  * Prepares and render result of composite product configuration request
  * $configureResult holds either:
  *  - 'ok' = true, and 'product_id', 'buy_request', 'current_store_id', 'current_customer' or 'current_customer_id'
  *  - 'error' = true, and 'message' to show
  * @param Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action $controller
  * @param Varien_Object $configureResult
  * @return Mage_Adminhtml_Helper_Catalog_Product_Composite
 public function renderConfigureResult($controller, Varien_Object $configureResult)
     try {
         if (!$configureResult->getOk()) {
         $currentStoreId = (int) $configureResult->getCurrentStoreId();
         if (!$currentStoreId) {
             $currentStoreId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
         $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId($currentStoreId)->load($configureResult->getProductId());
         if (!$product->getId()) {
             Mage::throwException($this->__('Product is not loaded.'));
         Mage::register('current_product', $product);
         Mage::register('product', $product);
         // Prepare buy request values
         $buyRequest = $configureResult->getBuyRequest();
         if ($buyRequest) {
             Mage::helper('catalog/product')->prepareProductOptions($product, $buyRequest);
         $isOk = true;
         $productType = $product->getTypeId();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $isOk = false;
         $productType = null;
         Mage::register('composite_configure_result_error_message', $e->getMessage());
     $this->_initConfigureResultLayout($controller, $isOk, $productType);
Example #2
 public function testConnection()
     $exportDirectory = $this->_fixBasePath($this->getDestination()->getPath());
     $testResult = new Varien_Object();
     // Check for forbidden folders
     $forbiddenFolders = array(Mage::getBaseDir('base'), Mage::getBaseDir('base') . DS . 'downloader');
     foreach ($forbiddenFolders as $forbiddenFolder) {
         if (@realpath($exportDirectory) == $forbiddenFolder) {
             return $testResult->setSuccess(false)->setMessage(Mage::helper('xtento_orderexport')->__('It is not allowed to save export files in the directory you have specified. Please change the local export directory to be located in the ./var/ folder for example. Do not use the Magento root directory for example.'));
     if (!is_dir($exportDirectory) && !preg_match('/%exportid%/', $exportDirectory)) {
         // Try to create the directory.
         if (!@mkdir($exportDirectory)) {
             return $testResult->setSuccess(false)->setMessage(Mage::helper('xtento_orderexport')->__('The specified local directory does not exist. We could not create it either. Please make sure the parent directory is writable or create the directory manually: %s', $exportDirectory));
         } else {
     $this->_connection = @opendir($exportDirectory);
     if (!$this->_connection || @(!is_writable($exportDirectory))) {
         return $testResult->setSuccess(false)->setMessage(Mage::helper('xtento_orderexport')->__('Could not open local export directory for writing. Please make sure that we have rights to read and write in the directory: %s', $exportDirectory));
     if ($testResult->getDirectoryCreated()) {
         $testResult->setSuccess(true)->setMessage(Mage::helper('xtento_orderexport')->__('Local directory didn\'t exist and was created successfully. Connection tested successfully.'));
         if (!$this->getDestination()->getBackupDestination()) {
         return $testResult;
     } else {
         $testResult->setSuccess(true)->setMessage(Mage::helper('xtento_orderexport')->__('Local directory exists and is writable. Connection tested successfully.'));
         if (!$this->getDestination()->getBackupDestination()) {
         return $testResult;
 public function updateData($data)
     $is_updated = false;
     $dataObject = new Varien_Object($data);
     $feedbackDataObject = new Varien_Object($dataObject->getFeedback());
     $messages = $dataObject->getMessage();
     $helper = Mage::helper('magenotification');
     // update feedback
     if ($feedbackDataObject->getStatus() != $this->getStatus()) {
         $is_updated = true;
     if ($feedbackDataObject->getCouponCode() != $this->getCouponCode()) {
         $is_updated = true;
     if ($feedbackDataObject->getCouponValue() != $this->getCouponValue()) {
         $is_updated = true;
     if ($feedbackDataObject->getExpiredCoupon() != $this->getExpiredCoupon()) {
         $is_updated = true;
     //update message
     if (count($messages)) {
         $messageModel = Mage::getModel('magenotification/feedbackmessage');
         foreach ($messages as $message) {
             $messageDataObject = new Varien_Object($message);
     return $this;
  * Submit action
  * @return  string
 public function submitAction()
     $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
     $response = new Varien_Object();
     try {
         $request = $this->_getRequestModel()->setRequest($params['request'])->dispatch();
         if ($request->getType() == MageHack_MageConsole_Model_Abstract::RESPONSE_TYPE_PROMPT) {
             $key = $this->_savePrompt($params['request']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($response->getType() == 'FILE') {
         $requestDetails = preg_split('/\\s+/', $params['request']);
         $this->_prepareDownloadResponse($requestDetails[1] . '_export.csv', $response->getMessage());
     } else {
  * Format messages output
  * @param Varien_Object $command
  * @return string Message
 protected function formatMessages(Varien_Object $command, $payload = null)
     $messages = '';
     $messages .= PHP_EOL . ' - ' . $command->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
     $messages .= 'INPUT: ' . $command->getCommand() . PHP_EOL;
     $messages .= 'OUTPUT: ' . print_r($command->getOutput()) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     return $messages;
Example #6
 public function render(Varien_Object $row)
     return nl2br(htmlentities($row->getMessage()));
Example #7
 function add_products_to_quote($params)
     $errors = array();
     if (!isset($params['quote_id'])) {
         $this->_fault('data_invalid', 'Quotation ID missing');
     } else {
         $quoteId = $params['quote_id'];
         $_qquoteadv = Mage::getModel('qquoteadv/qqadvcustomer')->load($quoteId);
         if (!count($_qquoteadv->getData())) {
             $this->_fault('not_exists', 'Quotation ID (' . $quoteId . ') does not exist');
     if (!isset($params['products']) || !is_array($params['products']) || !count($params['products'])) {
         $this->_fault('data_invalid', 'Products missing');
     } else {
         //check that the proucts exist
         $productIds = $params['products'];
         foreach ($productIds as $productId) {
             $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);
             if (!$product->getData('entity_id')) {
                 $this->_fault('not_exists', 'Product ID (' . $productId . ') does not exist');
     if (!count($errors)) {
         $hasOptions = FALSE;
         $options = FALSE;
         $storeId = $_qquoteadv->getStoreId();
         $modelProduct = Mage::getModel('qquoteadv/qqadvproduct');
         $qty = 1;
         foreach ($productIds as $productId) {
             $productsCollection = $modelProduct->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('quote_id', $quoteId)->addFieldToFilter('product_id', $productId);
             $attribute = serialize(array('product' => $productId, 'qty' => $qty));
             // don't add if it has already been added
             if (!count($productsCollection)) {
                 $qproduct = array('quote_id' => $quoteId, 'product_id' => $productId, 'qty' => $qty, 'attribute' => $attribute, 'has_options' => $hasOptions, 'options' => $options, 'store_id' => $storeId);
                 $checkQty = $modelProduct->addProduct($qproduct);
                 if (is_null($checkQty)) {
                     // product has not been added redirect with error
                     $checkQty = new Varien_Object();
                     $checkQty->setMessage(Mage::helper('qquoteadv')->__('product can not be added to quote list'));
                 if ($checkQty->getHasError()) {
                     $this->_fault('save_error', $checkQty->getMessage());
                 } else {
                     $quoteadvProductId = $checkQty->getData('id');
                     $ownerPrice = Mage::helper('qquoteadv')->_applyPrice($quoteadvProductId, $qty);
                     $originalPrice = Mage::helper('qquoteadv')->_applyPrice($quoteadvProductId, $qty);
                     //#current currency price
                     $currencyCode = $_qquoteadv->getCurrency();
                     $ownerCurPrice = Mage::helper('qquoteadv')->_applyPrice($quoteadvProductId, $qty, $currencyCode);
                     $originalCurPrice = Mage::helper('qquoteadv')->_applyPrice($quoteadvProductId, $qty, $currencyCode);
                     $item = array('quote_id' => $quoteId, 'product_id' => $productId, 'request_qty' => $qty, 'owner_base_price' => $ownerPrice, 'original_price' => $originalPrice, 'owner_cur_price' => $ownerCurPrice, 'original_cur_price' => $originalCurPrice, 'quoteadv_product_id' => $quoteadvProductId);
                     $requestitem = Mage::getModel('qquoteadv/requestitem')->setData($item);
     return array('success' => true);