Example #1
 public static function create($street, $number, $county, $country, $city, $state, $zipCode)
     $instance = new self();
     return $instance;
  * Creates a new conditional proxy state.
  * This should be called from the object implementing the conditional proxy 
  * <code>_if()</code> method.
  * @param  ConditionalProxy  $object     A conditional proxy object.
  * @param  bool              $condition  The _if() condition.
  * @return  ConditionalProxy  A conditional proxy object or handler.
 public static function create($object, $condition)
     if (!self::$store instanceof \SplObjectStorage) {
         self::$store = new \SplObjectStorage();
     if (self::$store->contains($object)) {
         throw new Exception('_if() cannot be nested.');
     $handler = new self($object, $condition);
     self::$store->attach($object, $handler);
     return $condition ? $object : $handler;
  * Read from a file
  * @deprecated  Use img.io.MetaDataReader instead
  * @param   io.File file
  * @param   var default default void what should be returned in case no data is found
  * @return  img.util.IptcData
  * @throws  lang.FormatException in case malformed meta data is encountered
  * @throws  lang.ElementNotFoundException in case no meta data is available
  * @throws  img.ImagingException in case reading meta data fails
 public static function fromFile(File $file)
     if (FALSE === getimagesize($file->getURI(), $info)) {
         $e = new ImagingException('Cannot read image information from ' . $file->getURI());
         throw $e;
     if (!isset($info['APP13'])) {
         if (func_num_args() > 1) {
             return func_get_arg(1);
         throw new ElementNotFoundException('Cannot get IPTC information from ' . $file->getURI() . ' (no APP13 marker)');
     if (!($iptc = iptcparse($info['APP13']))) {
         throw new FormatException('Cannot parse IPTC information from ' . $file->getURI());
     // Parse creation date
     if (3 == sscanf(@$iptc['2#055'][0], '%4d%2d%d', $year, $month, $day)) {
         $created = Date::create($year, $month, $day, 0, 0, 0);
     } else {
         $created = NULL;
     with($i = new self());
     return $i;
Example #4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function fromArray(array $values)
     $message = new self();
     $values = array_merge(['state' => null, 'battle_type' => null, 'server_ms' => null, 'battle_actions' => [], 'battle_start_timestamp_ms' => null, 'battle_end_timestamp_ms' => null], $values);
     foreach ($values['battle_actions'] as $item) {
     return $message;
Example #5
  * Adds the user to the database. 
  * There are bunch of required parameters required to be passed as $params array:
  * - login: the arbitrary string which will be used as a login for the user. The checks defined in
  * {@link setLogin} method will be performed.
  * - password: user's password. The checks defined in {@link setPassword} will be performed.
  * - email: required parameter to, for example, send confirmation emails. The checks defined in 
  * {@link setEmail} method will be performed.
  * Optionally, the 'state' parameter may be passed, showing the status of newly created user. 
  * If it's omitted, the "not_confirmed" or "active" state will be chosen depending on the 
  * <code>config.user.registration_confirm</code> config parameter. If the value distinguish 
  * from the described ones, make sure that this value could be held by the DB schema of the 'state' column.
  * If <code>config.user.registration_confirm</code> config parameter is set to non-false value, 
  * the one time token will be added for newly created user. This could be used for example to
  * send activation email. Logic behind that should be created separately in the model/controller.
  * Additionally, the profile entry for the new user will be created.
  * Behavior BeforeAddNewUser is defined.
  * @param array parameters for the new user as described above
  * @return User new user object
  * @throws UserException in case of errors
 static function add(array $params)
     if (empty($params['login']) || empty($params['password']) || empty($params['email'])) {
         throw new UserException("Login, password and email must be passed");
     $config = Config::getInstance();
     if (empty($params['state'])) {
         $params['state'] = $config->user->registration_confirm ? "not_confirmed" : "active";
     if (self::findBy('login', $params['login'])) {
         throw new UserException("User with the same login already exists");
     $new_user = new self(null);
     $new_user->trigger("BeforeAddNewUser", array($new_user, &$params));
     $one_time_token = null;
     if ($config->user->registration_confirm) {
         $one_time_token = OneTimeTokenAuth::generateAndAddToken($new_user->getId());
     return $new_user;
Example #6
 public static function obHandler($output)
     if (!self::$ob_skip) {
         $instance = new self(self::LOG_WARNING);
         $state = $instance->getState();
         $instance->current_stage = $state['stage_name'] . '_' . self::STATE_ERROR;
         $instance->current_chunk_id = $state['chunk_id'];
         $message = $output;
         if ($error = error_get_last()) {
             $message .= sprintf('%s @%s:%d', $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line']);
         $instance->writeLog(__METHOD__ . ' error : ' . $message, self::LOG_ERROR);
         $state = array_merge($state, array('error' => $message, 'stage_status' => self::STATE_ERROR));
     return $output;
Example #7
 public static function create(array $data)
     $add = new self();
     if (isset($data['street'])) {
     if (isset($data['city'])) {
     if (isset($data['state'])) {
     if (isset($data['country'])) {
     if (isset($data['neighborhood'])) {
     if (isset($data['number'])) {
         $add->setNumber((int) $data['number']);
     if (isset($data['zipcode'])) {
     return $add;
 public static function obHandler($output)
     if (!self::$ob_skip) {
         $instance = new self(self::LOG_WARNING);
         $state = $instance->getState();
         $instance->current_stage = $state['stage_name'] . '_' . self::STATE_ERROR;
         $instance->current_chunk_id = $state['chunk_id'];
         $instance->writeLog(__METHOD__ . ' error: ' . strip_tags($output), self::LOG_ERROR);
         $state = array_merge($state, array('error' => strip_tags($output), 'stage_status' => self::STATE_ERROR));
     return $output;