  * Returns the foreign table name of the FK.
  * @return string
 public function getForeignTableName()
     $platform = $this->getPlatform();
     if ($this->foreignSchemaName && $platform->supportsSchemas()) {
         return $this->foreignSchemaName . $platform->getSchemaDelimiter() . $this->foreignTableCommonName;
     $database = $this->getDatabase();
     if ($database && ($schema = $this->parentTable->guessSchemaName()) && $platform->supportsSchemas()) {
         return $schema . $platform->getSchemaDelimiter() . $this->foreignTableCommonName;
     return $this->foreignTableCommonName;
 protected function addForeignKeys(Table $table)
     $database = $table->getDatabase();
     $stmt = $this->dbh->query('PRAGMA foreign_key_list("' . $table->getName() . '")');
     $lastId = null;
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         if ($lastId !== $row['id']) {
             $fk = new ForeignKey();
             $onDelete = $row['on_delete'];
             if ($onDelete && 'NO ACTION' !== $onDelete) {
             $onUpdate = $row['on_update'];
             if ($onUpdate && 'NO ACTION' !== $onUpdate) {
             $foreignTable = $database->getTable($row['table'], true);
             if (!$foreignTable) {
             if ($table->guessSchemaName() != $foreignTable->guessSchemaName()) {
             $lastId = $row['id'];
         $fk->addReference($row['from'], $row['to']);
  * Load foreign keys for this table.
 protected function addForeignKeys(Table $table, $oid)
     $database = $table->getDatabase();
     $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT\n            conname,\n            confupdtype,\n            confdeltype,\n            CASE nl.nspname WHEN 'public' THEN cl.relname ELSE nl.nspname||'.'||cl.relname END as fktab,\n                array_agg(DISTINCT a2.attname) AS fkcols,\n                CASE nr.nspname WHEN 'public' THEN cr.relname ELSE nr.nspname||'.'||cr.relname END as reftab,\n                    array_agg(DISTINCT a1.attname) AS refcols\n                    FROM pg_constraint ct\n                    JOIN pg_class cl ON cl.oid=conrelid\n                    JOIN pg_class cr ON cr.oid=confrelid\n                    JOIN pg_namespace nl ON nl.oid = cl.relnamespace\n                    JOIN pg_namespace nr ON nr.oid = cr.relnamespace\n                    LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a1 ON a1.attrelid = ct.confrelid\n                    LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a2 ON a2.attrelid = ct.conrelid\n                    WHERE\n                    contype='f'\n                    AND conrelid = ?\n                    AND a2.attnum = ANY (ct.conkey)\n                    AND a1.attnum = ANY (ct.confkey)\n                    GROUP BY conname, confupdtype, confdeltype, fktab, reftab\n                    ORDER BY conname");
     $stmt->bindValue(1, $oid);
     $foreignKeys = array();
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $name = $row['conname'];
         $localTable = $row['fktab'];
         $localColumns = explode(',', trim($row['fkcols'], '{}'));
         $foreignTableName = $row['reftab'];
         $foreignColumns = explode(',', trim($row['refcols'], '{}'));
         // On Update
         switch ($row['confupdtype']) {
             case 'c':
                 $onupdate = ForeignKey::CASCADE;
             case 'd':
                 $onupdate = ForeignKey::SETDEFAULT;
             case 'n':
                 $onupdate = ForeignKey::SETNULL;
             case 'r':
                 $onupdate = ForeignKey::RESTRICT;
             case 'a':
                 // NOACTION is the postgresql default
                 $onupdate = ForeignKey::NONE;
         // On Delete
         switch ($row['confdeltype']) {
             case 'c':
                 $ondelete = ForeignKey::CASCADE;
             case 'd':
                 $ondelete = ForeignKey::SETDEFAULT;
             case 'n':
                 $ondelete = ForeignKey::SETNULL;
             case 'r':
                 $ondelete = ForeignKey::RESTRICT;
             case 'a':
                 // NOACTION is the postgresql default
                 $ondelete = ForeignKey::NONE;
         $foreignTable = $database->getTable($foreignTableName);
         $localTable = $database->getTable($localTable);
         if (!$foreignTable) {
         if (!isset($foreignKeys[$name])) {
             $fk = new ForeignKey($name);
             if ($table->guessSchemaName() != $foreignTable->guessSchemaName()) {
             $foreignKeys[$name] = $fk;
         $max = count($localColumns);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
             $foreignKeys[$name]->addReference($localTable->getColumn($localColumns[$i]), $foreignTable->getColumn($foreignColumns[$i]));
  * Load foreign keys for this table.
 protected function addForeignKeys(Table $table)
     $database = $table->getDatabase();
     $dataFetcher = $this->dbh->query(sprintf('SHOW CREATE TABLE %s', $this->getPlatform()->doQuoting($table->getName())));
     $row = $dataFetcher->fetch();
     $foreignKeys = array();
     // local store to avoid duplicates
     // Get the information on all the foreign keys
     $pattern = '/CONSTRAINT `([^`]+)` FOREIGN KEY \\((.+)\\) REFERENCES `([^\\s]+)` \\((.+)\\)(.*)/';
     if (preg_match_all($pattern, $row[1], $matches)) {
         $tmpArray = array_keys($matches[0]);
         foreach ($tmpArray as $curKey) {
             $name = $matches[1][$curKey];
             $rawlcol = $matches[2][$curKey];
             $ftbl = str_replace('`', '', $matches[3][$curKey]);
             $rawfcol = $matches[4][$curKey];
             $fkey = $matches[5][$curKey];
             $lcols = array();
             foreach (preg_split('/`, `/', $rawlcol) as $piece) {
                 $lcols[] = trim($piece, '` ');
             $fcols = array();
             foreach (preg_split('/`, `/', $rawfcol) as $piece) {
                 $fcols[] = trim($piece, '` ');
             // typical for mysql is RESTRICT
             $fkactions = array('ON DELETE' => ForeignKey::RESTRICT, 'ON UPDATE' => ForeignKey::RESTRICT);
             if ($fkey) {
                 // split foreign key information -> search for ON DELETE and afterwords for ON UPDATE action
                 foreach (array_keys($fkactions) as $fkaction) {
                     $result = null;
                     preg_match('/' . $fkaction . ' (' . ForeignKey::CASCADE . '|' . ForeignKey::SETNULL . ')/', $fkey, $result);
                     if ($result && is_array($result) && isset($result[1])) {
                         $fkactions[$fkaction] = $result[1];
             // restrict is the default
             foreach ($fkactions as $key => $action) {
                 if (ForeignKey::RESTRICT === $action) {
                     $fkactions[$key] = null;
             $localColumns = array();
             $foreignColumns = array();
             if ($table->guessSchemaName() != $database->getSchema() && false == strpos($ftbl, $database->getPlatform()->getSchemaDelimiter())) {
                 $ftbl = $table->guessSchemaName() . $database->getPlatform()->getSchemaDelimiter() . $ftbl;
             $foreignTable = $database->getTable($ftbl, true);
             if (!$foreignTable) {
             foreach ($fcols as $fcol) {
                 $foreignColumns[] = $foreignTable->getColumn($fcol);
             foreach ($lcols as $lcol) {
                 $localColumns[] = $table->getColumn($lcol);
             if (!isset($foreignKeys[$name])) {
                 $fk = new ForeignKey($name);
                 if ($table->guessSchemaName() != $foreignTable->guessSchemaName()) {
                 $fk->setOnDelete($fkactions['ON DELETE']);
                 $fk->setOnUpdate($fkactions['ON UPDATE']);
                 $foreignKeys[$name] = $fk;
             $max = count($localColumns);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
                 $foreignKeys[$name]->addReference($localColumns[$i], $foreignColumns[$i]);