  * give creates the form to give an inventoryitem to somebody else
  * @param int $did entry-id for the inventoryitem
  * @return string html-string with the form
 private function give($did)
     // check rights
     if (Rights::check_rights($did, 'inventory')) {
         // pagecaption
         $this->tpl->assign('pagecaption', parent::lang('class.InventoryView#page#caption#give'));
         // get inventory-object
         $inventory = new Inventory($did);
         // check owned
         if ($inventory->get_owned() == 'taken') {
             // smarty-template
             $sG = new JudoIntranetSmarty();
             // prepare return
             $return = '';
             // get preset
             $preset = $inventory->get_preset();
             // get fields
             $fields = $preset->get_fields();
             // add headline
             $sG->assign('caption', parent::lang('class.InventoryView#give#page#headline') . ': ' . $inventory->get_name() . ' (' . $inventory->get_inventory_no() . ')');
             // add accessory info
             $sG->assign('inventoryinfo', parent::lang('class.InventoryView#give#page#accessory.required'));
             // formular
             $form = new HTML_QuickForm2('inventory_give', 'post', array('name' => 'inventory_give', 'action' => 'inventory.php?id=give&did=' . $this->get('did')));
             // renderer
             $renderer = HTML_QuickForm2_Renderer::factory('default');
             $renderer->setOption('required_note', parent::lang('class.InventoryView#entry#form#requiredNote'));
             // add user-selection
             // get users
             $users_options = array('--');
             $users = $_SESSION['user']->return_all_users(array($_SESSION['user']->get_userinfo('username')));
             foreach ($users as $user) {
                 // put id and name in options-array
                 $users_options[$user->get_userinfo('username')] = $user->get_userinfo('name');
             // remove admin
             $give_to = $form->addElement('select', 'give_to', array());
             $give_to->setLabel(parent::lang('class.InventoryView#give#page#objectinfo.head') . $inventory->get_name() . ' (' . $inventory->get_inventory_no() . ')' . parent::lang('class.InventoryView#give#page#objectinfo.tail') . ':');
             $give_to->addRule('required', parent::lang('class.InventoryView#entry#rule#required.give_to'));
             $give_to->addRule('callback', parent::lang('class.InventoryView#entry#rule#check.give_to'), array($this, 'callback_check_select'));
             // generate field-quickform and add to form
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 // generate quickform
                 // add to form
             // submit-button
             $form->addSubmit('submit', array('value' => parent::lang('class.InventoryView#give#form#submitButton')));
             // validate
             if ($form->validate()) {
                 // values
                 $values = $form->getValue();
                 // get user
                 $givento_user = new User();
                 $givento_user->change_user($values['give_to'], false);
                 // write to db
                 $insert_id = $this->movement_to_db('given', $inventory->get_id(), $givento_user->userid());
                 // accessory to db
                 $this->values_to_db($insert_id, $fields, $values);
                 // headline
                 $sG->assign('action', $inventory->get_name() . ' (' . $inventory->get_inventory_no() . ')' . parent::lang('class.InventoryView#give#page#headline.givento') . $givento_user->get_userinfo('name'));
                 // accessory
                 $sG->assign('accessoryaction', parent::lang('class.InventoryView#give#page#accessory.given'));
                 // walk through fields
                 $data = array();
                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
                     // check value
                     if (isset($values['inventory-' . $field->get_id()])) {
                         $field_value = $values['inventory-' . $field->get_id()];
                     } else {
                         $field_value = 0;
                     // return field and value as HTML
                     $data[] = $field->value_to_html();
                 $sG->assign('form', '');
                 $sG->assign('data', $data);
             } else {
                 $sG->assign('form', $form->render($renderer));
             // return
             return $sG->fetch('smarty.inventory.takegive.tpl');
         } else {
             // error
             $errno = $GLOBALS['Error']->error_raised('NotOwned', $this->get('id'), $did);
             return $GLOBALS['Error']->to_html($errno);
     } else {
         // error
         $errno = $GLOBALS['Error']->error_raised('NotAuthorized', $this->get('id'), $did);
         return $GLOBALS['Error']->to_html($errno);
Example #2
                    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span>
        <hr />
    <div class="col-sm-12">
    <div class="row">

    <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="form-group">
            <input type="text" name="userid" class="form-control" value="<?php 
echo User::userid($_GET['id']);
            <small>Only Admin can edit userid</small>
    <div class="col-sm-6">
        <div class="form-group">
            <input type="text" name="email" class="form-control" value="<?php 
echo User::email($_GET['id']);
            <small>Email must be different with another.</small>
Example #3
     $data['usr'] = Db::result("SELECT * FROM `user` ORDER BY `userid` ASC LIMIT 10");
     $data['num'] = Db::$num_rows;
     Theme::admin('header', $data);
     System::inc('user', $data);
 case 'inactive':
     if (!isset($_GET['token']) || !Token::isExist($_GET['token'])) {
         // VALIDATE ALL
         $data['alertred'][] = TOKEN_NOT_EXIST;
     } else {
         if (User::deactivate($_GET['id'])) {
             $data['alertgreen'][] = USER . " " . User::userid($_GET['id']) . "" . MSG_USER_DEACTIVATED;
         } else {
             $data['alertred'][] = USER . " " . User::userid($_GET['id']) . "" . MSG_USER_DEACTIVATION_FAIL;
     if (isset($_GET['token'])) {
     $data['usr'] = Db::result("SELECT * FROM `user` ORDER BY `userid` ASC LIMIT 10");
     $data['num'] = Db::$num_rows;
     Theme::admin('header', $data);
     System::inc('user', $data);
     # code...
     $data[] = "";
     switch (isset($_POST['adduser'])) {