Example #1
 private function generateAktuelleErgebnisse()
     $db = Database::getDbObject();
     $query = "SELECT `spieltag` FROM `spieltage` WHERE `datum` < CURDATE() LIMIT 1;";
     $stmt = $db->prepare($query);
     if ($stmt->num_rows > 0) {
         $id = 0;
         $spieltag = new Spieltag($id);
         $st = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($spieltag as $v) {
             $st[$i] = array();
             $st[$i]['spiel'] = $v;
             try {
                 $tipp = new DbTipp(User::getIdByName($_SESSION['session']->getUserName()), $v->getId());
                 $st[$i]['tipp'] = $tipp;
             } catch (TippExistiertNichtException $e) {
                 $st[$i]['tipp'] = null;
         $this->raintpl->assign('aktuelleErgebnisse', true);
         $this->raintpl->assign('aktuelleSpiele', $st);
         $this->raintpl->assign('spieltagAktuell', $id);
     } else {
         $this->raintpl->assign('aktuelleErgebnisse', false);
Example #2
 public function bug($id, $request)
     $ticket = Ticket::find($id);
     $message = "Après étude de votre problème, il en résulte qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un incident isolé mais bien d'un problème technique interne à DreamVids (bug). Nous travaillons actuellement à la détection et à la résolution de ce bug mais nous ne pouvons vous donner de plus amples informations. Nous nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée et vous remerçions de votre patience.";
     $this->mail($ticket, $message);
     if ($ticket->conv_id != '' && Conversation::exists($ticket->conv_id)) {
     return new RedirectResponse(WEBROOT . 'admin/tickets');
 /** Import a user from a specific ldap server
  * @param   $params  array of parameters : method (IDENTIFIER_LOGIN or IDENTIFIER_EMAIL) + value
  * @param   $action synchoronize (true) or import (false)
  * @param   $ldap_server ID of the LDAP server to use
  * @param   $display display message information on redirect
  * @return  nothing
 static function ldapImportUserByServerId($params = array(), $action, $ldap_server, $display = false)
     global $DB, $LANG;
     static $conn_cache = array();
     $params = stripslashes_deep($params);
     $config_ldap = new AuthLDAP();
     $res = $config_ldap->getFromDB($ldap_server);
     $ldap_users = array();
     // we prevent some delay...
     if (!$res) {
         return false;
     $search_parameters = array();
     //Connect to the directory
     if (isset($conn_cache[$ldap_server])) {
         $ds = $conn_cache[$ldap_server];
     } else {
         $ds = $config_ldap->connect();
     if ($ds) {
         $conn_cache[$ldap_server] = $ds;
         $search_parameters['method'] = $params['method'];
         $search_parameters['fields'][self::IDENTIFIER_LOGIN] = $config_ldap->fields['login_field'];
         if ($params['method'] == self::IDENTIFIER_EMAIL) {
             $search_parameters['fields'][self::IDENTIFIER_EMAIL] = $config_ldap->fields['email_field'];
         //Get the user's dn & login
         $attribs = array('basedn' => $config_ldap->fields['basedn'], 'login_field' => $search_parameters['fields'][$search_parameters['method']], 'search_parameters' => $search_parameters, 'user_params' => $params, 'condition' => $config_ldap->fields['condition']);
         $infos = self::searchUserDn($ds, $attribs);
         if ($infos && $infos['dn']) {
             $user_dn = $infos['dn'];
             $login = $infos[$config_ldap->fields['login_field']];
             $groups = array();
             $user = new User();
             //Get informations from LDAP
             if ($user->getFromLDAP($ds, $config_ldap->fields, $user_dn, addslashes($login))) {
                 // Add the auth method
                 // Force date sync
                 $user->fields["date_sync"] = $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"];
                 if ($action == self::ACTION_IMPORT) {
                     $user->fields["authtype"] = Auth::LDAP;
                     $user->fields["auths_id"] = $ldap_server;
                     //Save informations in database !
                     $input = $user->fields;
                     // Display message after redirect
                     if ($display) {
                         $input['add'] = 1;
                     $user->fields["id"] = $user->add($input);
                     return array('action' => self::USER_IMPORTED, 'id' => $user->fields["id"]);
                 $input = $user->fields;
                 $input['id'] = User::getIdByName($login);
                 if ($display) {
                     $input['update'] = 1;
                 return array('action' => self::USER_SYNCHRONIZED, 'id' => $input['id']);
             return false;
         if ($action != self::ACTION_IMPORT) {
             $users_id = User::getIdByName($params['value']);
             return array('action' => self::USER_DELETED_LDAP, 'id' => $users_id);
     } else {
         return false;
Example #4
 public static function register($username, $password, $mail)
     $appConfig = new Config(CONFIG . 'app.json');
     $userRank = $appConfig->getValue('rankUser');
     User::create(array('username' => $username, 'email' => $mail, 'pass' => password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT), 'subscriptions' => '', 'reg_timestamp' => Utils::tps(), 'reg_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'actual_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'rank' => $userRank, 'settings' => json_encode(array())));
     UserChannel::create(array('id' => UserChannel::generateId(6), 'name' => $username, 'description' => 'Chaîne de ' . $username, 'owner_id' => User::getIdByName($username), 'admins_ids' => ';' . User::getIdByName($username) . ';', 'avatar' => Config::getValue_('default-avatar'), 'background' => Config::getValue_('default-background'), 'subscribers' => 0, 'subs_list' => 0, 'views' => 0, 'verified' => 0));
Example #5
	$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
	if(!isset($page) || empty($page)) $page = 1;

	$keyword = isset($_GET['keyword']) && !empty($_GET['keyword']) ? $_GET['keyword'] : '';
	$type = isset($_GET['type']) && !empty($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : 'blogname';

	$params = '';
	if(!empty($keyword)) {
		$params = '&keyword=' . rawurlencode($keyword) . '&type=' . $type;	
		if($type == 'owner') {	
			$id = User::getId($keyword);
			$sQuery = ' owner = ' . $id;
		} else if($type == 'ownername') {
			$id = User::getIdByName($keyword);
			$sQuery = ' owner = ' . $id;
		} else {
			$sQuery = ' title LIKE "%' . $keyword . '%"';
		if(!empty($read)) { $page = Feed::getPredictionPage($read,$pageCount,$sQuery); }
		if($is_admin) {			
			list($feeds, $totalFeeds) = Feed::getFeeds($page,$pageCount,$sQuery);	
		} else {		
			list($feeds, $totalFeeds) = Feed::getFeedsByOwner(getLoggedId(), $page, $pageCount,$sQuery);	
	} else {		
		if(!empty($read)) { $page = Feed::getPredictionPage($read,$pageCount); }
		if($is_admin) {
			list($feeds, $totalFeeds) = Feed::getFeeds($page,$pageCount);	
		} else {
  * Add a followup to a existing ticket
  * for an authenticated user
  * @param $params array of options (ticket, content)
  * @param $protocol
  * @return array of hashtable
 static function methodAddTicketFollowup($params, $protocol)
     if (isset($params['help'])) {
         return array('ticket' => 'integer,mandatory', 'content' => 'string,mandatory', 'users_login' => 'string,optional', 'close' => 'bool,optional', 'reopen' => 'bool,optional', 'source' => 'string,optional', 'private' => 'bool,optional', 'help' => 'bool,optional');
     if (!Session::getLoginUserID()) {
         return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_NOTAUTHENTICATED);
     $ticket = new Ticket();
     if (isset($params['users_login']) && is_numeric($params['users_login'])) {
         return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_BADPARAMETER, '', 'users_login should be a string');
     if (isset($params['users_login']) && is_string($params['users_login'])) {
         $user = new User();
         if (!($users_id = $user->getIdByName($params['users_login']))) {
             return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_BADPARAMETER, '', 'unable to get users_id with the users_login');
     if (!isset($params['ticket'])) {
         return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_MISSINGPARAMETER, '', 'ticket');
     if (!is_numeric($params['ticket'])) {
         return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_BADPARAMETER, '', 'ticket');
     if (!$ticket->can($params['ticket'], 'r')) {
         return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_NOTFOUND);
     if (!$ticket->canAddFollowups()) {
         return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_NOTALLOWED);
     if (in_array($ticket->fields["status"], $ticket->getSolvedStatusArray()) && !$ticket->canApprove()) {
         // Logged user not allowed
         if (isset($users_id)) {
             // If we get the users id
             $approbationSolution = self::checkApprobationSolution($users_id, $ticket);
             if (!$approbationSolution) {
                 return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_NOTALLOWED);
         } else {
             return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_NOTALLOWED);
     if (!isset($params['content'])) {
         return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_MISSINGPARAMETER, '', 'content');
     // Source of the ticket, dynamically created
     if (isset($params['source'])) {
         if (empty($params['content'])) {
             return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_MISSINGPARAMETER, '', 'source');
         $source = Dropdown::importExternal('RequestType', $params['source']);
     } else {
         $source = Dropdown::importExternal('RequestType', 'WebServices');
     $private = isset($params['private']) && $params['private'] ? 1 : 0;
     $followup = new TicketFollowup();
     $user = 0;
     if (isset($users_id)) {
         $user = $users_id;
     $data = array('tickets_id' => $params['ticket'], 'requesttypes_id' => $source, 'is_private' => $private, 'users_id' => $user, 'content' => addslashes(Toolbox::clean_cross_side_scripting_deep($params["content"])));
     if (isset($params['close'])) {
         if (isset($params['reopen'])) {
             return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_BADPARAMETER, '', 'can\'t use both reopen and close options');
         if (in_array($ticket->fields["status"], $ticket->getSolvedStatusArray())) {
             $data['add_close'] = 1;
             if (isset($users_id)) {
                 $data['users_id'] = $users_id;
         } else {
             return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_BADPARAMETER, '', 'close for not solved ticket');
     if (isset($params['reopen'])) {
         if (in_array($ticket->fields['status'], array(Ticket::SOLVED, Ticket::WAITING))) {
             $data['add_reopen'] = 1;
             if (isset($users_id)) {
                 $data['users_id'] = $users_id;
         } else {
             return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_BADPARAMETER, '', 'reopen for not solved or waiting ticket');
     if (in_array($ticket->fields["status"], $ticket->getSolvedStatusArray()) && !isset($params['close']) && !isset($params['reopen'])) {
         return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_BADPARAMETER, '', 'missing reopen/close option for solved ticket');
     if (in_array($ticket->fields["status"], $ticket->getClosedStatusArray())) {
         return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_BADPARAMETER, '', 'cannot add to a closed ticket');
     if ($followup->add($data)) {
         return self::methodGetTicket(array('ticket' => $params['ticket']), $protocol);
     return self::Error($protocol, WEBSERVICES_ERROR_FAILED, '', self::getDisplayError());
Example #7
 public function getUserId()
     return User::getIdByName($this->userName);
Example #8
Validator::extend('validate_file_cobranzas', 'CustomValidation@validate_file_cobranzas', array('var1' => 'pepe'));
// Validator::extend('validate_file_cobranzas_content', 'CustomValidation@validate_file_cobranzas_content', array('var1'=>'pepe'));
 * POST del login
Route::post('login', array('before' => 'csrf', function () {
    // DATOS
    $data = Input::all();
    // Mensajes de validación
    $messages = array('validate_email' => 'El email ingresado no es valido.', 'validate_password' => 'La clave ingresada es incorrecta.', 'required' => 'El campo :attribute debe ser completado');
    // Reglas de validación
    $rules = array('email' => array('validate_email', 'required'), 'password' => array('validate_password', 'required'));
    $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages);
    if ($validator->passes() || Auth::check()) {
        // $user_login = new User();
        if (Auth::check()) {
            $id = Auth::id();
            $user = User::find($id);
            $image_name = $user->image;
            Session::put('image_user', $image_name);
            return Redirect::to('homepage');
        } else {
            return Redirect::to('homepage');
    } else {
        // ERROR. Clave o email incorrectos.
        return Redirect::to('login')->withErrors($validator);
Route::get('homepage', array(function () {