public static function print_attempt($attempt_id)
     //create a new attempt object from the given attempt ID
     $attempt = quiz_attempt::create($attempt_id);
     //get the coursemodule for the given attempt
     $cm = $attempt->get_cm();
     //and ensure the user can access this context
     require_login($attempt->get_course(), false, $cm);
     //get the quiz object from the attempt
     $quiz = $attempt->get_quiz();
     //if the quiz doesn't allow printable PDFs, throw an error
     if (!$quiz->allowprint) {
     //set up the page for PDF rendering
     //and get the unique ID from the attempt
     $quba_id = $attempt->get_uniqueid();
     //get the current context from the coursemodule
     $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     //create a new print helper
     $print_helper = new self($quiz, $context);
     //and use it to print the given quiz
     $print_helper->print_quba($quba_id, quiz_papercopy_batch_mode::NORMAL, false, true);