function getUserForID($userId)
     $user = new User();
     ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
     $db = "";
     $conn = oci_connect("kpg2108", "test123", $db);
     $stmt = oci_parse($conn, "select * from users where user_Id='" . $userId . "'");
     $rows = oci_execute($stmt);
     while ($row = oci_fetch_assoc($stmt)) {
         echo $row['LOGIN_ID'];
     return $user;
Example #2
 private static function getUserFromJSON($json)
     $user = new User();
     return $user;
Example #3
  * Action to show the registration form
 public function executeIndex()
     $this->wherefind = $this->getRequest()->getCookie('wherefind');
     //If the user is logged in, don't let them regtutor
     if ($this->getUser()->isAuthenticated()) {
         $this->error = 'You are already logged in. You can not register again.';
         return sfView::ERROR;
     $this->requestedUserType = $this->getRequestedUserType();
     //If the form hasn't yet been filled in, just display the form
     if (sfWebRequest::POST !== $this->getRequest()->getMethod()) {
         return sfView::SUCCESS;
     if ($this->getRequestParameter('terms') != 1) {
         $this->error = 'You must agree to our <strong>Terms & Conditions</strong>. <a href="#" onClick="javascript: history.go(-1)">Click here</a> to go back to the previous page.';
         return sfView::ERROR;
     //Create and populate the User object
     $user = new User();
     $userName = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($this->getRequestParameter('realname')));
     $U_QRY = "select * from user where username='******'";
     $u_res = mysql_query($U_QRY);
     $unamecount = mysql_num_rows($u_res);
     $dupval = 2;
     if ($unamecount >= 1) {
         $newUsername = $userName . $dupval;
         $unamequery = mysql_query("select * from user where username='******'");
         $unamecount = mysql_num_rows($unamequery);
         if ($unamecount >= 1) {
             goto duplicationCheck;
         } else {
             $userName = $newUsername;
     if (!$user->save()) {
         throw new PropelException('User creation failed');
     $uptSQL = "UPDATE user SET where_find_us='" . $this->getRequestParameter('where_find_us') . "' WHERE id='" . $user->getId() . "'";
     if ($this->requestedUserType == UserPeer::getTypeFromValue('expert')) {
         $this->notify = $this->getRequestParameter('notify_email') . ',' . $this->getRequestParameter('notify_sms');
         $this->subscribeExpertToCategories($this->getRequestParameter('categories'), $user);
     mysql_query("insert into expert_category(user_id,category_id) values('" . $user->getId() . "','1')") or die(mysql_error());
     mysql_query("insert into user_score(user_id,score) values('" . $user->getId() . "','1')") or die(mysql_error());
     $this->forward('regtutor', 'confirmationCodeSent');
 static function put($id)
     $json_user = json_decode($_POST['data'], true);
     $user = new User();
 public function getAbonentByID($user_id)
     try {
         $sql = "select * from users t1, phonenumbers t2 where t1.user_id=t2.user_id and t1.user_id=?";
         $query = $this->db->query($sql, array($user_id));
         $UserObj = new User();
         if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
             $row = $query->row_array();
         return $UserObj;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
Example #6
 public function import($adminUserId)
     $count = 0;
     $add_method = $this->getValue('add_method');
     $file = $this->getValue('file');
     $delimiter = $this->getValue('delimiter');
     $skipHeader = $this->getValue('skipHeader');
     $fp = fopen($file->getTempName(), 'r');
     if ($fp) {
         if ($add_method == self::REPLACE) {
             $c = new Criteria();
             $c->add(UserPeer::ID, $adminUserId, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
         while ($data = fgetcsv($fp, 0, $delimiter)) {
             if (empty($data[0]) || count($data) < 7) {
             if ($skipHeader) {
                 $skipHeader = false;
             try {
                 $user = new User();
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return $count;
     return false;
    $validator->addValidation("phoneNo", "numeric", "Please fill only numeric values for phone number");
    $validator->addValidation("passwordRecoveryQues", "req", "Please fill in password recovery question");
    $validator->addValidation("passwordRecoveryAns", "req", "Please fill in password recovery answer");
    $validator->addValidation("email", "email", "The input for email should be a valid email value");
    $validator->addValidation("email", "req", "Please fill in email");
    if ($validator->ValidateForm()) {
        $_SESSION['action'] = "updateUser";
        $user = new User();
        $_SESSION['userToBeUpdated'] = serialize($user);
        header("Location: ../controller/Controller.php");
    } else {
        echo "<B>Validation Errors:</B>";
        $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors();
        foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) {
            echo "<p>{$inpname} : {$inp_err}</p>\n";
$disp_loginName = isset($_POST['loginName']) ? $_POST['loginName'] : $user1->getLoginId();
$disp_password = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : $user1->getPassword();
$disp_firstName = isset($_POST['firstName']) ? $_POST['firstName'] : $user1->getFirstName();
Example #8
 case 'GET':
     //echo 'GET req';
     echo "Welcome to the Wringer API endpoints";
 case 'POST':
     //echo 'creating a new user'; todo php:// works?
     $user_post = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
     $no_errors = User::validate($user_post);
     if ($no_errors) {
         $user = new User();
         if (User::inRelationship($user_post)) {
             // $user->setIsSingle(false);
         } else {
         require_once 'db_connect.php';
         $response = array();
         $user_created = $user->create();
         if ($user_created) {
             $response['message'] = 'Signup sucessfull';
             $response['success'] = 1;
             $response['data'] = User::getFullUserInfo($user->getPhoneNumber());
Example #9
  * Action to show the registration form
 public function executeIndex()
     //If the user is logged in, don't let them register
     if ($this->getUser()->isAuthenticated()) {
         $this->error = 'You are already logged in. You can not register again.';
         return sfView::ERROR;
     $this->requestedUserType = $this->getRequestedUserType();
     //If the form hasn't yet been filled in, just display the form
     if (sfWebRequest::POST !== $this->getRequest()->getMethod()) {
         return sfView::SUCCESS;
     if ($this->getRequestParameter('terms') != 1) {
         $this->error = 'You must agree to our <strong>Terms & Conditions</strong>. <a href="#" onClick="javascript: history.go(-1)">Click here</a> to go back to the previous page.';
         return sfView::ERROR;
     //Create and populate the User object
     $user = new User();
     $expiration = substr($this->getRequestParameter('expiry_date'), 0, 2) . '/' . substr($this->getRequestParameter('expiry_date'), -2);
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/braintree_environment.php';
     $result = Braintree_Customer::create(array('firstName' => $this->getRequestParameter('realname'), 'lastName' => '', 'creditCard' => array('cardholderName' => $this->getRequestParameter('realname'), 'number' => $this->getRequestParameter('credit_card'), 'cvv' => $this->getRequestParameter('cvv'), 'expirationDate' => $expiration, 'options' => array('verifyCard' => true))));
     //error_log($result->customer->creditCards[0]->token, 0);
     if (false && !$result->success) {
         //error_log("invalid", 0);
         $this->error = 'Your credit card is invalid.';
         return sfView::ERROR;
     } else {
         //should only save last 4 digit
         //            $user->setCreditCard(substr($this->getRequestParameter('credit_card'),-4));
         //            $user->setCreditCardToken($result->customer->creditCards[0]->token);
         $userName = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($this->getRequestParameter('realname')));
         $U_QRY = "select * from user where username='******'";
         $u_res = mysql_query($U_QRY);
         $unamecount = mysql_num_rows($u_res);
         $dupval = 2;
         if ($unamecount >= 1) {
             $newUsername = $userName . $dupval;
             $unamequery = mysql_query("select * from user where username='******'");
             $unamecount = mysql_num_rows($unamequery);
             if ($unamecount >= 1) {
                 goto duplicationCheck;
             } else {
                 $userName = $newUsername;
         if (!empty($_POST['coupon'])) {
             $query = mysql_query("select * from referral_code where referral_code='" . $_POST['coupon'] . "'") or die(mysql_error());
             if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
                 $rowValues = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
                 $query = mysql_query("select * from user where id=" . $rowValues['user_id']) or die(mysql_error());
                 $rowDetails = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
                 $newPoints = $rowDetails['points'] + 0.5;
                 mysql_query("update user set points='" . $newPoints . "' where id=" . $rowValues['user_id']) or die(mysql_error());
                 mysql_query("delete from referral_code where referral_code='" . $_POST['coupon'] . "'") or die(mysql_error());
             } else {
                 if ($_POST['coupon'] == 'launch11') {
                     $points = "10";
                 } elseif ($_POST['coupon'] == 'promo92') {
                     $points = "12";
                 } elseif ($_POST['coupon'] == 'uoft9211') {
                     $points = "8";
         if (!$user->save()) {
             throw new PropelException('User creation failed');
         if ($this->requestedUserType == UserPeer::getTypeFromValue('expert')) {
             $this->notify = $this->getRequestParameter('notify_email') . ',' . $this->getRequestParameter('notify_sms');
             $this->subscribeExpertToCategories($this->getRequestParameter('categories'), $user);
         if (!empty($_POST['coupon']) && !empty($points)) {
             mysql_query("update user set points='" . $points . "' where id=" . $user->getId()) or die(mysql_error());
         } elseif (!empty($_POST['coupon'])) {
             mysql_query("update user set points='11' where id=" . $user->getId()) or die(mysql_error());
         // Referral module
         // Rajesh Soni - 23 November 2012
         if ($_POST['ref']) {
             $ref_by_user = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['ref']);
             mysql_query("update user set referred_by='{$ref_by_user}' where id=" . $user->getId()) or die(mysql_error());
         mysql_query("insert into expert_category(user_id,category_id) values('" . $user->getId() . "','1')") or die(mysql_error());
         mysql_query("insert into user_score(user_id,score) values('" . $user->getId() . "','1')") or die(mysql_error());
         $this->forward('register', 'confirmationCodeSent');