$dirfile = BB_GetRealPath($_REQUEST["dir"] . "/" . $_REQUEST["file"]); $isfile = is_file(ROOT_PATH . "/" . $dirfile); $options = array("title" => "File Explorer - Rename " . ($isfile ? "File" : "Directory"), "desc" => BB_Translate("Rename the '%s' " . ($isfile ? "file" : "directory") . " in '%s'.", $_REQUEST["file"], "/" . ($_REQUEST["dir"] == "." ? "" : $_REQUEST["dir"] . "/")), "htmldesc" => $desc, "hidden" => array("dir" => $_REQUEST["dir"], "srcfile" => $_REQUEST["file"]), "fields" => array(array("type" => "text", "name" => "destfile", "value" => $_REQUEST["file"], "desc" => ($isfile ? "Filename" : "Directory name") . " can only contain alphanumeric (A-Z, 0-9), '_', '.', and '-' characters.")), "submit" => "Rename", "focus" => true); BB_RunPluginAction("bb_main_edit_site_opt_file_explorer_rename_options"); BB_PropertyForm($options); BB_RunPluginAction("post_bb_main_edit_site_opt_file_explorer_rename"); } else { if ($bb_account["type"] == "dev" && $_REQUEST["bb_action"] == "bb_main_edit_site_opt_file_explorer_delete" && BB_IsSecExtraOpt("dir") && BB_IsSecExtraOpt("file")) { BB_RunPluginAction("pre_bb_main_edit_site_opt_file_explorer_delete"); $dirfile = BB_GetRealPath($_REQUEST["dir"] . "/" . $_REQUEST["file"]); if ($dirfile == "") { BB_PropertyFormError("Not allowed to delete root."); } $dirfile = ROOT_PATH . "/" . $dirfile; $isfile = is_file($dirfile); if (!BB_RemoveDirectory($dirfile)) { BB_PropertyFormError("Unable to delete."); } ?> <div class="success"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(BB_Translate($isfile ? "File deleted." : "Directory deleted.")); ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> LoadProperties(<?php echo BB_CreatePropertiesJS("bb_main_edit_site_opt_file_explorer", array("dir" => $_REQUEST["dir"])); ?> ); </script> <?php BB_RunPluginAction("post_bb_main_edit_site_opt_file_explorer_delete");
function BB_DeleteWidgetFiles($dir) { global $bb_paths; $widgets = BB_GetWidgetList(); foreach ($widgets as $widget) { if ($widget["_dir"] == $dir) { BB_RunPluginActionInfo("pre_bb_deletewidgetfiles", $dir); if (!BB_RemoveDirectory((isset($bb_paths) ? $bb_paths["ROOT_PATH"] . "/" . $bb_paths["WIDGET_PATH"] : ROOT_PATH . "/" . WIDGET_PATH) . "/" . $dir)) { return false; } BB_RunPluginAction("post_bb_deletewidgetfiles"); return BB_WidgetStatusUpdate(); } } return false; }