Beispiel #1
        if ($pid && $linktoid != "") {
            $link = linkMedia($pid, $linktoid, $level);
            if ($link) {
                AddToChangeLog("Media ID " . $pid . " successfully added to {$linktoid}.");
    if ($finalResult) {
        print $pgv_lang["update_successful"];
// **** end action "update"
// **** begin action "delete"
if ($action == "delete") {
    if (delete_gedrec($pid)) {
        AddToChangeLog("Media ID " . $pid . " successfully deleted.");
        print $pgv_lang["update_successful"];
// **** end action "delete"
// **** begin action "showmediaform"
if ($action == "showmediaform") {
    if (!isset($pid)) {
        $pid = "";
    if (empty($level)) {
        $level = 1;
    if (!isset($linktoid)) {
        $linktoid = "";
* Add Debug Log
* This function adds debugging information to the log file
* only if debugging output is enabled in session.php
* @param string $logstr the string to add to the log
function addDebugLog($logstr)
    if (PGV_DEBUG) {
Beispiel #3
 * check file in
 * @param  string  $logline  Log message
 * @param  string  $filename Filename
 * @param  string  $dirname  Directory
 * @param  boolean $bInsert  Insert Log message
 * @return boolean whether the file was checked in
function check_in($logline, $filename, $dirname, $bInsert = false)
    global $COMMIT_COMMAND;
    $bRetSts = false;
    if (!empty($COMMIT_COMMAND) && ($COMMIT_COMMAND == 'svn' || $COMMIT_COMMAND == 'cvs') && $logline && $filename) {
        $cwd = getcwd();
        if ($dirname) {
        $cmdline = $COMMIT_COMMAND . ' commit -m ' . escapeshellarg($logline) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($filename);
        $output = '';
        $retval = '';
        exec($cmdline, $output, $retval);
        if (!empty($output)) {
            if ($bInsert) {
            $outputstring = implode(' ', $output);
            AddToChangeLog('System Output :' . $outputstring . ', Return Value :' . $retval);
            $bRetSts = true;
        if ($dirname) {
    return $bRetSts;
         $childrec .= "1 FAMC @{$famid}@\n";
         $cxref = append_gedrec($childrec);
         $famrec .= "\n1 CHIL @{$cxref}@";
         $famupdate = true;
     if ($famupdate && $oldfamrec != $famrec) {
         $famrec = preg_replace("/0 @(.*)@/", "0 @" . $famid . "@", $famrec);
         replace_gedrec($famid, $famrec, $update_CHAN);
 if ($updated && empty($error)) {
     echo $pgv_lang["update_successful"], "<br />";
     AddToChangeLog("Quick update for {$pid} by >" . PGV_USER_NAME . "<");
     //echo "<pre>$gedrec</pre>";
     if ($oldgedrec != $gedrec) {
         replace_gedrec($pid, $gedrec, $update_CHAN);
 if (!empty($error)) {
     echo "<span class=\"error\">", $error, "</span>";
 if ($closewin) {
     // autoclose window when update successful
         echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\nif (window.opener.showchanges) window.opener.showchanges(); window.close();\n//-->\n</script>";
     echo "<center><br /><br /><br />";
     echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"if (window.opener.showchanges) window.opener.showchanges(); window.close();\">", $pgv_lang["close_window"], "</a><br /></center>\n";
Beispiel #5
                PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id, $faqs[$id - 1]["header"]["pid"], 'header'));
                PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id, $faqs[$id - 1]["body"]["pid"], 'body'));
            PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id - 1, $pidh, 'header'));
            PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id - 1, $pidb, 'body'));
            AddToChangeLog("FAQ item has been moved up.<br />Header ID: " . $pidh . ".<br />Body ID: " . $pidb, $oldGEDCOM);
        case 'movedown':
            $faqs = get_faq_data();
            if (isset($faqs[$id + 1])) {
                PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id, $faqs[$id + 1]["header"]["pid"], 'header'));
                PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id, $faqs[$id + 1]["body"]["pid"], 'body'));
            PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id + 1, $pidh, 'header'));
            PGV_DB::prepare("UPDATE {$TBLPREFIX}blocks SET b_order=? WHERE b_id=? and b_location=?")->execute(array($id + 1, $pidb, 'body'));
            AddToChangeLog("FAQ item has been moved down.<br />Header ID: " . $pidh . ".<br />Body ID: " . $pidb, $GEDCOM);
    $action = "show";
if ($action == "add") {
    $i = 1;
    echo '<form name="addfaq" method="post" action="faq.php">';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="commit" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="type" value="add" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="oldGEDCOM" value="" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="oldOrder" value="" />';
    echo '<table class="center list_table ', $TEXT_DIRECTION, '">';
    echo '<tr><td class="topbottombar" colspan="2">';
    print_help_link("add_faq_item_help", "qm", "add_faq_item");
    echo $pgv_lang["add_faq_item"], '</td></tr>';
function write_file()
    global $fcontents, $GEDCOMS, $GEDCOM, $INDEX_DIRECTORY;
    if (empty($fcontents)) {
    if (preg_match("/0 TRLR/", $fcontents) == 0) {
        $fcontents .= "0 TRLR\n";
    //-- write the gedcom file
    if (!is_writable($GEDCOMS[$GEDCOM]["path"])) {
        print "ERROR 5: GEDCOM file is not writable.  Unable to complete request.\n";
        AddToChangeLog("ERROR 5: GEDCOM file is not writable.  Unable to complete request. ->" . PGV_USER_NAME . "<-");
        return false;
    //-- only allow one thread to write the file at a time
    //	$mutex = new Mutex($GEDCOM);
    //	$mutex->Wait();
    //-- what to do if file changed while waiting
    $fp = fopen($GEDCOMS[$GEDCOM]["path"], "wb");
    if ($fp === false) {
        print "ERROR 6: Unable to open GEDCOM file resource.  Unable to complete request.\n";
        AddToChangeLog("ERROR 6: Unable to open GEDCOM file resource.  Unable to complete request. ->" . PGV_USER_NAME . "<-");
        return false;
    $fl = @flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
    if (!$fl) {
        AddToChangeLog("ERROR 7: Unable to obtain file lock. ->" . PGV_USER_NAME . "<-");
    $fw = fwrite($fp, $fcontents);
    if ($fw === false) {
        print "ERROR 7: Unable to write to GEDCOM file.\n";
        AddToChangeLog("ERROR 7: Unable to write to GEDCOM file. ->" . PGV_USER_NAME . "<-");
        $fl = @flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
        return false;
    $fl = @flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
    //-- always release the mutex
    //	$mutex->Release();
    $logline = AddToLog($GEDCOMS[$GEDCOM]["path"] . " updated");
    check_in($logline, basename($GEDCOMS[$GEDCOM]["path"]), dirname($GEDCOMS[$GEDCOM]["path"]));
    return true;