Example #1
 public function recoverPassword($email, $user)
     $fullName = $user['User']['name'] . ' ' . $user['User']['lastname'];
     $password = trim((string) User::randomPassword());
     $Email = new CakeEmail();
     $Email->from(array('*****@*****.**' => 'bvmjm'))->template('forgot', 'default')->viewVars(array('name' => $fullName, 'password' => $password))->emailFormat('html')->to($email)->subject('bvmjm, Recuperación de Contraseña de Administrador')->send();
     $this->data['User']['password'] = $password;
Example #2
  * Given a user object, this method will create a temporary password and save it to the
  * user's account.  Every time this is called, the reset password throttle is reset, which
  * means the method User::isPasswordReminderThrottled will return true for the next
  * $wgPasswordReminderResendTime hours
  * @param User $targetUser
  * @return String
  * @throws MWException
 public function resetPassword(User $targetUser)
     $context = RequestContext::getMain();
     $currentUser = $context->getUser();
     $currentIp = $context->getRequest()->getIP();
     wfRunHooks('User::mailPasswordInternal', [$currentUser, $currentIp, $targetUser]);
     $tempPass = $targetUser->randomPassword();
     $targetUser->setNewpassword($tempPass, $resetThrottle = true);
     return $tempPass;
Example #3
 static function setupUser()
     if (self::$user == NULL) {
         self::$userName = "******";
         self::$passWord = User::randomPassword();
         self::$user = User::newFromName(self::$userName);
         if (!self::$user->getID()) {
             self::$user = User::createNew(self::$userName, array("password" => self::$passWord, "email" => "*****@*****.**", "real_name" => "Test User"));
         } else {
Example #4
 function __construct($username, $realname = 'Real Name', $email = '*****@*****.**', $groups = array())
     $this->username = $username;
     $this->realname = $realname;
     $this->email = $email;
     $this->groups = $groups;
     // don't allow user to hardcode or select passwords -- people sometimes run tests
     // on live wikis. Sometimes we create sysop users in these tests. A sysop user with
     // a known password would be a Bad Thing.
     $this->password = User::randomPassword();
     $this->user = User::newFromName($this->username);
     // In an ideal world we'd have a new wiki (or mock data store) for every single test.
     // But for now, we just need to create or update the user with the desired properties.
     // we particularly need the new password, since we just generated it randomly.
     // In core MediaWiki, there is no functionality to delete users, so this is the best we can do.
     if (!$this->user->getID()) {
         // create the user
         $this->user = User::createNew($this->username, array("email" => $this->email, "real_name" => $this->realname));
         if (!$this->user) {
             throw new Exception("error creating user");
     // update the user to use the new random password and other details
     // remove all groups, replace with any groups specified
     foreach ($this->user->getGroups() as $group) {
     if (count($this->groups)) {
         foreach ($this->groups as $group) {
  * Test the account creation API with a valid request. Also
  * make sure the new account can log in and is valid.
  * This test does multiple API requests so it might end up being
  * a bit slow. Raise the default timeout.
  * @group medium
 public function testValid()
     global $wgServer;
     if (!isset($wgServer)) {
         $this->markTestIncomplete('This test needs $wgServer to be set in LocalSettings.php');
     $password = User::randomPassword();
     $ret = $this->doApiRequest(array('action' => 'createaccount', 'name' => 'Apitestnew', 'password' => $password, 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'realname' => 'Test Name'));
     $result = $ret[0];
     $this->assertNotInternalType('bool', $result);
     $this->assertNotInternalType('null', $result['createaccount']);
     // Should first ask for token.
     $a = $result['createaccount'];
     $this->assertEquals('NeedToken', $a['result']);
     $token = $a['token'];
     // Finally create the account
     $ret = $this->doApiRequest(array('action' => 'createaccount', 'name' => 'Apitestnew', 'password' => $password, 'token' => $token, 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'realname' => 'Test Name'), $ret[2]);
     $result = $ret[0];
     $this->assertNotInternalType('bool', $result);
     $this->assertEquals('Success', $result['createaccount']['result']);
     // Try logging in with the new user.
     $ret = $this->doApiRequest(array('action' => 'login', 'lgname' => 'Apitestnew', 'lgpassword' => $password));
     $result = $ret[0];
     $this->assertNotInternalType('bool', $result);
     $this->assertNotInternalType('null', $result['login']);
     $a = $result['login']['result'];
     $this->assertEquals('NeedToken', $a);
     $token = $result['login']['token'];
     $ret = $this->doApiRequest(array('action' => 'login', 'lgtoken' => $token, 'lgname' => 'Apitestnew', 'lgpassword' => $password), $ret[2]);
     $result = $ret[0];
     $this->assertNotInternalType('bool', $result);
     $a = $result['login']['result'];
     $this->assertEquals('Success', $a);
     // log out to destroy the session
     $ret = $this->doApiRequest(array('action' => 'logout'), $ret[2]);
     $this->assertEquals(array(), $ret[0]);
 protected function acceptRequest(IContextSource $context)
     global $wgAuth, $wgAccountRequestTypes, $wgConfirmAccountSaveInfo;
     global $wgAllowAccountRequestFiles, $wgConfirmAccountFSRepos;
     $accReq = $this->accountReq;
     // convenience
     # Now create user and check if the name is valid
     $user = User::newFromName($this->userName, 'creatable');
     if (!$user) {
         return array('accountconf_invalid_name', wfMsgHtml('noname'));
     # Check if account name is already in use
     if (0 != $user->idForName() || $wgAuth->userExists($user->getName())) {
         return array('accountconf_user_exists', wfMsgHtml('userexists'));
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     # Make a random password
     $p = User::randomPassword();
     # Insert the new user into the DB...
     $tokenExpires = $accReq->getEmailTokenExpires();
     $authenticated = $accReq->getEmailAuthTimestamp();
     $params = array('real_name' => $accReq->getRealName(), 'newpassword' => User::crypt($p), 'email' => $accReq->getEmail(), 'email_authenticated' => $dbw->timestampOrNull($authenticated), 'email_token_expires' => $dbw->timestamp($tokenExpires), 'email_token' => $accReq->getEmailToken());
     $user = User::createNew($user->getName(), $params);
     # Grant any necessary rights (exclude blank or dummy groups)
     $group = self::getGroupFromType($this->type);
     if ($group != '' && $group != 'user' && $group != '*') {
     $acd_id = null;
     // used for rollback cleanup
     # Save account request data to credentials system
     if ($wgConfirmAccountSaveInfo) {
         $key = $accReq->getFileStorageKey();
         # Copy any attached files to new storage group
         if ($wgAllowAccountRequestFiles && $key) {
             $repoOld = new FSRepo($wgConfirmAccountFSRepos['accountreqs']);
             $repoNew = new FSRepo($wgConfirmAccountFSRepos['accountcreds']);
             $pathRel = UserAccountRequest::relPathFromKey($key);
             $oldPath = $repoOld->getZonePath('public') . '/' . $pathRel;
             $triplet = array($oldPath, 'public', $pathRel);
             $status = $repoNew->storeBatch(array($triplet));
             // copy!
             if (!$status->isOK()) {
                 # DELETE new rows in case there was a COMMIT somewhere
                 $this->acceptRequest_rollback($dbw, $user->getId(), $acd_id);
                 return array('accountconf_copyfailed', $context->getOutput()->parse($status->getWikiText()));
         $acd_id = $dbw->nextSequenceValue('account_credentials_acd_id_seq');
         # Move request data into a separate table
         $dbw->insert('account_credentials', array('acd_user_id' => $user->getID(), 'acd_real_name' => $accReq->getRealName(), 'acd_email' => $accReq->getEmail(), 'acd_email_authenticated' => $dbw->timestampOrNull($authenticated), 'acd_bio' => $accReq->getBio(), 'acd_notes' => $accReq->getNotes(), 'acd_urls' => $accReq->getUrls(), 'acd_ip' => $accReq->getIP(), 'acd_filename' => $accReq->getFileName(), 'acd_storage_key' => $accReq->getFileStorageKey(), 'acd_areas' => $accReq->getAreas('flat'), 'acd_registration' => $dbw->timestamp($accReq->getRegistration()), 'acd_accepted' => $dbw->timestamp(), 'acd_user' => $this->admin->getID(), 'acd_comment' => $this->reason, 'acd_id' => $acd_id), __METHOD__);
         if (is_null($acd_id)) {
             $acd_id = $dbw->insertId();
             // set $acd_id to ID inserted
     # Add to global user login system (if there is one)
     if (!$wgAuth->addUser($user, $p, $accReq->getEmail(), $accReq->getRealName())) {
         # DELETE new rows in case there was a COMMIT somewhere
         $this->acceptRequest_rollback($dbw, $user->getId(), $acd_id);
         return array('accountconf_externaldberror', wfMsgHtml('externaldberror'));
     # OK, now remove the request from the queue
     # Commit this if we make past the CentralAuth system
     # and the groups are added. Next step is sending out an
     # email, which we cannot take back...
     # Prepare a temporary password email...
     if ($this->reason != '') {
         $msg = "confirmaccount-email-body2-pos{$this->type}";
         # If the user is in a group and there is a welcome for that group, use it
         if ($group && !wfEmptyMsg($msg)) {
             $ebody = wfMsgExt($msg, array('parsemag', 'content'), $user->getName(), $p, $this->reason);
             # Use standard if none found...
         } else {
             $ebody = wfMsgExt('confirmaccount-email-body2', array('parsemag', 'content'), $user->getName(), $p, $this->reason);
     } else {
         $msg = "confirmaccount-email-body-pos{$this->type}";
         # If the user is in a group and there is a welcome for that group, use it
         if ($group && !wfEmptyMsg($msg)) {
             $ebody = wfMsgExt($msg, array('parsemag', 'content'), $user->getName(), $p, $this->reason);
             # Use standard if none found...
         } else {
             $ebody = wfMsgExt('confirmaccount-email-body', array('parsemag', 'content'), $user->getName(), $p, $this->reason);
     # Actually send out the email (@TODO: rollback on failure including $wgAuth)
     $result = $user->sendMail(wfMsgForContent('confirmaccount-email-subj'), $ebody);
     if ( !$result->isOk() ) {
     	# DELETE new rows in case there was a COMMIT somewhere
     	$this->acceptRequest_rollback( $dbw, $user->getId(), $acd_id );
     	return array( 'accountconf_mailerror',
     		wfMsg( 'mailerror', $context->getOutput()->parse( $result->getWikiText() ) ) );
     # Update user count
     $ssUpdate = new SiteStatsUpdate(0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
     # Safe to hook/log now...
     wfRunHooks('AddNewAccount', array($user, false));
     # Clear cache for notice of how many account requests there are
     # Delete any attached file and don't stop the whole process if this fails
     if ($wgAllowAccountRequestFiles) {
         $key = $accReq->getFileStorageKey();
         if ($key) {
             $repoOld = new FSRepo($wgConfirmAccountFSRepos['accountreqs']);
             $pathRel = UserAccountRequest::relPathFromKey($key);
             $oldPath = $repoOld->getZonePath('public') . '/' . $pathRel;
             if (file_exists($oldPath)) {
                 // delete!
     # Start up the user's userpages if set to do so.
     # Will not append, so previous content will be blanked.
     # Greet the new user if set to do so.
     return array(true, null);
  * @param User $u
  * @param bool $throttle
  * @param string $emailTitle Message name of email title
  * @param string $emailText Message name of email text
  * @return Status
 function mailPasswordInternal($u, $throttle = true, $emailTitle = 'passwordremindertitle', $emailText = 'passwordremindertext')
     global $wgNewPasswordExpiry;
     if ($u->getEmail() == '') {
         return Status::newFatal('noemail', $u->getName());
     $ip = $this->getRequest()->getIP();
     if (!$ip) {
         return Status::newFatal('badipaddress');
     $currentUser = $this->getUser();
     Hooks::run('User::mailPasswordInternal', array(&$currentUser, &$ip, &$u));
     $np = $u->randomPassword();
     $u->setNewpassword($np, $throttle);
     $userLanguage = $u->getOption('language');
     $mainPage = Title::newMainPage();
     $mainPageUrl = $mainPage->getCanonicalURL();
     $m = $this->msg($emailText, $ip, $u->getName(), $np, '<' . $mainPageUrl . '>', round($wgNewPasswordExpiry / 86400))->inLanguage($userLanguage)->text();
     $result = $u->sendMail($this->msg($emailTitle)->inLanguage($userLanguage)->text(), $m);
     return $result;
  * Create an account, returning a random password
 function createAccount($username, $options)
     global $wgDefaultGid, $wgHomeDirectory;
     $password = User::randomPassword();
     $insert = array('pwd_name' => strtolower($username), 'pwd_password' => Md5crypt::encryptPassword($password), 'pwd_password_lastchange' => wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX), 'pwd_gid' => $wgDefaultGid, 'pwd_home' => str_replace('$1', strtolower($username), $wgHomeDirectory));
     // $options is something that is passed to user_props
     $insert['pwd_email'] = $options['email'];
     $insert['pwd_active'] = $options['active'];
     // Guess a nice uid. We actually need a lock here
     $dbw = $this->getDB(DB_MASTER);
     $row = $dbw->selectRow('passwd', 'MAX(pwd_uid) + 1 AS uid', array(), __METHOD__);
     $uid = $row->uid;
     if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
         while (posix_getpwuid($uid)) {
     $insert['pwd_uid'] = $uid;
     $dbw->insert('passwd', $insert, __METHOD__);
     return $password;
Example #9
 public static function insert($is_btc = false, $bank_account_currency = false, $amount = false, $btc_address = false, $account_number = false)
     global $CFG;
     $bank_account_currency = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $bank_account_currency);
     $amount = preg_replace("/[^0-9\\.]/", "", $amount);
     $account_number = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $account_number);
     $btc_address = preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zA-Z]/", '', $btc_address);
     if (!$CFG->session_active) {
         return false;
     if ($CFG->withdrawals_status == 'suspended') {
         return false;
     $available = User::getAvailable();
     if ($is_btc) {
         if (round($amount, 8) > round($available['BTC'], 8)) {
             return false;
     } else {
         $currency_info = $CFG->currencies[$bank_account_currency];
         if ($amount > $available[$currency_info['currency']]) {
             return false;
     if ($is_btc) {
         if ((User::$info['verified_authy'] == 'Y' || User::$info['verified_google'] == 'Y') && User::$info['confirm_withdrawal_2fa_btc'] == 'Y' && !($CFG->token_verified || $CFG->session_api)) {
             return false;
         if ((User::$info['verified_authy'] == 'Y' || User::$info['verified_google'] == 'Y') && User::$info['confirm_withdrawal_2fa_bank'] == 'Y' && !($CFG->token_verified || $CFG->session_api)) {
             return false;
         $status = User::$info['confirm_withdrawal_email_btc'] == 'Y' && !($CFG->token_verified || $CFG->session_api) ? $CFG->request_awaiting_id : $CFG->request_pending_id;
         $request_id = db_insert('requests', array('date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'site_user' => User::$info['id'], 'currency' => $CFG->btc_currency_id, 'amount' => $amount, 'description' => $CFG->withdraw_btc_desc, 'request_status' => $status, 'request_type' => $CFG->request_withdrawal_id, 'send_address' => $btc_address, 'fee' => $CFG->bitcoin_sending_fee, 'net_amount' => $amount - $CFG->bitcoin_sending_fee));
         db_insert('history', array('date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'ip' => $CFG->client_ip, 'history_action' => $CFG->history_withdraw_id, 'site_user' => User::$info['id'], 'request_id' => $request_id, 'bitcoin_address' => $btc_address, 'balance_before' => User::$info['btc'], 'balance_after' => User::$info['btc'] - $amount));
         if (User::$info['confirm_withdrawal_email_btc'] == 'Y' && !($CFG->token_verified || $CFG->session_api) && $request_id > 0) {
             Status::sumFields(array('pending_withdrawals' => $amount));
             $email_token = User::randomPassword(12);
             $vars = User::$info;
             $vars['authcode'] = urlencode(Encryption::encrypt($email_token));
             $vars['baseurl'] = $CFG->frontend_baseurl;
             db_update('requests', $request_id, array('email_token' => $email_token));
             $email = SiteEmail::getRecord('request-auth');
             Email::send($CFG->form_email, User::$info['email'], $email['title'], $CFG->form_email_from, false, $email['content'], $vars);
         } elseif (User::$info['notify_withdraw_btc'] == 'Y') {
             $info['amount'] = $amount;
             $info['currency'] = 'BTC';
             $info['first_name'] = User::$info['first_name'];
             $info['last_name'] = User::$info['last_name'];
             $info['id'] = $request_id;
             $email = SiteEmail::getRecord('new-withdrawal');
             Email::send($CFG->form_email, User::$info['email'], str_replace('[amount]', $amount, str_replace('[currency]', 'BTC', $email['title'])), $CFG->form_email_from, false, $email['content'], $info);
     } else {
         if ((User::$info['verified_authy'] == 'Y' || User::$info['verified_google'] == 'Y') && User::$info['confirm_withdrawal_2fa_bank'] == 'Y' && !($CFG->token_verified || $CFG->session_api)) {
             return false;
         $amount = round($amount, 2, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
         $status = User::$info['confirm_withdrawal_email_bank'] == 'Y' && !($CFG->token_verified || $CFG->session_api) ? $CFG->request_awaiting_id : $CFG->request_pending_id;
         $request_id = db_insert('requests', array('date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'site_user' => User::$info['id'], 'currency' => $bank_account_currency, 'amount' => $amount, 'description' => $CFG->withdraw_fiat_desc, 'request_status' => $status, 'request_type' => $CFG->request_withdrawal_id, 'account' => $account_number, 'fee' => $CFG->fiat_withdraw_fee, 'net_amount' => $amount - $CFG->fiat_withdraw_fee));
         db_insert('history', array('date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'ip' => $CFG->client_ip, 'history_action' => $CFG->history_withdraw_id, 'site_user' => User::$info['id'], 'request_id' => $request_id, 'balance_before' => User::$info[strtolower($currency_info['currency'])], 'balance_after' => User::$info[strtolower($currency_info['currency'])] - $amount));
         if (User::$info['confirm_withdrawal_email_bank'] == 'Y' && !($CFG->token_verified || $CFG->session_api) && $request_id > 0) {
             $vars = User::$info;
             $email_token = User::randomPassword(12);
             $vars['authcode'] = urlencode(Encryption::encrypt($email_token));
             $vars['baseurl'] = $CFG->frontend_baseurl;
             db_update('requests', $request_id, array('email_token' => $email_token));
             $email = SiteEmail::getRecord('request-auth');
             Email::send($CFG->form_email, User::$info['email'], $email['title'], $CFG->form_email_from, false, $email['content'], $vars);
         } elseif (User::$info['notify_withdraw_bank'] == 'Y') {
             $info['amount'] = number_format($amount, 2);
             $info['currency'] = $currency_info['currency'];
             $info['first_name'] = User::$info['first_name'];
             $info['last_name'] = User::$info['last_name'];
             $info['id'] = $request_id;
             $email = SiteEmail::getRecord('new-withdrawal');
             Email::send($CFG->form_email, User::$info['email'], str_replace('[amount]', number_format($amount, 2), str_replace('[currency]', $currency_info['currency'], $email['title'])), $CFG->form_email_from, false, $email['content'], $info);
     if ($request_id && $CFG->memcached) {
         $CFG->unset_cache['balances'][User::$info['id']] = 2;
     if ($CFG->session_api && $request_id > 0) {
         $result = self::get(false, false, false, false, false, false, 1, $request_id);
         return $result[0];
     } else {
         return $request_id;
Example #10
 function TuleapMediawikiAuthentication($user, &$result)
     global $fusionforgeproject, $wgGroupPermissions;
     if (session_loggedin()) {
         $tuleap_user = session_get_user();
         $group = group_get_object_by_name($fusionforgeproject);
         $madiawiki_name = ucfirst($tuleap_user->getUnixName());
         $mediawiki_user = User::newFromName($madiawiki_name);
         if ($mediawiki_user->getID() == 0) {
         $user->mId = $mediawiki_user->getID();
         $user = manageMediawikiGroupsForUser($user, $tuleap_user, $group);
     } else {
     $result = true;
     return true;
	 * Todo: if we are supposed to tie this account to an existing one, create it but don't use it
	 * --> cf _isCreatedFromTwitter --> relation
	 * Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to disable or hide an account programmatically
	private function _createUser( $user, $name, $screen_name ){
		global $wgAuth;

		try {
			wfDebug( __METHOD__ . ':: created user ' . $screen_name . ' from Twitter' );

			if ( $wgAuth->allowPasswordChange() )


			// store the twitter id in our own table
			$this->_storeInTable( $user, $screen_name );	// $relation
			return true;

		} catch( Exception $e ) {
			print( $e->getTraceAsString() );
			return false;
 public function actionActive()
     $usermodel = new User();
     $name = 'message';
     $data = $_GET['data'];
     $data = base64_decode($data);
     $data = json_decode($data, true);
     $message = $data['data'];
     $received_signature = $data['sig'];
     $private_key = $usermodel->get_private_key_for_public_key($data['pubKey']);
     $computed_signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $message, $private_key, true));
     if ($computed_signature == $received_signature) {
         $user = User::model()->find("activationkey = ?", array($message));
         if (!$user) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('title', Yii::t('account', 'Invalid path'));
         } else {
             if ($user->level == UserPolicy::Guest) {
                 $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('capacity_secure,capacity_unsecure')->from('user_levels')->where('id=2')->queryRow();
                 $user->webspace = $command["capacity_unsecure"];
                 $user->webspace_secure = $command["capacity_secure"];
                 $activeKey = $usermodel->randomPassword(32);
                 $user->level = UserPolicy::Member;
                 $user->activationkey = $activeKey;
                 $user->update(array("level", "activationkey", "webspace", "webspace_secure"));
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('title', Yii::t('account', 'Member active'));
             //Yii::app()->user->setFlash('msg', "<strong>".Yii::t("fshare", "Successful active")."</strong>".Yii::t("fshare","<p> Thank you for using our services <br /> <small> Fshare.vn </ small><br /> <small> Return home 10 seconds</ small>"));
     } else {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('title', Yii::t('account', 'Invalid path'));
  * Load session from user
  * At this time here, we can be in two situations. Either we are an
  * anonymous user (user object here has most likely no name set we assume)
  * but we also might happen to just be back from our trip to the OAuth
  * Resource server.
  * Documentation says we should read cookies and just pop in that user object
  * the name coming from the cookies. I expect that just breaks any security
  * steps we’ve taken so far.
  * Since we came from the OAuth Resource server and the user had a successful
  * authentication exchange, the Request URI should have TWO properties
  * - code
  * - state
  * The Code will be used right after to get a bearer token, so, its safe
  * to assume that we can start that validation here instead than later in the
  * execution flow.
  * If that step was successful, we trust that we already saved
  * a state object in the Memcache server. Lets use that as a way to check
  * **before any html has been given to the browser** to validate that user.
  * We already might got cookies:
  * - (.*)Token,
  * - (.*)UserID
  * - (.*)UserName
  * Since we already can know expectable data from the resource server,
  * use this hook as an event handler to actually do the validation.
  * from our OAuth Resource server, and nothing else should be done
  * @param  [type] $user   [description]
  * @param  [type] $result [description]
  * @return [type]         [description]
 public static function onUserLoadFromSession($user, &$result)
     $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'] = array();
     $diagnosis['session'] = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getCookie('_session');
     $diagnosis['username'] = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getCookie('UserName');
     $diagnosis['user_id'] = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getCookie('UserID');
     if (isset($_COOKIE['wpdSsoUsername'])) {
         $diagnosis['wpdSsoUsername'] = $_COOKIE['wpdSsoUsername'];
     if (isset($_POST['recoveryPayload'])) {
         $diagnosis['recoveryPayload'] = $_POST['recoveryPayload'];
     //header("X-WebPlatform-Debug: ".substr(str_replace('"','', json_encode($diagnosis,true)),1,-1));
     //header("X-WebPlatform-Debug-Cookie: ".substr(str_replace('"','', json_encode($_COOKIE,true)),1,-1));
     //  header("X-WebPlatform-Debug-Edgecase2: recoveryPayload is present");
     // Use Native PHP way to check REQUEST params
     $state_key = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
     $code = isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] : null;
     $bearer_token = null;
     $profile = null;
     $site_root = str_replace('$1', '', $GLOBALS['wgArticlePath']);
     //$registeredCookieWithUsername = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getCookie( 'UserName' );
     //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'Registered cookie username: '******'recoveryPayload']) ? $_POST['recoveryPayload'] : null;
     if (is_string($sessionToken)) {
         header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
         // TODO: Do some more validation with this, see
         //   notes at http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Projects/SSO/Improvements_roadmap#Recovering_session_data
         try {
             $uri = 'https://profile.accounts.webplatform.org/v1/session/recover';
             $client = new Guzzle\Http\Client();
             $client->setDefaultOption('timeout', 22);
             $subreq = $client->get($uri);
             $subreq->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
             $subreq->setHeader('Authorization', 'Session ' . $sessionToken);
             $r = $client->send($subreq);
         } catch (Guzzle\Http\Exception\ClientErrorResponseException $e) {
             $clientErrorStatusCode = $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode();
             $clientErrorReason = $e->getResponse()->getReasonPhrase();
             // We are considering that wgUser id 0 means anonymous
             if ($clientErrorStatusCode === 401 && $GLOBALS['wgUser']->getId() !== 0) {
                 header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized");
                 header("X-WebPlatform-Outcome-1: Session closed, closing local too");
                 // 401 AND uid 0 means we have nothing to do
             } elseif ($clientErrorStatusCode === 401 && $GLOBALS['wgUser']->getId() === 0) {
                 header("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content");
                 header("X-WebPlatform-Outcome-2: Session closed both local and accounts");
             return true;
         } catch (Guzzle\Http\Exception\CurlException $e) {
             header("X-WebPlatform-Outcome-3: CurlException");
             header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
             echo $e->getMessage();
             return true;
         try {
             $data = $r->json();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
             header("X-WebPlatform-Outcome-4: Profile refused communication");
             echo "Profile server refused communication";
             return true;
         # 20140807
         $wgUserName = is_object($GLOBALS['wgUser']) ? $GLOBALS['wgUser']->getName() : null;
         if (isset($data['username']) && strtolower($wgUserName) === strtolower($data['username'])) {
             header("X-WebPlatform-Outcome-5: " . strtolower($wgUserName) . " is " . strtolower($data['username']));
             header("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content");
             return true;
             // All is good
         $tempUser = WebPlatformAuthUserFactory::prepareUser($data);
         if ($tempUser->getId() === 0) {
             // No user exists whatsoever, create and make current user
             $tempUser->setOption("rememberpassword", 0);
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = sprintf('User %s created', $tempUser->getName());
         } else {
             // User exist in database, load it
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = sprintf('Session for %s started', $tempUser->getName());
         $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $tempUser->getId();
         $GLOBALS['wgUser'] = $tempUser;
         // Ideally, the first false below should be true! But we need SSL at the top level domain
         setcookie('wpdSsoUsername', $data['username'], time() + 60 * 60 * 7, '/', '.webplatform.org', false, true);
         if (isset($_GET['username'])) {
             header("X-WebPlatform-Username: "******"X-WebPlatform-Recovery: " . urlencode(json_encode($data)) );
         header("HTTP/1.0 201 Created");
         return true;
     if (is_string($state_key) && is_string($code)) {
         //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'About to retrieve data: '.(($user->isLoggedIn())?'logged in':'not logged in'); // DEBUG
         // Since we DO have what we need to get
         // to our validation server, please do not cache.
         // ... and since WE DIDN’t send any HTML, yet (good boy)
         // we can actually do that.
         header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
         try {
             $apiHandler = new FirefoxAccountsManager($GLOBALS['wgWebPlatformAuth']);
             // $code can be used ONLY ONCE!
             //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'Code: '.print_r($code,1); // DEBUG
             $bearer_token = $apiHandler->getBearerToken($code);
         } catch (ClientErrorResponseException $e) {
             $msg = 'Could not get authorization token';
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $msg;
             $msg .= ', returned after FirefoxAccountsManager::getBearerToken(), it said:' . $e->getMessage();
             $obj = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody(true), true);
             $msg .= isset($obj['reason']) ? ', reason: ' . $obj['reason'] : null;
             $msg .= isset($obj['message']) ? ', message: ' . $obj['message'] : null;
             //header('Location: '.$site_root);
             return true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Other error: e.g. config, or other Guzzle call not expected.
             $msg = 'Unknown error, Could not get authorization token';
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $msg;
             $msg .= ', returned a "' . get_class($e);
             $msg .= '" after FirefoxAccountsManager::getBearerToken(), it said: ' . $e->getMessage();
             //header('Location: '.$site_root);
             return true;
         //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'Bearer token: '.print_r($bearer_token,1); // DEBUG
         // FirefoxAccountsManager::getBearerToken()
         // returns an array.
         if (is_array($bearer_token)) {
             try {
                 $profile = $apiHandler->getProfile($bearer_token);
                 //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'Profile: '.print_r($profile,1); // DEBUG
                 $tempUser = WebPlatformAuthUserFactory::prepareUser($profile);
             } catch (ClientErrorResponseException $e) {
                 $msg = 'Could not retrieve profile data';
                 $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $msg;
                 $msg .= ', returned a "' . get_class($e);
                 $msg .= '" after calling getProfile(), it said: ' . $e->getMessage();
                 $obj = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody(true), true);
                 $msg .= isset($obj['reason']) ? ', with reason: ' . $obj['reason'] : null;
                 $msg .= isset($obj['message']) ? ', message: ' . $obj['message'] : null;
                 return true;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $msg = 'Unknown error, Could not get profile data or create new user';
                 $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $msg;
                 $msg .= ', returned a "' . get_class($e);
                 $msg .= '" after FirefoxAccountsManager::getProfile(), it said: ' . $e->getMessage();
                 return true;
             // Note that, HERE, whether we use $GLOBALS['wgUser']
             // or $user (passed in this function call from the hook)
             // or EVEN the one passed to WebPlatformAuthUserFactory::prepareUser()
             // it should be the same. It is assumed that in prepareUser() it the call
             // to MW User::loadDefaults($username) makes that binding.
             // #DOUBLECHECKLATER
             // Let’s be EXPLICIT
             // Note that MW User::isLoggedIn() is not **only** checking
             // whether the user is logged in per se. But rather do both;
             // checking if the user exists in the database. Doesn’t mean
             // the session is bound, yet.
             if ($tempUser->getId() === 0) {
                 // No user exists whatsoever, create and make current user
                 $tempUser->setOption("rememberpassword", 0);
                 $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = sprintf('User %s created', $tempUser->getName());
             } else {
                 // User exist in database, load it
                 $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = sprintf('Session for %s started', $tempUser->getName());
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $tempUser->getId();
             $GLOBALS['wgUser'] = $tempUser;
             //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = ($GLOBALS['wgUser']->isLoggedIn())?'logged in':'not logged in'; // DEBUG
             //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $tempUser->getId(); // DEBUG
             $state_data = $apiHandler->stateRetrieve($state_key);
             if (is_array($state_data) && isset($state_data['return_to'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'State data: ' . print_r($state_data, 1);
                 header('Location: ' . $state_data['return_to']);
                 return true;
                 // Even though it might just be sent elsewhere, making sure.
         } else {
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'No bearer tokens';
             header('Location: ' . $site_root);
     //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = ($GLOBALS['wgUser']->isLoggedIn())?'logged in':'not logged in';
      * I can put true or false because we wont be using local authentication
      * whatsoever. Hopefully that’s the way to do.
      * Quoting the doc
      *   "When the authentication should continue undisturbed
      *    after the hook was executed, do not touch $result. When
      *    the normal authentication should not happen
      *    (e.g., because $user is completely initialized),
      *    set $result to any boolean value."
      *    -- 2014-05-22 http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/UserLoadFromSession
      * But, if I set $result to either true or false, it doesn’t make the UI to
      * act as if you are logged in, AT ALL. Even though I created
      * the user and set it to the global object. I’d like to investigate on why we cannot
      * set either true or false here because it is unclear what it means undisturbed... we are
      * creating local users, based on remote data, but authentication implies password, we arent using
      * local ones, what gives? #DOUBLECHECKLATER
     //$result = false; // Doesn’t matter true or false, and its passed here by-reference.
     return true;
     // Hook MUST return true if it was as intended, was it? (hopefully so far)