Example #1
function account()
    $fields = array('name' => ['Username', false], 'pass1' => ['Enter Password', true], 'pass2' => ['Confirm Password', true]);
    if (CLISetup::readInput($fields)) {
        if (!User::isValidName($fields['name'], $e)) {
            CLISetup::log(Lang::account($e == 1 ? 'errNameLength' : 'errNameChars'), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
        } else {
            if (!User::isValidPass($fields['pass1'], $e)) {
                CLISetup::log(Lang::account($e == 1 ? 'errPassLength' : 'errPassChars'), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
            } else {
                if ($fields['pass1'] != $fields['pass2']) {
                    CLISetup::log(Lang::account('passMismatch'), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                } else {
                    if ($_ = DB::Aowow()->SelectCell('SELECT 1 FROM ?_account WHERE user = ? AND (status <> ?d OR (status = ?d AND statusTimer > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))', $fields['name'], ACC_STATUS_NEW, ACC_STATUS_NEW)) {
                        CLISetup::log(Lang::account('nameInUse'), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
                    } else {
                        // write to db
                        $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('REPLACE INTO ?_account (user, passHash, displayName, joindate, email, allowExpire, userGroups, userPerms) VALUES (?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, 0, ?d, 1)', $fields['name'], User::hashCrypt($fields['pass1']), Util::ucFirst($fields['name']), CFG_CONTACT_EMAIL, U_GROUP_ADMIN);
                        if ($ok) {
                            $newId = DB::Aowow()->selectCell('SELECT id FROM ?_account WHERE user = ?', $fields['name']);
                            Util::gainSiteReputation($newId, SITEREP_ACTION_REGISTER);
                            CLISetup::log("account " . $fields['name'] . " created successfully", CLISetup::LOG_OK);
                        } else {
                            // something went wrong
                            CLISetup::log(Lang::main('intError'), CLISetup::LOG_ERROR);
    } else {
        CLISetup::log("account creation aborted", CLISetup::LOG_WARN);
Example #2
if (!get_class($GLOBALS['pie']['session'])) {
    $GLOBALS['pie']['session'] = new Session();
if ($_SESSION['user']) {
    // A session is being provided.
    if (!$GLOBALS['pie']['session']->verify()) {
        include $GLOBALS['pie']['custom_path'] . '/frame/private_login.php';
} elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'login') {
    // An authentication attempt.
    include_once $GLOBALS['pie']['library_path'] . '/class/user.php';
    include_once $GLOBALS['pie']['library_path'] . '/share/log.php';
    $user = new User();
    if (!$user->isValidName($_REQUEST['username'])) {
        include $GLOBALS['pie']['custom_path'] . '/frame/private_login.php';
    if (!$user->exists($_REQUEST['username'])) {
        include $GLOBALS['pie']['custom_path'] . '/frame/private_login.php';
    $pw = $user->read($_REQUEST['username']);
    if ($pw != $user->encrypt($_REQUEST['password'])) {
        // The entered password differs from the registered password.
        // Try the crypt() command to handle old style passwords.
        $salt = substr($pw, 0, 2);
        if ($pw != crypt($_REQUEST['password'], $salt)) {
Example #3
 protected function checkUser($val)
     $n = Util::lower(trim(urldecode($val)));
     if (User::isValidName($n)) {
         return $n;
     return null;
Example #4
 private function doSignUp()
     // check username
     if (!User::isValidName($this->_post['username'], $e)) {
         return Lang::account($e == 1 ? 'errNameLength' : 'errNameChars');
     // check password
     if (!User::isValidPass($this->_post['password'], $e)) {
         return Lang::account($e == 1 ? 'errPassLength' : 'errPassChars');
     if ($this->_post['password'] != $this->_post['c_password']) {
         return Lang::account('passMismatch');
     // check email
     if (!Util::isValidEmail($this->_post['email'])) {
         return Lang::account('emailInvalid');
     // check ip
     if (!User::$ip) {
         return Lang::main('intError');
     // limit account creation
     $ip = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT ip, count, unbanDate FROM ?_account_bannedips WHERE type = 1 AND ip = ?', User::$ip);
     if ($ip && $ip['count'] >= CFG_ACC_FAILED_AUTH_COUNT && $ip['unbanDate'] >= time()) {
         DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_account_bannedips SET count = count + 1, unbanDate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?d WHERE ip = ? AND type = 1', CFG_ACC_FAILED_AUTH_BLOCK, User::$ip);
         return sprintf(Lang::account('signupExceeded'), Util::formatTime(CFG_ACC_FAILED_AUTH_BLOCK * 1000));
     // username taken
     if ($_ = DB::Aowow()->SelectCell('SELECT user FROM ?_account WHERE (user = ? OR email = ?) AND (status <> ?d OR (status = ?d AND statusTimer > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()))', $this->_post['username'], $email, ACC_STATUS_NEW, ACC_STATUS_NEW)) {
         return $_ == $this->_post['username'] ? Lang::account('nameInUse') : Lang::account('mailInUse');
     // create..
     $token = Util::createHash();
     $ok = DB::Aowow()->query('REPLACE INTO ?_account (user, passHash, displayName, email, joindate, curIP, allowExpire, locale, userGroups, status, statusTimer, token) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, ?d, ?d, ?d, ?d, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?d, ?)', $this->_post['username'], User::hashCrypt($this->_post['password']), Util::ucFirst($this->_post['username']), $this->_post['email'], User::$ip, $this->_post['remember_me'] != 'yes', User::$localeId, U_GROUP_PENDING, ACC_STATUS_NEW, CFG_ACC_CREATE_SAVE_DECAY, $token);
     if (!$ok) {
         return Lang::main('intError');
     } else {
         if ($_ = $this->sendMail(Lang::mail('accConfirm', 0), sprintf(Lang::mail('accConfirm', 1), $token), CFG_ACC_CREATE_SAVE_DECAY)) {
             if ($id = DB::Aowow()->selectCell('SELECT id FROM ?_account WHERE token = ?', $token)) {
                 Util::gainSiteReputation($id, SITEREP_ACTION_REGISTER);
             // success:: update ip-bans
             if (!$ip || $ip['unbanDate'] < time()) {
                 DB::Aowow()->query('REPLACE INTO ?_account_bannedips (ip, type, count, unbanDate) VALUES (?, 1, 1, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?d)', User::$ip, CFG_ACC_FAILED_AUTH_BLOCK);
             } else {
                 DB::Aowow()->query('UPDATE ?_account_bannedips SET count = count + 1, unbanDate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?d WHERE ip = ? AND type = 1', CFG_ACC_FAILED_AUTH_BLOCK, User::$ip);
             return $_;