} else {
         $newuser->picture = $file;
 if ($error == FALSE) {
     try {
         if (!empty($file)) {
             Storage::link($file, array("role" => "avatar", "user" => $newuser->user_id));
         // creating message basic folders
         //token creation
         $expires = 3600 * 24 * 5;
         $token = $newuser->get_auth_token($expires);
         //        $user_url = PA::$url .'/mail_action.php?token='.$token.'&action=user';
         //        $edit_url = PA::$url .'/mail_action.php?token='.$token.'&action=profile';
         $user_url = "<a href=\"" . PA::$url . "/mail_action.php?token={$token}&action=user\">" . PA::$url . "/mail_action.php?token={$token}&action=user</a>";
         $edit_url = "<a href=\"" . PA::$url . "/mail_action.php?token={$token}&action=profile\">" . PA::$url . "/mail_action.php?token={$token}&action=profile</a>";
         PAMail::send("create_new_user_by_admin", $newuser, PA::$network_info, array('greeting.message' => $_POST['greeting_msg'], 'user.password' => $password, 'user.link' => $user_url, 'edit.link' => $edit_url));
         // adding default relation
         if ($newuser->user_id != SUPER_USER_ID) {
             User_Registration::add_default_relation($newuser->user_id, PA::$network_info);
         // adding default media as well as album
         User_Registration::add_default_media($newuser->user_id, '', PA::$network_info);
         User_Registration::add_default_media($newuser->user_id, '_audio', PA::$network_info);
         User_Registration::add_default_media($newuser->user_id, '_video', PA::$network_info);
         //adding default link categories & links
 function handle_join()
     $error_inv = false;
     $invitation_id = isset($_REQUEST['InvID']) ? $_REQUEST['InvID'] : null;
     $group_invitation_id = isset($_REQUEST['GInvID']) ? $_REQUEST['GInvID'] : null;
     $mother_network_info = Network::get_mothership_info();
     $extra = unserialize($mother_network_info->extra);
     if (!$this->reg_user->register($_POST, PA::$network_info)) {
         // registration failed
     // If the user is joining a network other than the
     if ($mother_network_info->network_id != PA::$network_info->network_id) {
         Network::join(1, $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, NETWORK_MEMBER);
     if ($extra['email_validation'] == NET_NO || $this->silent) {
         // silent registration - no email validation!
         // Success!
         if (!$this->silent) {
             register_session($this->reg_user->newuser->login_name, $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, $this->reg_user->newuser->role, $this->reg_user->newuser->first_name, $this->reg_user->newuser->last_name, $this->reg_user->newuser->email, $this->reg_user->newuser->picture);
             $_SESSION['login_source'] = 'password';
             // password recently entered, so enable access to edit profile
             PANotify::send("new_user_registered", PA::$network_info, $this->reg_user->newuser, array());
         if ($invitation_id) {
             // if an invitation to join a network
             $this->inv_error = "";
             $is_valid = Invitation::validate_invitation_id($invitation_id);
             if (!$is_valid) {
                 $msg = 7017;
                 // invalid network invitation
             if (empty($msg)) {
                 try {
                     // try to except invitation
                     $new_invite = new Invitation();
                     $new_invite->inv_id = $invitation_id;
                     $new_invite->inv_user_id = $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id;
                     $inv_obj = Invitation::load($invitation_id);
                     $user_obj = new User();
                     $user_obj->load((int) $inv_obj->user_id);
                     //if invitation is for private network
                     if (PA::$network_info->type == PRIVATE_NETWORK_TYPE) {
                         $user_type = NULL;
                         if (PA::$network_info->owner_id == $inv_obj->user_id) {
                             $user_type = NETWORK_MEMBER;
                         Network::join(PA::$network_info->network_id, $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, $user_type);
                     $msg = 7016;
                     $relation_type = null;
                     $relationship_level = 2;
                     //default relation level id is 2 for friend
                     try {
                         $relation_type_id = Relation::get_relation((int) $inv_obj->user_id, (int) $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, PA::$network_info->network_id);
                     } catch (PAException $e) {
                         Relation::add_relation((int) $inv_obj->user_id, (int) $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, $relationship_level, PA::$network_info->address, PA::$network_info->network_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, APPROVED);
                         $relation_type = Relation::lookup_relation_type($relation_type_id);
                     $new_invite->inv_relation_type = $relation_type;
                     if (!$this->silent) {
                         PANotify::send("invitation_accept", $user_obj, $this->reg_user->newuser, $new_invite);
                 } catch (PAException $e) {
                     $this->inv_error = $e->message;
                     $this->reg_user->msg = "{$e->message}";
                     $error_inv = TRUE;
                 if ($error_inv == TRUE) {
                     // if invitation fails, then do login again
                     header("Location: " . PA::$url . "/login.php?msg=" . $this->reg_user->msg . "&return={$return_url}");
             $redirect_url = PA_ROUTE_HOME_PAGE . '/msg=' . $msg;
         } else {
             if ($group_invitation_id) {
                 // if an invitation to join a group
                 // User registration is in response to a group invitation, so
                 // now that the user is registered, handle the group invitation.
                 try {
                     $is_valid_ginv = Invitation::validate_group_invitation_id($group_invitation_id);
                     if (!$is_valid_ginv) {
                         $msg = 3001;
                 } catch (PAException $e) {
                     $this->inv_error = "{$e->message}";
                 if (empty($msg)) {
                     //if group invitation is valid, and no error yet
                     try {
                         $new_invite = new Invitation();
                         $new_invite->inv_id = $group_invitation_id;
                         $new_invite->inv_user_id = $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id;
                         //get collection_id
                         $Ginv = Invitation::load($group_invitation_id);
                         $gid = $Ginv->inv_collection_id;
                         $relationship_level = 2;
                         //default relation level id is 2 for friend
                         try {
                             $relation_type_id = Relation::get_relation((int) $Ginv->user_id, (int) $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, PA::$network_info->network_id);
                         } catch (PAException $e) {
                             Relation::add_relation((int) $Ginv->user_id, (int) $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, $relationship_level, PA::$network_info->address, PA::$network_info->network_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, APPROVED);
                             Relation::add_relation((int) $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, (int) $Ginv->user_id, $relationship_level, PA::$network_info->address, PA::$network_info->network_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, true, APPROVED);
                     } catch (PAException $e) {
                         $this->reg_user->msg = "{$e->message}";
                         $this->reg_user->error = TRUE;
                         print $this->reg_user->msg;
                     $redirect_url = PA_ROUTE_GROUP . "/gid={$gid}&action=join&GInvID={$group_invitation_id}";
                 } else {
                     //else redirect registered user to its page.
                     $redirect_url = PA_ROUTE_USER_PRIVATE . '/' . "msg_id={$msg}";
                 // end of if group invitation is valid
         if (empty($redirect_url)) {
             // if no url is set yet
             // not a group invitation, so redirect to private user page when done
             $msg = 5003;
             $redirect_url = PA_ROUTE_USER_PRIVATE . '/' . "msg_id={$msg}";
         header("Location: " . PA::$url . $redirect_url);
     } else {
         $expires = LONG_EXPIRES;
         // for 15 days
         $user = new User();
         $user->login_name = $this->reg_user->newuser->login_name;
         $user->password = $this->reg_user->newuser->password;
         $token = $user->get_auth_token($expires);
         if (!empty($invitation_id)) {
             $invitation = '&InvID=' . $invitation_id;
         } else {
             if (!empty($group_invitation_id)) {
                 $invitation = '&GInvID=' . $group_invitation_id;
             } else {
                 $invitation = NULL;
         $user_type = NETWORK_WAITING_MEMBER;
         Network::join(PA::$network_info->network_id, $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, $user_type);
         if (!$this->silent) {
             $activation_url = PA::$url . '/mail_action.php?action=activate&token=' . $token . $invitation;
             PAMail::send("activate_account", $this->reg_user->newuser, PA::$network_info, array('account.activation_url' => $activation_url));
         global $app;
         $er_msg = urlencode("Check your email for activation code.");
         $app->redirect(PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_SYSTEM_MESSAGE . "?show_msg=7013&msg_type=info&redirect_url=" . urlencode(PA::$url . '/' . FILE_LOGIN));
     //end if email validation is set
Example #3
<script src="pa_api.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>';
html_header("Javascript API access demo - PeopleAggregator", $parameter);
$page =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/homepage_pa.tpl");
$page->set('current_theme_path', $current_theme_path);
$page->set('base_url', $base_url);
$optional_parameters = "onload=\"{$onload}\"";
// header
$header =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/header.tpl");
$header->set('current_theme_path', $current_theme_path);
$header->set('error', $_GET['error']);
// get user info and auth token for api
$login_user = new User();
$login_user->load((int) $_SESSION['user']['id']);
$auth_token = $login_user->get_auth_token(3600 * 24);
$array_middle_modules[] = <<<END

<script language="javascript">
var demo = {
    api: new PA_API("{$base_url}/api/json"),

    auth_token: "{$auth_token}",

    login: "******",

    results_per_page: 10,

    start: function() {
Example #4
 function handle_join()
     global $network_info;
     $invitation_id = isset($_REQUEST['InvID']) ? $_REQUEST['InvID'] : null;
     $group_invitation_id = isset($_REQUEST['GInvID']) ? $_REQUEST['GInvID'] : null;
     $mother_network_info = Network::get_mothership_info();
     $extra = unserialize($mother_network_info->extra);
     if (!$this->reg_user->register($_POST, $network_info)) {
         // registration failed
     if ($extra['email_validation'] == NET_NO) {
         // Success!
         register_session($this->reg_user->newuser->login_name, $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, $this->reg_user->newuser->role, $this->reg_user->newuser->first_name, $this->reg_user->newuser->last_name, $this->reg_user->newuser->email, $this->reg_user->newuser->picture);
         if ($invitation_id) {
             // if an invitation to join a network
             $this->inv_error = "";
             $is_valid = Invitation::validate_invitation_id($invitation_id);
             if (!$is_valid) {
                 $msg = 7017;
                 // invalid network invitation
             if (empty($msg)) {
                 try {
                     // try to except invitation
                     $new_invite = new Invitation();
                     $new_invite->inv_id = $invitation_id;
                     $new_invite->inv_user_id = $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id;
                     $inv_obj = Invitation::load($invitation_id);
                     $user_obj = new User();
                     $user_obj->load((int) $inv_obj->user_id);
                     //if invitation is for private network
                     if ($network_info->type == PRIVATE_NETWORK_TYPE) {
                         $user_type = NULL;
                         if ($network_info->owner_id == $inv_obj->user_id) {
                             $user_type = NETWORK_MEMBER;
                         Network::join($network_info->network_id, $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, $user_type);
                     $msg = 7016;
                     $relation_type_id = Relation::get_relation((int) $inv_obj->user_id, (int) $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id);
                     $relation_type = Relation::lookup_relation_type($relation_type_id);
                     $invited_user_url = url_for('user_blog', array('login' => $this->reg_user->newuser->login_name));
                     // data for passing in common mail method
                     $array_of_data = array('first_name' => $this->reg_user->newuser->first_name, 'last_name' => $this->reg_user->newuser->last_name, 'user_name' => $this->reg_user->newuser->login_name, 'user_id' => $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id, 'invited_user_id' => $inv_obj->user_id, 'invited_user_name' => $user_obj->login_name, 'mail_type' => 'invite_accept_pa', 'to' => $user_obj->email, 'network_name' => $network_info->name, 'relation_type' => $relation_type, 'config_site_name' => PA::$site_name, 'invited_user_url' => $invited_user_url);
                     auto_email_notification_members('invitation_accept', $array_of_data);
                 } catch (PAException $e) {
                     $this->inv_error = $e->message;
                     $this->reg_user->msg = "{$e->message}";
                     $error_inv = TRUE;
                 if ($error_inv == TRUE) {
                     // if invitation fails, then do login again
                     header("Location: " . PA::$url . "/login.php?msg=" . $this->reg_user->msg . "&return={$return_url}");
             $redirect_url = 'homepage.php?msg=' . $msg;
         } else {
             if ($group_invitation_id) {
                 // if an invitation to join a group
                 // User registration is in response to a group invitation, so
                 // now that the user is registered, handle the group invitation.
                 try {
                     $is_valid_ginv = Invitation::validate_group_invitation_id($group_invitation_id);
                     if (!$is_valid_ginv) {
                         $msg = 3001;
                 } catch (PAException $e) {
                     $this->inv_error = "{$e->message}";
                 if (empty($msg)) {
                     //if group invitation is valid, and no error yet
                     try {
                         $new_invite = new Invitation();
                         $new_invite->inv_id = $group_invitation_id;
                         $new_invite->inv_user_id = $this->reg_user->newuser->user_id;
                         //get collection_id
                         $Ginv = Invitation::load($group_invitation_id);
                         $gid = $Ginv->inv_collection_id;
                     } catch (PAException $e) {
                         $this->reg_user->msg = "{$e->message}";
                         $this->reg_user->error = TRUE;
                         print $this->reg_user->msg;
                     $redirect_url = "group.php?gid={$gid}&action=join&GInvID={$group_invitation_id}";
                 } else {
                     //else redirect registered user to its page.
                     $redirect_url = "user.php?msg_id={$msg}";
                 // end of if group invitation is valid
         if (empty($redirect_url)) {
             // if no url is set yet
             // not a group invitation, so redirect to private user page when done
             $redirect_url = "user.php";
         header("Location: " . PA::$url . "/{$redirect_url}");
     } else {
         $expires = LONG_EXPIRES;
         // for 15 days
         $user = new User();
         $user->login_name = $this->reg_user->newuser->login_name;
         $user->password = $this->reg_user->newuser->password;
         $token = $user->get_auth_token($expires);
         if (!empty($invitation_id)) {
             $invitation = '&InvID=' . $invitation_id;
         } else {
             if (!empty($group_invitation_id)) {
                 $invitation = '&GInvID=' . $group_invitation_id;
             } else {
                 $invitation = NULL;
         $name = $user->login_name;
         $activation_url = PA::$url . '/mail_action.php?action=activate&token=' . $token . $invitation;
         $subject = 'Hi ' . $this->reg_user->newuser->login_name . '!  Please activate your ' . PA::$site_name . ' account.';
         $message = "Hi {$name} , \n Activate your people aggregator account by clicking the following link: \n {$activation_url}";
         $to = $this->reg_user->newuser->email;
         $mail_type = 'activate_account';
         $array_of_data = array('subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message);
         // send mail
         $check = pa_mail($to, $mail_type, $array_of_data);
         // redirect to home page.
         header("Location: " . PA::$url . "/homepage.php?msg=7013");
     //end if email validation is set