Example #1

$sess = get_instance()->session;
$flashmsg = $sess->flashdata('msg');
$uni = $sess->userdata('uni');
$name = FALSE;
$admin = FALSE;
if ($uni) {
    $u = new User();
    $u->get_where(array('uni' => $uni));
    $name = $u->full_name;
    $admin = $u->is_admin;
/* SQL IN THE VIEW?! NOO!!! */
$tag_list = array('field' => '', 'type' => '', 'location' => '');
$tag_names = array('field' => 'Field/Discipline', 'type' => 'Type of Project', 'location' => 'Location');
foreach ($tag_list as $k => &$v) {
    $v = new Tag();
isset($tag_name_base_url) || ($tag_name_base_url = '/home/browse/');
<!DOCTYPE html>
echo $title;
 | Scholars Information Database</title>
<!-- TODO: Optimize, esp. use Google's versions of some. Compile down rest. -->
  <script src="<?php 
Example #2
 function approve()
     $u = new User();
     if (!$u->get_where(array('uni' => $this->session->userdata('uni')))->is_admin) {
     $a = new Approveduni();
     $data = array();
     $data['title'] = 'Approve Users';
     $data['errors'] = FALSE;
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
         foreach (explode("\n", $this->input->post('unis')) as $uni) {
             $ap = new Approveduni();
             $ap->uni = $uni;
             if (!$ap->save()) {
                 $data['errors'] .= "<p>The uni '{$uni}' is invalid or already included.</p>";
     } else {
     $data['approvedunis'] = $a->get();
     $this->load->view("user_approve.php", $data);