Beispiel #1
function doRecover($username, $resetcode)
    $certid = getCertId();
    if ($certid == NULL) {
        die('You must be using a certificate to reset your account. Get one at <a href="getacert">getacert</a>');
    if (getUser($certid) != NULL) {
        die('You do not need a reset, you are already logged in!');
    global $authdb;
    $shacode = sha1($resetcode);
    $stmt = $authdb->prepare("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = ? AND resetcode = ?");
    if ($stmt == false) {
        die("Could not prepare query users for reset code statement: " . $authdb->error);
    $stmt->bind_param("ss", $username, $shacode);
    if (!$stmt->execute()) {
        die("Could not query users for reset code: " . $authdb->error);
    if (!$stmt->fetch()) {
        die('Invalid reset code or username.');
    //Check if it's multi-factor
    $currentMF = getMinFactors($username);
    if ($currentMF > 1) {
        $votes = countKeyVotes($username, '', $certid);
        if ($votes < $currentMF - 1) {
            return "ERROR: This account has {$currentMF}-factor authentication enabled. In order to reset it and activate this key, you must approve the reset from " . ($currentMF - 1 - $votes) . ' of your devices.';
        //OK, do it!
        setMFA($user, $factors);
    //Save the new key
    associateKey($username, $certid);
    //Now generate a new recovery code
    return newReset($username);
Beispiel #2
        //Username must be alphanumeric
        die("Must provide an alphanumeric username!");
    if (userExists($_POST['username'])) {
        //User already created
        die("This user already exists!");
    $certid = getCertId();
    if ($certid === NULL) {
        //No client cert
        die("You must use a client certificate when signing up!");
    if (!(isset($_POST['username']) and isset($_POST['address']) and isset($_POST['city']) and isset($_POST['state']) and isset($_POST['postcode']) and isset($_POST['country']))) {
        die("Must fill out all fields!");
    //OK, let's do this!
    $resetcode = addUser($_POST['username'], $_POST['address'], $_POST['city'], $_POST['state'], $_POST['postcode'], $_POST['country']);
    associateKey($_POST['username'], $certid);
<p class="text">You have been signed up.</p>
<p class="text">Print and save the following recovery code:</p>
    echo $resetcode;
<p class="text">If you lose access to the keys associated with your account, this recovery code is the only way to regain access to your account without costing you money!</p>
<p class="text"><a href="index">I printed it. Now take me to the home page!</a></p>
include 'footer.php';