  * Stores Plugin params to the DB. Used after setting new param values.
  * @param stdClass $params the Joomla params object.  
  * Typically you would send $this->params from the plugin class to this method, 
  * after setting new values with $this->params->set('param_name', $value);
  * @param string $element The plugin element in small caps without 
  * plgSystem, for example the plugin plgSystemAutofbook would be autofbook. 
  * Check the db for correct name
 public static function storeParams($params, $element)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->set('params = ' . $db->quote($params->toString()));
     $query->where('element = ' . $db->quote($element));