  * Creates a new View for the given user, based on the given information 
  * about the view.
  * Validation of the view data is performed, then the View is created. If 
  * the View is to be owned by a group, that group is given access to it.
  * @param array $viewdata Data about the view. You can pass in most fields 
  *                        that appear in the view table.
  *                        Note that you set who owns the View by setting 
  *                        either the owner, group or institution field as 
  *                        approriate.
  *                        Currently, you cannot pass in access data. Use 
  *                        $view->set_access() after retrieving the $view 
  *                        object.
  * @param int $userid The user who has issued the command to create the 
  *                    View (note: this is different from the "owner" of the 
  *                    View - a group or institution could be the "owner",
  *                    but it's a _user_ who requests a View is created for it)
  * @return View The created View
  * @throws SystemException if the View data is invalid - mostly this is due 
  *                         to owner information being specified incorrectly.
 private static function _create(&$viewdata, $userid)
     // If no owner information is provided, assume that the view is being
     // created by the user for themself
     if (!isset($viewdata['owner']) && !isset($viewdata['group']) && !isset($viewdata['institution'])) {
         $viewdata['owner'] = $userid;
     if (isset($viewdata['owner'])) {
         if ($viewdata['owner'] != $userid) {
             $userobj = new User();
             if (!$userobj->is_admin_for_user($viewdata['owner'])) {
                 throw new SystemException("View::_create: User {$userid} is not allowed to create a view for owner {$viewdata['owner']}");
         // Users can only have one view of each non-portfolio type
         if (isset($viewdata['type']) && $viewdata['type'] != 'portfolio' && get_record('view', 'owner', $viewdata['owner'], 'type', $viewdata['type'])) {
             $viewdata['type'] = 'portfolio';
         // Try to create the view with the owner's default theme if that theme is set by an
         // institution (i.e. if it's different from the site theme)
         // This needs to be modified if users are ever allowed to change their own theme
         // preference.  Currently it's okay because users' themes are forced on them by
         // the site or institution default, but if some users are allowed to change their
         // own theme pref, we should create those users' views without a theme.
         if (!get_config('userscanchooseviewthemes') && !isset($viewdata['theme']) && (!isset($viewdata['type']) || $viewdata['type'] != 'dashboard')) {
             global $USER;
             if ($viewdata['owner'] == $USER->get('id')) {
                 $owner = $USER;
             } else {
                 $owner = new User();
             $ownertheme = $owner->get('theme');
             if ($ownertheme && $ownertheme != get_config('theme')) {
                 $viewdata['theme'] = $ownertheme;
     if (isset($viewdata['group'])) {
         require_once 'group.php';
         if (!group_user_can_edit_views($viewdata['group'], $userid)) {
             throw new SystemException("View::_create: User {$userid} is not permitted to create a view for group {$viewdata['group']}");
     if (isset($viewdata['institution'])) {
         $user = new User();
         if (!$user->can_edit_institution($viewdata['institution'])) {
             throw new SystemException("View::_create: User {$userid} is not permitted to create a view for institution {$viewdata['institution']}");
     // Create the view
     $defaultdata = array('numcolumns' => 3, 'template' => 0, 'type' => 'portfolio', 'title' => self::new_title(get_string('Untitled', 'view'), (object) $viewdata));
     $data = (object) array_merge($defaultdata, $viewdata);
     $view = new View(0, $data);
     if (isset($viewdata['group'])) {
         // By default, group views should be visible to the group
         insert_record('view_access', (object) array('view' => $view->get('id'), 'group' => $viewdata['group']));
     return new View($view->get('id'));
     // Reread to ensure defaults are set
Example #2
  * Creates a new View for the given user, based on the given information
  * about the view.
  * Validation of the view data is performed, then the View is created. If
  * the View is to be owned by a group, that group is given access to it.
  * @param array $viewdata Data about the view. You can pass in most fields
  *                        that appear in the view table.
  *                        Note that you set who owns the View by setting
  *                        either the owner, group or institution field as
  *                        approriate.
  *                        Currently, you cannot pass in access data. Use
  *                        $view->set_access() after retrieving the $view
  *                        object.
  * @param int $userid The user who has issued the command to create the
  *                    View (note: this is different from the "owner" of the
  *                    View - a group or institution could be the "owner",
  *                    but it's a _user_ who requests a View is created for it)
  * @return View The created View
  * @throws SystemException if the View data is invalid - mostly this is due
  *                         to owner information being specified incorrectly.
 private static function _create(&$viewdata, $userid)
     // If no owner information is provided, assume that the view is being
     // created by the user for themself
     if (!isset($viewdata['owner']) && !isset($viewdata['group']) && !isset($viewdata['institution'])) {
         $viewdata['owner'] = $userid;
     if (isset($viewdata['owner'])) {
         if ($viewdata['owner'] != $userid) {
             $userobj = new User();
             if (!$userobj->is_admin_for_user($viewdata['owner'])) {
                 throw new SystemException("View::_create: User {$userid} is not allowed to create a view for owner {$viewdata['owner']}");
         // Users can only have one view of each non-portfolio type
         if (isset($viewdata['type']) && $viewdata['type'] != 'portfolio' && get_record('view', 'owner', $viewdata['owner'], 'type', $viewdata['type'])) {
             $viewdata['type'] = 'portfolio';
         // Try to create the view with the owner's default theme if that theme is set by an
         // institution (i.e. if it's different from the site theme)
         // This needs to be modified if users are ever allowed to change their own theme
         // preference.  Currently it's okay because users' themes are forced on them by
         // the site or institution default, but if some users are allowed to change their
         // own theme pref, we should create those users' views without a theme.
         if (!get_config('userscanchooseviewthemes') && !isset($viewdata['theme']) && (!isset($viewdata['type']) || $viewdata['type'] != 'dashboard')) {
             global $USER;
             if ($viewdata['owner'] == $USER->get('id')) {
                 $owner = $USER;
             } else {
                 $owner = new User();
             $ownerthemedata = $owner->get('institutiontheme');
             $ownertheme = isset($ownerthemedata->basename) ? $ownerthemedata->basename : null;
             if ($ownertheme && $ownertheme != get_config('theme') && $ownertheme != 'custom') {
                 $viewdata['theme'] = $ownertheme;
     if (isset($viewdata['group'])) {
         require_once 'group.php';
         if (!group_user_can_edit_views($viewdata['group'], $userid)) {
             throw new SystemException("View::_create: User {$userid} is not permitted to create a view for group {$viewdata['group']}");
     if (isset($viewdata['institution'])) {
         $user = new User();
         if (!$user->can_edit_institution($viewdata['institution'])) {
             throw new SystemException("View::_create: User {$userid} is not permitted to create a view for institution {$viewdata['institution']}");
     // Create the view
     $defaultdata = array('numcolumns' => 2, 'numrows' => 1, 'columnsperrow' => self::default_columnsperrow(), 'template' => 0, 'type' => 'portfolio', 'title' => array_key_exists('title', $viewdata) ? $viewdata['title'] : self::new_title(get_string('Untitled', 'view'), (object) $viewdata), 'anonymise' => 0);
     $data = (object) array_merge($defaultdata, $viewdata);
     if ($data->type == 'portfolio' && (!isset($data->url) || is_null($data->url) || !strlen($data->url))) {
         $data->urlid = generate_urlid($data->title, get_config('cleanurlviewdefault'), 3, 100);
         $data->urlid = self::new_urlid($data->urlid, $data);
     $view = new View(0, $data);
     if (isset($viewdata['group']) && (empty($viewdata['type']) || !empty($viewdata['type']) && $viewdata['type'] != 'grouphomepage')) {
         require_once 'activity.php';
         // Although group views are owned by the group, the view creator is treated as owner here.
         // So we need to ignore them from the activity_occured email.
         $beforeusers[$userid] = get_record('usr', 'id', $userid);
         // By default, group views should be visible to the group
         insert_record('view_access', (object) array('view' => $view->get('id'), 'group' => $viewdata['group'], 'ctime' => db_format_timestamp(time())));
         // Notify group members
         $accessdata = new StdClass();
         $accessdata->view = $view->get('id');
         $accessdata->oldusers = $beforeusers;
         activity_occurred('viewaccess', $accessdata);
     if (isset($viewdata['layout'])) {
         // e.g. importing via LEAP2A
         $layoutsrowscols = get_records_select_array('view_layout_rows_columns', 'viewlayout = ?', array($viewdata['layout']));
         if ($layoutsrowscols) {
             delete_records('view_rows_columns', 'view', $view->get('id'));
             foreach ($layoutsrowscols as $layoutrow) {
                 insert_record('view_rows_columns', (object) array('view' => $view->get('id'), 'row' => $layoutrow->row, 'columns' => self::$layoutcolumns[$layoutrow->columns]->columns));
     return new View($view->get('id'));
     // Reread to ensure defaults are set
Example #3
  * Creates a new View for the given user, based on the given information 
  * about the view.
  * Validation of the view data is performed, then the View is created. If 
  * the View is to be owned by a group, that group is given access to it.
  * @param array $viewdata Data about the view. You can pass in most fields 
  *                        that appear in the view table.
  *                        Note that you set who owns the View by setting 
  *                        either the owner, group or institution field as 
  *                        approriate.
  *                        Currently, you cannot pass in access data. Use 
  *                        $view->set_access() after retrieving the $view 
  *                        object.
  * @param int $userid The user who has issued the command to create the 
  *                    View (note: this is different from the "owner" of the 
  *                    View - a group or institution could be the "owner",
  *                    but it's a _user_ who requests a View is created for it)
  * @return View The created View
  * @throws SystemException if the View data is invalid - mostly this is due 
  *                         to owner information being specified incorrectly.
 private static function _create(&$viewdata, $userid)
     // If no owner information is provided, assume that the view is being
     // created by the user for themself
     if (!isset($viewdata['owner']) && !isset($viewdata['group']) && !isset($viewdata['institution'])) {
         $viewdata['owner'] = $userid;
     if (isset($viewdata['owner'])) {
         if ($viewdata['owner'] != $userid) {
             $userobj = new User();
             if (!$userobj->is_admin_for_user($viewdata['owner'])) {
                 throw new SystemException("View::_create: User {$userid} is not allowed to create a view for owner {$viewdata['owner']}");
     if (isset($viewdata['group'])) {
         require_once 'group.php';
         if (!group_user_can_edit_views($viewdata['group'], $userid)) {
             throw new SystemException("View::_create: User {$userid} is not permitted to create a view for group {$viewdata['group']}");
     if (isset($viewdata['institution'])) {
         $user = new User();
         if (!$user->can_edit_institution($viewdata['institution'])) {
             throw new SystemException("View::_create: User {$userid} is not permitted to create a view for institution {$viewdata['institution']}");
     // Create the view
     $defaultdata = array('numcolumns' => 3, 'template' => 0, 'type' => 'portfolio', 'title' => self::new_title(get_string('Untitled', 'view'), (object) $viewdata));
     $data = (object) array_merge($defaultdata, $viewdata);
     $view = new View(0, $data);
     if (isset($viewdata['group'])) {
         // By default, group views should be visible to the group
         $view->set_access(array(array('type' => 'group', 'id' => $viewdata['group'], 'startdate' => null, 'stopdate' => null, 'role' => null)));
     return $view;