Example #1
if (!isset($_APP)) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
    flash_notice("You are already logged in.");
if (!empty($_POST['submit'])) {
    if (empty($_POST['username']) || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+\$/", $_POST['username'])) {
        flash_error("You did not enter a valid username. Your username can only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dots, and dashes.");
    } elseif (User::CheckIfUsernameExists($_POST['username']) || User::CheckIfDisplayNameExists($_POST['username'])) {
        flash_error("The username you entered is already in use. Please pick a different username.");
    if (empty($_POST['email']) || !filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
        flash_error("You did not enter a valid e-mail address.");
    } elseif (User::CheckIfEmailExists($_POST['email'])) {
        flash_error("The e-mail address you entered is already in use. Did you <a href=\"/forgot-password\">forget your password</a>?");
    if (empty($_POST['password']) || strlen($_POST['password']) < 8) {
        flash_error("You did not enter a valid password. Your password has to be at least 8 characters.");
    } elseif (empty($_POST['password2']) || $_POST['password'] != $_POST['password2']) {
        flash_error("The passwords you entered did not match.");
    if (!empty($_POST['displayname']) && User::CheckIfDisplayNameExists($_POST['displayname'])) {
        flash_error("The (display) name you entered is already in use. Please pick a different name. You can also just use your nickname!");
    if (count(get_errors(false)) == 0) {
        $sUser = new User(0);
        $sUser->uUsername = $_POST['username'];
        $sUser->uDisplayName = !empty($_POST['displayname']) ? $_POST['displayname'] : $_POST['username'];
        $sUser->uPassword = $_POST['password'];