Example #1
 function setCurrentUser(&$User)
     $this->CurrentUser =& $User;
  * Attempts to login a user against the authentication source
  * If successfull, returns a User object
  * @param string $username A valid identifying token for the source. Not
  *                         necessarily unique. For local user, bots username
  *                         and email are valid.
  * @param string $password Clear text password.
  * @param string $errmsg   Reference of error message
  * @param int $errno       Reference to error code
  * @return object The actual User object if login was successfull, false
  *                otherwise.
 public function login($username, $password, &$errmsg = null, &$errno = 0)
     //echo "DEBUG:  login($username, $password, $errmsg)<br/>";
     $db = AbstractDb::getObject();
     // Init values
     $retval = false;
     $username = $db->escapeString($username);
     if (empty($username)) {
         $errmsg .= sprintf(getErrorText(ERR_NO_USERNAME));
         $errno = ERR_NO_USERNAME;
         $retval = false;
     } else {
         /* gbastien: this is not reusable!!, why not use password directly? */
         //$password_hash = User::passwordHash($_REQUEST['password']);
         $password_hash = User::passwordHash($password);
         $password = $db->escapeString($password);
         $username = $this->getNetwork()->getUsernamesCaseSensitive() ? $username : strtolower($username);
         $compareto = $this->getNetwork()->getUsernamesCaseSensitive() ? 'username' : 'lower(username)';
         $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE ({$compareto} = '{$username}' OR lower(email) = '{$username}') AND account_origin='" . $this->getNetwork()->getId() . "' AND pass='******'";
         $db->execSqlUniqueRes($sql, $user_info, false);
         if ($user_info != null) {
             $user = User::getObject($user_info['user_id']);
             if ($user->isUserValid($errmsg, $errno)) {
                 $retval =& $user;
                 $errmsg = _("Login successfull");
             } else {
                 $retval = false;
                 //Reason for refusal is already in $errmsg
         } else {
              * This is only used to discriminate if the problem was a
              * non-existent user or a wrong password.
             $user_info = null;
             $db->execSqlUniqueRes("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ({$compareto} = '{$username}' OR lower(email) = '{$username}') AND account_origin='" . $this->getNetwork()->getId() . "'", $user_info, false);
             if ($user_info == null) {
                 $errmsg = getErrorText(ERR_UNKNOWN_USERNAME);
                 $errno = ERR_UNKNOWN_USERNAME;
             } else {
                 $errmsg = getErrorText(ERR_WRONG_PASSWORD);
                 $errno = ERR_WRONG_PASSWORD;
             $retval = false;
     return $retval;
Example #3
 function unsetCurrentUser()
  * Attempts to login a user against the authentication source
  * If successfull, returns a User object
  * @param string $username A valid identifying token for the source. Not
  *                         necessarily unique.
  * @param string $password Clear text password.
  * @param string $errmsg   Reference of error message
  * @return object The actual User object if login was successfull, false
  *                otherwise.
 public function login($username, $password, &$errmsg = null)
     $db = AbstractDb::getObject();
     // Init values
     $retval = false;
     $username = $db->EscapeString($username);
     $password = $db->EscapeString($password);
     // Check if php-ldap extension is loaded
     if (Dependency::check("ldap", $errmsg)) {
         if ($this->checkLdapUser($username, $password, $this->mldap_hostname, $this->mldap_o, $this->mldap_filter, $errmsg)) {
             //LDAP Authentication Successful
             $sql = "SELECT user_id, pass FROM users WHERE (username='******') AND account_origin='" . $this->getNetwork()->getId() . "'";
             $db->ExecSqlUniqueRes($sql, $user_info, false);
             if ($user_info != null) {
                 $user = User::getObject($user_info['user_id']);
                 if ($user->isUserValid($errmsg)) {
                     $retval = $user;
                     $errmsg = _("Login successfull");
                 } else {
                     $retval = false;
                     //Error already been set
             } else {
                 $user = User::createUser(get_guid(), $username, $this->getNetwork(), "", "");
                 $retval =& $user;
                 $errmsg = _("Login successfull");
         } else {
             $retval = false;
             //Error already been set
     return $retval;
Example #5
        throw new Exception(_('No token specified!'));
    if (!isset($_REQUEST["user_id"])) {
        throw new Exception(_('No user ID specified!'));
    $validated_user = User::getObject($_REQUEST['user_id']);
    if ($db->escapeString($_REQUEST['token']) != $validated_user->getValidationToken()) {
        throw new Exception(_('The validation token does not match the one in the database.'));
    if ($validated_user->getAccountStatus() == ACCOUNT_STATUS_ALLOWED) {
        throw new Exception(_('Your account has already been activated.'));
    // This user wants to validate his account, the token is OK and he's not trying to pass the same token more than once
    // Activate his account and let him in NOW
    // Show activation message
    $smarty->assign('message', _("Your account has been succesfully activated!\n\nYou may now browse to a remote Internet address and take advantage of the free Internet access!\n\nIf you get prompted for a login, enter the username and password you have just created."));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $smarty->assign('message', $e->getMessage());
$ui = MainUI::getObject();
$ui->addContent('main_area_middle', $smarty->fetch("templates/sites/validate.tpl"));
 * Local variables:
 * tab-width: 4
 * c-basic-offset: 4
 * c-hanging-comment-ender-p: nil
 * End:
  * Attempts to login a user against the authentication source.
  * If successfull, returns a User object
  * @param string $username A valid identifying token for the source.
  *                         Not necessarily unique.
  * @param string $password Clear text password.
  * @param string $errmsg   Reference of error message
  * @return object The actual User object if login was successfull,
  *                false otherwise.
 public function login($username, $password, &$errmsg = null)
     $db = AbstractDb::getObject();
     //This should fix a security hole if using an empty username.  I didn't have time to audit the radius code to see if it really was vulnerable, and code a better fix.
     // Init values
     $retval = false;
     $username = $db->escapeString($username);
     $password = $db->escapeString($password);
     if (Dependency::check("Auth_RADIUS", $errmsg)) {
          * Supported encryption methods are :
          * CHAP_MD5 :Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol with MD5
          * MSCHAPv1 and MSCHAPv2: Microsoft's CHAP implementation
         switch ($this->mRadius_encryption_method) {
             case "PAP":
             case "CHAP_MD5":
             case "MSCHAPv1":
             case "MSCHAPv2":
                 // Instanciate PEAR class
                 $classname = 'Auth_RADIUS_' . $this->mRadius_encryption_method;
                 $radius_server = new $classname($username, $password);
                 $radius_server->addServer($this->mRadius_hostname, $this->mRadius_auth_port, $this->mRadius_secret_key);
                 // Invalid encryption method
                 $errmsg = _("Invalid RADIUS encryption method.");
                 return false;
         // Instructing PEAR RADIUS class auth parameters
         $radius_server->username = $username;
         // Depending on the auth method, generate challenge response
         switch ($this->mRadius_encryption_method) {
             case 'CHAP_MD5':
             case 'MSCHAPv1':
                 $classname = $this->mRadius_encryption_method == 'MSCHAPv1' ? 'Crypt_CHAP_MSv1' : 'Crypt_CHAP_MD5';
                 $crypt_class = new $classname();
                 $crypt_class->password = $password;
                 $radius_server->challenge = $crypt_class->challenge;
                 $radius_server->chapid = $crypt_class->chapid;
                 $radius_server->response = $crypt_class->challengeResponse();
                 $radius_server->flags = 1;
             case 'MSCHAPv2':
                 $crypt_class = new Crypt_CHAP_MSv2();
                 $crypt_class->username = $username;
                 $crypt_class->password = $password;
                 $radius_server->challenge = $crypt_class->authChallenge;
                 $radius_server->peerChallenge = $crypt_class->peerChallenge;
                 $radius_server->chapid = $crypt_class->chapid;
                 $radius_server->response = $crypt_class->challengeResponse();
                 $radius_server->password = $password;
         if (!$radius_server->start()) {
             $errmsg = _("Could not initiate PEAR RADIUS Auth class : " . $radius_server->getError());
             return false;
         // Send the authentication request to the RADIUS server
         $result = $radius_server->send();
         if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             $errmsg = _("Failed to send authentication request to the RADIUS server. : " . $result->getMessage());
             return false;
         } else {
             if ($result === true) {
                 // RADIUS authentication succeeded!
                 // Now checking for local copy of this user
                 $user_info = null;
                 $sql = "SELECT user_id, pass FROM users WHERE (username='******') AND account_origin='" . $this->getNetwork()->getId() . "'";
                 $db->execSqlUniqueRes($sql, $user_info, false);
                 if ($user_info != null) {
                     $user = User::getObject($user_info['user_id']);
                     if ($user->isUserValid($errmsg)) {
                         $retval =& $user;
                         $errmsg = _("Login successfull");
                     } else {
                         $retval = false;
                         //Reason for refusal is already in $errmsg
                 } else {
                      * This user has been succcessfully authenticated through
                      * remote RADIUS, but it's not yet in our local database.
                      * Creating the user with a Global Unique ID, empty email
                      * and password.
                      * Local database password hashing is based on an empty
                      * string (we do not store remote passwords).
                     $user = User::createUser(get_guid(), $username, $this->getNetwork(), "", "");
                     $retval =& $user;
                     // Validate the user right away !
                     $errmsg = _("Login successfull");
                 return $retval;
             } else {
                 $errmsg = _("The RADIUS server rejected this username/password combination.");
                 return false;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #7
 * Start login process section.
 * If  successfull, the browser is redirected to another page
 * If this is a splash-only node, skip the login interface and log-in using
 * the splash_only user
if (!empty($node) && $node->isSplashOnly()) {
    if (!empty($gw_address) && !empty($gw_port)) {
        // Login from a gateway, redirect to the gateway to activate the token
        $user = $network->getSplashOnlyUser();
        $token = $user->generateConnectionToken($mac);
        header("Location: http://" . $gw_address . ":" . $gw_port . "/wifidog/auth?token=" . $token);
    } else {
        // Virtual login, redirect to the auth server homepage
        header("Location: " . BASE_SSL_PATH);
 * Normal login process
if (!empty($_REQUEST["login_form_submit"])) {
    // Init values
    $errmsg = '';
    $user = User::getCurrentUser();
    if (!$user) {
        //Normally, we already have a user logged-in (processed by process_login_out.php).  But we try again, if only to display the error
Example #8
  * Verify the given user credentials against the wifidog database 
  * @param $username   The username to authenticate
  * @param $pwdhash    The password hash
  * @param $gw_id      The gateway id
  * @param $gw_ip   	  The gateway's ip addresss
  * @param $mac			  The mac address of the user
  * @param $gw_port	  The port of the gateway's http server
  * @param $from 			The ip address of the user on the node
  * @param $logout			Whether the user wants to logout
  * @return unknown_type
 protected function executeAuth($username = null, $password = null, $gw_id = null, $gw_ip = null, $mac = null, $gw_port = null, $from = null, $logout = false)
     $this->_outputArr['auth'] = 0;
     require_once 'classes/Node.php';
     require_once 'classes/User.php';
     require_once 'classes/Network.php';
     require_once 'classes/Authenticator.php';
     if (!is_null($gw_id)) {
         if (is_null($gw_ip) || is_null($gw_port) || is_null($from)) {
             throw new WSException("Missing information on the gateway.  You must specify parameter 'gw_address' AND 'gw_port' AND 'from_ip' if the parameter 'gw_id' is specified.", WSException::INVALID_PARAMETER);
         $node = Node::getObjectByGatewayId($gw_id);
         if ($node) {
             $network = $node->getNetwork();
         } else {
             throw new WSException("Node identified by {$gw_id} cannot be found", WSException::PROCESS_ERROR);
     } else {
         // Gateway ID is not set ... virtual login
         $network = Network::getCurrentNetwork();
         $node = null;
      * If this is a splash-only node, then the user is automatically authenticated
     $token = null;
     if (!empty($node) && $node->isSplashOnly()) {
         $this->_outputArr['auth'] = 1;
         $user = $network->getSplashOnlyUser();
         $token = $user->generateConnectionTokenNoSession($node, $from, $mac);
         if (!$token) {
             throw new WSException("User authenticated but cannot generate connection token.", WSException::PROCESS_ERROR);
     } else {
         if (!$logout) {
             // Authenticate the user on the requested network
             $user = $network->getAuthenticator()->login($username, $password, $errMsg, $errNo);
             if (!$user) {
                 $this->_outputArr['auth'] = 0;
                 $this->_outputArr['explanation'] = $errMsg;
                 $this->_outputArr['errorcode'] = $errNo;
             } else {
                 $this->_outputArr['auth'] = 1;
                 if (!is_null($node)) {
                     $token = $user->generateConnectionTokenNoSession($node, $from, $mac);
                     if (!$token) {
                         throw new WSException("User authenticated but cannot generate connection token.", WSException::PROCESS_ERROR);
         } else {
             $user = User::getUserByUsernameOrEmail($username);
             $this->_outputArr['auth'] = 1;
     if ($this->_outputArr['auth'] == 1 && !is_null($token)) {
         $this->_outputArr['forwardTo'] = "http://" . $gw_ip . ":" . $gw_port . "/wifidog/auth?token=" . $token;