function form_recaptcha($args)
    global $objTPL;
    $file = 'plugins/cscms/class.recaptcha.php';
    if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
        msgDie('FAIL', 'Fatal Error - 404' . '<br />We have been unable to locate/read the ' . $file . ' file.');
    } else {
        require_once $file;
    if (class_exists('Captcha', false) && !is_empty($objTPL->config('site', 'captcha_pub')) && !is_empty($objTPL->config('site', 'captcha_priv'))) {
        $objCAPTCHA = new Captcha($objTPL->config('site', 'captcha_pub'), $objTPL->config('site', 'captcha_priv'));
        $objCAPTCHA->objTPL = $objTPL;
    } else {
        return false;
    if (!HTTP_POST) {
        return $objCAPTCHA->outputCaptcha($args);
    } else {
        return $objCAPTCHA->checkAnswer(User::getIP(), $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'], $_POST['recaptcha_response_field']);
    return false;
Example #2
     // only validate Minecraft name
     $to_validation['username'] = array('required' => true, 'isvalid' => true, 'min' => 3, 'max' => 20, 'unique' => 'users');
     $mcname = htmlspecialchars(Input::get('username'));
 $validation = $validate->check($_POST, $to_validation);
 // Execute validation
 if ($validation->passed()) {
     $profile = ProfileUtils::getProfile($mcname);
     $result = $profile->getProfileAsArray();
     if (isset($result["uuid"]) && !empty($result['uuid'])) {
         $uuid = $result['uuid'];
     } else {
         $uuid = '';
     $user = new User();
     $ip = $user->getIP();
     if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
         // Valid IP
     } else {
         // TODO: Invalid IP, do something else
     $password = password_hash(Input::get('password'), PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array("cost" => 13));
     // Get current unix time
     $date = new DateTime();
     $date = $date->getTimestamp();
     try {
         $code = substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, 60);
         $user->create(array('username' => htmlspecialchars(Input::get('username')), 'mcname' => $mcname, 'uuid' => $uuid, 'password' => $password, 'pass_method' => 'default', 'joined' => $date, 'group_id' => 1, 'email' => htmlspecialchars(Input::get('email')), 'reset_code' => $code, 'lastip' => htmlspecialchars($ip)));
         $php_mailer = $queries->getWhere('settings', array('name', '=', 'phpmailer'));
         $php_mailer = $php_mailer[0]->value;
         if ($php_mailer == '1') {
Example #3
  * Sets the online session for the tracker
  * @version 1.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  xLink
  * @param   string $log
  * @return  bool
 public function newOnlineSession($log = NULL)
     $insert['uid'] = $this->grab('id');
     $insert['username'] = $this->grab('username');
     $insert['ip_address'] = User::getIP();
     $insert['timestamp'] = time();
     $insert['location'] = secureMe($this->config('global', 'fullPath', 'null'));
     $insert['referer'] = secureMe($this->config('global', 'referer', 'null'));
     $insert['language'] = secureMe($this->config('site', 'language', 'en'));
     $insert['useragent'] = secureMe($this->config('global', 'browser'));
     $insert['userkey'] = isset($_SESSION['user']['userkey']) ? $_SESSION['user']['userkey'] : $this->newKey();
     if ($this->objSQL->insertRow('online', $insert, 0, $log)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Example #4
  * Allows quick reply
  * @version 2.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  xLink
  * @param   int         $id
 public function postQuickReply($id)
     //grab the required thread so we got something to work with..
     $thread = $this->objSQL->getLine('SELECT * FROM `$Pforum_threads` WHERE id ="%s" LIMIT 1;', array($id));
     if (!$thread) {
         hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Failed to retreive thread information');
     $category = $this->getForumInfo($thread['cat_id']);
     $category = $category[0];
     $catAuth = $this->auth[$category['id']];
     //give em write by default
     $writeTest = true;
     //see if the user has write permissions
     if (!$catAuth['auth_reply'] && !$catAuth['auth_mod'] && !User::$IS_MOD) {
         $writeTest = false;
     //apparently they havent..
     if (!$writeTest || $thread['locked']) {
         $this->objTPL->set_filenames(array('body' => 'modules/forum/template/forum_category.tpl'));
         $this->objTPL->assign_block_vars('threads', array());
         $this->objTPL->assign_block_vars('threads.error', array('ERROR' => $thread['locked'] ? langVar('L_LOCKED') : langVar('L_AUTH_POST', $catAuth['auth_reply_type'])));
         $this->objTPL->parse('body', false);
     //if we get this far then they have permissions, so start the page output
     $this->objPage->addPagecrumb(array(array('url' => $this->config('global', 'url'), 'name' => langVar('B_POST_REPLY', $thread['subject']))));
     //okay so test to see which part of the page we should see..
     if (HTTP_POST && isset($_GET['mode']) && $_GET['mode'] == 'qreply') {
         //check to make sure wer coming from a quick reply form
         if (!doArgs('quick_reply', false, $_POST)) {
             hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Error: Post Failed.');
         //check to make sure we have a cat id
         if (!doArgs('id', false, $_POST)) {
             hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Error: I cannot remember where your posting to.');
         //content checks
         if (!doArgs('post', false, $_POST)) {
             hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Post Failed - Post either missing or not long enough.');
         if (!doArgs('id', false, $_SESSION['site']['forum'][$id]) || $_SESSION['site']['forum'][$id]['id'] != $_POST['id']) {
             hmsgdie('FAIL', 'Post Failed - I cannot remember where your posting to.');
         if (!doArgs('sessid', false, $_SESSION['site']['forum'][$id]) || $_SESSION['site']['forum'][$id]['sessid'] != $_POST['sessid']) {
             hmsgdie('FAIL', 'Post Failed - Security Check failed. Please make sure your posting directly from the page.');
         //--insert the post info into the db
         $uid = $this->objUser->grab('id');
         //generate the post
         $post['post'] = secureMe($_POST['post']);
         $post['author'] = $uid;
         $post['timestamp'] = time();
         $post['thread_id'] = $thread['id'];
         $post['poster_ip'] = User::getIP();
         $post_insert = $this->objSQL->insertRow('forum_posts', $post);
         if (!$post_insert) {
             hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Post Failed - Inserting the data into the db failed.(1)');
         //update the thread
         $update['last_uid'] = $uid;
         $thread_update = $this->objSQL->updateRow('forum_threads', $update, array('id ="%s"', $id));
         //update the forum watch table
         if (isset($_POST['watch_topic'])) {
             $array['user_id'] = $uid;
             $array['thread_id'] = $thread['id'];
             $this->objSQL->insertRow('forum_watch', $array);
         //update the parent category
         $array['last_post_id'] = $post_insert;
         $this->objSQL->updateRow('forum_cats', $array, array('id ="%s"', $category['id']));
         //do the notifications
         $info = array('timestamp' => time(), 'content_id' => $thread_id, 'thread_id' => $thread['id']);
         $this->notify($id, $thread, $info);
         if (!HTTP_AJAX) {
             $this->objPage->redirect('/' . root() . 'modules/forum/thread/' . seo($thread['subject']) . '-' . $thread['id'] . '.html#top', 0, 3);
         } else {
             //grab the thread
             $thread = $this->objSQL->getLine('SELECT t.*, COUNT(DISTINCT as posts
                     FROM `$Pforum_threads` t
                     LEFT JOIN `$Pforum_posts` p
                         ON p.thread_id =
                     WHERE = %d', array($thread['id']));
             $pages = ceil($thread['posts'] / 10);
             $page = doArgs('mode', false, $_GET) == 'last_page' ? $pages : doArgs('page', 1, $_GET);
             if ($page < $pages) {
                 echo '<script>document.location= "' . $this->generateThreadURL($thread) . '?mode=last_page";</script>';
             $post['id'] = $post_insert;
             echo $this->outputPosts(array($post), $thread);
     hmsgDie('FAIL', 'Error: Quick Reply Precedure Fail.');
Example #5
$doneSetup = $objCore->setup($classes);
if (!$doneSetup) {
    msgDie('FAIL', sprintf($errorTPL, 'Fatal Error', 'Cannot load CMS Classes, make sure file structure is intact and $cmsROOT is defined properly if applicable.'));
//globalise the class names
foreach ($objCore->classes as $objName => $args) {
    ${$objName} =& $objCore->{$objName};
unset($classes, $objCore->classes);
$objPage->setVar('language', $language);
//--Generate a 'Template' for the Session
$guest['user'] = array('id' => 0, 'username' => 'Guest', 'theme' => $objCore->config('site', 'theme'), 'userkey' => doArgs('userkey', null, $_SESSION['user']), 'timezone' => doArgs('timezone', $objCore->config('time', 'timezone'), $_SESSION['user']));
//generate user stuff
$config['global'] = array('user' => isset($_SESSION['user']['id']) ? $_SESSION['user'] : $guest['user'], 'ip' => User::getIP(), 'useragent' => doArgs('HTTP_USER_AGENT', null, $_SERVER), 'browser' => getBrowser($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 'language' => $language, 'secure' => $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? true : false, 'referer' => doArgs('HTTP_REFERER', null, $_SERVER), 'rootPath' => '/' . root(), 'fullPath' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'rootUrl' => ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . root(), 'url' => ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
//hook the session template, this is the place to add some more if you want
$objPlugins->hook('CMSCore_session_tpl', $config['global']);
$objUser->setIsOnline(!($config['global']['user']['id'] == 0 ? true : false));
if (!defined('NO_DB')) {
    //start the tracker, this sets out a few things so we can kill, ban etc
$theme = !User::$IS_ONLINE || !$objCore->config('site', 'theme_override') ? $objCore->config('site', 'theme') : $objUser->grab('theme');
if (!$objPage->setTheme($theme)) {
    msgDie('FAIL', sprintf($errorTPL, 'Fatal Error', 'Cannot find template. Please make sure atleast default/ is uploaded correctly and try again.'));
if (is_file(cmsROOT . 'modules/core/lang.' . $language . '.php')) {
    translateFile(cmsROOT . 'modules/core/lang.' . $language . '.php');
Example #6
  * Makes sure the cookie is valid
  * @version 1.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  Jesus
  * @return  bool
 public function runRememberMe()
     if (!$this->config('login', 'remember_me')) {
         $this->setError('Remember Me Failed. Remember Me is disabled site wide');
         return false;
     //make sure we have a cookie to begin with
     if (is_empty(doArgs('login', null, $_COOKIE))) {
         $this->setError('Remember Me Failed. Cookie not found.');
         return false;
     //this should return something not empty...
     $cookie = unserialize($_COOKIE['login']);
     if (is_empty($cookie)) {
         $this->setError('Remember Me Failed. Cookie contained unexpected information.');
         return false;
     //verify we have the data we need
     $values = array('uData', 'uIP', 'uAgent');
     foreach ($values as $e) {
         if (!isset($cookie[$e]) && !is_empty($cookie[$e])) {
             $this->setError('Remember Me Failed. Cookie contained unexpected information.');
             return false;
     //uData should be 5 chars in length
     if (strlen($cookie['uData']) != 5) {
         $this->setError('Remember Me Failed. Cookie contained unexpected information.');
         return false;
     //make sure the IP has the right IP of the client
     if ($this->config('login', 'ip_lock', false) && $cookie['uIP'] !== User::getIP()) {
         $this->setError('Remember Me Failed. Cookie contained unexpected information.');
         return false;
     //and make sure the useragent matches the client
     if ($cookie['uAgent'] != md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $this->config('db', 'ckeauth'))) {
         $this->setError('Remember Me Failed. Cookie contained unexpected information.');
         return false;
     //setup the query
     $query[] = 'SELECT uData FROM `$Puserkeys` ';
     $query[] = 'WHERE uData LIKE "%' . secureMe($cookie['uData'], 'MRES') . ':%" ';
     $query[] = 'AND uAgent = "' . secureMe($cookie['uAgent'], 'MRES') . '" ';
     if ($this->config('login', 'ip_lock')) {
         $query[] = 'AND uIP = "' . secureMe($cookie['uIP'], 'MRES') . '" ';
     $query[] = 'LIMIT 1;';
     //prepare and exec
     $query = $this->objSQL->getLine(implode(' ', $query));
     if (!count($query)) {
         $this->setError('Could not query for userkey');
         return false;
     //untangle the user id from the query
     $query['uData'] = explode(':', $query['uData']);
     if (!isset($query['uData'][1]) || is_empty($query['uData'][1])) {
         $this->setError('No ID Exists');
         return false;
     //now try and grab the user's info
     $this->userData = $this->objUser->getUserInfo($query['uData'][1]);
     if (is_empty($this->userData)) {
         $this->setError('No user exists with that ID');
         return false;
     //now check to make sure users info is valid before letting em login properly
     if ($this->userData['autologin'] == 0) {
         $this->setError('User isn\'t set to autologin.');
         return false;
     if (!$this->activeCheck()) {
         $this->setError('User isn\'t active.');
         return false;
     if (!$this->banCheck()) {
         $this->setError('User is banned.');
         return false;
     if (!$this->whiteListCheck()) {
         $this->setError('You\'re IP dosent match the whitelist.');
         return false;
     //everything seems fine, log them in
     $this->objUser->setSessions($this->userData['id'], true);
     $this->objUser->newOnlineSession('Online System: AutoLogin Sequence Activated for ' . $this->userData['username']);
     return true;
Example #7
// Za spacje należy użyć \s, np. tanie\skomputery
$kio->spam_words = str_replace(array(',', ' ', '#'), array('|', '', ''), Kio::getConfig('spam_words'));
// Characters to replace
$kio->chars = unserialize(Kio::getConfig('chars')) + array(' ' => '_', '&#92;' => '', '&#34;' => '', '&#039;' => '', '&#96;' => '', '&quot;' => '', '&gt;' => '', '&lt;' => '', '&amp;' => '');
// Check timezone_identifiers_list()
$kio->bbcode = (include ROOT . 'system/parser/bbcode/' . (Kio::getConfig('bbcode_parser') ? Kio::getConfig('bbcode_parser') . '.php' : 'index.php'));
$kio->emoticons = (include ROOT . 'system/parser/emoticons/' . (Kio::getConfig('emoticons_parser') ? Kio::getConfig('emoticons_parser') . '.php' : 'index.php'));
$kio->censure = (include ROOT . 'system/parser/censure/' . (Kio::getConfig('censure_parser') ? Kio::getConfig('censure_parser') . '.php' : 'index.php'));
//setlocale(LC_ALL, LC); ////
ini_set('magic_quotes_gpc', 'Off');
define('IP', User::getIP());
// Get user IP
define('TRANSLATE_DATE', Kio::getConfig('translate_date'));
// Breadcrumb/Path
define('ONLY_IN_TITLE', false);
define('NO_URL', null);
// Check if some functions exists
if (in_array(false, $kio->functions)) {
    require_once ROOT . 'system/functions2.php';
switch (Kio::getConfig('url_type')) {
    case 1:
Example #8
  * Records a sql query in the database with a log message
  * @version    1.0
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @author  xLink
  * @param     string     $query
  * @param     string     $log
  * @return     bool
 public function recordLog($query, $log)
     if (!$this->logging) {
         return false;
     $info['uid'] = User::$IS_ONLINE ? $this->objUser->grab('id') : '0';
     $info['username'] = User::$IS_ONLINE ? $this->objUser->grab('username') : 'Guest';
     $info['description'] = $log;
     $info['query'] = $query;
     $info['refer'] = secureMe($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
     $info['date'] = time();
     $info['ip_address'] = User::getIP();
     return $this->insertRow('logs', $info, false);