            $user = $u->getByEmail();
            if ($user instanceof User) {
                array_push($errors, $LNG->FORM_ERROR_EMAIL_USED);
            } else {
                // only create user if no error so far
                // create new user
                $u->add($email, $fullname, $password, $homepage, 'N', $CFG->AUTH_TYPE_EVHUB, $description, $CFG->USER_STATUS_UNVALIDATED);
                $u->updateLocation($location, $loccountry);
                // Recent Activities Email
                if ($CFG->RECENT_EMAIL_SENDING_ON) {
                //send email to welcome
                $paramArray = array($fullname, $CFG->SITE_TITLE, $CFG->homeAddress, $u->userid, $u->getRegistrationKey(), $password);
                sendMail("validateadmin", $LNG->WELCOME_REGISTER_CLOSED_SUBJECT, $email, $paramArray);
                if (empty($errors)) {
                    echo "<h1>" . $LNG->REGISTRATION_REQUEST_SUCCESSFUL_TITLE_ADMIN . "</h1>";
                    echo "<p>" . $LNG->REGISTRATION_REQUEST_SUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE_ADMIN . "<p><br><br>";
                    echo '<div class="formrow">';
                    echo '<input type="button" value="' . $LNG->FORM_BUTTON_CLOSE . '" onclick="window.close();"/>';
                    echo '</div>';
                    include_once $HUB_FLM->getCodeDirPath("ui/footerdialog.php");
$countries = getCountryList();
Example #2
     if ($recaptcha_response_field == "" || !$resp->is_valid) {
         array_push($errors, $LNG->FORM_ERROR_CAPTCHA_INVALID);
 if (empty($errors)) {
     // only create user if no error so far
     // create new user
     $u->add($email, $fullname, $password, $homepage, 'N', $CFG->AUTH_TYPE_EVHUB, $description, $CFG->USER_STATUS_UNVALIDATED);
     $u->updateLocation($location, $loccountry);
     // Recent Activities Email
     // send validation email
     $paramArray = array($u->name, $CFG->SITE_TITLE, $CFG->homeAddress, $u->userid, $u->getRegistrationKey());
     sendMail("validate", $LNG->VALIDATE_REGISTER_SUBJECT, $u->getEmail(), $paramArray);
     // too large a photo can cause this to fail, so it should send the email before it
     // tries to process the image. This should not prevent the registration process.
     $photofilename = "";
     if (empty($errors)) {
         // upload image if provided
         if ($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'] != "") {
             // Can't upload photo without userid
             $USER = $u;
             $photofilename = uploadImage('photo', $errors, $CFG->IMAGE_WIDTH);
             if (!empty($errors)) {
                 echo "<div class='errors'>";
                 foreach ($errors as $error) {
                     echo $error;