user) {
        $result = new stdClass();
        $result->ID = $user->user_nicename;
        $result->image = bp_core_fetch_avatar(array('html' => false, 'item_id' => $user->ID));
        if (!empty($user->display_name) && !bp_disable_profile_sync()) {
            $result->name = $user->display_name;
        } else {
            $result->name = bp_core_get_user_displayname($user->ID);
        $results[] = $result;
    wp_localize_script('bp-mentions', 'BP_Suggestions', array('friends' => $results));