Beispiel #1
  * Prints the data.
  * @param $data (array) Array containing data to print.
  * @public
 public function printData($data)
     global $l, $db;
     require_once '../config/tce_config.php';
     $dcn_num = 0;
     // for each datacenter
     foreach ($data['datacenter'] as $key => $dcn_value) {
         // new datacenter ..................................................
         $sts_num = 0;
         $this->header_path = $dcn_value['dcn_name'];
         $this->printTitle($dcn_num . '. ' . $this->l['t_datacenter'] . ': ' . $dcn_value['dcn_name'], 0);
         $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_description'], $dcn_value['dcn_description']);
         $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_website'], $dcn_value['dcn_website_url']);
         $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_map'], $dcn_value['dcn_map_url']);
         // permission
         if (isset($dcn_value['dcn_permissions']) and !empty($dcn_value['dcn_permissions'])) {
             $perms = '';
             foreach ($dcn_value['dcn_permissions'] as $group_id => $perm) {
                 $perms .= "\n• " . $perm;
             $this->printDataLine($this->l['t_permissions'], $perms);
         foreach ($dcn_value['suite'] as $sts_key => $sts_value) {
             // new suite ...................................................
             $rck_num = 0;
             $this->header_path = $dcn_value['dcn_name'] . ' > ' . $sts_value['sts_name'];
             $this->printTitle($dcn_num . '.' . $sts_num . '. ' . $this->l['t_suite'] . ': ' . $sts_value['sts_name'], 1);
             $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_description'], $sts_value['sts_description']);
             $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_floor'], $sts_value['sts_floor']);
             $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_width'], $sts_value['sts_width']);
             $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_height'], $sts_value['sts_height']);
             // permission
             if (isset($sts_value['sts_permissions']) and !empty($sts_value['sts_permissions'])) {
                 $perms = '';
                 foreach ($sts_value['sts_permissions'] as $group_id => $perm) {
                     $perms .= "\n• " . $perm;
                 $this->printDataLine($this->l['t_permissions'], $perms);
             // get rack position info
             $rack_pos = array();
             foreach ($sts_value['rack'] as $sts_rack) {
                 $rack_pos[$sts_rack['rck_position_x']][$sts_rack['rck_position_y']] = $sts_rack['rck_label'];
             $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 7);
             $this->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0.3, 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0)));
             // print suite map
             $rw = ($this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin) / ($sts_value['sts_width'] + 2);
             $rh = ($this->h - $this->y - $this->bMargin) / ($sts_value['sts_height'] + 2);
             $rw = min($rw, $rh, 10);
             $rh = $rw;
             for ($y = $sts_value['sts_height']; $y >= 0; --$y) {
                 $this->SetTextColor(33, 33, 33);
                 $this->Cell($rw, $rw, $y, 0, 0, 'C', false, '', 1, true, 'T', 'M');
                 for ($x = 1; $x <= $sts_value['sts_width']; ++$x) {
                     if ($y == 0) {
                         $this->SetTextColor(33, 33, 33);
                         $this->Cell($rw, $rw, $x, 0, 0, 'C', false, '', 1, true, 'T', 'M');
                     } else {
                         if (isset($rack_pos[$x][$y])) {
                             $this->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255);
                             $this->SetFillColor(0, 128, 0);
                             $this->Cell($rw, $rw, $rack_pos[$x][$y], 1, 0, 'C', true, '', 1, true, 'T', 'M');
                         } else {
                             $this->SetFillColor(200, 200, 200);
                             $this->Cell($rw, $rw, '', 1, 0, 'C', true, '', 1, true, 'T', 'M');
             $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 10);
             $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
             foreach ($sts_value['rack'] as $rck_value) {
                 // new rack ................................................
                 $obj_num = 0;
                 $this->header_path = $dcn_value['dcn_name'] . ' > ' . $sts_value['sts_name'] . ' > ' . $rck_value['rck_name'];
                 $this->printTitle($dcn_num . '.' . $sts_num . '.' . $rck_num . '. ' . $this->l['t_rack'] . ': ' . $rck_value['rck_name'], 2);
                 $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_description'], $rck_value['rck_description']);
                 $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_label'], $rck_value['rck_label']);
                 $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_tag'], $rck_value['rck_tag']);
                 $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_height'], $rck_value['rck_height']);
                 $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_position_x'], $rck_value['rck_position_x']);
                 $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_position_y'], $rck_value['rck_position_y']);
                 // permission
                 if (isset($rck_value['rck_permissions']) and !empty($rck_value['rck_permissions'])) {
                     $perms = '';
                     foreach ($rck_value['rck_permissions'] as $group_id => $perm) {
                         $perms .= "\n• " . $perm;
                     $this->printDataLine($this->l['t_permissions'], $perms);
                 // get HTML table code
                 $rackobjs = $rck_value['rck_table'];
                 // clean up the html code:
                 // remove links
                 $rackobjs = preg_replace('/<a[^\\>]*>(.*?)<\\/a>/si', "\\1", $rackobjs);
                 $rackobjs = str_replace('>new<', 'style="background-color:#dddddd;"><', $rackobjs);
                 $rackobjs = str_replace('style="max-width:20px;"', '', $rackobjs);
                 $rackobjs = str_replace('class="rackobject"', 'style="background-color:#008000;color:#ffffff;"', $rackobjs);
                 $rackobjs = str_replace('<th', '<th align="center"', $rackobjs);
                 $rackobjs = str_replace('<td', '<td align="center"', $rackobjs);
                 $rackobjs = str_replace('<tr style="font-size:80%;"><th align="center">#</th><th align="center" title="front - left">FL</th><th align="center" title="front - right">FR</th><th align="center" style="min-width:50px;">front</th><th align="center" style="min-width:50px;">center</th><th align="center" style="min-width:50px;">rear</th><th align="center" title="rear - left">RL</th><th align="center" title="rear - right">RR</th></tr><tr>', '<tr style="font-weight:bold;"><th align="center" width="10mm">#</th><th align="center" width="20mm">FL</th><th align="center" width="20mm">FR</th><th align="center" width="30mm">front</th><th align="center" width="30mm">center</th><th align="center" width="30mm">rear</th><th align="center" width="20mm">RL</th><th align="center" width="20mm">RR</th></tr><tr>', $rackobjs);
                 $rackobjs = str_replace('>&nbsp;', ' style="background-color:#dddddd;">', $rackobjs);
                 $rackobjs = str_replace('<table class="rack">', '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1">', $rackobjs);
                 $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 7);
                 $this->writeHTML($rackobjs, true, false, true, false, '');
                 $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 10);
                 $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
                 // create guest and capacity list
                 $guestlist = '';
                 $capacitylist = '';
                 foreach ($rck_value['rck_rackstack'] as $rckobj) {
                     // capacity (report free ports)
                     if (isset($rckobj['capacity']) and !empty($rckobj['capacity'])) {
                         foreach ($rckobj['capacity'] as $ck => $cv) {
                             if ($cv['free'] > 0) {
                                 $capacitylist .= '<tr>';
                                 $capacitylist .= sprintf('<td style="text-align:center;">%02d - %02d</td>', $rckobj['loc_row_top'], $rckobj['loc_row_bottom']);
                                 $capacitylist .= '<td>' . $rckobj['obj_name'] . ' - ' . $rckobj['obj_label'] . ' - ' . $rckobj['obj_tag'] . '</td>';
                                 $capacitylist .= '<td style="text-align:center;">' . $ck . '</td>';
                                 $capacitylist .= '<td style="text-align:right;">' . $cv['total'] . '</td>';
                                 $capacitylist .= '<td style="text-align:right;color:#006600;font-weight:bold;">' . $cv['free'] . '</td>';
                                 $capacitylist .= '</tr>' . K_NEWLINE;
                     // guests
                     if (!empty($rckobj['guests'])) {
                         $guestlist .= '<li><strong>[' . $rckobj['loc_row_top'] . '-' . $rckobj['loc_row_bottom'] . '] ' . $rckobj['obj_name'] . ' - ' . $rckobj['obj_label'] . ' - ' . $rckobj['obj_tag'] . '</strong><ul>';
                         foreach ($rckobj['guests'] as $guest) {
                             $guestlist .= '<li>' . $guest['obj_label'] . '</li>' . K_NEWLINE;
                         $guestlist .= '</ul></li>';
                 if (!empty($capacitylist)) {
                     $this->printTitle($l['t_capacity_report'], 3);
                     $capacitylist = '<table border="1" celpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="font-size:80%;"><tr style="text-align:center;background-color:#003399;color:white;"><th width="10%">' . $l['w_position'] . '</th><th width="60%">' . $l['w_object'] . '</th><th width="10%">' . $l['w_port'] . '</th><th width="10%">' . $l['w_total'] . '</th><th width="10%">' . $l['w_free'] . '</th></tr>' . $capacitylist . '</table>' . K_NEWLINE;
                     $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 7);
                     $this->writeHTML($capacitylist, true, false, true, false, '');
                 if (!empty($guestlist)) {
                     $this->printTitle($l['t_guest_list'], 3);
                     $guestlist = '<ul>' . $guestlist . '</ul>';
                     $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 7);
                     $this->writeHTML($guestlist, true, false, true, false, '');
                 $this->SetFont('helvetica', '', 10);
                 $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
                 // display objects details
                 if ($this->show_objects) {
                     foreach ($rck_value['object'] as $obj_value) {
                         // new object ..........................................
                         $this->header_path = $dcn_value['dcn_name'] . ' > ' . $sts_value['sts_name'] . ' > ' . $rck_value['rck_name'] . ' > ' . $obj_value['obj_name'];
                         $this->printTitle($dcn_num . '.' . $sts_num . '.' . $rck_num . '.' . $obj_num . '. ' . $this->l['t_object'] . ': ' . $obj_value['obj_name'], 3);
                         // get array of all object data
                         $tempfields = F_get_template_array($obj_value);
                         // extract template keys for lookup
                         $tfkeys = implode("\n", array_keys($tempfields));
                         // print port capacity
                         if (isset($obj_value['capacity']) and !empty($obj_value['capacity'])) {
                             $capacity_data = '';
                             foreach ($obj_value['capacity'] as $ck => $cv) {
                                 $capacity_data .= "\n• " . $ck . ': ' . $cv['total'] . ' = (' . $cv['used'] . ' ' . $l['w_used'] . ' + ' . $cv['free'] . ' ' . $l['w_free'] . ')' . K_NEWLINE;
                             $this->printDataLine($this->l['w_capacity'], substr($capacity_data, 1));
                         $this->printObjectInfo($obj_value['obj_id'], $obj_value, $tempfields, $tfkeys, 4);
                     // end foreach object
             // end foreach rack
         // end foreach suite
     // end foreach datacenter
 * Returns object data temnplates array.
 * @param $obj_id (int) Object ID.
 * @return array Object data array.
function F_get_objects_templates_array($obj_id)
    return F_get_template_array(F_get_object_data_array($obj_id));