// prevent this file from being accessed directly
defined('WB_PATH') or die(header('Location: ../../index.php'));
require_once WB_PATH . '/framework/module.functions.php';
// include jscalendar-setup
$jscal_use_time = true;
// whether to use a clock, too
require_once WB_PATH . "/include/jscalendar/wb-setup.php";
require_once WB_PATH . "/include/jscalendar/jscalendar-functions.php";
 * Include Website Baker template parser and configure it
// include template class and initiate object (set template folder: "./htt")
$tpl = new Template(dirname(__FILE__) . '/htt');
// configure handling of unknown {variables} (remove:=default, keep, comment)
// configure debug mode (0:= default, 1:=variable assignments, 2:=calls to get variable, 4:=show internals)
$tpl->debug = 0;
if (!isset($_POST['search'])) {
    // Show usersearch form
    // set template file (assign file "backend_view.htt" to variable/handle "page")
    $tpl->set_file('page', 'usersearch_form.htt');
    // set blocks (NOTE: always start with the inner most block first)
    // parameters: file variable/handle of file containing the block, block name in the file, new variable/handle for the block)
    $tpl->set_block('page', 'groupsearch_block', 'groupsearch_block_handle');
    // System variables
    // Think to compare WB_URL and ADMIN_URL
    $tpl->set_var('WB_URL', WB_URL);
    $tpl->set_var('ADMIN_URL', ADMIN_URL);
    $tpl->set_var('FORM_VALID_URL', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $tpl->set_var('JSCAL_IFFORMAT', $jscal_ifformat);
// Must include code to stop this file being accessed directly
if (defined('WB_PATH') == false) {
    die('Illegale file access /' . basename(__DIR__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__) . '');
/* -------------------------------------------------------- */
// check if module language file exists for the language set by the user (e.g. DE, EN)
$sAddonName = basename(__DIR__);
require WB_PATH . '/modules/' . $sAddonName . '/languages/EN.php';
if (file_exists(WB_PATH . '/modules/' . $sAddonName . '/languages/' . LANGUAGE . '.php')) {
    require WB_PATH . '/modules/' . $sAddonName . '/languages/' . LANGUAGE . '.php';
$sModulName = basename(__DIR__);
if (!$admin->get_permission($sModulName, 'module')) {
require WB_PATH . '/include/editarea/wb_wrapper_edit_area.php';
// Setup template object
$template = new Template(WB_PATH . '/modules/' . $sAddonName);
$template->set_file('page', 'htt/modify.htt');
$template->set_block('page', 'main_block', 'main');
// Get page content
$query = "SELECT content FROM `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "mod_code` WHERE `section_id` = '{$section_id}'";
$get_content = $database->query($query);
$content = $get_content->fetchRow(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$content = htmlspecialchars($content['content']);
// Insert vars
$template->set_var(array('PAGE_ID' => $page_id, 'SECTION_ID' => $section_id, 'REGISTER_EDIT_AREA' => function_exists('registerEditArea') ? registerEditArea('content' . $section_id, 'php', false) : '', 'WB_URL' => WB_URL, 'CONTENT' => $content, 'TEXT_SAVE' => $TEXT['SAVE'], 'TEXT_CANCEL' => $TEXT['CANCEL'], 'SECTION' => $section_id, 'FTAN' => $admin->getFTAN()));
// Parse template object
$template->parse('main', 'main_block', false);
$template->pparse('output', 'page', false);
  This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it 
  under the terms of the GNU General Public License - version 2 or later, 
  as published by the Free Software Foundation: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.

  This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
  GNU General Public License for more details.
// Include WB template parser and create template object
require_once WB_PATH . '/include/phplib/template.inc';
$tpl = new Template(WB_PATH . '/modules/bakery/templates/mini_cart');
// Define how to deal with unknown {PLACEHOLDERS} (remove:=default, keep, comment)
// Define debug mode (0:=disabled (default), 1:=variable assignments, 2:=calls to get variable, 4:=debug internals)
$tpl->debug = 0;
// Look for language file
    include WB_PATH . '/modules/bakery/languages/EN.php';
    if (file_exists(WB_PATH . '/modules/bakery/languages/' . LANGUAGE . '.php')) {
        include WB_PATH . '/modules/bakery/languages/' . LANGUAGE . '.php';
// Check order id
if (isset($_SESSION['bakery']['order_id']) && is_numeric($_SESSION['bakery']['order_id']) && $_SESSION['bakery']['order_id'] >= 0) {
    $order_id = $_SESSION['bakery']['order_id'];
    // Look for items in the db
    $query_order = $database->query("SELECT item_id, attributes, quantity, price FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mod_bakery_order WHERE order_id = '{$order_id}'");
    $num_orders = $query_order->numRows();
Example #4
 function testSetUnknowns()
     $tp2 = new Template();
     // there should be a getter method for this ...
     $this->assertEquals('keep', $tp2->getUnknowns());
Example #5
     $edit_prompt = $LANG_GF02['msg190'] . '<br><input type="checkbox" name="silentedit" ';
     if ($_POST['silentedit'] == 1 or !isset($_POST['modedit']) and $CONF_FORUM['silent_edit_default']) {
         $edit_prompt .= 'checked="checked" ';
     $edit_prompt .= 'value="1">';
     $submissionform_main->set_var('attachments', gf_showattachments($id, 'edit'));
 } else {
     $edit_prompt = '&nbsp;';
     $submissionform_main->set_var('attachments', '');
     if ($uniqueid > 0) {
         $submissionform_main->set_var('attachments', gf_showattachments($uniqueid, 'edit'));
 $subject = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $subject);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('LANG_SUBJECT', $LANG_GF01['SUBJECT']);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('LANG_OPTIONS', $LANG_GF01['OPTIONS']);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('mode_prompt', $mode_prompt);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('notify_prompt', $notify_prompt);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('locked_prompt', $locked_prompt);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('sticky_prompt', $sticky_prompt);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('edit_prompt', $edit_prompt);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('LANG_SUBMIT', $LANG_GF01['SUBMIT']);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('LANG_PREVIEW', $LANG_GF01['PREVIEW']);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('required', $required);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('subject', $subject);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('smilies', $smilies);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('LANG_attachments', $LANG_GF10['attachments']);
 $submissionform_main->set_var('LANG_maxattachments', sprintf($LANG_GF10['maxattachments'], $CONF_FORUM['maxattachments']));
 // Check and see if the filemgmt plugin is installed and enabled
Example #6
    case 'updateall':
    case $LANG_THM['image']:
        header('Location: ' . $_CONF['site_admin_url'] . '/plugins/themedit/upload.php?thm_theme=' . rawurlencode($theme));
// Display
$T = new Template($_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/themedit/templates');
$T->set_file('admin', 'admin.thtml');
// Prevents template engine from removing template vars loaded in <textarea>
$T->set_var('xhtml', XHTML);
$T->set_var('temp_site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
$T->set_var('temp_site_admin_url', $_CONF['site_admin_url']);
$T->set_var('temp_header', THM_str('admin'));
$code4preview = <<<EOD1
<script type="text/javascript">
\twindow.open("{$_CONF['site_admin_url']}/plugins/themedit/preview.html", "PREVIEW");
if ($op === $LANG_THM['preview']) {
     * If a file is being edited, first swap its contents with that of the
     * corresponding file saved on the Web, then create a preview, and finally
    exit('Cannot access this file directly');
// Include WB functions file
require_once WB_PATH . '/framework/functions.php';
// Include WB template parser
require_once WB_PATH . '/include/phplib/template.inc';
// Create template object for screen output
$tpl_so = new Template(WB_PATH . '/modules/bakery/templates/summary');
// Define how to deal with unknown {PLACEHOLDERS} (remove:=default, keep, comment)
// Define debug mode (0:=disabled (default), 1:=variable assignments, 2:=calls to get variable, 4:=debug internals)
$tpl_so->debug = 0;
// Create template object for invoice print
$tpl_ip = new Template(WB_PATH . '/modules/bakery/templates/invoice');
// Define how to deal with unknown {PLACEHOLDERS} (remove:=default, keep, comment)
// Define debug mode (0:=disabled (default), 1:=variable assignments, 2:=calls to get variable, 4:=debug internals)
$tpl_ip->debug = 0;
// Get order id
$order_id = $_SESSION['bakery']['order_id'];
// *****************
// Get customers message
$cust_msg = !empty($_POST['cust_msg']) ? strip_tags($_POST['cust_msg']) : '';
// Save customers message in session var
$_SESSION['bakery']['cust_msg'] = $cust_msg;
// **************
// Put payment method selected by user into session var
if (!empty($_POST['payment_method'])) {
    $payment_method_arr = array_keys($_POST['payment_method']);
Example #8
 function displayNewsItems($group_id = 0, $max_news_items = 10, $max_news_length = -1, $display_mode = 1, $lang_id = 'AUTO', $strip_tags = true, $allowed_tags = '<p><a><img>', $custom_placeholder = false, $sort_by = 1, $sort_order = 1, $not_older_than = 0, $group_id_type = 'group_id', $lang_filter = false)
     global $wb, $database, $LANG;
      *	Is the first arg an array() we're using this one!
      *	Keep in mind, that all other args may be overwriten/ignore by
      *	the settings inside this array!
      *	e.g.
      *		$config = array( 'max_news_items' => 5 );
      *		displayNewsItems( $config, 23, ...
      *	Only 5 news-items (not 23) are shown, as the first array overwrites the following params!
     $all_args = func_get_args();
     if (isset($all_args[0]) && is_array($all_args[0])) {
         // param 1 is pass as an array! We're using this as our config!
         $defaults = array('group_id' => 0, 'max_news_items' => 10, 'max_news_length' => -1, 'display_mode' => 1, 'lang_id' => 'AUTO', 'strip_tags' => true, 'allowed_tags' => '<p><a><img>', 'custom_placeholder' => false, 'sort_by' => 1, 'sort_order' => 1, 'not_older_than' => 0, 'group_id_type' => 'group_id', 'lang_filter' => false);
         // overwrite the defaults within the values  of the $config
         foreach ($all_args[0] as $key => $val) {
             $defaults[$key] = $val;
         foreach ($defaults as $key => $val) {
             ${$key} = $val;
      * Include required Anynews files
     require_once 'code/anynews_functions.php';
     require_once 'thirdparty/truncate.php';
     require_once WB_PATH . '/include/phplib/template.inc';
      * Sanitize user specified function parameters
     sanitizeUserInputs($group_id, 'i{0;0;999}');
     sanitizeUserInputs($max_news_items, 'i{10;1;999}');
     sanitizeUserInputs($max_news_length, 'i{-1;0;250}');
     sanitizeUserInputs($display_mode, 'i{1;1;99}');
     sanitizeUserInputs($strip_tags, 'b');
     sanitizeUserInputs($allowed_tags, 's{TRIM}');
     sanitizeUserInputs($sort_by, 'i{1;1;5}');
     sanitizeUserInputs($sort_order, 'i{1;1;2}');
     sanitizeUserInputs($not_older_than, 'd{0;0;999}');
     sanitizeUserInputs($group_id_type, 'l{group_id;group_id;page_id;section_id;post_id}');
     sanitizeUserInputs($lang_filter, 'b');
      * Include Anynews language file depending on defined $lang_id 
     $lang_id = getValidLanguageId($lang_id);
      * Create template object and configure it
     $tpl = new Template(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates');
     // configure handling of unknown {variables} (remove:=default, keep, comment)
     // configure debug mode (0:= default, 1:=variable assignments, 2:=calls to get variable, 4:=show internals)
     $tpl->debug = 0;
     // set template file depending on $display_mode
     if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/display_mode_' . $display_mode . '.htt')) {
         // set user defined template
         $tpl->set_file('page', 'display_mode_' . $display_mode . '.htt');
     } else {
         // set default template
         $tpl->set_file('page', 'display_mode_1.htt');
     // define "read more block" used to show/hide readmore link depending on long news content
     $tpl->set_block('page', 'readmore_link_block', 'readmore_link_block_handle');
     // define optional "custom block" which can be used in template files if needed
     $tpl->set_block('page', 'custom_block', 'custom_block_handle');
     // define "news block" used for text outputs of individual news items (news text, links etc.)
     $tpl->set_block('page', 'news_block', 'news_block_handle');
     // define "news wrapper block" shown if at least one news entry exists
     $tpl->set_block('page', 'news_available_block', 'news_available_block_handle');
     // define "no news wrapper block" shown in no news entry exists
     $tpl->set_block('page', 'no_news_available_block', 'no_news_available_block_handle');
     // replace placeholders with values from language file
     foreach ($LANG['ANYNEWS'][0] as $key => $value) {
         $tpl->set_var($key, $value);
      * Work out SQL query for group_id, limiting news to display depedning by defined $news_filter
      *  option 1: $group_id:=0 => '1'
      *  option 2: $group_id:=X => `group_id_type` = 'X'
      *  option 3: $group_id:=array(2,3) => `group_id_type` IN (2,3)
     // show all news items if 0 is contained in group_id array
     if (is_array($group_id) && in_array(0, $group_id)) {
         $group_id = 0;
     // check for multiple groups or single group values
     if (is_array($group_id)) {
         // SQL query for multiple groups
         $sql_group_id = "t1.`{$group_id_type}` IN (" . implode(',', $group_id) . ")";
     } else {
         // SQL query for single or empty groups
         $sql_group_id = $group_id ? "t1.`{$group_id_type}` = '{$group_id}'" : '1';
      * Work out SQL query for the not older than option
      * This options allows to restrict the matches to news not older than X days
     // work out current server time (also used for published_when and published_until checks)
     $server_time = time();
     $sql_not_older_than = '1';
     if ($not_older_than > 0) {
         $sql_not_older_than = ' (t1.`published_when` >= \'' . ($server_time - $not_older_than * 24 * 60 * 60) . '\')';
      * Work out SQL query to hide news added via news pages NOT matching $lang_id
      * Requires to organize news items via news pages with page language set to $lang_id 
      * Returns all news entries if no news page was found matching given $lang_id  
     $sql_lang_filter = '1';
     if ($lang_filter) {
         // get all page_ids which page language match defined $lang_id
         $page_ids = getPageIdsByLanguage($lang_id);
         if (count($page_ids) > 0) {
             $sql_lang_filter = 't1.`page_id` in (' . implode(',', $page_ids) . ')';
      * Work out SQL sort by and sort order query string
     // creates SQL query for sort by option
     $order_by_options = array('t1.`position`', 't1.`posted_when`', 't1.`published_when`', 'RAND()', '`comments`');
     $sql_order_by = $order_by_options[$sort_by - 1];
     // creates SQL query for sort order option
     $sql_sort_order = $sort_order == 1 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
      * Perform SQL database query for Anynews
     $news_table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_posts';
     $comments_table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'mod_news_comments';
     $sql = "SELECT t1.*, COUNT(`comment_id`) as `comments`\n\t\t\tFROM `{$news_table}` as t1\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$comments_table}` as t2\n\t\t\tON t1.`post_id` = t2.`post_id`\n\t\t\tWHERE t1.`active` = '1'\n\t\t\tAND {$sql_group_id}\n\t\t\tAND {$sql_lang_filter}\n\t\t\tAND (t1.`published_when` = '0' or t1.`published_when` <= '{$server_time}')\n\t\t\tAND (t1.`published_until` = '0' OR t1.`published_until` >= '{$server_time}')\n\t\t\tAND {$sql_not_older_than}\n\t\t\tGROUP BY t1.`post_id`\n\t\t\tORDER BY {$sql_order_by} {$sql_sort_order}\n\t\t\tLIMIT 0, {$max_news_items}\n\t\t";
      * Process database query and output the template files
     $results = $database->query($sql);
     if ($results && $results->numRows() > 0) {
         // fetch news group titles from news database table
         $news_group_titles = getNewsGroupTitles();
         // fetch user names from users database table
         $user_list = getUserNames();
         // loop through all news articles found
         $news_counter = 1;
         while ($row = $results->fetchRow()) {
             // build absolute links from [wblink] tags found in news short or long text database field
             // fetch custom placeholders from short/long text fields and replace template placeholders with values
             $custom_vars_short_text = getCustomOutputVariables($row['content_short'], $custom_placeholder, 'SHORT');
             $custom_vars_long_text = getCustomOutputVariables($row['content_long'], $custom_placeholder, 'LONG');
             $custom_vars = array_merge($custom_vars_short_text, $custom_vars_long_text);
             // replace custom placeholders in template with values
             foreach ($custom_vars as $key => $value) {
                 $tpl->set_var($key, $value);
             // remove tags from short and long text if defined
             $row['content_short'] = $strip_tags ? strip_tags($row['content_short'], $allowed_tags) : $row['content_short'];
             $row['content_long'] = $strip_tags ? strip_tags($row['content_long'], $allowed_tags) : $row['content_long'];
             // shorten news text to defined news length (-1 for full text length)
             if ($max_news_length != -1 && strlen($row['content_short']) > $max_news_length) {
                 // consider start position if short content starts with <p> or <div>
                 $start_pos = preg_match('#^(<(p|div)>)#', $row['content_short'], $match) ? strlen($match[0]) : 0;
                 $row['content_short'] = truncate(substr($row['content_short'], $start_pos), $max_news_length, '...', false, true);
             // work out group image if exists
             $group_id = $row['group_id'];
             $image = '';
             if (file_exists(WB_PATH . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . '/.news/image' . $group_id . '.jpg')) {
                 $image = '<img src="' . WB_URL . MEDIA_DIRECTORY . '/.news/image' . $group_id . '.jpg' . '" alt="" />';
             // replace news article dependend template placeholders
             $tpl->set_var(array('WB_URL' => WB_URL, 'GROUP_IMAGE' => $image, 'NEWS_ID' => $news_counter, 'POST_ID' => (int) $row['post_id'], 'SECTION_ID' => (int) $row['section_id'], 'PAGE_ID' => (int) $row['page_id'], 'GROUP_ID' => (int) $row['group_id'], 'GROUP_TITLE' => array_key_exists($row['group_id'], $news_group_titles) ? htmlentities($news_group_titles[$row['group_id']]) : '', 'POSTED_BY' => (int) $row['posted_by'], 'USERNAME' => array_key_exists($row['posted_by'], $user_list) ? htmlentities($user_list[$row['posted_by']]['USERNAME']) : '', 'DISPLAY_NAME' => array_key_exists($row['posted_by'], $user_list) ? htmlentities($user_list[$row['posted_by']]['DISPLAY_NAME']) : '', 'TITLE' => $strip_tags ? strip_tags($row['title']) : $row['title'], 'COMMENTS' => isset($row['comments']) ? $row['comments'] : 0, 'LINK' => WB_URL . PAGES_DIRECTORY . $row['link'] . PAGE_EXTENSION, 'CONTENT_SHORT' => $image . $row['content_short'], 'CONTENT_LONG' => $row['content_long'], 'POSTED_WHEN' => date($LANG['ANYNEWS'][0]['DATE_FORMAT'], $row['posted_when']), 'PUBLISHED_WHEN' => date($LANG['ANYNEWS'][0]['DATE_FORMAT'], $row['published_when']), 'PUBLISHED_UNTIL' => date($LANG['ANYNEWS'][0]['DATE_FORMAT'], $row['published_until'])));
             // remove "read more block" from template if no long content is available
             $tpl->parse('readmore_link_block_handle', 'readmore_link_block', false);
             if (!isset($row['content_long']) || !strlen($row['content_long']) > 0) {
                 $tpl->set_var('readmore_link_block_handle', '');
             // add optional custom template block in append mode (add per loop)
             $tpl->parse('custom_block_handle', 'custom_block', true);
             // add template values in news block in append mode (add per loop)
             $tpl->parse('news_block_handle', 'news_block', true);
             // remove custom variables to start blank for the next news entry
             foreach ($custom_vars as $key => $value) {
                 $tpl->set_var($key, '');
         // update the total number of news items
         $tpl->set_var('NEWS_ITEMS', $news_counter - 1);
         // remove the "no news available block" from output
         $tpl->set_var('no_news_available_block_handle', '');
         // parse the news content block
         $tpl->parse('news_available_block_handle', 'news_available_block', false);
     } else {
         // update the total number of news items
         $tpl->set_var('NEWS_ITEMS', 0);
         // remove the "news available block" from output
         $tpl->set_var('news_available_block_handle', '');
         // remove blocks not used
         $tpl->parse('no_news_available_block_handle', 'no_news_available_block', true);
     // ouput the final template
     $tpl->pparse('output', 'page');