Example #1
 public function login($loginoremail, $password)
     if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name])) {
     $user = new User($this->db);
     if (isset($user) && $user->is_loaded) {
         if ($user->val('user_failed_attempts') > $this::$max_attempts) {
             $messages[] = t('Max. number of login attempts exceeded. Please ask for new password.');
         if (Authentication::verifyPassword($password, $user->val('user_password_hash'))) {
             // success - create new session
             $this->user = $user;
             $token = $this->generateToken();
             $token_hash = Authentication::hashPassword($token);
             $expires = time() + Authentication::$session_expire;
             $session = new UserSession($this->db);
             $session->data['user_session_token_hash'] = $token_hash;
             $session->data['user_session_user_id'] = $this->user->val('user_id');
             $session->data['user_session_expires'] = SqlQuery::mysqlTimestamp($expires);
             setcookie($this->cookie_name, $session->val('user_session_id') . "-" . $token, $expires, '/', false, false);
             $this->session = $session;
         } else {
             $user->data['user_failed_attempts'] += 1;
Example #2

include_once $home_dir . 'classes/emails.php';
$page_title = t('Forgotten Password');
if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
    $zUser = new User($db);
    if ($zUser->is_loaded) {
        $reset_token = generateToken(50);
        $expires = time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * User::$reset_password_expires_days;
        $zUser->data['user_reset_password_hash'] = Authentication::hashPassword($reset_token);
        $zUser->data['user_reset_password_expires'] = ModelBase::mysqlTimestamp($expires);
        $email_text = t('To reset your password, visit this link: %s/admin/reset-password/%d?reset_token=%s. This link is only valid for %d days.', $base_url, $zUser->val('user_id'), $reset_token, User::$reset_password_expires_days);
        Emails::sendPlain($globals['emails_from'], $zUser->val('user_email'), '', t('Forgotten Password'), $email_text);
        $messages->add(t('An e-mail was sent to your address with reset password instructions.'));
    } else {
        // increase ip address failed attempts here
        // *
        $messages->error(t('This e-mail address or login was not found in our database.'));