Example #1
    * Retrieves the score for the current user
    * @return       integer the score
    static function GetMyScore($user_or_id = null)
        $user = $user_or_id ? User::toObject($user_or_id) : User::findCurrent();
        $cache = StudipCacheFactory::getCache();
        if ($cache->read("user_score_of_".$user->id)) {
            return $cache->read("user_score_of_".$user->id);
        //Behold! The all new mighty score algorithm!
        //Step 1: Select all activities as mkdate-timestamps.
        //Step 2: Group these activities to timeslots of halfhours
        //        with COUNT(*) as a weigh of the timeslot.
        //Step 3: Calculate the measurement of the timeslot from the weigh of it.
        //        This makes the first activity count fully, the second
        //        almost half and so on. We use log_n to make huge amounts of
        //        activities to not count so much.
        //Step 4: Calculate a single score for each timeslot depending on the
        //        measurement and the mkdate-timestamp. Use arctan as the function
        //        here so that older activities tend to zero.
        //Step 5: Sum all scores from all timeslots together.
        $sql = "
            SELECT round(SUM((-atan(measurement / " . round(31556926 / self::MEASURING_STEP) . ") / PI() + 0.5) * 200)) as score
            FROM (
                SELECT ((unix_timestamp() / " . self::MEASURING_STEP . ") - timeslot) / (LN(weigh) + 1) AS measurement
                FROM (
                    SELECT (round(mkdate / " . self::MEASURING_STEP . ")) as timeslot, COUNT(*) AS weigh
                    FROM (
                        " . self::createTimestampQuery() . "
                    ) as mkdates
                    GROUP BY timeslot
                ) as measurements
            ) as dates
        $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare($sql);
        $stmt->execute(array(':user' => $user->id));
        $score = $stmt->fetchColumn();
        if ($user->score && $user->score != $score) {
            $user->score = $score;
        $cache->write("user_score_of_".$user->id, $score, 60 * 5);

        return $score;
Example #2
  * load user data from database into internal array
  * @access   private
  * @param    string  $user_id    the user which should be retrieved
 function getFromDatabase($user_id)
     $this->user = User::toObject($user_id);
     if (!$this->user) {
         $this->user = new User();
     $this->user_data = new UserDataAdapter($this->user);
Example #3
 public static function sendSystemMessage($recipient, $message_title, $message_body)
     $m = new messaging();
     $user = User::toObject($recipient);
     return $m->insert_message($message_body, $user['username'], '____%system%____', FALSE, FALSE, '1', FALSE, $message_title);
Example #4
  * @param $user
 function auth_set_user_settings($user)
     $divided = explode("x", Request::get('resolution'));
     $this->auth["xres"] = $divided[0] != 0 ? (int) $divided[0] : 1024;
     $this->auth["yres"] = $divided[1] != 0 ? (int) $divided[1] : 768;
     // Change X-Resulotion on Multi-Screen Systems (as Matrox Graphic-Adapters are)
     if ($this->auth["xres"] / $this->auth["yres"] > 2) {
         $this->auth["xres"] = $this->auth["xres"] / 2;
     $user = User::toObject($user);
     //restore user-specific language preference
     if ($user->preferred_language) {
         // we found a stored setting for preferred language
         $_SESSION['_language'] = $user->preferred_language;