Example #1
 function setup()
     if (Admin::count_users() == 0 && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
         // Do setup
         $user_id = User::add($_POST['email']);
         User::signup($user_id, $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $this->config->encryption_salt);
         $user = User::get_by_email($_POST['email']);
         // Update session
         $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->id;
         // Log login
         if (isset($this->plugins->log)) {
             $this->plugins->log->add($_SESSION['user_id'], 'user', NULL, 'signup');
         Application::flash('success', 'You are now logged in to your app!');
         // Go forth!
         header('Location: ' . $this->url_for('admin', 'config'));
     } else {
         // Show setup form
         if (Admin::count_users() == 0) {
             Application::flash('info', 'Welcome to Rat!');
         } else {
             throw new RoutingException($this->uri, "Page not found");
Example #2
  * Find user by email
  * @param $email
  * @return bool|User
 public static function findByEmail($email)
     $user = new User();
     if ($user->exists()) {
         return $user;
     return false;
Example #3
 function add()
     $user = User::get_by_id($_SESSION['user_id']);
     $_POST['email'] = trim($_POST['email']);
     $error = '';
     if ($_POST['email'] == '') {
         $error .= 'Please enter an email address.<br />';
     if ($user->invites < 1) {
         $error .= 'You don\'t have any invites remaining.<br />';
     // Check if email contains spaces
     if (User::check_contains_spaces($_POST['email']) == TRUE) {
         $error .= 'Email address cannot contain spaces.<br />';
     if (User::check_contains_at($_POST['email']) != TRUE) {
         $error .= 'Email must contain an @ symbol.<br />';
     // Check if already invited
     if (Invite::check_invited($_SESSION['user_id'], $_POST['email']) == TRUE) {
         $error .= 'You have already invited this person.<br />';
     // Check if already a user
     if (is_object(User::get_by_email($_POST['email'])) == TRUE) {
         $error .= 'This person is already using ' . $this->config->name . '!<br />';
     if ($error == '') {
         // No problems so do signup + login
         // Add invite to database
         $id = Invite::add($_SESSION['user_id'], $_POST['email']);
         // Decrement invites in users table
         // Award points
         if (isset($this->plugins->points)) {
             $this->plugins->points->update($_SESSION['user_id'], $this->plugins->points['per_invite_sent']);
         // Log invite
         if (isset($this->plugins->log)) {
             $this->plugins->log->add($_SESSION['user_id'], 'invite', $id, 'add', $_POST['email']);
         $admin = User::get_by_id($this->config->admin_users[0]);
         $to = array('email' => $_POST['email']);
         $subject = '[' . $this->config->name . '] An invitation from ' . $user->username;
         $link = $this->config->url . 'signup/' . $id;
         $body = $this->twig_string->render(file_get_contents("themes/{$this->config->theme}/emails/invite_friend.html"), array('user' => $user, 'link' => $link, 'app' => $this));
         // Email user
         $this->email->send_email($to, $subject, $body);
         Application::flash('success', 'Invite sent!');
     } else {
         $this->uri['params']['email'] = $_POST['email'];
         Application::flash('error', $error);
Example #4
 function add()
     if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
         // User trying to sign up but app not configured, error out
         if (Admin::count_users() == 0) {
             Application::flash('error', $this->config->name . ' is not yet configured properly.
       <br />Please contact the creator of this app.');
         $user = User::get_by_email($_POST['email']);
         if ($user != NULL && $user->authenticate($_POST['password'], $this->config->encryption_salt) == TRUE) {
             // Get redirected
             if (isset($this->uri['params']['redirect_to'])) {
                 $redirect_url = $this->uri['params']['redirect_to'];
             } else {
                 $redirect_url = $this->config->url;
             // Go forth
             header('Location: ' . $redirect_url);
         } else {
             Application::flash('error', 'Something isn\'t quite right. Please try again...');
             $email = $_POST['email'];
     if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
         if (isset($email)) {
             $this->loadView('sessions/add', array('email' => $email));
         } else {
     } else {
         Application::flash('error', 'You are already logged in! ' . $this->get_link_to('Click here', 'sessions', 'remove') . ' to logout.');
 public function send_password()
     $this->layout = 'blank';
     $user = new User(_post('user'));
     if (!$user->validate_send_password()) {
         $this->flash->add('message_error', $user->errors->get_messages());
     $user = User::get_by_email($user->email);
$data['identity'] = $provider;
if (isset($data['name'])) {
    $data['fullname'] = $data['name'];
$user = User::get_by_identity_openidConnectSub($provider, $data['sub']);
if (!$user && $oidc->getPlainOpenid()) {
    // This may be the first time the user logs in after the migration from
    // OpenID 2.0 to OpenID Connect.
    $user = User::get_by_identity($oidc->getPlainOpenid());
    if ($user) {
        $user->identity = null;
        // session_login will overwrite it
if ($user) {
    session_login($user, $data);
} else {
    // First time logging in, must claim an existing account or create a new one
    // TODO this duplicates code in revenireOpenid.php
    $user = isset($data['email']) ? User::get_by_email($data['email']) : null;
    $loginType = $user ? 0 : (isset($data['fullname']) ? 1 : (isset($data['nickname']) ? 2 : 3));
    // Store the identity in a temporary file. Don't print it in the form, because then it can be faked on the next page.
    $randString = util_randomCapitalLetterString(20);
    FileCache::put($randString, $data);
    SmartyWrap::assign('page_title', 'Autentificare cu OpenID');
    SmartyWrap::assign('suggestHiddenSearchForm', true);
    SmartyWrap::assign('data', $data);
    SmartyWrap::assign('randString', $randString);
    SmartyWrap::assign('loginType', $loginType);
Example #7
 function check_email()
     $user = new User();
     $user->email ? $this->output->set_output("false") : $this->output->set_output("true");
Example #8
 private function signup_full()
     $error = '';
     // Check email
     $_POST['email'] = trim($_POST['email']);
     $email_check = $this->check_email($_POST['email']);
     if ($email_check !== TRUE) {
         $error .= $email_check;
     // Check username
     $username_check = $this->check_username($_POST['username']);
     if ($username_check !== TRUE) {
         $error .= $username_check;
     // Check password
     $password_check = $this->check_password($_POST['password1'], $_POST['password2']);
     if ($password_check !== TRUE) {
         $error .= $password_check;
     // Error processing
     if ($error == '') {
         // No error so proceed...
         // First check if user added
         $user = User::get_by_email($_POST['email']);
         // If not then add
         if ($user == NULL) {
             $user_id = User::add($_POST['email']);
             $user = User::get_by_id($user_id);
         // Do signup
         User::signup($user->id, $_POST['username'], $_POST['password1'], $this->config->encryption_salt);
         if ($this->config->send_emails == TRUE) {
             // Send 'thank you for signing up' email
             $admin = User::get_by_id($this->config->admin_users[0]);
             $to = array('name' => $_POST['username'], 'email' => $_POST['email']);
             $subject = '[' . $this->config->name . '] Welcome to ' . $this->config->name . '!';
             $body = $this->twig_string->render(file_get_contents("themes/{$this->config->theme}/emails/signup.html"), array('username' => $_POST['username'], 'app' => $this));
             // Email user
             $this->email->send_email($to, $subject, $body);
         // Log signup
         if (isset($this->plugins->log)) {
             $this->plugins->log->add($user->id, 'user', NULL, 'signup');
         // Admin alert email
         if ($this->config->send_emails && $this->config->signup_email_notifications == TRUE) {
             $admin = User::get_by_id($this->config->admin_users[0]);
             $to = array('name' => $admin->username, 'email' => $admin->email);
             $subject = '[' . $this->config->name . '] New signup on ' . $this->config->name . '!';
             $link = substr($this->config->url, 0, -1) . $this->url_for('users', 'show', $user->id);
             $body = $this->twig_string->render(file_get_contents("themes/{$this->config->theme}/emails/admin_signup_notification.html"), array('link' => $link, 'app' => $this));
             // Email user
             $this->email->send_email($to, $subject, $body);
         // Start session
         $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->id;
         // Check invites are enabled and the code is valid
         if ($this->config->invites->enabled == TRUE && Invite::check_code_valid($_POST['code'], $_POST['email']) == TRUE) {
             // Get invites
             $invites = Invite::list_by_code($_POST['code']);
             if (is_array($invites)) {
                 foreach ($invites as $invite) {
                     // Update invites
                     // Log invite update
                     if (isset($this->plugins->log)) {
                         $this->plugins->log->add($_SESSION['user_id'], 'invite', $invite->id, 'accept');
                     // Update points (but only if inviting user is not an admin)
                     if (isset($this->plugins->points) && in_array($invite->user_id, $this->config->admin_users) != TRUE) {
                         // Update points
                         $this->plugins->points->update($invite->user_id, $this->plugins->points['per_invite_accepted']);
                         // Log points update
                         if (isset($this->plugins->log)) {
                             $this->plugins->log->add($invite->user_id, 'points', NULL, $this->plugins->points['per_invite_accepted'], 'invite_accepted = ' . $invite->id);
                 // end foreach
             // end if is_array
         // Log login
         if (isset($this->plugins->log)) {
             $this->plugins->log->add($_SESSION['user_id'], 'user', NULL, 'login');
         // If redirect_to is set then redirect
         if ($this->uri['params']['redirect_to']) {
             header('Location: ' . $this->uri['params']['redirect_to']);
         // Set welcome message
         Application::flash('success', 'Welcome to ' . $this->config->name . '!');
         // Go forth!
         header('Location: ' . $this->config->url);
     } else {
         // There was an error
         // Propagate get vars to be picked up by the form
         $this->uri['params']['email'] = $_POST['email'];
         $this->uri['params']['username'] = $_POST['username'];
         if (isset($_POST['code'])) {
             $this->code = $_POST['code'];
         // Show error message
         Application::flash('error', $error);
         // Show signup form
         $this->loadView('users/add', array('title' => 'Signup'));
Example #9
  * Email Exists
  * Check if an email address exists
  * @param mixed $email
 public function email_exists($email)
     $u = new User();
     return $u->exists() ? TRUE : FALSE;
Example #10
 public function login($remember_me = false)
     $current_cookie_params = session_get_cookie_params();
     if ($remember_me) {
         session_set_cookie_params(3600 * 24 * 7);
     } else {
     $user = User::get_by_email($this->email);
     _session('user', $user);
Example #11
require_once "../../phplib/util.php";
$submitButton = util_getRequestParameter('submitButton');
$identity = util_getRequestParameter('identity');
$email = util_getRequestParameter('email');
SmartyWrap::assign('identity', $identity);
SmartyWrap::assign('email', $email);
SmartyWrap::assign('page_title', 'Parolă uitată');
SmartyWrap::assign('suggestHiddenSearchForm', true);
if ($submitButton) {
    if (!$email) {
        FlashMessage::add('Trebuie să introduceți o adresă de e-mail.');
    } else {
        $user = User::get_by_email($email);
        if ($user) {
            log_userLog("Password recovery requested for {$email} from " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
            // Create the token
            $pt = Model::factory('PasswordToken')->create();
            $pt->userId = $user->id;
            $pt->token = util_randomCapitalLetterString(20);
            // Send email
            SmartyWrap::assign('homePage', util_getFullServerUrl());
            SmartyWrap::assign('token', $pt->token);
            $body = SmartyWrap::fetch('email/resetPassword.ihtml');
            $ourEmail = Config::get('global.contact');
            $headers = array("From: DEX online <{$ourEmail}>", "Reply-To: {$ourEmail}", 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
            $result = mail($email, "Schimbarea parolei pentru DEX online", $body, implode("\r\n", $headers));