} else { return; } } # Okay, we have $id and $pw, now let's see if we can find any # matching entries. First, let's check the $AuthUser array directly: if (@$AuthUser[$id]) { foreach ((array) $AuthUser[$id] as $c) { if (crypt($pw, $c) == $c) { AuthenticateUser($id); return; } } } # Now lets check any .htpasswd file equivalents foreach ((array) $AuthUser['htpasswd'] as $f) { $fp = fopen($f, "r"); if (!$fp) { continue; } while ($x = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $x = rtrim($x); list($i, $c, $r) = explode(':', $x, 3); if ($i == $id && crypt($pw, $c) == $c) { fclose($fp); AuthenticateUser($id); return; } } fclose($fp); }
/*********************************************** DAVE PHP API https://github.com/evantahler/PHP-DAVE-API Evan Tahler | 2011 I am an example function to view a user. If "this" user is viewing (indicated by propper password hash along with another key, all data is shown), otherwise, just basic info is returned ***********************************************/ if ($ERROR == 100) { list($msg, $ReturnedUsers) = _VIEW("users", array("UserID" => $PARAMS['UserID'], "ScreenName" => $PARAMS['ScreenName'], "EMail" => $PARAMS['EMail'])); if ($msg == false) { $ERROR = $ReturnedUsers; } elseif (count($ReturnedUsers) == 1) { if (!empty($PARAMS["PasswordHash"]) || !empty($PARAMS["Password"])) { $OUTPUT["User"]['InformationType'] = "Private"; $AuthResp = AuthenticateUser(); if ($AuthResp[0] !== true) { $ERROR = $AuthResp[1]; } else { foreach ($ReturnedUsers[0] as $key => $val) { $OUTPUT["User"][$key] = $val; } } } else { $OUTPUT["User"]['InformationType'] = "Public"; $OUTPUT["User"]['ScreenName'] = $ReturnedUsers[0]['ScreenName']; $OUTPUT["User"]['Joined'] = $ReturnedUsers[0]['Joined']; } } else { $ERROR = "User cannot be found"; }
<?php include 'models/expire.php'; include 'models/users.php'; include 'models/database.php'; if (!isset($_POST['username']) || !isset($_POST['password'])) { die; } $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $userid = AuthenticateUser($username, $password); if ($userid !== false) { setcookie('username', $username, $expire); setcookie('userid', $userid, $expire); header('Location: index.php'); } else { header('Location: login.php?error=yes'); }
<?php session_start(); include 'models/users.php'; include 'models/database.php'; if (!isset($_POST['username']) || !isset($_POST['password'])) { die; } $userid = AuthenticateUser($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']); if ($userid !== false) { $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username']; header('Location: index.php'); } else { header('Location: login.php?error=yes'); }
<?php /* File Name: login.php * Description: This file contains a script to login a user * Dependencies: easy_auth_library.php, easy_auth_toolbox.php, connect.php * Additional Notes: none */ require_once "easy_auth_library.php"; require_once "connect.php"; // instantiates $database $email = $_POST['email']; $pw = $_POST['password']; // start session to access session variables, needed to access session token for auth $auth = AuthenticateUser($database, $email, $pw); if ($auth === TRUE) { // start session to access session variables session_start(); InitiateSession($database, $email); // redirect to homepage (acts as login page if not logged in, ow project submission page) header('Location: ../index.html'); } else { if ($auth === "unconfirmed") { header('Location: ../unconfirmed.html'); } else { header('Location: ../login_error.html'); } }
} else { if (isset($_GET["no"]) && $_GET["no"] == "4") { // to check if user exits in the Register table for logging in functionality. CheckUserRegistrationAndVerification($_GET["name"], $_GET["email"]); } else { if (isset($_GET["no"]) && $_GET["no"] == "5") { // to check if the coupon code exists in the database table or not! CheckCoupon($_GET["code"]); } else { if (isset($_POST["no"]) && $_POST["no"] == "6") { // to insert/update the userEmail and userName in the Register table. UserRegister($_POST["signemail"], $_POST["signname"], $_POST["signpwd"]); } else { if (isset($_GET["no"]) && $_GET["no"] == "7") { // for authentication of password from the Resgiter table during login. AuthenticateUser($_GET["email"], $_GET["pwd"]); } else { if (isset($_GET["no"]) && $_GET["no"] == "8") { // for adding the user to Users table for invite requests. AddToInvites($_GET["email"], $_GET["name"], "1", $_GET["pwd"]); // 1 is for indicating that the user has requested the invite himself. } } } } } } } } // this is the function to add the user to Users table for requesting invites. // returns 1 on all success. 2 on insert success and mail failure. -1 on Error and all failures.
require_once 'geograph/uploadmanager.class.php'; require_once 'geograph/gridsquare.class.php'; init_session(); $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : ""; $xml = ""; $db = NewADOConnection($GLOBALS['DSN']); if (empty($db)) { $xml['status'] = 'Server Error: Unable to connect to database'; returnXML(); } switch ($action) { case "getclass": GetImageClassList(); break; case "login": AuthenticateUser(); break; case "upload": UploadPicture(); break; } function strtotime_uk($str) { $str = preg_replace("/^\\s*([0-9]{1,2})[\\/\\. -]+([0-9]{1,2})[\\/\\. -]*([0-9]{0,4})/", "\\2/\\1/\\3", $str); return strtotime(trim($str, '/')); } function UploadPicture() { global $CONF; global $xml; global $USER;