Example #1
    if (!@(include __ARMORYDIRECTORY__ . '/includes/classes/class.item.php')) {
        die('<b>Error:</b> unable to load Item class!');
    // Do not create class instance here. It should be created in Characters or Items classes.
if (defined('ADMIN_PAGE')) {
    if (!@(include __ARMORYDIRECTORY__ . '/includes/classes/class.template.php')) {
        die('<b>Error:</b> unable to load template class!');
    if (!@(include __ARMORYDIRECTORY__ . '/includes/classes/class.admin.php')) {
        die('<b>Error:</b> unable to load template class!');
    // Re-build account data from cookie.
    // Load locale
    Template::LoadLocale(isset($_SESSION['admin_locale']) ? $_SESSION['admin_locale'] : 'en');
    // Do not create instances of these classes: they are using static methods.
// Start XML parser
if (!@(include __ARMORYDIRECTORY__ . '/includes/classes/class.xmlhandler.php')) {
    die('<b>Error:</b> unable to load XML Handler class!');
$xml = new XMLHandler(Armory::GetLocale());
if (!defined('RSS_FEED')) {
// Do not remove this
if (isset($_GET['_DISPLAYVERSION_'])) {