Example #1
if (!$mysqli->connect_error && $dbtest == true) {
    require "Lib/dbschemasetup.php";
    if (!db_check($mysqli, $database)) {
        db_schema_setup($mysqli, load_db_schema(), true);
// 3) User sessions
require "Modules/user/rememberme_model.php";
$rememberme = new Rememberme($mysqli);
require "Modules/user/user_model.php";
$user = new User($mysqli, $redis, $rememberme);
if (isset($_GET['apikey'])) {
    $session = $user->apikey_session($_GET['apikey']);
} elseif (isset($_POST['apikey'])) {
    $session = $user->apikey_session($_POST['apikey']);
} else {
    $session = $user->emon_session_start();
// 4) Language
if (!isset($session['lang'])) {
    $session['lang'] = '';
// 5) Get route and load controller
$route = new Route(get('q'));
if (get('embed') == 1) {
    $embed = 1;
} else {
Example #2
            if (isset($_POST['devicekey'])) {
                $devicekey = $_POST['devicekey'];
            } else {
                if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"])) {
                    // Support passing apikey on Authorization header per rfc6750, like example:
                    //      GET /resource HTTP/1.1
                    //      Host: server.example.com
                    //      Authorization: Bearer THE_API_KEY_HERE
                    $apikey = str_replace('Bearer ', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"]);
if ($apikey) {
    $session = $user->apikey_session($apikey);
    if (empty($session)) {
        header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 401 Unauthorized");
        header('WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="API KEY", error="invalid_apikey", error_description="Invalid API key"');
        print "Invalid API key";
        $log = new EmonLogger(__FILE__);
        $log->error("Invalid API key '" . $apikey . "'");
} else {
    if ($devicekey && @(include "Modules/device/device_model.php")) {
        $device = new Device($mysqli, $redis);
        $session = $device->devicekey_session($devicekey);
        if (empty($session)) {
            header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 401 Unauthorized");
            header('WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="Device KEY", error="invalid_devicekey", error_description="Invalid device key"');
     if ($usleep < 0) {
         $usleep = 0;
     echo "Buffer length: " . $buflength . " " . $usleep . " " . $rn . "\n";
     $rn = 0;
 // check if there is an item in the queue to process
 $line_str = false;
 if ($redis->llen('buffer') > 0) {
     // check if there is an item in the queue to process
     $line_str = $redis->lpop('buffer');
 if ($line_str) {
     $req = json_decode($line_str);
     $session = $user->apikey_session($req->apikey);
     // The first and second value in the csv is userid, time and nodeid
     $userid = $session['userid'];
     $time = $req->time;
     $nodeid = $req->nodeid;
     $line_parts = explode(',', $req->csv);
     // Load current user input meta data
     // It would be good to avoid repeated calls to this
     $dbinputs = $input->get_inputs($userid);
     $tmp = array();
     // For each node input
     $name = 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($line_parts); $i++) {
         $value = $line_parts[$i];
         if (!isset($dbinputs[$nodeid][$name])) {
             $inputid = $input->create_input($userid, $nodeid, $name);