Example #1
  * Sets up a list to only return items the proper user can access 
 public function setupPermissions()
     $u = new User();
     if ($u->isSuperUser() || $this->ignorePermissions) {
         // super user always sees everything. no need to limit
     $groups = $u->getUserGroups();
     $groupIDs = array();
     foreach ($groups as $key => $value) {
         $groupIDs[] = $key;
     $uID = -1;
     if ($u->isRegistered()) {
         $uID = $u->getUserID();
     $date = Loader::helper('date')->getLocalDateTime();
     if ($this->includeAliases) {
         $cInheritPermissionsFromCID = 'if(p2.cID is null, p1.cInheritPermissionsFromCID, p2.cInheritPermissionsFromCID)';
     } else {
         $cInheritPermissionsFromCID = 'p1.cInheritPermissionsFromCID';
     if (PERMISSIONS_MODEL != 'simple') {
         // support timed release
         $this->filter(false, "((select count(cID) from PagePermissions pp1 where pp1.cID = {$cInheritPermissionsFromCID} and\n\t\t\t\t((pp1.cgPermissions like 'r%' and cv.cvIsApproved = 1) or (pp1.cgPermissions like '%rv%')) and (\n\t\t\t\t\t(pp1.gID in (" . implode(',', $groupIDs) . ") or pp1.uID = {$uID})\n\t\t\t\t\tand \n\t\t\t\t\t\t(pp1.cgStartDate is null or pp1.cgStartDate <= '{$date}')\n\t\t\t\t\tand \n\t\t\t\t\t\t(pp1.cgEndDate is null or pp1.cgEndDate >= '{$date}')\n\t\t\t\t)) > 0 or (p1.cPointerExternalLink !='' AND p1.cPointerExternalLink IS NOT NULL ))");
     } else {
         $this->filter(false, "(((select count(cID) from PagePermissions pp1 where pp1.cID = {$cInheritPermissionsFromCID} and pp1.cgPermissions like 'r%' and (pp1.gID in (" . implode(',', $groupIDs) . ") or pp1.uID = {$uID}))) > 0 or (p1.cPointerExternalLink !='' AND p1.cPointerExternalLink IS NOT NULL))");
Example #2
 protected function setupFilePermissions()
     $u = new User();
     if ($this->permissionLevel == false || $u->isSuperUser()) {
         return false;
     $vs = FileSetPermissions::getOverriddenSets($this->permissionLevel, FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL);
     $nvs = FileSetPermissions::getOverriddenSets($this->permissionLevel, FilePermissions::PTYPE_NONE);
     $vsm = FileSetPermissions::getOverriddenSets($this->permissionLevel, FilePermissions::PTYPE_MINE);
     // we remove all the items from nonviewableSets that appear in viewableSets because viewing trumps non-viewing
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($nvs); $i++) {
         if (in_array($nvs[$i], $vs)) {
     // we have $nvs, which is an array of sets of files that we CANNOT see
     // first, we add -1 so that we are always dealing with an array that at least has one value, just for
     // query writing sanity sake
     $nvs[] = -1;
     $vs[] = -1;
     $vsm[] = -1;
     // this excludes all file that are found in sets that I can't find
     $this->filter(false, '((select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $nvs) . ')) = 0)');
     $uID = $u->isRegistered() ? $u->getUserID() : 0;
     // This excludes all files found in sets where I may only read mine, and I did not upload the file
     $this->filter(false, '(f.uID = ' . $uID . ' or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $vsm) . ')) = 0)');
     $fp = FilePermissions::getGlobal();
     if ($fp->getFileSearchLevel() == FilePermissions::PTYPE_MINE) {
         // this means that we're only allowed to read files we've uploaded (unless, of course, those files are in previously covered sets)
         $this->filter(false, '(f.uID = ' . $uID . ' or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $vs) . ')) > 0)');
     // now we filter out files we directly don't have access to
     $groups = $u->getUserGroups();
     $groupIDs = array();
     foreach ($groups as $key => $value) {
         $groupIDs[] = $key;
     $uID = -1;
     if ($u->isRegistered()) {
         $uID = $u->getUserID();
     if (PERMISSIONS_MODEL != 'simple') {
         // There is a really stupid MySQL bug that, if the subquery returns null, the entire query is nullified
         // So I have to do this query OUTSIDE of MySQL and give it to mysql
         $db = Loader::db();
         $fIDs = $db->GetCol("select Files.fID from Files inner join FilePermissions on FilePermissions.fID = Files.fID where fOverrideSetPermissions = 1 and (FilePermissions.gID in (" . implode(',', $groupIDs) . ") or FilePermissions.uID = {$uID}) having max(" . $this->permissionLevel . ") = 0");
         if (count($fIDs) > 0) {
             $this->filter(false, "(f.fID not in (" . implode(',', $fIDs) . "))");
Example #3
 public function __construct($f = null)
     if ($f == null) {
         return false;
     $u = new User();
     $adm = $u->isSuperUser();
     if ($adm) {
         $this->permissions['canRead'] = FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL;
         $this->permissions['canWrite'] = FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL;
         $this->permissions['canAdmin'] = FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL;
     } else {
         $db = Loader::db();
         $groups = $u->getUserGroups();
         $inStr = '(' . implode(',', array_keys($groups)) . ')';
         $_uID = $u->getUserID() > -1 ? " or uID = " . $u->getUserID() : "";
         $fID = $f->getFileID();
         $p = $db->GetRow("select max(canAdmin) as canAdmin, max(canRead) as canRead, max(canSearch) as canSearch, max(canWrite) as canWrite from FilePermissions where fID = {$fID} and (gID in {$inStr} {$_uID})");
         $this->permissions = $p;
     if ($this->permissions['canRead'] == FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL) {
         $this->permissionSet .= 'r:';
     if ($this->permissions['canSearch'] == FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL) {
         $this->permissionSet .= 'sch:';
     if ($this->permissions['canWrite'] == FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL) {
         $this->permissionSet .= 'wa:';
     if ($this->permissions['canAdmin'] == FilePermissions::PTYPE_ALL) {
         $this->permissionSet .= 'adm:';
Example #4
 public function can($obj = false)
     if (!$this->tpID) {
         return false;
     $db = Loader::db();
     if ($obj) {
         if (is_a($obj, 'Group')) {
             $r = $db->GetOne("select count(tpID) from TaskPermissionUserGroups where tpID = {$this->tpID} and canRead = 1 and gID = ?", $obj->getGroupID());
         } else {
             $r = $db->GetOne("select count(tpID) from TaskPermissionUserGroups where tpID = {$this->tpID} and canRead = 1 and uID = ?", $obj->getUserID());
     } else {
         // check against logged in user
         $u = new User();
         if ($u->isSuperUser()) {
             return true;
         $groups = $u->getUserGroups();
         $groupIDs = array();
         foreach ($groups as $key => $value) {
             $groupIDs[] = $key;
         $uID = -1;
         if ($u->isRegistered()) {
             $uID = $u->getUserID();
         // checks based on uID and gIDs
         $r = $db->GetOne("select count(tpID) from TaskPermissionUserGroups where tpID = {$this->tpID} and canRead = 1 and (gID in (" . implode(',', $groupIDs) . ") or uID = " . $uID . ")");
     return $r > 0;
Example #5
        echo '<td>' . $row->place . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    echo '</table>
} else {
    echo '<h3 class="text-muted" style="margin-top:75px";>You Have No Upcoming Events...</h3>';

          <div class="row placeholders panel panel-primary" >
              <div class="panel-heading" style="margin-bottom:20px; text-align: left; font-size: 20px;">Your Groups</div>
$groups = $user->getUserGroups();
// echo("<script>console.log('results_row: ".json_encode($groups)."');</script>");
echo '<div class="panel-body">';
$r = false;
if ($groups->num_rows >= 1) {
    $r = true;
if ($r) {
    while ($row2 = $groups->fetch_object()) {
        // echo("<script>console.log('results_row: ".json_encode($row2)."');</script>");
        echo '<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3 placeholder" style="margin-bottom:0px;">';
        echo '<button onclick="location.href = ' . "'" . "/Views/Groups/open.php?group=" . $row2->id_group . "'" . ';" class="btn btn-flat btn-primary" style="padding: 3px;border-radius: 50%;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="" data-original-title="Profile">';
        echo '<img src="/images/stock/members.png" width="100" height="100" class="img-responsive" alt="Generic placeholder thumbnail">';
        echo '</button>';
        echo '<h4>' . $row2->name . '</h4>';
        echo '<span class="text-muted">' . $row2->description . '</span>';
 function getAllUserGroups()
     if (func_num_args() == 0) {
         return array('description' => t('List of all user groups'));
     $u = new User();
     $groups_names = $u->getUserGroups();
     $count = count($groups_names) - 1;
     $last = $groups_names[$count];
     $str = join(", ", $groups_names);
     if ($count > 0) {
         $str .= ' ' . t('and') . ' ' . $last;
     return $str;