  * Check for imports in the document and process them.
  * Converts imported xml into ACL and passes back to this builder.
  * This is recursive so the end result is that we do a depth first leaf node
  * construction of the ACL
  * @param string $basePath Path to directory of parent file
 protected function processImports($basePath)
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($this->xml);
     $xpath->registerNamespace('acl', self::NS);
     $importNodes = $xpath->query('//acl:acl/acl:imports/acl:import');
     if ($importNodes->length == 0) {
     foreach ($importNodes as $iNode) {
         $importName = $iNode->nodeValue;
         if (dirname($importName) == '.') {
             //assume it is in same directory as the parent file
             $importName = "{$basePath}/{$importName}";
         } elseif (strstr($importName, '..') == 0) {
             //it is relative to parent file directory
             $file = basename($importName);
             $dir = realpath($basePath . '/' . dirname($importName));
             $importName = "{$dir}/{$file}";
         $builder = new self(new StringType($importName), $this->acl);
         if ($builder->build()) {
             $result = $builder->getResult();
             $this->acl = $result['acl'];
  * Standard factory method to instantiate a populated object.
  * @param BaseDataObject $object     The object being rendered
  * @param                $urlType    The type of URL connection
  * @param array          $attributes HTML tag attributes
  * @return mixed
 public static function factory(RendererInterface $renderer, BaseDataObject $object, $urlType, array $attributes = array())
     $htmlRenderer = new self();
     return $htmlRenderer->build();
Example #3
 public static function render($position)
     $self = new self();
     $items = $self->build($position);
     $render = '';
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $render .= $item->render();
     return $render;
Example #4
 public static function buildSchema($schema, $dsn = null, $user = null, $pass = null, $adapter = null)
     $builder = new self();
     return $builder->build($dsn, $user, $pass, $adapter);
Example #5
  * Build a source Less file to a Css destination file
  * @param string $source    The Less source filename
  * @param string $dest      The destination CSS file
  * @param bool   $force     If set to true, will build whereas the cache status
  * @param array  $variables Less variables to set before compiling the Less file
 public static function compile($source, $dest, $force = false, $variables = array())
     if (!is_file($dest)) {
         $force = true;
     $less = new self($source);
     $less->build($dest, $force, $variables);
Example #6
  * Build a container configured for the dev environment.
  * @return Container
 public static function buildDevContainer()
     $builder = new self();
     return $builder->build();
Example #7
  * Load a language file
  * @param string $plugin   The plugin to load
  * @param string $language The language to get the translations in
  * @param string $force    If set to true, force to reload the translations
 private static function load($plugin, $language = LANGUAGE, $force = false)
     if (!isset(self::$keys[$plugin][$language]) || $force || $language !== self::$usedLanguage) {
         App::logger()->debug('Reload keys for plugin ' . $plugin . ' and for language ' . $language);
         self::$keys[$plugin][$language] = array();
         $instance = new self($plugin, self::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
         self::$keys[$plugin][$language] = App::cache()->includeCache($instance->cacheFile);
         if ($language !== self::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) {
             $instance = new self($plugin, $language);
             $translations = App::cache()->includeCache($instance->cacheFile);
             if (!is_array($translations)) {
                 $translations = array();
             self::$keys[$plugin][$language] = array_merge(self::$keys[$plugin][$language], $translations);
         self::$usedLanguage = $language;
 private function importItem(SiteDocIndexItem $rootIndex, SimpleXMLElement $node)
     switch ($node->getName()) {
         case "doc":
             $item = new SiteDocIndexXmlItem($this->absolutizeXmlPath((string) $node['xml']), $this->getHtmlUri($this->absolutizeLocation(isset($node['location']) ? (string) $node['location'] : (string) $node['xml'])), $rootIndex, isset($node['site-part']) ? new SitePart((string) $node['site-part']) : null);
         case "ref":
             $item = new SiteDocIndexRefItem((string) $node['name'], $this->absolutizeLocation((string) $node['link']), $rootIndex, isset($node['site-part']) ? new SitePart($node['site-part']) : null);
         case "include":
             $worker = new self($this->absolutizeXmlPath((string) $node['xml']), $this->absolutizeLocation((string) $node['prefix']), $rootIndex);
             $worker->xmlRoot = $this->xmlRoot;
             Assert::isUnreachable('unknown item %s', $node->getName());
     $this->traverse($item, $node);
Example #9
  * create a new builder and build it.
  * @param string $rssVersion
  * @param string $encoding
  * @return \Hyancat\Larss\RssBuilder
 public static function create($rssVersion = '2.0', $encoding = 'UTF-8')
     $builder = new self($rssVersion, $encoding);
     return $builder->build();