  * Sends a warning to a user if they no longer have responders.
  * @uses WP_Buoy_User::has_responder()
  * @param WP_Buoy_Team $team The team that has been emptied.
  * @return bool
 public static function warnIfNoResponder($team)
     $buoy_user = new self($team->wp_post->post_author);
     if (false === $buoy_user->has_responder()) {
         // TODO: This should be a bit cleaner. Maybe part of the WP_Buoy_Notification class?
         $subject = __('You no longer have crisis responders.', 'buoy');
         $msg = __('Either you have removed the last of your Buoy crisis response team members, or they have all left your teams. You will not be able to send a Buoy alert to anyone until you add more people to your team(s).', 'buoy');
         wp_mail($buoy_user->wp_user->user_email, $subject, $msg);