Example #1
 *  Check authentication array and set error, errorcode, errorlabel
 *  @param	array	$authentication     Array with authentication informations ('login'=>,'password'=>,'entity'=>,'dolibarrkey'=>)
 *  @param 	int		&$error				Number of errors
 *  @param  string	&$errorcode			Error string code
 *  @param  string	&$errorlabel		Error string label
 *  @return User						Return user object identified by login/pass/entity into authentication array
function check_authentication($authentication, &$error, &$errorcode, &$errorlabel)
    global $db, $conf, $langs;
    global $dolibarr_main_authentication, $dolibarr_auto_user;
    $fuser = new User($db);
    if (!$error && $authentication['dolibarrkey'] != $conf->global->WEBSERVICES_KEY) {
        $errorcode = 'BAD_VALUE_FOR_SECURITY_KEY';
        $errorlabel = 'Value provided into dolibarrkey entry field does not match security key defined in Webservice module setup';
    if (!$error && !empty($authentication['entity']) && !is_numeric($authentication['entity'])) {
        $errorcode = 'BAD_PARAMETERS';
        $errorlabel = "Parameter entity must be empty (or filled with numeric id of instance if multicompany module is used).";
    if (!$error) {
        $result = $fuser->fetch('', $authentication['login'], '', 0);
        if ($result < 0) {
            $errorcode = 'ERROR_FETCH_USER';
            $errorlabel = 'A technical error occurs during fetch of user';
        } else {
            if ($result == 0) {
                $errorcode = 'BAD_CREDENTIALS';
                $errorlabel = 'Bad value for login or password';
        if (!$error && $fuser->statut == 0) {
            $errorcode = 'ERROR_USER_DISABLED';
            $errorlabel = 'This user has been locked or disabled';
        // Validation of login
        if (!$error) {
            // Load permission of user
            // Authentication mode
            if (empty($dolibarr_main_authentication)) {
                $dolibarr_main_authentication = 'http,dolibarr';
            // Authentication mode: forceuser
            if ($dolibarr_main_authentication == 'forceuser' && empty($dolibarr_auto_user)) {
                $dolibarr_auto_user = '******';
            // Set authmode
            $authmode = explode(',', $dolibarr_main_authentication);
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/security2.lib.php';
            $login = checkLoginPassEntity($authentication['login'], $authentication['password'], $authentication['entity'], $authmode);
            if (empty($login)) {
                $errorcode = 'BAD_CREDENTIALS';
                $errorlabel = 'Bad value for login or password';
    return $fuser;
  * Check access
  * @return bool
  * @throws RestException
 public function __isAllowed()
     global $db;
     $stored_key = '';
     $userClass = Defaults::$userIdentifierClass;
     if (isset($_GET['api_key'])) {
         $sql = "SELECT u.login, u.datec, u.api_key, ";
         $sql .= " u.tms as date_modification, u.entity";
         $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "user as u";
         $sql .= " WHERE u.api_key = '" . $db->escape($_GET['api_key']) . "'";
         $result = $db->query($sql);
         if ($result) {
             if ($db->num_rows($result)) {
                 $obj = $db->fetch_object($result);
                 $login = $obj->login;
                 $stored_key = $obj->api_key;
         } else {
             throw new RestException(503, 'Error when fetching user api_key :' . $db->error_msg);
         if ($stored_key != $_GET['api_key']) {
             return false;
         $fuser = new User($db);
         if (!$fuser->fetch('', $login)) {
             throw new RestException(503, 'Error when fetching user :'******'external';
         if ($fuser->admin) {
             static::$role = 'admin';
     } else {
         return false;
     Resources::$accessControlFunction = 'DolibarrApiAccess::verifyAccess';
     return in_array(static::$role, (array) static::$requires) || static::$role == 'admin';
if (!empty($search_valideur) && $search_valideur != -1) {
    $filter .= " AND cp.fk_validator = '" . $db->escape($search_valideur) . "'\n";
if (!empty($search_statut) && $search_statut != -1) {
    $filter .= " AND cp.statut = '" . $db->escape($search_statut) . "'\n";
 * Fin des filtres de recherche
// Récupération de l'ID de l'utilisateur
$user_id = $user->id;
if ($id > 0) {
    // Charge utilisateur edite
    $user_id = $fuser->id;
// Récupération des congés payés de l'utilisateur ou de tous les users
if (!$user->rights->holiday->write_all || $id > 0) {
    $holiday_payes = $holiday->fetchByUser($user_id, $order, $filter);
} else {
    $holiday_payes = $holiday->fetchAll($order, $filter);
// Si erreur SQL
if ($holiday_payes == '-1') {
    dol_print_error($db, $langs->trans('Error') . ' ' . $holiday->error);
Example #4
if (!($thirdpartyid > 0)) {
    $retour = $langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentities("CashDeskThirdPartyForSell"));
    header('Location: ' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/cashdesk/index.php?err=' . urlencode($retour) . '&user='******'&socid=' . $thirdpartyid . '&warehouseid=' . $warehouseid . '&bankid_cash=' . $bankid_cash . '&bankid_cheque=' . $bankid_cheque . '&bankid_cb=' . $bankid_cb);
// If we setup stock module to ask movement on invoices, we must not allow access if required setup not finished.
if (!empty($conf->stock->enabled) && empty($conf->global->CASHDESK_NO_DECREASE_STOCK) && !($warehouseid > 0)) {
    $retour = $langs->trans("CashDeskYouDidNotDisableStockDecease");
    header('Location: ' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/cashdesk/index.php?err=' . urlencode($retour) . '&user='******'&socid=' . $thirdpartyid . '&warehouseid=' . $warehouseid . '&bankid_cash=' . $bankid_cash . '&bankid_cheque=' . $bankid_cheque . '&bankid_cb=' . $bankid_cb);
// If stock decrease on bill validation, check user has stock edit permissions
if (!empty($conf->stock->enabled) && empty($conf->global->CASHDESK_NO_DECREASE_STOCK) && !empty($username)) {
    $testuser = new User($db);
    $testuser->fetch(0, $username);
    if (empty($testuser->rights->stock->creer)) {
        $retour = $langs->trans("UserNeedPermissionToEditStockToUsePos");
        header('Location: ' . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/cashdesk/index.php?err=' . urlencode($retour) . '&user='******'&socid=' . $thirdpartyid . '&warehouseid=' . $warehouseid . '&bankid_cash=' . $bankid_cash . '&bankid_cheque=' . $bankid_cheque . '&bankid_cb=' . $bankid_cb);
if (! empty($_POST['txtUsername']) && ! empty($conf->banque->enabled) && (empty($conf_fkaccount_cash) && empty($conf_fkaccount_cheque) && empty($conf_fkaccount_cb)))
    header('Location: '.DOL_URL_ROOT.'/cashdesk/index.php?err='.urlencode($retour).'&user='******'&socid='.$thirdpartyid.'&warehouseid='.$warehouseid);
  * Enter description here ...
  * @param $aryClose
 public static function setControlCash($aryClose)
     global $db, $user;
     $function = "closeCash";
     $error = 0;
     $terminalid = $_SESSION['TERMINAL_ID'];
     $userpos = new User($db);
     if ($userpos->rights->pos->closecash || !$aryClose['type']) {
         $cash = new ControlCash($db, $terminalid);
         $data['userid'] = $aryClose['employeeId'];
         $data['amount_reel'] = $aryClose['moneyincash'];
         $data['amount_teoric'] = $cash->getMoneyCash();
         $data['amount_diff'] = $data['amount_reel'] - $data['amount_teoric'];
         $data['type_control'] = $aryClose['type'];
         $data['print'] = $aryClose['print'];
         $res = $cash->create($data);
         if ($res > 0) {
             $terminal = new Cash($db);
             $userstatic = new User($db);
             if ($aryClose['type'] == 1) {
                 if (!$terminal->set_closed($userstatic)) {
             } elseif ($aryClose['type'] == 2) {
                 if (!$terminal->set_open($userstatic)) {
         } else {
     } else {
         $error = 2;
     if ($error == 0) {
         $error = $res;
     } else {
         $error = $error * -1;
     return ErrorControl($error, $function);
Example #6
$feature2 = $socid && $user->rights->user->self->creer ? '' : 'user';
if ($user->id == $id) {
    $feature2 = '';
    $canreaduser = 1;
$result = restrictedArea($user, 'user', $id, 'user&user', $feature2);
if ($user->id != $id && !$canreaduser) {
$dirtop = "../core/menus/standard";
$dirleft = "../core/menus/standard";
// Charge utilisateur edite
$object = new User($db);
// Liste des zone de recherche permanentes supportees
$searchform = array("main_searchform_societe", "main_searchform_contact", "main_searchform_produitservice");
$searchformconst = array($conf->global->MAIN_SEARCHFORM_SOCIETE, $conf->global->MAIN_SEARCHFORM_CONTACT, $conf->global->MAIN_SEARCHFORM_PRODUITSERVICE);
$searchformtitle = array($langs->trans("Companies"), $langs->trans("Contacts"), $langs->trans("ProductsAndServices"));
$form = new Form($db);
$formadmin = new FormAdmin($db);
 * Actions
if ($action == 'update' && ($caneditfield || !empty($user->admin))) {
    if (!$_POST["cancel"]) {
        $tabparam = array();
        if ($_POST["check_MAIN_LANG_DEFAULT"] == "on") {
            $tabparam["MAIN_LANG_DEFAULT"] = $_POST["main_lang_default"];
        } else {

require 'config.php';
$id = GETPOST('id');
$u = new User($db);
if ($u->id <= 0) {
$head = user_prepare_head($u);
$title = $langs->trans("Achievements");
dol_fiche_head($head, 'achievements', $title);
$PDOdb = new TPDOdb();
$Tab = TDolidacticiel::getAll($PDOdb, $u, $conf);
print '<table class="border" width="100%">';
foreach ($Tab as &$d) {
    print '<tr><td width="50%"><strong>' . $d->title . '</strong><br />' . $d->description . '</td><td>' . ($d->currentUserAchievement ? img_picto('Ok', 'star') : '') . '</td></tr>';
print '</table>';
 static function getAllUser(&$PDOdb, &$db, &$conf)
     if (!class_exists('User')) {
     $TRes = array();
     $TUserId = $PDOdb->ExecuteAsArray('SELECT rowid FROM ' . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . 'user WHERE statut = 1');
     foreach ($TUserId as $obj) {
         $user = new User($db);
         $TRes[] = array('user' => $user, 'dolidacticiel' => TDolidacticiel::getAll($PDOdb, $user, $conf));
     return $TRes;