  * Pages admin function
 public static function main()
     $current_theme = Option::get('theme_site_name');
     $site_url = Option::get('siteurl');
     $templates_path = THEMES_SITE;
     $errors = array();
     $pages = new Table('pages');
     PagesAdmin::$pages = $pages;
     $users = new Table('users');
     $user = $users->select('[id=' . Session::get('user_id') . ']', null);
     // Page author
     if (!empty($user['firstname'])) {
         $author = empty($user['lastname']) ? $user['firstname'] : $user['firstname'] . ' ' . $user['lastname'];
     } else {
         $author = Session::get('user_login');
     $author = Html::toText($author);
     // Status array
     $status_array = array('published' => __('Published', 'pages'), 'draft' => __('Draft', 'pages'));
     // Access array
     $access_array = array('public' => __('Public', 'pages'), 'registered' => __('Registered', 'pages'));
     // Check for get actions
     // ---------------------------------------------
     if (Request::get('action')) {
         // Switch actions
         // -----------------------------------------
         switch (Request::get('action')) {
             // Clone page
             // -------------------------------------
             case "clone_page":
                 if (Security::check(Request::get('token'))) {
                     // Generate rand page name
                     $rand_page_name = Request::get('name') . '_clone_' . date("Ymd_His");
                     // Get original page
                     $orig_page = $pages->select('[slug="' . Request::get('name') . '"]', null);
                     // Generate rand page title
                     $rand_page_title = $orig_page['title'] . ' [copy]';
                     // Clone page
                     if ($pages->insert(array('slug' => $rand_page_name, 'template' => $orig_page['template'], 'parent' => $orig_page['parent'], 'robots_index' => $orig_page['robots_index'], 'robots_follow' => $orig_page['robots_follow'], 'status' => $orig_page['status'], 'access' => isset($orig_page['access']) ? $orig_page['access'] : 'public', 'expand' => isset($orig_page['expand']) ? $orig_page['expand'] : '0', 'title' => $rand_page_title, 'meta_title' => $orig_page['meta_title'], 'description' => $orig_page['description'], 'keywords' => $orig_page['keywords'], 'tags' => $orig_page['tags'], 'date' => $orig_page['date'], 'author' => $orig_page['author']))) {
                         // Get cloned page ID
                         $last_id = $pages->lastId();
                         // Save cloned page content
                         File::setContent(STORAGE . DS . 'pages' . DS . $last_id . '.page.txt', File::getContent(STORAGE . DS . 'pages' . DS . $orig_page['id'] . '.page.txt'));
                         // Send notification
                         Notification::set('success', __('The page <i>:page</i> cloned.', 'pages', array(':page' => Security::safeName(Request::get('name'), '-', true))));
                     // Run add extra actions
                     // Redirect
                 } else {
                     die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
                 // Add page
                 // -------------------------------------
             // Add page
             // -------------------------------------
             case "add_page":
                 // Add page
                 if (Request::post('add_page') || Request::post('add_page_and_exit')) {
                     if (Security::check(Request::post('csrf'))) {
                         // Get parent page
                         if (Request::post('pages') == '0') {
                             $parent_page = '';
                         } else {
                             $parent_page = Request::post('pages');
                         // Validate
                         if (trim(Request::post('page_name')) == '') {
                             $errors['pages_empty_name'] = __('Required field', 'pages');
                         if (trim(Request::post('page_title')) == '') {
                             $errors['pages_empty_title'] = __('Required field', 'pages');
                         if (count($pages->select('[slug="' . Security::safeName(Request::post('page_name'), '-', true) . '"]')) != 0) {
                             $errors['pages_exists'] = __('This page already exists', 'pages');
                         // Prepare date
                         if (Valid::date(Request::post('page_date'))) {
                             $date = strtotime(Request::post('page_date'));
                         } else {
                             $date = time();
                         if (Request::post('robots_index')) {
                             $robots_index = 'noindex';
                         } else {
                             $robots_index = 'index';
                         if (Request::post('robots_follow')) {
                             $robots_follow = 'nofollow';
                         } else {
                             $robots_follow = 'follow';
                         // If no errors then try to save
                         if (count($errors) == 0) {
                             // Insert new page
                             if ($pages->insert(array('slug' => Security::safeName(Request::post('page_name'), '-', true), 'template' => Request::post('templates'), 'parent' => $parent_page, 'status' => Request::post('status'), 'access' => Request::post('access'), 'expand' => '0', 'robots_index' => $robots_index, 'robots_follow' => $robots_follow, 'title' => Request::post('page_title'), 'meta_title' => Request::post('page_meta_title'), 'description' => Request::post('page_description'), 'keywords' => Request::post('page_keywords'), 'tags' => Request::post('page_tags'), 'date' => $date, 'author' => $author))) {
                                 // Get inserted page ID
                                 $last_id = $pages->lastId();
                                 // Save content
                                 File::setContent(STORAGE . DS . 'pages' . DS . $last_id . '.page.txt', XML::safe(Request::post('editor')));
                                 // Send notification
                                 Notification::set('success', __('Your changes to the page <i>:page</i> have been saved.', 'pages', array(':page' => Security::safeName(Request::post('page_title'), '-', true))));
                             // Run add extra actions
                             // Redirect
                             if (Request::post('add_page_and_exit')) {
                             } else {
                                 Request::redirect('index.php?id=pages&action=edit_page&name=' . Security::safeName(Request::post('page_name'), '-', true));
                     } else {
                         die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
                 // Get all pages
                 $pages_list = $pages->select('[slug!="error404" and parent=""]');
                 $pages_array[] = '-none-';
                 foreach ($pages_list as $page) {
                     $pages_array[$page['slug']] = $page['title'];
                 // Get all templates
                 $templates_list = File::scan($templates_path, '.template.php');
                 foreach ($templates_list as $file) {
                     $templates_array[basename($file, '.template.php')] = basename($file, '.template.php');
                 // Save fields
                 if (Request::post('page_name')) {
                     $post_name = Request::post('page_name');
                 } else {
                     $post_name = '';
                 if (Request::post('page_title')) {
                     $post_title = Request::post('page_title');
                 } else {
                     $post_title = '';
                 if (Request::post('page_meta_title')) {
                     $post_meta_title = Request::post('page_meta_title');
                 } else {
                     $post_meta_title = '';
                 if (Request::post('page_keywords')) {
                     $post_keywords = Request::post('page_keywords');
                 } else {
                     $post_keywords = '';
                 if (Request::post('page_description')) {
                     $post_description = Request::post('page_description');
                 } else {
                     $post_description = '';
                 if (Request::post('page_tags')) {
                     $post_tags = Request::post('page_tags');
                 } else {
                     $post_tags = '';
                 if (Request::post('editor')) {
                     $post_content = Request::post('editor');
                 } else {
                     $post_content = '';
                 if (Request::post('templates')) {
                     $post_template = Request::post('templates');
                 } else {
                     $post_template = 'index';
                 if (Request::post('status')) {
                     $post_status = Request::post('status');
                 } else {
                     $post_status = 'published';
                 if (Request::post('access')) {
                     $post_access = Request::post('access');
                 } else {
                     $post_access = 'public';
                 if (Request::post('pages')) {
                     $parent_page = Request::post('pages');
                 } else {
                     if (Request::get('parent_page')) {
                         $parent_page = Request::get('parent_page');
                     } else {
                         $parent_page = '';
                 if (Request::post('robots_index')) {
                     $post_robots_index = true;
                 } else {
                     $post_robots_index = false;
                 if (Request::post('robots_follow')) {
                     $post_robots_follow = true;
                 } else {
                     $post_robots_follow = false;
                 // Generate date
                 $date = Date::format(time(), 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 // Set Tabs State - page
                 Notification::setNow('page', 'page');
                 // Display view
                 View::factory('box/pages/views/backend/add')->assign('post_name', $post_name)->assign('post_title', $post_title)->assign('post_meta_title', $post_meta_title)->assign('post_description', $post_description)->assign('post_keywords', $post_keywords)->assign('post_tags', $post_tags)->assign('post_content', $post_content)->assign('pages_array', $pages_array)->assign('parent_page', $parent_page)->assign('templates_array', $templates_array)->assign('post_template', $post_template)->assign('post_status', $post_status)->assign('post_access', $post_access)->assign('status_array', $status_array)->assign('access_array', $access_array)->assign('date', $date)->assign('post_robots_index', $post_robots_index)->assign('post_robots_follow', $post_robots_follow)->assign('errors', $errors)->display();
                 // Edit page
                 // -------------------------------------
             // Edit page
             // -------------------------------------
             case "edit_page":
                 if (Request::post('edit_page') || Request::post('edit_page_and_exit')) {
                     if (Security::check(Request::post('csrf'))) {
                         // Get pages parent
                         if (Request::post('pages') == '0') {
                             $parent_page = '';
                         } else {
                             $parent_page = Request::post('pages');
                         // Save field
                         $post_parent = Request::post('pages');
                         // Validate
                         if (trim(Request::post('page_name')) == '') {
                             $errors['pages_empty_name'] = __('Required field', 'pages');
                         if (count($pages->select('[slug="' . Security::safeName(Request::post('page_name'), '-', true) . '"]')) != 0 and Security::safeName(Request::post('page_old_name'), '-', true) !== Security::safeName(Request::post('page_name'), '-', true)) {
                             $errors['pages_exists'] = __('This page already exists', 'pages');
                         if (trim(Request::post('page_title')) == '') {
                             $errors['pages_empty_title'] = __('Required field', 'pages');
                         // Save fields
                         if (Request::post('page_name')) {
                             $post_name = Request::post('page_name');
                         } else {
                             $post_name = '';
                         if (Request::post('page_title')) {
                             $post_title = Request::post('page_title');
                         } else {
                             $post_title = '';
                         if (Request::post('page_meta_title')) {
                             $post_meta_title = Request::post('page_meta_title');
                         } else {
                             $post_meta_title = '';
                         if (Request::post('page_keywords')) {
                             $post_keywords = Request::post('page_keywords');
                         } else {
                             $post_keywords = '';
                         if (Request::post('page_description')) {
                             $post_description = Request::post('page_description');
                         } else {
                             $post_description = '';
                         if (Request::post('page_tags')) {
                             $post_tags = Request::post('page_tags');
                         } else {
                             $post_tags = '';
                         if (Request::post('editor')) {
                             $post_content = Request::post('editor');
                         } else {
                             $post_content = '';
                         if (Request::post('templates')) {
                             $post_template = Request::post('templates');
                         } else {
                             $post_template = 'index';
                         if (Request::post('status')) {
                             $post_status = Request::post('status');
                         } else {
                             $post_status = 'published';
                         if (Request::post('access')) {
                             $post_access = Request::post('access');
                         } else {
                             $post_access = 'public';
                         if (Request::post('robots_index')) {
                             $post_robots_index = true;
                         } else {
                             $post_robots_index = false;
                         if (Request::post('robots_follow')) {
                             $post_robots_follow = true;
                         } else {
                             $post_robots_follow = false;
                         // Prepare date
                         if (Valid::date(Request::post('page_date'))) {
                             $date = strtotime(Request::post('page_date'));
                         } else {
                             $date = time();
                         if (Request::post('robots_index')) {
                             $robots_index = 'noindex';
                         } else {
                             $robots_index = 'index';
                         if (Request::post('robots_follow')) {
                             $robots_follow = 'nofollow';
                         } else {
                             $robots_follow = 'follow';
                         if (count($errors) == 0) {
                             // Update parents in all childrens
                             if (Security::safeName(Request::post('page_name'), '-', true) !== Security::safeName(Request::post('page_old_name'), '-', true) and Request::post('old_parent') == '') {
                                 $_pages = $pages->select('[parent="' . Text::translitIt(trim(Request::post('page_old_name'))) . '"]');
                                 if (!empty($_pages)) {
                                     foreach ($_pages as $_page) {
                                         $pages->updateWhere('[parent="' . $_page['parent'] . '"]', array('parent' => Security::safeName(Request::post('page_name'), '-', true)));
                                 if ($pages->updateWhere('[slug="' . Request::get('name') . '"]', array('slug' => Security::safeName(Request::post('page_name'), '-', true), 'template' => Request::post('templates'), 'parent' => $parent_page, 'title' => Request::post('page_title'), 'meta_title' => Request::post('page_meta_title'), 'description' => Request::post('page_description'), 'keywords' => Request::post('page_keywords'), 'tags' => Request::post('page_tags'), 'robots_index' => $robots_index, 'robots_follow' => $robots_follow, 'status' => Request::post('status'), 'access' => Request::post('access'), 'date' => $date, 'author' => $author))) {
                                     File::setContent(STORAGE . DS . 'pages' . DS . Request::post('page_id') . '.page.txt', XML::safe(Request::post('editor')));
                                     Notification::set('success', __('Your changes to the page <i>:page</i> have been saved.', 'pages', array(':page' => Security::safeName(Request::post('page_title'), '-', true))));
                                 // Run edit extra actions
                             } else {
                                 if ($pages->updateWhere('[slug="' . Request::get('name') . '"]', array('slug' => Security::safeName(Request::post('page_name'), '-', true), 'template' => Request::post('templates'), 'parent' => $parent_page, 'title' => Request::post('page_title'), 'meta_title' => Request::post('page_meta_title'), 'description' => Request::post('page_description'), 'keywords' => Request::post('page_keywords'), 'tags' => Request::post('page_tags'), 'robots_index' => $robots_index, 'robots_follow' => $robots_follow, 'status' => Request::post('status'), 'access' => Request::post('access'), 'date' => $date, 'author' => $author))) {
                                     File::setContent(STORAGE . DS . 'pages' . DS . Request::post('page_id') . '.page.txt', XML::safe(Request::post('editor')));
                                     Notification::set('success', __('Your changes to the page <i>:page</i> have been saved.', 'pages', array(':page' => Security::safeName(Request::post('page_title'), '-', true))));
                                 // Run edit extra actions
                             // Redirect
                             if (Request::post('edit_page_and_exit')) {
                             } else {
                                 Request::redirect('index.php?id=pages&action=edit_page&name=' . Security::safeName(Request::post('page_name'), '-', true));
                     } else {
                         die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
                 // Get all pages
                 $pages_list = $pages->select();
                 $pages_array[] = '-none-';
                 // Foreach pages find page whithout parent
                 foreach ($pages_list as $page) {
                     if (isset($page['parent'])) {
                         $c_p = $page['parent'];
                     } else {
                         $c_p = '';
                     if ($c_p == '') {
                         // error404 is system "constant" and no child for it
                         if ($page['slug'] !== 'error404' && $page['slug'] !== Request::get('name')) {
                             $pages_array[$page['slug']] = $page['title'];
                 // Get all templates
                 $templates_list = File::scan($templates_path, '.template.php');
                 foreach ($templates_list as $file) {
                     $templates_array[basename($file, '.template.php')] = basename($file, '.template.php');
                 $page = $pages->select('[slug="' . Request::get('name') . '"]', null);
                 if ($page) {
                     $page_content = File::getContent(STORAGE . DS . 'pages' . DS . $page['id'] . '.page.txt');
                     // Safe fields or load fields
                     if (Request::post('page_name')) {
                         $slug_to_edit = Request::post('page_name');
                     } else {
                         $slug_to_edit = $page['slug'];
                     if (Request::post('page_title')) {
                         $title_to_edit = Request::post('page_title');
                     } else {
                         $title_to_edit = $page['title'];
                     if (Request::post('page_meta_title')) {
                         $meta_title_to_edit = Request::post('page_meta_title');
                     } else {
                         $meta_title_to_edit = isset($page['meta_title']) ? $page['meta_title'] : '';
                     if (Request::post('page_description')) {
                         $description_to_edit = Request::post('page_description');
                     } else {
                         $description_to_edit = $page['description'];
                     if (Request::post('page_keywords')) {
                         $keywords_to_edit = Request::post('page_keywords');
                     } else {
                         $keywords_to_edit = $page['keywords'];
                     if (Request::post('page_tags')) {
                         $tags_to_edit = Request::post('page_tags');
                     } else {
                         $tags_to_edit = isset($page['tags']) ? $page['tags'] : '';
                     if (Request::post('editor')) {
                         $to_edit = Request::post('editor');
                     } else {
                         $to_edit = Text::toHtml($page_content);
                     if (Request::post('robots_index')) {
                         $post_robots_index = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($page['robots_index'] == 'noindex') {
                             $post_robots_index = true;
                         } else {
                             $post_robots_index = false;
                     if (Request::post('robots_follow')) {
                         $post_robots_follow = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($page['robots_follow'] == 'nofollow') {
                             $post_robots_follow = true;
                         } else {
                             $post_robots_follow = false;
                     if (Request::post('pages')) {
                         // Get pages parent
                         if (Request::post('pages') == '-none-') {
                             $parent_page = '';
                         } else {
                             $parent_page = Request::post('pages');
                         // Save field
                         $parent_page = Request::post('pages');
                     } else {
                         $parent_page = $page['parent'];
                     if (Request::post('templates')) {
                         $template = Request::post('templates');
                     } else {
                         $template = $page['template'];
                     if (Request::post('status')) {
                         $status = Request::post('status');
                     } else {
                         $status = $page['status'];
                     if (Request::post('access')) {
                         $access = Request::post('access');
                     } else {
                         $access = isset($page['access']) ? $page['access'] : 'public';
                     // Generate date
                     $date = Request::post('date') ? Request::post('date') : Date::format($page['date'], 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     Notification::setNow('page', 'page');
                     // Display view
                     View::factory('box/pages/views/backend/edit')->assign('slug_to_edit', $slug_to_edit)->assign('title_to_edit', $title_to_edit)->assign('meta_title_to_edit', $meta_title_to_edit)->assign('description_to_edit', $description_to_edit)->assign('keywords_to_edit', $keywords_to_edit)->assign('tags_to_edit', $tags_to_edit)->assign('page', $page)->assign('to_edit', $to_edit)->assign('pages_array', $pages_array)->assign('parent_page', $parent_page)->assign('templates_array', $templates_array)->assign('template', $template)->assign('status_array', $status_array)->assign('access_array', $access_array)->assign('status', $status)->assign('access', $access)->assign('date', $date)->assign('post_robots_index', $post_robots_index)->assign('post_robots_follow', $post_robots_follow)->assign('errors', $errors)->display();
                 // Delete page
                 // -------------------------------------
             // Delete page
             // -------------------------------------
             case "delete_page":
                 // Error 404 page can not be removed
                 if (Request::get('slug') !== 'error404') {
                     if (Security::check(Request::get('token'))) {
                         // Get specific page
                         $page = $pages->select('[slug="' . Request::get('name') . '"]', null);
                         //  Delete page and update <parent> fields
                         if ($pages->deleteWhere('[slug="' . $page['slug'] . '" ]')) {
                             $_pages = $pages->select('[parent="' . $page['slug'] . '"]');
                             if (!empty($_pages)) {
                                 foreach ($_pages as $_page) {
                                     $pages->updateWhere('[slug="' . $_page['slug'] . '"]', array('parent' => ''));
                             File::delete(STORAGE . DS . 'pages' . DS . $page['id'] . '.page.txt');
                             Notification::set('success', __('Page <i>:page</i> deleted', 'pages', array(':page' => Html::toText($page['title']))));
                         // Run delete extra actions
                         // Redirect
                     } else {
                         die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
                 // Update page access
                 // -------------------------------------
             // Update page access
             // -------------------------------------
             case "update_access":
                 if (Request::get('slug') !== 'error404') {
                     if (Security::check(Request::get('token'))) {
                         $pages->updateWhere('[slug="' . Request::get('slug') . '"]', array('access' => Request::get('access')));
                         // Run delete extra actions
                         // Send notification
                         Notification::set('success', __('Your changes to the page <i>:page</i> have been saved.', 'pages', array(':page' => Request::get('slug'))));
                         // Redirect
                     } else {
                         die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
                 // Update page status
                 // -------------------------------------
             // Update page status
             // -------------------------------------
             case "update_status":
                 if (Request::get('name') !== 'error404') {
                     if (Security::check(Request::get('token'))) {
                         $pages->updateWhere('[slug="' . Request::get('slug') . '"]', array('status' => Request::get('status')));
                         // Run delete extra actions
                         // Send notification
                         Notification::set('success', __('Your changes to the page <i>:page</i> have been saved.', 'pages', array(':page' => Request::get('slug'))));
                         // Redirect
                     } else {
                         die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
         // Its mean that you can add your own actions for this plugin
     } else {
         // Index action
         // -------------------------------------
         // Init vars
         $pages_array = array();
         $count = 0;
         // Get pages
         $pages_list = $pages->select(null, 'all', null, array('slug', 'title', 'status', 'date', 'author', 'expand', 'access', 'parent', 'template', 'tags'));
         // Loop
         foreach ($pages_list as $page) {
             $pages_array[$count]['title'] = $page['title'];
             $pages_array[$count]['meta_title'] = isset($page['meta_title']) ? $page['meta_title'] : '';
             $pages_array[$count]['parent'] = $page['parent'];
             $pages_array[$count]['_status'] = $page['status'];
             $pages_array[$count]['_access'] = $page['access'];
             $pages_array[$count]['status'] = $status_array[$page['status']];
             $pages_array[$count]['access'] = isset($access_array[$page['access']]) ? $access_array[$page['access']] : $access_array['public'];
             // hack for old Monstra Versions
             $pages_array[$count]['date'] = $page['date'];
             $pages_array[$count]['author'] = $page['author'];
             $pages_array[$count]['expand'] = $page['expand'];
             $pages_array[$count]['slug'] = $page['slug'];
             $pages_array[$count]['tags'] = $page['tags'];
             $pages_array[$count]['template'] = $page['template'];
             if (isset($page['parent'])) {
                 $c_p = $page['parent'];
             } else {
                 $c_p = '';
             if ($c_p != '') {
                 $_page = $pages->select('[slug="' . $page['parent'] . '"]', null);
                 if (isset($_page['title'])) {
                     $_title = $_page['title'];
                 } else {
                     $_title = '';
                 $pages_array[$count]['sort'] = $_title . ' ' . $page['title'];
             } else {
                 $pages_array[$count]['sort'] = $page['title'];
             $_title = '';
         // Sort pages
         $pages = Arr::subvalSort($pages_array, 'sort');
         // Display view
         View::factory('box/pages/views/backend/index')->assign('pages', $pages)->assign('site_url', $site_url)->display();
  * Plugins admin
 public static function main()
     // Get siteurl
     $site_url = Option::get('siteurl');
     // Get installed plugin from $plugins array
     $installed_plugins = Plugin::$plugins;
     // Get installed users plugins
     $_users_plugins = array();
     foreach (Plugin::$plugins as $plugin) {
         if ($plugin['privilege'] !== 'box') {
             $_users_plugins[] = $plugin['id'];
     // Get plugins table
     $plugins = new Table('plugins');
     // Delete plugin
     // -------------------------------------
     if (Request::get('delete_plugin')) {
         if (Security::check(Request::get('token'))) {
             // Nobody cant remove box plugins
             if ($installed_plugins[Text::lowercase(str_replace("Plugin", "", Request::get('delete_plugin')))]['privilege'] !== 'box') {
                 // Run plugin uninstaller file
                 $plugin_name = Request::get('delete_plugin');
                 if (File::exists(PLUGINS . DS . $plugin_name . DS . 'install' . DS . $plugin_name . '.uninstall.php')) {
                     include PLUGINS . DS . $plugin_name . DS . 'install' . DS . $plugin_name . '.uninstall.php';
                 // Clean Monstra TMP folder.
                 // Increment Styles and Javascript version
                 // Delete plugin form plugins table
                 $plugins->deleteWhere('[name="' . Request::get('delete_plugin') . '"]');
                 // Redirect
         } else {
             die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
     // Install new plugin
     // -------------------------------------
     if (Request::get('install')) {
         if (Security::check(Request::get('token'))) {
             // Load plugin install xml file
             $plugin_xml = XML::loadFile(PLUGINS . DS . basename(Text::lowercase(Request::get('install')), '.manifest.xml') . DS . 'install' . DS . Request::get('install'));
             // Add plugin to plugins table
             $plugins->insert(array('name' => basename(Request::get('install'), '.manifest.xml'), 'location' => (string) $plugin_xml->plugin_location, 'status' => (string) $plugin_xml->plugin_status, 'priority' => (int) $plugin_xml->plugin_priority));
             // Clean Monstra TMP folder.
             // Run plugin installer file
             $plugin_name = str_replace(array("Plugin", ".manifest.xml"), "", Request::get('install'));
             if (File::exists(PLUGINS . DS . basename(Text::lowercase(Request::get('install')), '.manifest.xml') . DS . 'install' . DS . $plugin_name . '.install.php')) {
                 include PLUGINS . DS . basename(Text::lowercase(Request::get('install')), '.manifest.xml') . DS . 'install' . DS . $plugin_name . '.install.php';
         } else {
             die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
     // Delete plugin from server
     // -------------------------------------
     if (Request::get('delete_plugin_from_server')) {
         if (Security::check(Request::get('token'))) {
             // Clean Monstra TMP folder.
             Dir::delete(PLUGINS . DS . basename(Request::get('delete_plugin_from_server'), '.manifest.xml'));
         } else {
             die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
     // Upload & extract plugin archive
     // -------------------------------------
     if (Request::post('upload_file')) {
         if (Security::check(Request::post('csrf'))) {
             if ($_FILES['file']) {
                 if (in_array(File::ext($_FILES['file']['name']), array('zip'))) {
                     $tmp_dir = ROOT . DS . 'tmp' . DS . uniqid('plugin_');
                     $error = 'Plugin was not uploaded';
                     if (Dir::create($tmp_dir)) {
                         $file_locations = Zip::factory()->extract($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $tmp_dir);
                         if (!empty($file_locations)) {
                             $manifest = '';
                             foreach ($file_locations as $filepath) {
                                 if (substr($filepath, -strlen('.manifest.xml')) === '.manifest.xml') {
                                     $manifest = $filepath;
                             if (!empty($manifest) && basename(dirname($manifest)) === 'install') {
                                 $manifest_file = pathinfo($manifest, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
                                 $plugin_name = str_replace('.manifest.xml', '', $manifest_file);
                                 if (Dir::create(PLUGINS . DS . $plugin_name)) {
                                     $tmp_plugin_dir = dirname(dirname($manifest));
                                     Dir::copy($tmp_plugin_dir, PLUGINS . DS . $plugin_name);
                                     Notification::set('success', __('Plugin was uploaded', 'plugins'));
                                     $error = false;
                     } else {
                         $error = 'System error';
                 } else {
                     $error = 'Forbidden plugin file type';
             } else {
                 $error = 'Plugin was not uploaded';
             if ($error) {
                 Notification::set('error', __($error, 'plugins'));
             if (Request::post('dragndrop')) {
             } else {
                 Request::redirect($site_url . '/admin/index.php?id=plugins#installnew');
         } else {
             die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
     // Installed plugins
     $plugins_installed = array();
     // New plugins
     $plugins_new = array();
     // Plugins to install
     $plugins_to_intall = array();
     // Scan plugins directory for .manifest.xml
     $plugins_new = File::scan(PLUGINS, '.manifest.xml');
     // Get installed plugins from plugins table
     $plugins_installed = $plugins->select(null, 'all', null, array('location', 'priority'), 'priority', 'ASC');
     // Update $plugins_installed array. extract plugins names
     foreach ($plugins_installed as $plg) {
         $_plg[] = basename($plg['location'], 'plugin.php') . 'manifest.xml';
     // Diff
     $plugins_to_install = array_diff($plugins_new, $_plg);
     // Create array of plugins to install
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($plugins_to_install as $plugin) {
         $plg_path = PLUGINS . DS . Text::lowercase(basename($plugin, '.manifest.xml')) . DS . 'install' . DS . $plugin;
         if (file_exists($plg_path)) {
             $plugins_to_intall[$count]['path'] = $plg_path;
             $plugins_to_intall[$count]['plugin'] = $plugin;
     // Draw template
     View::factory('box/plugins/views/backend/index')->assign('installed_plugins', $installed_plugins)->assign('plugins_to_intall', $plugins_to_intall)->assign('_users_plugins', $_users_plugins)->assign('fileuploader', array('uploadUrl' => $site_url . '/admin/index.php?id=plugins', 'csrf' => Security::token(), 'errorMsg' => __('Upload server error', 'filesmanager')))->display();