  * Only owner
  * @param User    $user
  * @return int  $authz
 public function user_may_read($user)
     if ($user->is_system()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_SYSTEM;
     if ($user->user_id == $this->usrs_user_id) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_OWNER;
     return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_DENIED;
  * @param User  $user
  * @return int authz flag
 public function user_may_delete(User $user)
     //Carper::carp(sprintf('check if user_may_delete tag %s for %s', $this->tag_tm_id, $user->user_username));
     if ($user->is_system()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_SYSTEM;
     // authz only by role + org
     $authz = $user->get_authz();
     foreach ($authz as $orgid => $role) {
         if (ACTION_ORG_PRJ_INQ_TAG_DELETE & $role) {
             //Carper::carp(sprintf("User %s may write to tag with role %s in org %s", $user->user_username, $role, $orgid));
             return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_OWNER;
     return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_DENIED;
  * Need read to create; owner or manager to update/delete.
  * @param User    $user
  * @return authz integer
 public function user_may_write(User $user)
     if ($user->is_system()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_SYSTEM;
     } elseif ($this->SrcResponseSet->user_may_read($user)) {
         if (!$this->exists()) {
             return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_NEW;
         } elseif ($this->srsan_cre_user == $user->user_id) {
             return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_OWNER;
         } else {
             // may only write non-owned if MANAGER of owning user
             $ownr = Doctrine::getTable('User')->find($this->srsan_cre_user);
             if ($ownr && $ownr->user_may_manage($user)) {
                 return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_MANAGER;
     return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_DENIED;
  * Write - owner
  * @param Doctrine_Query $q
  * @param User $u
  * @param string $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_write($q, $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $q->addWhere("{$a}bin_user_id = ?", $u->user_id);
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage a SrcResponse.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // manageable src_response_sets
     $tmp = AIR2_Query::create();
     SrcResponseSet::query_may_manage($tmp, $u);
     $tmp = array_pop($tmp->getDqlPart('where'));
     $srs_ids = "select srs_id from src_response_set where {$tmp}";
     // add to query
     $q->addWhere("{$a}sr_srs_id in ({$srs_ids})");
  * Update
  * @param User $u
  * @param array $data
 protected function air_update(User $u, $data)
     if (isset($data['uem_address'])) {
         $u->UserEmailAddress[0]->uem_address = $data['uem_address'];
         $u->UserEmailAddress[0]->uem_primary_flag = true;
         // for NON-system users, sync username with email
         if (!$u->is_system()) {
             $u->user_username = $data['uem_address'];
     if (isset($data['uph_number']) || isset($data['uph_ext'])) {
         $n = isset($data['uph_number']) ? $data['uph_number'] : $u->UserPhoneNumber[0]->uph_number;
         $e = isset($data['uph_ext']) ? $data['uph_ext'] : $u->UserPhoneNumber[0]->uph_ext;
         $u->UserPhoneNumber[0]->uph_number = $n;
         $u->UserPhoneNumber[0]->uph_ext = $e;
         $u->UserPhoneNumber[0]->uph_country = 'USA';
         $u->UserPhoneNumber[0]->uph_primary_flag = true;
     $old_title = null;
     if (isset($data['org_uuid'])) {
         // run through all orgs, and change home
         $found = false;
         foreach ($u->UserOrg as $uo) {
             if ($uo->uo_home_flag) {
                 $old_title = $uo->uo_user_title;
             if ($uo->Organization->org_uuid == $data['org_uuid']) {
                 $found = $uo;
                 $uo->uo_home_flag = true;
             } else {
                 $uo->uo_home_flag = false;
         if (!$found) {
             $u = $data['org_uuid'];
             throw new Rframe_Exception(RFrame::BAD_DATA, "Invalid home-org UUID '{$u}'");
         if ($old_title) {
             $found->uo_user_title = $old_title;
     if (isset($data['uo_user_title'])) {
         // run through all orgs, and change home-org title
         $found = false;
         foreach ($u->UserOrg as $uo) {
             if ($uo->uo_home_flag) {
                 $uo->uo_user_title = $data['uo_user_title'];
                 $found = true;
         if (!$found) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(RFrame::BAD_DATA, "Cannot change title: no home org");
     if (isset($data['avatar'])) {
         try {
             if (!$u->Avatar) {
                 $u->Avatar = new ImageUserAvatar();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(RFrame::BAD_DATA, $e->getMessage());
     if (array_key_exists('avatar', $data) && !$data['avatar']) {
         if ($u->Avatar) {
  * Manageable if MANAGER in opted-in Org.
  * @param User    $user
  * @param bool    $respect_lock (optional)
  * @return authz integer
 public function user_may_manage($user, $respect_lock = true)
     if ($user->is_system()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_SYSTEM;
     if ($respect_lock && $this->src_has_acct == Source::$ACCT_YES) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_DENIED;
     // look for MANAGER role in related organization
     $user_authz = $user->get_authz();
     $src_org_ids = $this->get_authz();
     foreach ($src_org_ids as $org_id) {
         $role = isset($user_authz[$org_id]) ? $user_authz[$org_id] : null;
         if (ACTION_ORG_SRC_DELETE & $role) {
             return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_ORG;
     // no manager role found
     return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_DENIED;
  * Apply authz rules for who may write.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_write(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // readable inquiries
     $tmp = AIR2_Query::create();
     Inquiry::query_may_read($tmp, $u);
     $tmp = array_pop($tmp->getDqlPart('where'));
     $inq_ids = "select inq_id from inquiry where {$tmp}";
     // add to query
     $user_id = $u->user_id;
     $own = "{$a}inqan_cre_user = {$user_id}";
     $q->addWhere("({$a}inqan_inq_id in ({$inq_ids}) and {$own})");
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage a SrcResponseSet.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // manageable
     $mg_org_ids = $u->get_authz_str(ACTION_ORG_PRJ_INQ_SRS_DELETE, 'porg_org_id', true);
     $prj_ids = "select porg_prj_id from project_org where {$mg_org_ids}";
     $inq_ids = "select pinq_inq_id from project_inquiry where pinq_prj_id in ({$prj_ids})";
     // fetch actual id's, to prevent doctrine from adding its own alias to
     // our columns (pinq fields will get re-aliased by doctrine).
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_connection();
     $rs = $conn->fetchColumn($inq_ids, array(), 0);
     $inq_ids = count($rs) ? implode(',', $rs) : 'NULL';
     // add to query
     $q->addWhere("{$a}srs_inq_id in ({$inq_ids})");
  * Must be owner to write to existing SavedSearch.
  * @param User    $user
  * @return authz integer
 public function user_may_write($user)
     if ($user->is_system()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_SYSTEM;
     if (!$this->exists()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_NEW;
     if ($this->ssearch_cre_user == $user->user_id) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_OWNER;
     return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_DENIED;
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage a User.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // delete-usr authz in org
     $manage_org_ids = $u->get_authz_str(ACTION_ORG_USR_DELETE, 'uo_org_id', false);
     $stat = UserOrg::$STATUS_ACTIVE;
     $usr_ids = "select uo_user_id from user_org where {$manage_org_ids}";
     $q->addWhere("{$a}user_id in ({$usr_ids})");
  * Read
  * @param User $user
  * @return boolean
 public function user_may_read($user)
     if ($user->is_system()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_SYSTEM;
     return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_PUBLIC;
  * Must be owner, or inherit from Project or Inquiry
  * @param User    $user
  * @return authz integer
 public function user_may_write($user)
     if ($user->is_system()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_SYSTEM;
     if ($this->out_cre_user == $user->user_id) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_OWNER;
     if (!$this->exists()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_NEW;
     if ($this->Organization) {
         $authz = $this->Organization->user_may_write($user);
         if ($authz) {
             return $authz;
     // per redmine #4022, only owner may edit
     // foreach ($this->PrjOutcome as $pout) {
     //     $authz = $pout->Project->user_may_write($user);
     //     if ($authz) return $authz;
     // }
     // foreach ($this->InqOutcome as $iout) {
     //     $authz = $iout->Inquiry->user_may_write($user);
     //     if ($authz) return $authz;
     // }
     return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_DENIED;
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage an Inquiry.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $uid = $u->user_id;
     // managable or contact-user
     $mg_org_ids = $u->get_authz_str(ACTION_ORG_PRJ_INQ_DELETE, 'porg_org_id');
     $is_contact = "porg_contact_user_id={$uid}";
     $prj_ids = "select porg_prj_id from project_org where {$mg_org_ids} or {$is_contact}";
     $inq_ids = "select pinq_inq_id from project_inquiry where pinq_prj_id in ({$prj_ids})";
     // owner
     $owner = "inq_cre_user={$uid}";
     // add to query
     $q->addWhere("({$a}inq_id in ({$inq_ids}) or {$owner})");
  * Inherit from Organization
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
  * @return unknown
 public static function query_may_read(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     return Organization::query_may_read($q, $u, $alias);
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage an Organization
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $org_ids = $u->get_authz_str(ACTION_ORG_DELETE, 'org_id', false);
     $q->addWhere($a . $org_ids);
  * Manage (delete) authz
  * @param User    $user
  * @return authz integer
 public function user_may_manage($user)
     if ($user->is_system()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_SYSTEM;
     // TODO: remove this from manage
     if ($this->exists() && $this->uo_user_id == $user->user_id) {
         $owner_may_modify = array('uo_user_title', 'uo_notify_flag', 'uo_home_flag');
         $mod_flds = $this->getModified();
         // check that only allowed fields are set
         foreach ($owner_may_modify as $fld) {
         if (count($mod_flds) == 0) {
             return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_OWNER;
     // delete-usr authz in related org
     $org_id = $this->uo_org_id;
     $authz = $user->get_authz();
     $role = array_key_exists($org_id, $authz) ? $authz[$org_id] : 0;
     if (ACTION_ORG_USR_DELETE & $role) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_MANAGER;
     return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_DENIED;
  * Inherit from Project
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_read(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // readable projects
     $tmp = AIR2_Query::create();
     Project::query_may_read($tmp, $u);
     $tmp = array_pop($tmp->getDqlPart('where'));
     $prj_ids = "select prj_id from project where {$tmp}";
     // fetch actual id's, to prevent doctrine from adding its own alias to
     // our columns (porg fields will get re-aliased by doctrine).
     $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_connection();
     $rs = $conn->fetchColumn($prj_ids, array(), 0);
     $prj_ids = count($rs) ? implode(',', $rs) : 'NULL';
     $q->addWhere("{$a}porg_prj_id in ({$prj_ids})");
  * For now, only SYSTEM users may manage (delete) SrcOrgs
  * @param User    $user
  * @return authz integer
 public function user_may_manage($user)
     if ($user->is_system()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_SYSTEM;
     return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_DENIED;
  * Write - bin_source writable
  * @param Doctrine_Query $q
  * @param User $u
  * @param string $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_write($q, $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $write_bin_ids = "select bin_id from bin where bin_user_id=?";
     $q->addWhere("{$a}bsrs_bin_id in ({$write_bin_ids})", $u->user_id);
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage a Project.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     // is user contact_user for this project
     $user_id = $u->user_id;
     $prj_ids = "select porg_prj_id from project_org where porg_contact_user_id = {$user_id}";
     $contact_user = "******";
     // is user MANAGER in an org related to this project
     $org_ids = $u->get_authz_str(ACTION_ORG_PRJ_DELETE, 'porg_org_id', false);
     $prj_ids = "select porg_prj_id from project_org where {$org_ids}";
     $manager = "{$a}prj_id in ({$prj_ids})";
     // add complete where condition
     $q->addWhere("({$contact_user} or {$manager})");
  * WRITER in any Organization may write.
  * @param User    $u
  * @return int
 public function user_may_write(User $u)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
         return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_SYSTEM;
     // look for WRITER role in any organization
     $authz = $u->get_authz();
     foreach ($authz as $orgid => $role) {
         if (ACTION_ORG_UPDATE & $role) {
             return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_ORG;
     // no WRITER role found
     return AIR2_AUTHZ_IS_DENIED;
  * Restrict to owner, and anyone able to update sources in a tank_org.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_read(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $uid = $u->user_id;
     $authz_str = $u->get_authz_str(ACTION_ORG_SRC_UPDATE, 'to_org_id');
     $subselect = "select to_tank_id from tank_org where {$authz_str}";
     $q->addWhere("({$a}tank_id in ({$subselect}) or {$a}tank_user_id = {$uid})");
  * Apply authz rules for who may manage.
  * @param AIR2_Query $q
  * @param User    $u
  * @param string  $alias (optional)
 public static function query_may_manage(AIR2_Query $q, User $u, $alias = null)
     if ($u->is_system()) {
     $a = $alias ? "{$alias}." : "";
     $user_id = $u->user_id;
     $prjq = $q->createSubquery();
     $prjq->from('Project prj');
     Project::query_may_manage($prjq, $u);
     $q->addWhere("{$a}prjan_prj_id IN (" . $prjq->getDql() . ")");
     $q->addWhere("{$a}prjan_cre_user = ?", $u->user_id);