Example #1
 public static function setScore($input)
     //need link and score and iduser to set the score
     $link = $input['link'];
     $user_id = $input['userID'];
     $score = $input["score"] + User::getScore($input);
     $link->query("UPDATE users SET score = {$score} where userID = {$user_id} ");
     /*if($link->Affected_rows){//just in case
           return true;
       return false;*/
     //i putt in comment for now for debug
Example #2
 public function __construct()
     global $database;
     $this->competitions = $database->getAllCompetitions();
     $this->pages = $database->getAllPages();
     if (loggedIn()) {
         $this->userGroups = $database->getUserGroups($_SESSION['userID']);
         $this->userGroupNames = array();
         foreach ($this->userGroups as $groupId) {
             $this->userGroupNames[$groupId] = $database->getGroupName($groupId);
         $this->money = $database->getMoney($_SESSION['userID']);
         $user = new \User($_SESSION['userID']);
         $this->score = number_format((double) $user->getScore(), 2, '.', '.');
 public static function findOpponent($input)
     $user_id = User::getUserId();
     $link = $input['link'];
     //the result will contain queueid and subjectid of other players that are searching for a game
     $result = $link->query("SELECT idQueue,idUser,idSubject FROM queue,users,queuedetail WHERE(users.isPlaying=false AND queue.id=queuedetail.idQueue AND users.id=queue.idUser AND users.id!='{$user_id}' AND ( queuedetail.idSubject IN (select idSubject FROM queue,users,queuedetail WHERE ( users.isPlaying=false AND queue.id=queuedetail.idQueue AND users.id=queue.idUser AND users.id='{$user_id}') ) OR queuedetail.idSubject=0 ) )");
     //i don't know if we do need to check if the player is playing. because the queueId is still there,
     //it must be that he didn't find a battle just yet. so i guess it's unecessary to check if the other player !isPlaying
     //now we need to get matchmaking fair, so we need to check each player's score
     //basically min(abs(distance(scoreplayer1,scoreplayer2)))
     //this better be like
     if (!$result->num_rows) {
         return 0;
     $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
     $min_score_distance = GameMaker::scoreDistance(User::getScore(array('link' => $link, 'userId' => $row['idUser'])), User::getScore(array('link' => $link)));
     //now let's get the queueId and the subjectId
     $userId = $row['idUser'];
     $queueId = $row['idQueue'];
     $subjectId = $row['idSubject'];
     //hmm, if bother players didn't select nothing. let's randomly select a subject :D
     if ($subjectId == 0) {
         $result = $link->query("SELECT id from subjects ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
         $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
         $subjectId = $row['id'];
     while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
         $current_distance = GameMaker::scoreDistance(User::getScore(array('link' => $link, 'userId' => $row['idUser'])), User::getScore(array('link' => $link)));
         if ($current_distance < $min_score_distance) {
             $min_score_distance = $current_distance;
             $userId = $row['idUser'];
             $queueId = $row['idQueue'];
             $subjectId = $row['idSubject'];
             //here we can have multip subject !!
     //we now have the closest two players considering their score
     //allocate the damn match already! :D
     return GameMaker::allocateBattle(array('link' => $link, 'userId' => $userId, 'queueId' => $queueId, 'subjectId' => $subjectId));
Example #4
require_once 'Slim/Slim.php';
require_once 'models/User.php';
$app = new Slim();
$user = new User();
$app->get('/users', function () use($user) {
$app->get('/users/:id', function ($id) use($user) {
$app->get('/users/:id/friends', function ($id) use($user) {
$app->get('/users/:id/score', function ($id) use($user) {
$app->get('/users/:id/rewards', function ($id) use($user) {
$app->get('/users/search/:name', function ($name) use($user) {
$app->delete('/users/:id', function ($id) use($user) {
$app->post('/users', function () use($user, $app) {
    $request = $app->request();
    $body = $request->getBody();
    $vo = json_decode($body);
Example #5
        $members = $this->getGroup()->getMembers();
        foreach ($members as $memberId) {
            $user = new User($memberId);
            echo $user->getUserName();
            echo number_format((double) $user->getScore(), 2, '.', '.');
            echo $user->getMoney();

            if ($this->getGroup()->isUserOwner($_SESSION['userID']) && !$this->getGroup()->isUserOwner($memberId)) {

                                <form id="removeUser" class="form-horizontal" role="form" method="post" action="<?php 
                echo SITE_URL;