public function hasPersonalAnnotations()
     if (!isset($this->hasPersonalAnnotations)) {
         $this->hasPersonalAnnotations = !$this->viewerUser->isAnon() && $this->viewerUser->getId() == $this->ownerUser->getId() && AchAwardingService::canEarnBadges($this->viewerUser) && !$this->viewerUser->getGlobalPreference('hidepersonalachievements');
     return $this->hasPersonalAnnotations;
  * @param User $user
  * @param Array $defaultPreferences
  * @return bool
 public static function onGetPreferences($user, &$defaultPreferences)
     global $wgJsMimeType, $wgExtensionsPath, $wgCityId;
     F::app()->wg->Out->addScript("<script type=\"{$wgJsMimeType}\" src=\"{$wgExtensionsPath}/wikia/SpecialUnsubscribe/UnsubscribePreferences.js\"></script>");
     $unsubscribe = array('unsubscribed' => array('type' => 'toggle', 'section' => 'personal/email', 'label-message' => 'unsubscribe-preferences-toggle'));
     $notice = array('no-email-notice-followedpages' => array('type' => 'info', 'section' => 'watchlist/basic', 'default' => wfMsg('unsubscribe-preferences-notice')));
     // move e-mail options higher up
     $emailAddress = array('emailaddress' => $defaultPreferences['emailaddress']);
     $defaultPreferences = self::insert($defaultPreferences, 'language', $emailAddress, false);
     // move founder emails higher up
     $founderEmailsFirstKey = "adoptionmails-label-{$wgCityId}";
     if (!empty($defaultPreferences[$founderEmailsFirstKey])) {
         $founderEmails = array($founderEmailsFirstKey => $defaultPreferences[$founderEmailsFirstKey]);
         $defaultPreferences = self::insert($defaultPreferences, 'emailaddress', $founderEmails);
     // add the unsubscribe checkbox
     $defaultPreferences = self::insert($defaultPreferences, 'emailauthentication', $unsubscribe);
     // add a notice if needed
     if ($user->getGlobalPreference('unsubscribe')) {
         $defaultPreferences = self::insert($defaultPreferences, 'watchdefault', $notice, false);
     $defaultPreferences = self::insert($defaultPreferences, 'language', $emailAddress, false);
     return true;
 private function saveBadges()
     if (count($this->mNewBadges) > 0) {
         $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
         // Doing replace instead of insert prevents dupes in case of slave lag or other errors
         foreach ($this->mNewBadges as $key => $val) {
             $this->mNewBadges[$key]['user_id'] = $this->mUser->getId();
             $dbw->replace('ach_user_badges', null, $this->mNewBadges[$key], __METHOD__);
         //notify the user only if he wants to be notified
         if (!$this->mUser->getGlobalPreference('hidepersonalachievements')) {
             $_SESSION['achievementsNewBadges'] = true;
             $achNotificationService = new AchNotificationService($this->mUser);
             // Hook to give backend stuff something to latch onto at award-time rather than notifcation-time.
             // NOTE: This has the limitation that it is only called for a max of one badge per page.
             // If the user earned multiple badges on the same page, the hook will only be run on the badge which getBadgeToNotify() determines is more important.
             global $wgWikiaForceAIAFdebug;
             Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "", "Saving a new badge. About to run hook if badge can be re-loaded.", $wgWikiaForceAIAFdebug);
             $badge = $achNotificationService->getBadge(false);
             if ($badge !== null) {
                 wfRunHooks('AchievementEarned', array($this->mUser, $badge));
         //touch user when badges are given
         //purge the user page to update counters/ranking/badges/score, FB#2872
         //run a hook to let other extensions know when Achievements-related cache should be purged
         wfRunHooks('AchievementsInvalidateCache', array($this->mUser));
 public function enabled(User $admin, $wikiId = null)
     // disable if all Wikia email disabled
     if ((bool) $admin->getGlobalPreference('unsubscribed')) {
         return false;
     // This type of email cannot be disabled or avoided without unsubscribing from all email
     return true;
Example #5
  * Check if the user hasn't been subscribed to a watchlist
  * and if he agreed to receive marketing information
  * @param  \User $oUser A user's object
  * @return bool
 private function checkAutoFollowConditions(\User $oUser)
     global $wgAutoFollowFlag;
     if ((bool) $oUser->getGlobalFlag($wgAutoFollowFlag) === true) {
         return false;
     } elseif ((bool) $oUser->getGlobalPreference('marketingallowed') === false) {
         return false;
     return true;
  * Logs the results of all add-to-watchlist actions
  * @param \User $oUser A user's object
  * @param Array $aWatchSuccess An array of successfully watched articles' titles
  * @param Array $aWatchFail An array of articles' titles that failed from being watched
 private function logResults(\User $oUser, array $aWatchSuccess, array $aWatchFail)
     global $wgSitename;
     $iFailures = count($aWatchFail);
     $sUserName = $oUser->getName();
     $aLogParams = ['failures' => $iFailures, 'user_id' => $oUser->getId(), 'user_name' => $sUserName, 'user_lang' => $oUser->getGlobalPreference('language'), 'watched' => $aWatchSuccess, 'watched_failed' => $aWatchFail];
     if ($iFailures === 0) {
         WikiaLogger::instance()->info("AutoFollow log: User {$sUserName} added to watchlist at {$wgSitename}.", $aLogParams);
     } else {
         WikiaLogger::instance()->error("AutoFollow log: {$iFailures} happened when adding {$sUserName} to watchlist at {$wgSitename}.", $aLogParams);
Example #7
  * Notifies a single user of the changes made to properties in a single edit.
  * @since 0.1
  * @param SWLGroup $group
  * @param User $user
  * @param SWLChangeSet $changeSet
  * @param boolean $describeChanges
  * @return Status
 public static function notifyUser(SWLGroup $group, User $user, SWLChangeSet $changeSet, $describeChanges)
     global $wgLang, $wgPasswordSender, $wgPasswordSenderName;
     $emailText = wfMsgExt('swl-email-propschanged-long', 'parse', $GLOBALS['wgSitename'], $changeSet->getEdit()->getUser()->getName(), SpecialPage::getTitleFor('SemanticWatchlist')->getFullURL(), $wgLang->time($changeSet->getEdit()->getTime()), $wgLang->date($changeSet->getEdit()->getTime()));
     if ($describeChanges) {
         $emailText .= '<h3> ' . wfMsgExt('swl-email-changes', 'parse', $changeSet->getEdit()->getTitle()->getFullText(), $changeSet->getEdit()->getTitle()->getFullURL()) . ' </h3>';
         $emailText .= self::getChangeListHTML($changeSet);
     $title = wfMsgReal('swl-email-propschanged', array($changeSet->getEdit()->getTitle()->getFullText()), true, $user->getGlobalPreference('language'));
     wfRunHooks('SWLBeforeEmailNotify', array($group, $user, $changeSet, $describeChanges, &$title, &$emailText));
     return UserMailer::send(new MailAddress($user), new MailAddress($wgPasswordSender, $wgPasswordSenderName), $title, $emailText, null, 'text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1');
 public function enabled(User $admin, $wikiId = null)
     $wikiId = empty($wikiId) ? F::app()->wg->CityId : $wikiId;
     if (self::isAnswersWiki($wikiId)) {
         return false;
     if ($admin->getLocalPreference("founderemails-complete-digest", $wikiId)) {
         return true;
     // disable if all Wikia email disabled
     if ((bool) $admin->getGlobalPreference('unsubscribed')) {
         return false;
     return false;
Example #9
 private function setReplyToAndFromAddresses()
     # Reveal the page editor's address as REPLY-TO address only if
     # the user has not opted-out and the option is enabled at the
     # global configuration level.
     $adminAddress = new MailAddress(F::app()->wg->PasswordSender, F::app()->wg->PasswordSenderName);
     if (F::app()->wg->EnotifRevealEditorAddress && $this->editor->getEmail() != '' && $this->editor->getGlobalPreference('enotifrevealaddr')) {
         $editorAddress = new MailAddress($this->editor);
         if (F::app()->wg->EnotifFromEditor) {
             $this->from = $editorAddress;
         } else {
             $this->from = $adminAddress;
             $this->replyto = $editorAddress;
     } else {
         $this->from = $adminAddress;
         $this->replyto = new MailAddress(F::app()->wg->NoReplyAddress);
  * Send an HTML/text email
  * @param User object $user
  * @param string $category
  * @param string $msgSubject
  * @param string $msgBody
  * @param array $emailParams
  * @param string $templateType
  * @param string $template
  * @param int $priority
  * @return Status
 public function sendEmail(User $user, $category, $msgSubject, $msgBody, $emailParams, $templateType, $template = 'GeneralMail', $priority = 0)
     $subject = strtr(wfMessage($msgSubject)->escaped(), $emailParams);
     $body = strtr(wfMessage($msgBody)->escaped(), $emailParams);
     if (empty($this->wg->EnableRichEmails)) {
         $bodyHTML = null;
     } else {
         $emailTextTemplate = $this->app->renderView("UserLogin", $template, array('language' => $user->getGlobalPreference('language'), 'type' => $templateType));
         $bodyHTML = strtr($emailTextTemplate, $emailParams);
     return $user->sendMail($subject, $body, null, null, $category, $bodyHTML, $priority);
Example #11
  * @static
  * @param User $user
  * @param Array $defaultPreferences
  * @return bool
 public static function onGetPreferences($user, &$defaultPreferences)
     global $wgEnableAnswers, $wgForceSkin, $wgAdminSkin, $wgDefaultSkin, $wgSkinPreviewPage, $wgSkipSkins, $wgSkipOldSkins, $wgEnableUserPreferencesV2Ext;
     // hide default MediaWiki skin fieldset
     $mSkin = $user->getGlobalPreference('skin');
     // hacks for Answers
     if (!empty($wgEnableAnswers)) {
         $mSkin = 'answers';
     // no skin settings at all when skin is forced
     if (!empty($wgForceSkin)) {
         return true;
     if (!empty($wgAdminSkin)) {
         $defaultSkinKey = $wgAdminSkin;
     } else {
         if (!empty($wgDefaultTheme)) {
             $defaultSkinKey = $wgDefaultSkin . '-' . $wgDefaultTheme;
         } else {
             $defaultSkinKey = $wgDefaultSkin;
     // load list of skin names
     $validSkinNames = Skin::getSkinNames();
     // and sort them
     foreach ($validSkinNames as $skinkey => &$skinname) {
         if (isset($skinNames[$skinkey])) {
             $skinname = $skinNames[$skinkey];
     $previewtext = wfMsg('skin-preview');
     if (isset($wgSkinPreviewPage) && is_string($wgSkinPreviewPage)) {
         $previewLinkTemplate = Title::newFromText($wgSkinPreviewPage)->getLocalURL('useskin=');
     } else {
         $mptitle = Title::newMainPage();
         $previewLinkTemplate = $mptitle->getLocalURL('useskin=');
     $oldSkinNames = array();
     foreach ($validSkinNames as $skinKey => $skinVal) {
         if ($skinKey == 'oasis' || (in_array($skinKey, $wgSkipSkins) || in_array($skinKey, $wgSkipOldSkins)) && !($skinKey == $mSkin)) {
         $oldSkinNames[$skinKey] = $skinVal;
     $skins = array();
     $skins[wfMsg('new-look')] = 'oasis';
     // display radio buttons for rest of skin
     if (count($oldSkinNames) > 0) {
         foreach ($oldSkinNames as $skinKey => $skinVal) {
             $previewlink = $wgEnableUserPreferencesV2Ext ? '' : ' <a target="_blank" href="' . htmlspecialchars($previewLinkTemplate . $skinKey) . '">' . $previewtext . '</a>';
             $skins[$skinVal . $previewlink . ($skinKey == $defaultSkinKey ? ' (' . wfMsg('default') . ')' : '')] = $skinKey;
     $defaultPreferencesTemp = array();
     foreach ($defaultPreferences as $k => $v) {
         $defaultPreferencesTemp[$k] = $v;
         if ($k == 'oldsig') {
             $defaultPreferencesTemp['skin'] = array('type' => 'radio', 'options' => $skins, 'label' => '&nbsp;', 'section' => 'personal/layout');
             $defaultPreferencesTemp['showAds'] = array('type' => 'toggle', 'label-message' => 'tog-showAds', 'section' => 'personal/layout');
     $defaultPreferences = $defaultPreferencesTemp;
     return true;
  * Prepares array of user properties fields needed to be passed by API
  * @param User $oUser
  * @return array
 public function prepareUserPropertiesParams(\User $oUser)
     $aUserPropertiesParams = ['marketingallowed' => $oUser->getGlobalPreference('marketingallowed'), 'unsubscribed' => $oUser->getGlobalPreference('unsubscribed'), 'language' => $oUser->getGlobalPreference('language')];
     return $aUserPropertiesParams;
  * Before resetting the options, save the masthead info so we can restore it in onSpecialPreferencesAfterResetUserOptions
  * @param $storage - storage in which we can save some options, it will be passed in onSpecialPreferencesAfterResetUserOptions hook call
  * @param User $user
 public static function onSpecialPreferencesBeforeResetUserOptions($preferences, &$user, &$storage)
     // user identity box/masthead
     $userIdentityObject = new UserIdentityBox($user);
     $mastheadOptions = $userIdentityObject->getFullData();
     $masthead = new Masthead($user);
     if (!empty($masthead->mUser->mOptionOverrides['avatar'])) {
         $mastheadOptions['avatar'] = $masthead->mUser->mOptionOverrides['avatar'];
     $storage[self::MASTHEAD_OPTIONS_STORAGE_ARRAY_KEY_NAME] = $mastheadOptions;
     // customize toolbar/myToolbar
     $oasisToolbarService = new SharedToolbarService();
     $toolbarNameInUserOptions = $oasisToolbarService->getToolbarOptionName();
     $toolbarCurrentList = $user->getGlobalPreference($oasisToolbarService->getToolbarOptionName());
     $storage[self::MY_TOOLBAR_OPTIONS_STORAGE_ARRAY_KEY_NAME] = array($toolbarNameInUserOptions => $toolbarCurrentList);
     return true;
 protected function canSendToWatcher(User $watcher, $entityKey)
     if ($watcher->getId() == 0) {
         return false;
     // Don't send an email to users that unsubscribed their email address
     if ((bool) $watcher->getGlobalPreference('unsubscribed') === true) {
         return false;
     $mode = $watcher->getGlobalPreference('enotifwallthread');
     if (empty($mode)) {
         return false;
     if ($mode == WALL_EMAIL_EVERY) {
         return true;
     if ($mode == WALL_EMAIL_SINCEVISITED) {
         return empty($this->uniqueUsers[$entityKey][$watcher->getId()]);
     return false;
Example #15
  * Internal helper function for userDate(), userTime() and userTimeAndDate()
  * @param $type String: can be 'date', 'time' or 'both'
  * @param $ts Mixed: the time format which needs to be turned into a
  *            date('YmdHis') format with wfTimestamp(TS_MW,$ts)
  * @param $user User object used to get preferences for timezone and format
  * @param $options Array, can contain the following keys:
  *        - 'timecorrection': time correction, can have the following values:
  *             - true: use user's preference
  *             - false: don't use time correction
  *             - integer: value of time correction in minutes
  *        - 'format': format to use, can have the following values:
  *             - true: use user's preference
  *             - false: use default preference
  *             - string: format to use
  * @since 1.19
  * @return String
 private function internalUserTimeAndDate($type, $ts, User $user, array $options)
     $ts = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $ts);
     $options += array('timecorrection' => true, 'format' => true);
     if ($options['timecorrection'] !== false) {
         if ($options['timecorrection'] === true) {
             $offset = $user->getGlobalPreference('timecorrection');
         } else {
             $offset = $options['timecorrection'];
         $ts = $this->userAdjust($ts, $offset);
     if ($options['format'] === true) {
         $format = $user->getDatePreference();
     } else {
         $format = $options['format'];
     $df = $this->getDateFormatString($type, $this->dateFormat($format));
     return $this->sprintfDate($df, $ts);
  * @param User $user
  * @throws Exception
 private function checkIfSubscribedToWeeklyDigest(\User $user)
     if (!(bool) $user->getGlobalPreference('watchlistdigest')) {
         throw new Exception('Not subscribed to weekly digest');
Example #17
  * When the notification to the user is called (at the bottom of the page), attach the
  * achievement-earning to our best guess at what the associated RecentChange is.
  * To account for race-conditions between RecentChanges and Achievements: currently, this
  * is done by recording when an RC is saved. If it happens on this page before this
  * function is called, then this function will load that RC by id.  If this function gets
  * called before any RCs have been recorded, then a serialized copy of the badge is stored
  * and can be inserted later (when the RC actually does get saved).
  * @param User $user
  * @param AchBadge $badge
 public static function attachAchievementToRc($user, $badge)
     global $wgWikiaForceAIAFdebug;
     // If user has 'hidepersonalachievements' set, then they probably don't want to play.
     // Also, other users may see that someone won, then click the username and look around for a way to see what achievements a user has...
     // then when they can't find it (since users with this option won't have theirs displayed), they might assume that there is no way to see
     // achievements.  It would be better to do this check at display-time rather than save-time, but we don't have access to the badge's user
     // at that point.
     Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "", "Noticed an achievement", $wgWikiaForceAIAFdebug);
     if ($badge->getTypeId() != BADGE_WELCOME && !$user->getGlobalPreference('hidepersonalachievements')) {
         Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "", "Attaching badge to recent change...", $wgWikiaForceAIAFdebug);
         // Make sure this Achievement gets added to its corresponding RecentChange (whether that has
         // been saved already during this pageload or is still pending).
         global $wgARecentChangeHasBeenSaved, $wgAchievementToAddToRc;
         Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "", "About to see if there is an existing RC. RC: " . print_r($wgARecentChangeHasBeenSaved, true), $wgWikiaForceAIAFdebug);
         if (!empty($wgARecentChangeHasBeenSaved)) {
             // Due to slave-lag, instead of storing the rc_id and looking it up (which didn't always work, even with a retry-loop), store entire RC.
             Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "", "Attaching badge to existing RecentChange from earlier in pageload.", $wgWikiaForceAIAFdebug);
             $rc = $wgARecentChangeHasBeenSaved;
             if ($rc) {
                 Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "", "Found recent change to attach to.", $wgWikiaForceAIAFdebug);
                 // Add the (serialized) badge into the rc_params field.
                 $rc_data = array();
                 $rc_data['Badge'] = serialize($badge);
                 MyHome::storeAdditionalRcData($rc_data, $rc);
         } else {
             // Spool this achievement for when its corresponding RecentChange shows up (later in this pageload).
             $wgAchievementToAddToRc = serialize($badge);
             Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "", "RecentChange hasn't been saved yet, storing the badge for later.", $wgWikiaForceAIAFdebug);
     return true;